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Just like that.
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You think Cora knew Bell-mère since they were both Marines? I wonder if he'd tell nami stories about her if he got the chance
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By my calculations, Nami was 7 when Cora ‘died’, so before Cora went undercover, Belle-mère would send letters to old friends from her marine days about her life and her two lovely daughters. I imagine Cora and Belle-mère met as trainees and would go on missions together too if they were in the same location.
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Fight To Love; Vice Versa
Daily Writing 20th of June, 2024 #1
Story Starter: "You've caused me so much pain, yet the love I feel for you blinds me to it!"
Relationship: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji
Tags: Established Relationship, hurt/comfort, fluff
Summary: "You don't have to protect me," he'd said, voice soft but unwavering. Zoro's fingers tapped along the glass, "But if I don't, who will?" Fighting to protect had never felt more important than when their lips touched.
Sanji was a lover, not a fighter; but, life often didn't care for one's wants. Situation after situation arose, and Sanji learned to fight - to live.
Maybe that was why he found himself drawn to the swordsman. Zoro was born to fight, to face every challenge with teeth bared like a wild animal ready to put his life on the line, no matter the cost.
And to a certain degree, Sanji understood that feeling, because he loved fiercely and with a passion. If fighting meant protecting the things - the ones - that he loved, then he'd do it every time.
They found their common ground, even if different - fighting to protect was just as important as fighting to live.
Sanji found comfort from Zoro's unyielding resilience, and Zoro found himself ever the more willing to rush into battle. Not for the sake of fighting, but for the off chance that Sanji wouldn't have to. The realization of his own actions only became apparent to Zoro when Sanji sat him down with a glass of booze.
"You don't have to protect me," he'd said, voice soft but unwavering. Zoro's fingers tapped along the glass.
"But if I don't, who will?"
It had felt stupid to say knowing that the cook was strong enough to fight for himself, but he knew that Sanji would much rather be doting on the crew than dirtying his hands. He knew all that Sanji wanted was to keep everyone safe and fed - happy. And Zoro would gladly take over his fight so that he could do just that.
Fighting to protect had never felt as important as when their lips touched.
Sanji never backed down when it came to his nakama. Zoro respected him for that, loved him for that. It took a different kind of strength to throw yourself in harm's way for the sake of someone else, and Sanji did that without fail every time.
They'd chide each other over it, bantering back and forth over how they each could have avoided getting hurt. But their pain meant their nakama were okay, and they wouldn't change that.
Zoro still tried to keep Sanji out of the fights, but the cook always ended up at his back - a strong comforting presence amid the chaos of battle.
"You can't keep sacrificing yourself, love-cook."
Calloused hands tended to sacrificial wounds, lips pressed to scratched cheeks, and two hearts beat out of sync.
Sanji knew Zoro was right, that he couldn't keep throwing himself to the wolves expecting to come out fine. It was taking a toll on him - on his relationship with Zoro. He could see the worry that took hold of the swordsman every time a fight broke out as if anticipating Sanji's eventual wounds, and it made him feel bad, but he couldn't stand by and watch his nakama get hurt if he could stop it.
He had never stopped to think about what it would feel like to be on the other side of it all. To see Zoro stand before him and protect him, tired and wounded but not backing down. It felt like failing. Like a bad dream turned reality as Zoro sacrificed himself.
"Why would you do that, idiot?" Sanji screamed, voice hoarse and broken with emotion. Yet Zoro remained impassive as he acted like nothing had happened. It felt like a slap to the face; karma for all the times he'd sacrificed himself and gotten hurt just to tell Zoro that it was nothing to worry about and that he was fine.
It was hard to pretend that everything was okay when every glance at the swordsman had Sanji feeling like he was in a flashback, watching Zoro almost die for him. He started to wonder if that was how he made Zoro feel all the time. If it was, Sanji understood why Zoro was so adamant that he stop acting so recklessly.
That night, when the rest of the crew was asleep, Sanji joined Zoro in the crow's nest. Zoro didn't even look over at him as he sat down next to him.
"I was wondering if tonight would be the night you'd finally talk to me." Zoro said.
"I wasn't sure if I was going to, to be honest, Mossy."
Zoro grunted in response and Sanji felt like a pit had opened up in his stomach.
"Is this how I make you feel all the time?" Sanji asked, already knowing the answer.
"Every damn time, Curly," Zoro sighed. He looked at Sanji out of the corner of his eyes. "You know," Zoro began, eyebrows pinched together, "You've caused me so much pain, so much worry," his hand found its way to Sanji's thigh and squeezed. "And yet, the love I feel for you blind me to all of it," Zoro frowned.
"Well, maybe not blind me, but I try to ignore it. I know how important it is for you to save and protect our nakama, Cook. I do," he sighed resigned.
