thesnazzysharky · 3 days
I don't think that was wine...
Warning: lots of blood/ vomiting blood!
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Had a very shitty day at school today. Drew this. If I have to suffer through life, then so can Roy 😤
And I might or might not get back into drawing 2000 doors...
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thesnazzysharky · 4 days
Quick and random thought
A little headcanon I have that I have kinda just been ruminating about for awhile is that Frenzy was a GL Labs worker that was given a caretaker role when it came to the dolls.
While the GL Assistants would take the role of being the "parent" of the dolls, they were taking care of them solely for the science and results. So at some point, a lady was asked if she could be a "nanny" to the dolls. Going for a more hands on approach to properly bond with the dolls and make them happy. Kinda similar to the "clown" being summoned to make the dolls entertained. Except this is just a regular human.
The lady would do her job impressively well. She played with them, made drawings with them, played music for them, ect. The dolls loved her. Why? Because she seemed to be the only one working at GL Labs who actually cared about them. Not seeing them as random spirits who could be used for selfish experimentation, but scared and confused children who were stripped of their afterlife.
This is why Frenzy attacks you and is so aggressive when you don't take care of the doll properly. Although she longed passed, her genuine love and passion for the doll still lingers, so when she sees one of her children not being taken care of? She becomes pissed like any person who's sweet to children would. All of this fitting with the parental theme this game seems to have. Not sure what to make of her burnt looking appearance, but maybe she was taken out directly by GL Labs for coming across as "crazy" or because she started to realize how inhumane and unethical GL Labs was and was making complaints. Somehow, someway, causing her to end up like that. Perhaps through the furnace.
Obviously all of this is just some nonsense I made up to potentially explain why Frenzy even exists without any evidence backing it up. Hence why it's a headcanon and not a theory. Still think it's cool though and it makes the most sense to me when it comes to Frenzy's potential origins.
One last thing. I also like to think that Woormy Charles was Frenzy's favorite spirit to take care of and the one she felt the most bad for. She would even affectionately call him "Charlie" whenever she wanted his attention. "Charrrlie! C'mere little guy! Yes, you! Come along! I won't let anyone hurt you!" You're sad now...
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thesnazzysharky · 8 days
All Alone - A Inner Monologue from Specimen 9
TW: Implied rape and graphic descriptions of violence. You can also view this story on AO3 as seen here ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 我孤身一人。 (I was all alone.) 我從我以為的永久死亡中醒來。濕的。冷。黑暗。我的身體塗滿了黏土。被所有的「木頭」包圍著。 (I woke up from what I thought was my permanent death. Wet. Cold. Dark. My body coated in clay. Surrounded by all the “logs”.) 我的心碎了,支離破碎。我不再知道自己是誰。我是誰?我幾歲了?我叫什麼名字?我以前是住在安靜舒適的家中,還是寒冷破落的街上?我有過妻子或孩子嗎? (My mind was broken and shattered. I no longer knew who I was. Who was I? How old was I? What was my name? Was I previously living in the quiet comfort of a home or the cold and decrepit streets? Did I ever have a wife or kids?) 我再也記不起… (I could no longer remember…) 那些鬼子… 日本人… (Those demons… the Japanese…) 我記得一些事情 我記得他們所做的一切 實驗 折磨 酷熱 嚴寒 注射 切割 尖叫聲 所有被折磨的男人、婦女、兒童、嬰兒… (I did remember something. I remembered everything they did. The experiments. The torture. The heat. The cold. The injections. The cutting. The screams. All of those tortured men, women, children, infants…) 他們對待我們的方式。我們甚至不被視為人類。對他們來說,我們只是小玩具。他們可以為所欲為的玩具。 (The way they treated us. How we weren't even viewed as human. We were just little toys to them. Toys that they could do whatever they wanted with.) 我仍然記得每天籠罩在我們頭上的絕望。我還記得當那些孩子的父母沒有回到牢房時,他們淚流滿面的表情。我還記得我牢房旁邊的婦女在男人們打開門鎖後,是如何默默受創,她們… (I still remember the despair looming over us everyday. I still remember the tearful looks on those children's faces when their parents didn’t come back to their cells. I still remember how silently traumatized the woman next to my cell was after the men unlocked the door and they…) … 我還記得他們把我剖開的情景。我的身體在劇痛中扭動。我的尖叫聲充斥著整個房間,並在大廳中迴盪。當他們把他們的手和所有的小工具塞進我脆弱的身體時,我向他們求救。然後一切都暗了下來… (I still remember them cutting me open. My body wriggled in agonizing pain. My screams filled the room and echoed down the halls. I begged for help as they jammed their hands and all of their little tools into my fragile body. Then everything went dark...) 現在我變成這樣了 (And now I'm this.)
