thescorosecollection · 8 months
Just Another Potion on the Shelf
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Read on AO3
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
“Open it—“
“What do you think I’m doing?” She hisses, the door rattling as she tries the knob. He stands carefully to avoid banging his head on any of the shelves.
“Let me try.”
Draco backs up as far as the stupid closet will let him, propelling himself forward as he makes himself a battering ram. The door simply rattles on his hinges, not a single budge.
“Precisely.” She echoes.
Trying to quickly finish their potions project before dinner, Draco winds up stuck in a closet with his reluctant potions partner.
Not an ideal situation, but nothing they couldn't wait out. That is until Draco accidently breaks a potion that sends Hermione spiraling in ways he never imagined. Surely someone will come looking for them soon, right?
Takes place in the omegaverse, please mind the tags 💕
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Ocean Eyes
Title: Ocean Eyes
Author: roseweasley394
Rating: T
Genre(s): Fluff, Romance
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,888
Status: Complete
Summary: “I don’t see any other solution,” Rose said after having sat in thought for several minutes. 
“Solution to what?” Scorpius asked while getting up to clear off both of their plates. 
“Your problem. We have to go to the beach today,” Rose said, gathering their mugs and dumping them into the sink alongside her very much deprived boyfriend.
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Title: Unequivocal
Author: BeaneyWeasley
Rating: T
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 17
Word Count: 57,575
Status: Complete
Summary: "You just what! You want me to kiss you and sweep you off your feet and tell you I'm in love with you and always have been? Well, I tried that! And guess what, Weasley? You're still engaged and I'm still the idiot that thought I had a chance. So please, if you have any shred of feeling for me, just leave me alone."
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How To Marry A Malfoy
Title: How to Marry a Malfoy
Author: georginacastleorpington
Rating: T
Genre(s): Romance, Humor
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 6,272
Status: Complete
Summary: Dear Reader, A word of warning: Malfoy's are not to be trifled with. When Rose stumbles across a guide to ensnaring the race of arrogant gits that are the male Malfoys she accepts a challenge to follow the advice of the mysterious author...One-Shot
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Into You
Title: Into You
Author: roseweasley394
Rating: T
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,260
Status: Complete
Summary: But they were still just Rose and Scorpius. She still beat him at chess every time, they still argued about the pros and cons of muggle football and he still hid her wand just to get a rise out of her. Nothing had changed.
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Hi! I’m looking for two scorose fan fictions, written by the same author. In one, Rose and Scorpius are rival quidditch captains playing their final match at Hogwarts. Scorpius hits a bludger at Rose, she jumps onto his broom and catches the snitch, and we realize they’re dating. In the other (set before, I think), Scorpius knocks Rose off her broom and then rushes to the hospital wing to visit her. He faces the wrath of Ron Weasley. Do these sound familiar? Thanks so much!
Anyone know this fic?
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I love your blog!
Thank you so much! I started this about a year ago and lately I have been too busy to manage it so I’m so very sorry to those who are eagerly waiting for responses. 
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Hello. I've been here a few days ago asking about a fic that I accidentaly found it - it was Amongs Thorns, by Realmer06. Now I'm looking for another one, in which Rose works in something to do with History of Magic and Scorpius is an Unspeakable and they keep crossing ways throughout years. Do you happen to know where I can find it? I believe I read it in fanfiction net. Thank you so so so much I hope you're safe and well! <3
Hi! I hope someone out there is familiar with this fic. Thank you and stay safe also! <33
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Hey do you know that one fic where they keep hooking up and all of a sudden Lilly gets sick?
I’m sorry but it’s unfamiliar :(( Does anyone know?
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Hello I am looking for a fic where Rose and Scorpius are former lovers but Scorpius is promised to another woman, so Rose ran away but she comes back right before his wedding and it's a lot of drama and angst and if I remember well it has something to do with the word "betrothed" in the end the other woman says no at the altar and I think there's a second part (another fic) where this other woman falls in love with Albus or Hugo. do you know where I can find it? thank you so much
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Fic Search
There was this one time travel fic with Scorpius and Rose, it was a class assignment to go into the future and they both walked in to the realisation they were married in the future in addition to the future couple having sex . I can’t seem to find it anywhere, please help.
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Hi Im trying to find a fanfic I read a long time ago! It was one where Rose and Scorpius were dating and broke up cuz Rose caught him about to cheat on her. Then it jumps forward in time and they end up having to work together. Rose is a curse breaker and this all after Hogwarts. If you can help it would be great!
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Ey there, oddly specific request to find a fanfif but you are my only hope. This summer I was reading a old, 2016ish scorose fanfic on AO3 called "A red, red Rose" but with a site update it got delated before I could finish it! It was an origial wonderful story, compliant with The Cursed Child, and it was about Rose's learning to appreciate Scorpius, making peace with Albus, and getting adults. I don't have the author's penname, and I don't know if it was writter somewhere else! I need the end!
I’m sorry but I haven’t heard of this. Maybe someone out there has?
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Fic Search
Im loking for fic where R and S are friends in first yr. Later Astoria dies & Scorp says luv is worthless. Al tells him its not, and brings up Rose. He says she deserves better than a broken man. He goes back to Hogwarts and becomes a whore. Rose is sad, but ends up havin a whore comp with him. He sleeps w a bunch of ppl, but Rose pretends to, even though evryone thinks she did sleep w them. Draco meets someone else and Scorp starts believin in luv again. Scorp also has a sister, Lyra. Lyra is with James (I think) but Fred is also in luv with her. Lyra is the 1st person Rose tells about her pretending to sleep with all those guys, and tells her that she is doing it because she wants Scorp to be humiliated for sleeping with all those girls and be embarassed.
Does anyone know this one?
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This was years ago, and it was probably from fanfic.net. They were adults who had grown up as best friends and it started out with Scorpius just suddenly realizing he's in love with Rose wheelie he's walking down the street and he walks into a pole. Lol
Does anyone know this fic?
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These Things
Title: These Things
Author: roseweasley394
Rating: T
Genre(s): Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Chapters: 2
Word Count: 2,371
Status: Complete
Summary: Rose comes home to find her husband dealing with uncharted territory.
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Safety Measures
Title: Safety Measures
Author: deceptive_serenade
Rating: M
Genre(s): Romance
Chapters: 9
Word Count: 38.973
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Rose Weasley is ready to reinvent herself. She’s got her own place now, proudly single and fully prepared to enjoy her summer. That is, until she loses her job, gets wrapped up in her cousin’s wedding plans and ends up being friends with benefits with her new neighbour, Scorpius Malfoy. How did this happen?Rose/Scorpius. Rated M for mature themes.
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