Sanji rested his head on his shoulder, his hand settling on top of Zoro's on his thigh, "I'm sorry," Sanji said, voice barely above a whisper.
Zoro shook his head softly, "I don't need you to apologize, because I won't say sorry for sacrificing myself either. I just need you to understand how loved you are, that watching you get hurt - hurts."
Sanji squeezed Zoro's hand, "I'm still sorry," Sanji kissed Zoro's shoulder and rested his head against it again.
"I love you and I don't want to become the world's greatest swordsman unless you're by my side."
Sanji's heart fluttered, chest going tight and voice getting choked up in his throat as he spoke, "I love you too, Mossy."
Zoro leaned his head against Sanji's on his shoulder, "So we'll both do better?"
Sanji chuckled softly, "We will. We'll just have to fight each other when we get too reckless."
Zoro smirked, "I'll hold you to that."
Fighting was messy and chaotic, but so was love, and they'd keep doing both until they no longer could.
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A Secret Santa Gift to Lucky on the ZoSan server! Never Hungry Again Fandom: One Piece Pairing: Zoro and Sanji Words: 24k Rating: General Summary: What if it wasn't Zeff and Sanji who were lost at sea, starving for eighty-five days on that barren rock? What if instead... it was Zoro? A story where Sanji stumbles upon a malnourished, wounded Zoro and takes him back to the Baratie to nurse him back to health. And if that takes years, well then so be it. In-Universe, alternate timeline story. Pre-time skip. Never Hungry Again by sydneyxface (hey, that’s me!)
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji Additional Tags: weretiger Zoro, AU, survival situations, Trapped in the snow, Bonding, cuddling for warmth, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Rated T for swearing Summary:
And as the sun peaked through the caves entrance, Sanji could only hope that Zoro wouldn’t leave his side. He’d grown fond of the gentle rumbles and annoyed hisses, most of all he cherished the way soft ears felt tucked beneath his chin as the soothing sound of a purr vibrated between them.
or... Sanji saves weretiger Zoro and they get stuck in the snow together.
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Duel in Aisle 2
Sanji hummed to himself, the shopping cart rattling softly as he pushed it down the aisle. Zoro tottered behind Sanji, arms wrapped around the blond's waist and chin rested atop his shoulder, careful to not let it dig in with each step.
"Are we almost done?" Zoro groaned and Sanji tsked as they came to a halt and he grabbed one of the items they needed from their shopping list.
"Almost, have some patience Marimo."
Zoro's head fell to the side and he let out a dramatic sigh as he let go of Sanji to look at the shelves of items out of boredom. The only thing he wanted off their list was the alcohol- and maybe the black tea. It was Sanji's favorite kind after all.
"Don't wander off, we don't need you getting lost." Sanji chuckled and Zoro rolled his eye, letting out a huff.
"As if I'd get lost in the store. What kind of idiot do you take me for?"
Sanji glanced back over his shoulder; his eyebrow raised, "My idiot."
Zoro sputtered, cheeks reddening as he turned away and crossed his arms over his chest.
"When you're done pouting let's head towards the bakery. They have that one loaf I really like today."
Zoro grumbled, repeating what Sanji said under his breath in a mockingly high-pitched tone that made the blond sigh and smile small.
"Idiot, if getting lost bothers you so much then don't do it and I won't have anything to tease you about."
"Well besides your hair- Mossy." Sanji tacked on a second later.
Zoro looked over to shoot a half-assed glare at Sanji that only made the cook's head knock back in laughter as he tossed another ingredient into the cart blindly, making the shot.
"Get over here," Sanji beckoned him and Zoro's face scrunched up as he listened, taking up his spot behind Sanji once more. He looped his arms around Sanji's waist and squeezed his grievances out as he followed blindly towards what Zoro assumed was the bakery, if the soft scent of mouthwateringly fresh bread was anything to go by.
"Watch the cart for a moment, I'm gonna go talk to the baker." Sanji patted Zoro's hands where they lay across his stomach before Zoro let go.
Zoro leaned across the handle of cart, his forehead against his arms as he listened to Sanji's voice in the mix of background noise. He turned his head pressing his cheek to his arm and looked around. Cakes, pies, loaves of bread, and various other baked goods lined up the area and Zoro's gaze zeroed in on the baguettes.
A small smirk worked its way across his face as he straightened up and patted the cart. He reached out for it, taking the packaged bread into his hand and turned it around as he looked it over. Perfect.
Sanji's idle chatter stopped and Zoro turned just in time to see Sanji stop at the end of the cart with a loaf of bread in hand as he stared at Zoro with an unimpressed look.
"Don't tell me you want the baguette?"
Zoro's eye narrowed as his smirk widened and Sanji's brow furrowed. He slowly set the bread into the cart.
"What are you doing?"