我把自己藏在陰暗處好一陣子 但總覺得不對勁 一種愧疚感,混雜著對那些……東西的憤怒、憤怒、憤恨。以及他們對我們所做的一切 (I hid myself in the shadows for awhile, but something felt wrong. A sense of guilt, mixed with this burning, bubbling, raging ocean of hatred for those... things. And what they had done to us.)
我回去了 急於報仇,解放我的人民。是時候讓仇恨的海嘯沖垮他們了。就這樣 (I went back. Eager to get my revenge and free my people. It was time to let that tsunami of hatred come crashing down on them. And so it did.) 這是一次奇妙的經歷。他們可憐地向我開槍,卻毫無作用。當我走向他們時,他們試圖逃跑的樣子。他們尖叫的美妙音樂傳入我的耳朵。 (It was an amazing experience. The way they pathetically shot at me to no effect. The way they tried to run away as I made my way towards them. The way the beautiful music of their screams made their way to my ears.) 我喜歡折斷他們的骨頭。我喜歡看見他們的身體在痛苦中扭動和掙扎。我喜歡用我新發現的力量讓他們燃燒。我喜歡撕開他們的身體。我喜歡看我的殺戮有多有創意。他們在死之前能承受多大的痛苦。���果我這樣做而不是那樣做,他們的尖叫聲會有多大。我可以讓他們承受多大的痛苦。 (I loved snapping and breaking their bones. I loved seeing their bodies squirm and writhe in pain. I loved setting them ablaze with my newfound powers. I loved tearing their bodies open. I loved seeing how creative I could get with my kills. How much pain they could handle before expiring. How loudly they would scream if I did this instead of that. How much I could make them suffer.) 他們現在是我的小玩具……因此,我的腦海沉醉於孩子般的本能殺戮慾望。我不再思考 我只想盡可能地讓那些可怕的日本鬼子痛苦。我繼續殺戮。我盡力確保那些惡魔一個也逃不出我的手掌心。我放火燒毀了周圍的一切。 (They were now my little toys... and so my mind became drunken with a childish and instinctive desire to kill. I was no longer thinking. I just wanted to cause as much pain to those horrible Japan devils as possible. I continued the killing. I tried to make sure not a single one of those demons escaped my grasp. I set fire to everything and everyone around me.) 然後我就醒了 (Then I woke up.)
突然,當我檢視周遭環境時,周遭的一切都被摧毀了。建築物消失了。我的身體塗上了紅色。一些火苗仍然揮之不去 而且到處都是燒焦的屍體……而且大部分都不是科學家。 (Suddenly, as I examined my surroundings, everything around me was destroyed. The building was gone. My body was coated in red. Some flames of fire still lingered. And there were charred bodies everywhere... and most weren't the scientists.) 我把他們全殺了 我所有的族人 所有我想拯救的人 都是為了報復那些殺了我的人,盲目自私的憤怒。有些人因為跑出大樓或那天沒去上班而躲過了我的憤怒。我沒有機會殺死那個戴圓框眼鏡的人… (I killed them all. All of my people. All of those I wanted to save. All in a blind selfish rage to get back at those who murdered me. Some of which were able to escape my rage due to running out of the building or simply not showing up to work that day. I never got to kill that man in the round glasses...)