Zoro spread his legs and lowered his stance and Sanji's eyes donned with realization.
"Don't you dare, Marimo." He warned but Zoro was dead set on his revenge for the comments Sanji had made earlier.
Zoro half-stepped forward, pointing the tip of the baguette at Sanji's nose, the bag crinkled in Zoro's hand.
"Don't have anything to say now, do you curly?" Zoro half-stepped forward again and Sanji's face twisted with barely concealed laughter.
"Oh no," Sanji raised his arms in mock worry. "My one weakness, baguettes."
A small snicker slipped out of Sanji and Zoro lunged forward booping Sanji on the nose with the bread.
The blond doubled over, knocking the bread out of Zoro's hand as he fell into a fit of laughter that drew the other shoppers' attention. Zoro picked the bread up with a quick movement and ignoring the staring eyes, proceeded to bop Sanji with baguette, once on the shoulder, head, and then a soft jab at his chest.
Sanji wheezed with each attack, hands slapping against his thighs as he shook his head, gasped pleas of "stop, I can't handle it" and "not the baguette" left him. Zoro stood back and swung the baguette down in a wide arc and acted as if he had sheathed it.
A voice cleared their throat over the stores intercoms and Sanji startled out of his laughing fit.
"Can the couple dueling with the bread please stop."
Sanji and Zoro locked eyes, eyebrows raised and mouths pulled tight in surprise.
"I repeat, can the couple dueling with the bread please stop."
They burst into laughter.
When Zoro finally managed to glance up and past Sanji, his eye went wide as he noticed the baker looking at them unimpressed. The baker's eyes darted from them to the packaged baguette in Zoro's hand. Zoro's laughter sputtered into soft chuckles and he tossed the baguette into their cart. The least they could do was buy it after that.
They decided they'd bother a different store the next time they needed groceries.
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emotionally intense prompts.
idk my dudes i started listening to the etern.als theme music and now i have these things. bon appetit!
“ i’d follow you to the ends of the universe, if you asked me to. ”
“ how bad is it this time? ”
“ we’re the only thing standing between this world and its destruction. ”
“ we could stop all of this… with just a thought/flick of my wrist. “
“ fair?! how is any of this fair?! “
“ do you truly believe that anything so little as a rule, or a law, might have stopped me from protecting you? “
“ we have to fight. ”
“ we’re not giving up. ”
“ you. i’ll always and endlessly fight for you. “
“ i can wait a thousand lifetimes for you. “
“ we’ve had a pretty good life. but maybe normalcy is a thing we’re meant to protect, rather than enjoy. ”
“ i don’t know if i can protect you any longer. “
“ we’ve seen what they’re capable of. now we need to retaliate. “
“ if only the world knew what we do for them… ”
“ i’m sick and tired of being the one who has to make the sacrifices! ”
“ haven’t we lost enough? ”
“ i’m tired. beyond tired… i am exhausted from the endless fighting. ”
“ things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour. ”
“ this is what we’ve been waiting for. ”
“ i’d follow you to the bitter end; as i always have. ”
“ the time has come. ”
“ this is what we’ve been waiting for. ”
“ i thought we had more time.  i regret to confess… it appears that i was wrong. ”
“ don’t let them control you, eh? ”
“ you’re better than this. ”
“ everything’s about to change… ”
“ do you truly think so little of me? ”
“ careful… you’ve never had to fight me before. ”
“ we need to leave. ”
“ we’re a good team, you know. “
“ look around you. do you still truly see no reason for us to fight? “
“ we’re family. we don’t turn our backs on each other. “
“ it’s too late! let’s go! ”
“ it wasn’t your fault… ”
“ why are you doing this?! ”
“ i’m sorry… “
“ perhaps i don’t say it enough, but… i’d like you to know that i’m always here, if you ever wanted to talk. ”
“ you/they will always be worth fighting for. ”
“ don’t pretend like you understand. “
“ tell me how i can fix this… ”
“ don’t say it. ”
“ they’re not worth saving. ”
“ i am a god. you… you’re nothing. “
“ well. for whatever it’s worth, it’s been a pleasure fighting alongside you. ”
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“  i thought you were gone.  for good. ”
“  you left and—  i thought you weren’t coming back.  ”
“  i miss you.  i know i’m not supposed to,  but.  i just had to see you.  ”  
“  please don’t scare me like that again.  i can take a lot of things,  but not losing you.  ”
“  i can’t even take the very thought of you getting hurt.  ”
“  you could’ve gotten yourself killed! you could’ve— fuck!  you scared the shit outta me.  ” 
“  yes.  i am telling you what to do.  i’m telling you not to pull something like that again because—  ‘cause fucking hell.  i care about you.  okay? ”  
“  i found myself driving home and then.  well i was on my way here.  ‘cause i guess…you’re still my home.  ” 
“  please,  tell me why you’re upset.  tell me who did this?  ”
“  you don’t have to come over here and take care of me you know.  i can clean up my own messes.  ”
“  don’t talk.  just get the fuck over here and hold me.  ”
“  loving you is like having my heart just out in the world.  outside of my body walking around.  every time i see you hurting,  it kills me.  ”
“  i made you cry.  and i hate myself for that.  i swore i wouldn’t be one of the people who left you hurting.  ”
“  you really hurt me this time.  but i want to let go of that.  i really do want to forgive you i’m just scared you’ll hurt me again.  ”
“  i know you’re mad at me right now,  but i’m the one who’s here.  let me be here.  let me help.  you can be angry later.  ”
“  i’m here now.  i know i wasn’t before.  but i should’ve been.  and i’m not going anywhere.  i’m not gonna let that happen again.  ”
“  it’s time to come home now.  ”
“  that’s enough.  you’ve got your revenge.  let’s go.  ”
“  i know you’re hurting.  and i can’t fix that.  but i can refuse to let you hurt alone.  ”
“  i’m never letting go of you.  i missed you so fucking much.  ”
“  look at me,  you’re safe.  and you’re not alone.  and i’ll never let you be alone again.  you understand?  ”
“  i broke my promise to you once.  i’ll never do it again.  ”
“  i don’t need you to go white knighting and fix all this.  i just want you here.  with me.  that will make me feel better.  ”
“  just stay still and let me hold you.  ”
“  you don’t have to hide your tears.  let it out.  then we’ll move on,  together.  ”
“  i just.  needed to talk to you ‘cause.  somehow you always know what to say.  ”
“  don’t bury your feelings.  sadness.  hurt.  rage.  feel it.  acknowledge it so you can decide what you want to do with it.  not what it will do to you.  ”
“  i miss your smile.  and not that sad one you try to fool everyone with.  the real one.  the one you used to show me.  ”
“  come here.  i’m taking care of you tonight.  and you’re gonna let me.  ”  
1) our muses reunite after sender thought receiver was dead. 
2) our muses reunite after receiver thought sender was dead. 
3) sender shows up at receiver’s house drunk after they’ve broken up. 
4) receiver shows up at sender’s house drunk after they’ve broken up. 
5) our muses are on bad terms but reunite after one of them nearly dies. 
6) sender finds receiver crying and approaches,  clearing the tears with their hands while demanding to know what happened. 
7) receiver finds sender crying and approaches,  clearing the tears with their hands while demanding to know what happened. 
8) our muses haven’t been speaking,  but sender rushes to take care of receiver after they’ve been injured or fell ill. 
9) our muses haven’t been speaking,  but receiver rushes to take care of sender after they’ve been injured or fell ill. 
10) sender hurt receiver in some way,  which led to receiver doing something reckless and sender shows up to stop them/or deal with the aftermath. 
11) receiver hurt sender in some way,  which led to sender doing something reckless and receiver shows up to stop them/or deal with the aftermath.
12) our muses are in a fight,  but cuddle anyway because they don’t like sleeping alone. 
13) receiver wakes sender from a nightmare. 
14) sender wakes receiver from a nightmare. 
15) sender wakes up in the hospital and finds receiver at their side,  who is in the same clothes as the day they were admitted because they’ve refused to leave their side. 
16) receiver wakes up in the hospital and finds sender at their side,  who is in the same clothes as the day they were admitted because they’ve refused to leave their side. 
17) our muses are currently on the outs,  but receiver goes through something traumatic and sender pushes past their friends to get to them. 
18) our muses are currently on the outs,  but sender goes through something traumatic and receiver pushes past their friends to get to them. 
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Holiday Prompts
Valentine’s Day
A disaster date
A secret admirer
“You really love love, don’t you?”
Person A is a huge grump but is so in love with Person B that they celebrate Valentine’s Day with them
love letters
“This is not the romantic surprise I was expecting”
“Will you be my Valentine….forever”
Person b’s kid gets their first rejection and person a comforts them
Person A is sick and is afraid they ruined their chance with person b
“Eat your heart out”
Dressing up as the other person
A halloween fair
“Why are you so good with a knife?”
Family halloween costume
“You’re scared of the graveyard?”
The Monster Mash
“Please tell me that’s fake blood.”
Only two surviors
Turning into your costume
Food fight
Making hand turkey’s
“You don’t eat lasagna on thanksgiving? It’s a staple in my house.”
“The turkey is still cold???”
“I’m gonna find some use for that extra whipped cream.”
Sexual innuendoes all day
Everyone keeps bringing you the same food
Accidental fire
The football game
watching a parade
A snowball fight
“Are you eating cookies at 3 am?” “What! If it’s good enough for Santa, it’s good enough for me.”