我現在是個怪物了 (I'm a monster now.) 我再也不能在人行道上隨意散步。我再也不能安安靜靜地坐在家中。我再也不能吃喝拉撒睡。我再也不能友善地向鄰居打招呼。我再也不能參與有趣的嗜好。我再也無法擁抱我的孩子,告訴他們睡前故事,或是在工作前給我的妻子最後的一個吻,如果我有他們的話。 (No longer would I be able to go for a casual stroll on a sidewalk. No longer would I be able to peacefully sit quietly in whatever home I had. No longer would I be able to eat, drink, and sleep. No longer would I be able to give a friendly hello to a neighbor. No longer would I be able to take part of fun hobbies. No longer would I be able hug my kids and tell them bedtime stories or give my wife one last kiss before work, if I had them.) 我再也不能做人了。 (No longer would I be able to be human.)
即使是這樣,我也可以成為英雄。一個救世主。一個領導者。一個演說者 但現在我認識的所有人都死了 沒有人能知道他們的痛苦 因為只剩下我一個人了 (Even in this form, I could've been a hero. A savior. A leader. A speaker. But now everyone I once knew is dead. Nobody will be able to know of their suffering as I'm the only one left.) 我能做的只有哀悼。哀悼那些被我謀殺的人。哭泣。哭泣,淹沒在我內疚和羞愧的淚水中。尖叫。為了我變成的怪物,為了我永遠失去、永遠也回不去的東西,尖叫幾個小時。 (All I can do is mourn. Mourn those I had murdered. Weep. Weep and drown in my own tears of overwhelming guilt and shame. And scream. Scream for hours on end about the monster I became and what I have permanently lost and will never get back.) 我對著天空尖叫了幾個小時。把我所有的痛苦和煎熬都吼了出來 不知道是否有人會聽到。我的喉嚨乾了,聲帶也繃緊了,但我的求救聲仍未得到任何潛在的神甚至人類的回應。 (I have been screaming into the sky for hours. Blaring all of my pain and suffering. Wondering if any of it will ever be heard. My throat dries and my vocal cords strain, yet, my pleas for help have yet to be answered by any potential god or even human.) 我一個人。 (I'm all alone.)
Hello everyone! It's my b-b-birthday! I wanted to post this earlier, but I ran into some internet problems and I had other stuff to deal with. Now it's finally posted! Originally I wanted to write about a slice of life story between Spooky and her father for my birthday, but I simply never had the proper time to fully flesh that out. So, I wrote this last night! Specimen 9 is one of my favorite specimens, so I wanted to make a little short story about him and how tragic he is. As a bonus detail, I added Chinese text to fit with Taker's origins. I didn't want to use Google Translate and call it a day, so I used DeepL Translate. Supposedly the world's most accurate translator.
Lastly, you may have noticed my profile pic changed. Check out this post from my awesome friend @alaskinapples99! She made this amazing artwork of me for my birthday that really warmed my heart. Thank you so much! And thank you to everyone else for liking or reblogging and showing me support over these past few months! I wrote this theory months ago and I still get a notification about it every now and then. Which is pretty crazy to me. Definitely one of my most proud posts. Anyways that's enough of me yapping. Thanks for reading and have a snazzy day!
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thesnazzysharky · 8 days
Oh my fucking god... THIS IS AMAZING!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
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To a person in the sjsm fandom that everyone loves, to the matpat of the sjsm world, to the shark with a bright smile and, most importantly, to my best and dearest friend. Happy birthday, SnazzySharky!
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thesnazzysharky · 9 days
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
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thesnazzysharky · 10 days
Took a (unintentional) nap due to how exhausted I was. Suddenly woke up at 3 am. Still up at 5 am. And my school expects me to be there at 7:15 AM... My sleep schedule isn't just fucked. It's completely nonexistent at this point lol.
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thesnazzysharky · 11 days
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old person jumpscare. Click on the gif for higher quality, Bayagototh damn Tumblr for nuking the quality
(Thanks to WIllYouStay for helping out and providing vocals for the Old Man's monologue!)