Spending Christmas at the other’s childhood home
Letters to Santa
A secret Santa
Christmas Eve Traditons
Person A works at a Santa village and Person B takes their kid as an excuse to see them
Working on Christmas
Fake holiday dates turn real
I saw mommy kissing santa clause
New Years
Only one’s without a date at the party
Watching fireworks together
“My New Years Resolution is to kiss you way more often”
“You look like the drunk aunt right now.”
“Who needs a party when we have each other?”
Having sex into the new year
A New Years surprise
Snow angels
“I still have glitter in my bra.”
Your kid says they’ll be able to stay up all night
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After All These Years
Sanji looked into the vanity mirror, watching as tanned hands worked through his hair. Over and under, Zoro's hands weaved his hair into a long braid. Sanji could very well do it himself, it was faster and easier but there was something about watching Zoro's face as he concentrated on each action. As if the act of braiding Sanji's hair was special and important, not just another task of the day.
Serious and composed as Zoro was, when his hands were wrapped in Sanji's hair all the blond could think of to describe him as was soft. Zoro had a vulnerability to him in those moments. The gruff exterior of the greatest swordsman fell away to something that very few got to see and Sanji was one of those few. Zoro liked to grumble and snark, he liked booze and fighting, but above all else Zoro loved moments like that.
Doe eyed and love struck, as if they hadn't spent the last twenty years of their lives together. Zoro sighed low and content as he pulled more hair between his fingers and continued the braid.
Sanji resisted the urge to tilt his head into Zoro's hands, knowing it would ruin the swordsman's work but it was so tempting. Instead he reached back, hand finding Zoro's thigh and he squeezed, eliciting a soft chuckle from him.
"I'm almost done, Cook."
"That's a shame, I like having your hands on me."
Sanji watched as the lightest of pinks dusted the top of Zoro's ears and Sanji's stomach flipped pleasantly. Even after all these years it was easy to fluster each other, a touch as simple as a kiss or linked pinkies was enough to have butterflies erupting in their chests and Sanji wouldn't change it for the world.
"It looks good," Sanji praised as Zoro tied it off and laid it over Sanji's shoulder. It was neat and elegant in a simple sort of way. A small tuft of bangs had been left out as Sanji liked it and kept half of his face covered.
A tan hand cupped his cheek and Sanji finally let himself lean into the touch. Zoro's hand was rough, years of fighting and training had made sure of it, but to Sanji it was normal. It was comforting. They were the hands he had grown to love, the hands he had held and kissed, the hands he had been allowed to grace with the proof of his love and devotion.
The ring glinted in the reflection of the mirror from where it sat hanging around Zoro's neck and Sanji smiled small, turning his head to press a kiss to the palm of Zoro's hand. A broad chest pressed to his back and Sanji leaned into it, sighing as Zoro leaned over him and speckled grey and green hair came into view. Lips pressed to Sanji's forehead and a hand squeezed his shoulder.
"We should get going, if we wait any longer Luffy's going to break into the kitchen and harass your cooks."
Sanji chuckled, gaze finding Zoro's in the mirror. Zoro's mouth moved but Sanji heard nothing, focused on the way his mouth formed each word and syllable like it was the first time he'd ever been told it. His chest swelled and his face split into a wide grin, eye crinkling along the edges.
"Yeah, I love you too, Mossy."
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Fu- Fight Me
There should be something said about how the cool press of steel against Sanji's skin excited him. How his blood pumped, heart hammered, skin flushed, and hands clammed up as he stared down Zoro from an arms length away. The glint in Zoro's eye belayed his amusement, his mouth quirked into a small smirk that made Sanji's stomach flip in ways it never did for the women. "I thought you were going to teach me a lesson, Curly-brow?" Zoro's voice wrapped around Sanji like the finest of silks, too smooth for Sanji to handle as the blade retreated and a hand was held out to him. Like a lifeline he grabbed onto it. There wasn't anywhere to go but up as his legs straightened out from his crouched position and he leveled Zoro with what he hoped was a calm and collected look. Judging by the squeeze of his hand, Sanji knew he had failed. "You promised me a challenge, shit-cook. Do you always disappoint like this?"
Sanji's ears burned, mouth going dry as Zoro's eye lowered at him. Sanji felt like he was on trial and Zoro was the jury, judge, and executioner. The slim line drawn between them felt smaller than ever as Zoro tugged at Sanji's hand and pulled him within his personal space. Warm breath ghosted across Sanji's ear and the dismal restraint he had shattered as Zoro whispered sinfully soft. "How about a rematch and this time-" Sanji's brain short circuited, breath faltering as lips brushed across the shell of his ear. "-show me what those legs can really do."
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In His Hands
Sanji sat on the edge of the bed, cup of coffee between his hands. He watched as Zoro breathed deep and even with an arm slung over his bare torso, the blanket covering his lower half.
"Mossy," He called out as he moved the cup to one hand and nudged at one of Zoro's thighs that was hidden beneath the covers.
Zoro grumbled, hand raising to swat at the air before it fell back against his stomach. He rolled over onto his side, the blanket tangled around his legs as his body faced towards Sanji.
The blond sighed softly, lips quirked into a fond smile as he set the coffee cup down on the nightstand. It clinked and Zoro's brow furrowed in his sleep as he mumbled incoherently.
"Zoro," Sanji said as he brought his legs up onto the bed and slid his body down, curling up next to his husband. One leg was laid over Zoro's and his head pillowed beneath one of his arms while his other reached out to caress Zoro's cheek.
"It's time to wake up, we have plans today." Sanji said, thumb rubbing gently across Zoro's cheekbone.
Zoro grunted, eyelids fluttering before a single eye peeked open.
"Welcome to the world of the living, Marimo." Sanji's thumb continued it's soft caress and Zoro groggily dropped a hand atop Sanji's, keeping it in place as he burrowed his face into the space between their heads.
"Too early," Sanji heard Zoro's muffled voice complain and he chuckled.
"It's already 10 in the morning, I've let you sleep in plenty. Plus, you need to shave before we head out." Sanji's thumb stroked from the rise of Zoro's cheekbone down to his jaw where prickly stubble had begun to grow.
Zoro's fingers gripped around Sanji's hand and pulled it from his face. He lifted his head, turning sleepy eyes towards the blond.
"Can we cancel?"
Sanji laughed, bringing Zoro's hand towards him and placed it upon his own cheek.
"Nami would kill us if we missed seeing her and Vivi while they're back in town. Besides, you always look so good right after shaving," Sanji teased and Zoro felt warmth flood his face.
"I'll shave when you shave off that damn goatee."
Sanji laughed again, patting Zoro's hand, "Don't be stubborn, Marimo. I can help, if you want me to that is."
Zoro looked at the wall behind Sanji, mouth pulled into a firm line that Sanji could only describe as a grumpy pout. Yet, even as Zoro’s grumpy morning personality shined through and his 5 o'clock shadow stood out stubbly and prominent, Sanji couldn't help but think that there wasn’t anywhere else he’d rather be or anyone else he'd rather wake up with each morning. Even if Zoro liked to sleep more than him.
“We might be able to invite them over for brunch instead of going out. That is-“ Sanji booped his nose against Zoro’s, “If they agree and you’re able to get ready before they get here.”
Zoro’s mouth lifted into a pleased little smile, as if that’s what he’d wanted from the start.
“As if they’d turn down a chance to eat your cooking.”
Sanji rolled his eyes, “Flattery will get you everywhere, don't you know?”
Zoro hummed, deep and raspy from sleep.
"Someone might have told me that before," Zoro mused as he leaned forward and Sanji met him, a soft chuckle left him as their lips met. 'Soft', Zoro thought as they parted, foreheads rested against each other.
"Get up and I'll help you get ready. Come on, Marimo." Sanji pressed a kiss to the corner of Zoro's mouth and then moved to get back up.
Zoro’s arms wrapped around Sanji’s waist and he pressed his face against his back as Sanji picked his coffee back up, taking a sip.
"I'm gonna call Nami and while I do that get everything ready." Sanji stood and Zoro's arms dropped, hanging off the side of the bed.
"Tell her I want a rematch from last time."
Sanji reached back, gently pushing a finger against Zoro's forehead and then stepped back.
"We'll see. At least if Nami agrees I'll get some time to catch up with Vivi."
"As if you could have missed anything when you talk to them weekly." Zoro shook his head as he sat up, kicking the blanket off his legs until it puddled into a pile at the bottom of the bed.
"Sanji paused in the doorway, turning his head to glance back at Zoro.
"That's over the phone, you know I'd rather talk in-person when I have the chance."
Zoro shrugged, talking was talking, but he knew seeing the girls again after so long was important to the blond. He watched as Sanji excited the room and heard the gentle padding of Sanji's feet on the floor as he paced, not even moments later his voice rang loud and happily the house, "Hi, Nami-swan!" Zoro tuned it out after that. Sanji's happy chatter gave him the push to finally roll himself out of bed with a startled yawn.
Zoro scratched along his stomach, eyes blinking blearily. He'd been up later than he liked, curled up with Sanji on the couch as they watched a movie that'd recently come out. Sanji had been the one excited for it, but somehow Zoro was the one that ended up staying awake to finish it while the blond had knocked out with his head against Zoro's shoulder.
Zoro dragged himself to their closet, sifting through it until he found a shirt he liked that was comfortable and a pair of jeans. He pulled the jeans over his boxers, tucking the shirt beneath an arm, and headed to the bathroom.