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thesnazzysharky · 11 days
is this a safe place to put my yuri. please.
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thesnazzysharky · 12 days
*also raises hand*
Reblog if you have the best mutuals.
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thesnazzysharky · 14 days
Waffling about/reviewing games I have played 1: False mall
Spoilers for the game are in warning
I wanted to start this series where I review games I have played in the past, so if you liked this one, do let me know, and I will continue it.
One of my favourite pastimes is going on steam or itch.io and scrolling through the "indie game" section. More specifically, the horror ones. When scrolling through steam a few days ago, I found a game that caught my eye - one with what looked to be a tomato mascot screaming in agony at me. Oh, the can of worms I was going to get myself into.
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What is False Mall?
False mall is an indie game by Tenkaigames released recently; 26 of august 2024. The game costs around $6 and is labelled as a psychological horror and walking simulator [which may i add, pretty accurate]. It's also realistic, but I don't know what that means, so I'll ignore that.
The goal of the game is to find the "anomaly," meaning the player has to take a picture of something unusual from the area we are in. We have to go through this for another few times before we reach the end.
The game play and some anomalies
The game starts with the player getting up from the floor in front of an exit door. The game takes place in a Japanese shopping mall, a shopping mall level that loops every time we reach the exit on the right [i really hope you can see the exit sign at the back, tumblr is eating the quality].
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More specifically, we are in a backrooms-esk, uncanny area on the third floor of an early 2000s mall with an elevator [that doesn't work, I tried], blocked of escalators, a staircase to the parking lot, a male and female restroom, and most importantly, an exit.
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Oh yeah, and this guy, too. Apparently, he is called Tamochun, if anyone was curious. I know at least one of my moots/followers was wondering.
In total, there are 74 different levels/routes in this game, but you aren't guaranteed to see them all in one playthrough. Now, some are really easy, like the balloon swarm level, which is pretty self-explanatory, and some are really hard, like the coin lockers changing numbers, since the numbers are barely visible to begin with. Some anomalies only activate once you take a picture of it. Don't worry, since zooming in with your camera can tell you whether you are looking at an anomaly or not.
For the sake of time, I won't name every single anomaly for the game, plus since they are still updating the game, there will be too many new levels. Instead, I will name the ones that I liked the most. If you 100% the game and don't see these levels, then it probably got removed.
The Tamochun doll sitting in the hallway
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He's just sitting there, menacingly!
Take a picture of this guy and watch him fly through the exit the minute it opens, lol. Also, I hope I am not the only one who thinks Tomachun is scary. The doll also stares in whatever direction you are in, so that's fun. In case you can't tell, I have an intense fear of being watched.
Looking back is prohibited
In this level, all you have to do is take a picture of the exit door and then it will open up like normal. It's pretty simple and easy to beat. So why do I like this one so much? Well, if you look behind you after doing so...
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This Midnight Tree forbidden thing will jumpscare and kill you. And yes, you can die in this game. It just very rarely happens since the game is more focused on tension building with that stupid tomato mascot than killing you. There are about 10 levels that can kill you by the time I am writing this.
Also, looking closer at the thing that killed you, it seemed to be whoever wore the mascot costume on the bench since they were wearing the same green jumpsuit. However, they aren't wearing the mask, and they're face is blured. You don't understand the fear I felt since it happened so fast, if the screenshot quality is anything to go by
Floor 4 Tomachun/upstairs Tomachun
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When I didn't see him on the bench, I immediately got super nervous and scared since this was the first time he had left that bench, at least in my run. Then I found him up here and dread what he might do after I snapped a photo, since there are sometimes jumpscares after taking a snap. However, he just simply waved at me. Really liked this one.
It was honestly a good break to see Tomachun not being creepy [not saying him waving at me wasn't creepy] and makes me question his motives since he seems to try and kill us, like I said in the earlier anomaly, but also doesn't? Dude, make up your fucking mind
Endings and how to get them
There are two endings in this game: the true ending and the normal ending. The true ending got added really recently, near the third update mark and I played the game before that update, so guess who had to go back and get it as soon as she heard of it :'). I will go through both endings since this is a review, and I need to say my opinion
The normal ending
You enter into another repeat room when...