The shirt was set on the counter while he moved on autopilot, gathering up the shaving cream and razor. By the time he had it set out on the counter, Sanji came waltzing into the bathroom with a happy little smile.
“They agreed,” He said in a singsong tone, hands gliding over Zoro’s shoulders as they locked eyes in the mirror. One of Sanji’s hands reached up, touching softly over the stubble on Zoro’s face.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, Mossy.” Sanji kissed the back of his neck and Zoro’s stomach fluttered.
Sanji’s hands guided Zoro to turn around and he pushed him back til Zoro was leaning against the counter. Sanji grabbed the shaving cream, spraying a small dollop in his hand.
Zoro tensed as it touched his cheek, smooth and cold. Sanji’s fingers rubbed gently along his jawline and up his cheek to where the stubble stopped.
Their gazes locked as Sanji smirked, a single finger raised covered in shaving cream and Zoro’s eyes widened.
“Don’t you d-“
Sanji swiped it along Zoro’s nose and he lightly shoved Sanji as his nose twitched at the feeling of it sliding down and tickling.
Sanji laughed, one hand covering his mouth while the other was kept raised to keep the shaving cream off of him.
Zoro’s face twisted, nose scrunched up as he let out a soft “fuck- ah,” and Sanji’s face fell.
“Marimo, do-“ “Choo!”
Sanji stared down at his shirt, clean hand touching lightly over his face only to find there was nothing on him.
Zoro wiped at his nose, smirking.
“Idiot, I should have actually sneezed. Would have been a good payback.”
Sanji pouted, turning the faucet on and rinsed the shaving cream off his hand and Zoro stuck his finger under the water above Sanji’s hand to rinse his off as well.
“Such a troublesome plant. Let’s finish pruning you,” Sanji gave a small tsk.
“You started it,” Zoro reminded him, dragging his hand along his jeans to dry it. Once it was no longer damp he took Sanji’s chin between his thumb and index finger. Sanji kept his gaze down, feeling his heartbeat stutter.
“You should know better than to start something you can’t finish, Cook.”
Sanji’s cheeks turned a rosy pink and he picked up the razor. He slowly raised his gaze, meeting Zoro’s eyes.
He turned his head until Zoro’s fingers let go of his chin and then put a hand to Zoro’s chest, holding him in place as he brought the razor up to his cheek. Slowly Sanji slid it down, Zoro tilted his head as in one clear motion Sanji left a clean line striped through the shaving cream from Zoro’s cheek to beneath his chin.
“You shouldn’t tease someone who has a blade to your neck.”
Zoro smirked, peeking at the blond from his tilted position.
“Ah, what was it we agreed to? In sickness and in health, right? I guess it’s okay if you’re a little twisted.”
Sanji’s eyebrow raised in a simple quiet question, ‘are you done?’ and Zoro resisted the urge to grab Sanji and press his covered cheek to the blond’s. He looked too cute, pout in place with his eyebrow raised, twitching ever so faintly, it was hard to stay still when Sanji looked so adorably annoyed that his taunts were met.
“I’m in your hands,” Zoro said, voice soft and unarming, Sanji’s eyebrow lowered as he rolled his eye.
“Don’t get sappy on me now, Marimo. Save it for later.”
“Later as in once Nami and Vivi leave or later as in tonight later?”
“Keep trying to be coy and it’ll be never,” Sanji threatened, voice nowhere near as serious as he hoped for it to be. He sounded more endeared, completely whipped by the man before him.
Zoro chuckled, stopping as Sanji raised the razor once more and in another smooth motion, cleared away the next section. Over and over; shave, rinse, repeat. It was soothing, feeling Sanji’s hands on him as he gave up control for something so basic. Sensing Sanji’s attentive gaze trained on his face while his hands worked their soft magic.
Zoro leaned his head on Sanji’s hand as the blond cradled his face, turning it to get next to his ear without nicking him.
“Almost done, just a little more.” Sanji hummed softly, focused as he got the last piece. He rinsed the razor once he was done and set it aside.
Zoro turned to face the sink and washed off the last remnants of shaving cream that clung to his face. He grabbed the small washcloth Sanji had held out in offering and patted his face dry. As Zoro lowered it he eyed himself in the mirror, hand stroking over the now smooth skin.
“Looks good, Curly. Thanks.”
He turned, hands raising to press against Sanji’s chest as Sanji caged him in with his hands against the counter.
“How bold, couldn’t even let me finish getting ready before you pounced. I thought you said later?”
“I’m just admiring the view, I don’t know what you mean.” Sanji said, voice dipping low and syrupy thick.
“Don’t you need to prepare for the girls?” Zoro asked as he slipped his arms around Sanji’s waist, tugging him in close by the hips and Sanji chuckled.
“I’ll get to it, don’t worry about that. For now, I’m in your hands.”