Attention all customers, we have an announcement. We apologise for any inconvenience, but this mall is closing soon. We look forward to your next visit. Thank you very much for coming to our mall
Says a woman over the intercom, in Japanese. Tomachun stands up and starts staring at you. You walk up to the exit door, expecting yet another of the same floor 3.
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Instead, you are greeted by this shopping mall playground. A train is circling the area, and all the slides are bordered up, except a yellow slide with an exit sign. With nowhere else to go, there really isn't any choice. Peeking down the slide, you get pushed down the slide, presumably by Tomachun, which is barely big enough to fit you inside it. With the tension rising on what will happen next for helpless protagonist, the game cuts to a blue screen, with text saying, "No signal." The game then cuts to a security camera shot from outside and at the other end of the slide. A camera slides out, and then, boom! Credits! Make what you will of this ending, since the confusing ending trope seems to be a trend with Tenkaigames.
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The true ending
This ending can only occur after finding all the anomalies. This may take a few runs. An exit map near the playground mentioned earlier can tell you how many routes you have left of 74. After walking for how-many-times this has lasted, you are greeted by Tomachun... but only his head. Interacting with the head will cause it to disappear, and with the sfx, it implys we put it on.
Continuing on, we reach up to the now very familiar floor 3, where we find Tomachun sitting on his usual bench. It's unsure where the second mask came from, since with all my digging, the only Tamochuns in the game is the one sitting on the bench and the not-so-creepy-and-totally-not-haunted doll
The same announcement from the ending and leeds to the same sequence of events. This time, the Tomachun doll sits on the train circling the area, still staring at you because why the hell shouldn't he. Another difference is that we choose to jump in instead of being shoved in with our head in an honestly deadly position. Going down the slide, we cut to the same security camera. Instead of the camera falling out, we find the protagonist in a suit, wearing the Tomachun mask... CREDITS! BOOM! DONE! Finally...
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Final opinion and review
The game was very scary with the tension and dread I felt. The psych horror in the tags was very fitting. I never felt comfortable playing games not made by Kira llc or MyMadnessWorks, since other indie horrors don't have the same scary feel [always felt that most indie horrors relied too much on blood and guts], but I think Tenkaigames might become another of my favourite game devs.
The game felt unique, and the gimmick and mall in general never felt old. The backrooms vibe I got from this felt like the original footage and images of the series, not the games. It felt really nostalgic to me since it reminded me of when I used to live in Pakistan and go through Lucky One Mall. It felt like this, although less creepy.
The only negative thing about this game was how complex looking for some of the anomalies were, for me, at least. I don't know why, but I have crappy vision sometimes, lol. I also felt some of the anomalies could've been a bit more creative, like the escalators changing direction. Like, come on!? They just changed directions, hello?? Hopefully, more creative anomalies will be made in the future.
The endings were... interesting, to say the least. It adds more questions than answers, like why is it only now we see a different room? Who is that woman on the announcement? What happened to the player in the normal ending? Did he/she/they/it die? Where is everyone else in the mall? And most importantly, why are the rooms looping? Till a sequel releases, we may never know
🍎🍎🍎🍎 and an apple slice [4 and a half stars], it was worth my life savings [of $6]. I know this game isn't for everyone, and I can understand that, but I do recommend it
Also, one last thing about the dev this time. He is a solo creator and made other amazing games, too. So if you want to see his other games, here's a link to his page to do him a favour.
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thesnazzysharky · 14 days
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is spooky jumpscare mansion relevant?? guys its still cool right???
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thesnazzysharky · 14 days
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I love you merchant, please dont drown again!!!
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thesnazzysharky · 18 days
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I was suddenly pulled into getting my hair done, so I spent my time drawing this.
Smol context: this is an AU that im currently working on that takes place after the dollhouse bad ending LOL. For some reason, the 3 main game victims follow the player around and there's this weirdass kid who also has mental issues. Thats it so far lmao
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thesnazzysharky · 19 days
Hot take: Monster 3 is a decent character
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Out of all the creatures in this game, Babcube seems to get the least amount of attention and seems to be widely disliked. I do get it to some extent, it's not my most favorite character, but to the point of disliking it? Nah. Firstly, I've seen some claim that there's nothing to the creature itself in terms of background or lore, which isn't true. Its purpose seems to be representing some kind of symbolism. "Old Experiments" is the title of the ambience that plays in the area that Monster 3 resides in and is also the ambience that plays when Monster 3 chases you in Endless Mode (albeit only in the og version of sjsm). Simply going off the name and the fact that it's associated with Monster 3 gives some disturbing implications. That being, at some point amidst the chaos that Ghost Cow was causing in the hospital, a literal infant (or possibly multiple infants) were involved in some way. Infants that were involved in some twisted experiments that somehow birthed the creation of... that (do remember that this is the same game that directly references Unit 731).
Either Monster 3 is supposed to be that infant or infants merged into one or Monster 3 could be a paranormal manifestation of the pain those infants went through. The pain of being trapped down below in the hospital, which is represented through the box containing the baby head, and eventually succumbing to whatever experiments were performed by the possessed staff. That is what Babcube symbolizes. Some extremely fucked up shit was happening down there (which was already made pretty evident by Monster 4, the Hanged Man). It might not be much, but the implications are definitely there. That's kinda the point of the monsters and is what separates them from the specimens. The DLC tells you jack shit about its creatures. Leaving things up entirely to your own interpretation and speculation. Karamari Hospital is all about its mystery. It's why, although pretty funny, I'm not a big fan of Wambu's "How a body got the bag" story apparently becoming Monster 2's canon backstory. It feels like it misses the point of Monster 2 and Karamari Hospital as a whole. But that's just my take. Secondly, its design. It's very simple. An infant's head in a rusty cube. Yet it still manages to be unnerving and bizarre. Frankly the most bizarre creature in this whole entire game in my opinion.
"Well that's just weird" isn't the only aspect to its design however. It's just very unnatural and uncanny in general. The way it glitches in and out of existence as it slowly moves towards you. The way the head itself clearly resembles that of an infant, yet it subtly doesn't 100% look like one, with the closed eyes, wrinkled face, and unnatural looking mouth and nose, making it strike the uncanny valley. With the face looking even worse when it randomly distorts.
And the sounds... dear god I fucking hate the sounds this thing makes. Similar to how the face resembles an infants, the sounds from Babcube resembles the crying and wailing of an infant, but there's that uncanny valley again. It sounds like a crying infant... but not fully. Its crying sounds muted and croaky. Not loud like a regular infant, but definitely odd and strange. Combine all of this together and you get a creatures that's disturbing to ponder about, unnerving to look at, and uncomfortable to listen to or even be around. A creature that feels like it shouldn't exist, yet it does. A creature that really makes my skin crawl. Not in a downright scared or horrified way, but in a "what the fuck am I even looking at or hearing" kind of way. A creature that I just feel really bad for and wonder what happened to birth it.
Like I said, it's not my most favorite character, but I don't dislike it either and I appreciate what they add to the game and the atmosphere of the hidden basement. I don't dislike or think any of the enemies in sjsm are bad in fact. Some are weaker than others, but I think they all add a little bit of flavor that makes this game so enjoyable and cool to me.
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thesnazzysharky · 19 days
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Reupload cos there were some errors w/ the art in the prev. version lol
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thesnazzysharky · 19 days
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I cant stop drawing him i cant stop drawing him i cant stop dr
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thesnazzysharky · 21 days
Skulls 'n' flowers 2.0 💀🥀
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Damn, the last time I drew them was... back in July. But anyway, we have my comfort characters with my head-cannons and personal design. It's a remake of my first artwork on the platform of the same name, which I was really proud of.
(Also, it was intended to be a crack ship at the time. Still love the ship as much as i did in March)
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