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Comfort Calls
Zoro let out a soft exhale as he eyed the clock. The break between classes was nearly over and the next group of kids would be arriving any minute with their parents in tow. He ducked into the staff room, leaving it up to the assistant teacher, Tashigi, and grabbed a water bottle as he sat at the small coffee table that was tucked in the corner.
Guilt wracked Zoro as he pulled out his phone to see three missed calls from Sanji. Zoro's break was supposed to have started fifteen minutes prior but a concerned parent wanted to discuss her son's improvement, more like lack thereof, and Zoro had been stuck reassuring her that it took some kids longer to get the basics down. By the time she'd taken her son's hand and left his break was nearly over, as it was he only had a measly 5 minutes left before kids would start filtering in.
Zoro didn't know if the fact that there were no voicemails or texts scared him more than if there would have been some; but, he knew he needed to call Sanji back. It was the one time of day they both had break at the same time and Sanji liked to spend it talking. Zoro had never been able to tell him no and he didn't want to. After dealing with kids all day, no matter how nice they could be, and their parents, hearing Sanji's voice was a godsend. It gave him the peace of mind to move on calmly throughout the rest of the day until he could get home and be with Sanji again.
The dial tone rang as he moved the phone to his ear, cushioning it there with his shoulder so he could take a sip of his water. It only rang twice before Sanji answered.
"Took you long enough, mossy."
"Got caught up with a parent, sorry."
Sanji sighed, barely audible through the phone but Zoro heard it loud and clear.
"What's bothering you, Curly? Rude customers?" Zoro asked as he eyed the clock on the wall, watching as it ticked by each second and their talk time shortened.
"A group of ten came in with no reservations!" Sanji fumed and Zoro heard the click of his lighter.
"The hostess asked them to wait and they threw a massive fit over having to wait when there were tables available. Which, by the way, they weren't! They were reserved!" Sanji groaned and Zoro chuckled, taking another sip of his water.
"I'd say you should have sabotaged their food but I know that's not your style."
Sanji grumbled through a loud exhale, "Don't even joke. You know we don't waste food."
"I know, but they'd have deserved it. Did they get seated?"
"Of course they did, after a lengthy wait which they complained about the entire time."
Zoro hummed, nodding his head despite Sanji not being able to see it. It wasn't often that the Baratie got unruly customers. Most knew that if they acted up they'd be served that first time; but, the moment the check was paid they'd be told not to come back. There were always a few unfortunate souls that didn't know about it and had the pleasure of eating amazing food with hopes of returning, only to be banned due to their behavior towards staff.
"What'd Zeff do this time?" Zoro asked and Sanji chuckled.
"He sent out Patty," Sanji's voice lifted and Zoro knew it must have been a sight to see.
"Anything else? Usually bad customers don't bother you so much?"
"They made their waitress cry. She's a new hire, barely started earlier this week. Real sweet, a total charmer; there was no reason for them to treat her the way they did."
"Did they at least tip well?"
"No." A frustrated sigh fell from Sanji.
"I need to get back to work. Thanks for calling me back, Marimo."
Zoro snorted, "Curly, you act like it's not routine to call you at this point."
Sanji laughed softly and Zoro could almost picture the soft smile he wore in that moment, content talking on the phone.
"I'll see you at home, yeah?" Zoro smiled as he said it. There was the sound of a door closing and the distant excited squeals of a child calling for him and Tashigi.
"See you at home, Marimo. Love you."
"Love you too."
The call ended and Zoro got up, ready to wrangle the next group of children into little kendo masters.
The day moved by slowly and by the time the last class ended Zoro was ready to head home and collapse into bed. He was certain some of the parents had to be giving their kids something to get them so energetic, like candy or some other sweet, just to unleash them on him when they got to kendo practice.
All throughout cleanup Zoro kept checking his phone. Sanji wouldn't be off work for another couple hours and had taken his last break about a half hour before Zoro was off the clock.
"I can get the rest," Tashigi offered as she rolled up the mats.
"It's fine, th-"
"If I have to see you check your phone one more time I'm going to lose it. Just go home, I'll see you on Monday, yeah?"
Zoro rubbed at the back of his head and gave a curt nod. He didn't like leaving things up to Tashigi, but it was hard to turn down an offer to leave right away. He could only hope she wouldn't break anything in one of her lapses of clumsiness.
"Thanks, Tashigi." He said as she waved bye to him, dropping the mats she'd just picked up in the process. Zoro pointedly ignored it as he made his exit and dug his keys out of his pocket.
The drive home was short and as he pulled into the driveway, he was surprised to see Sanji's car already there.
That usually meant one of two things, either Sanji and Zeff had butted heads enough for the older chef to send him home or Sanji and Patty butted heads, resulting in Zeff sending him home. Zoro unlocked the door, kicking his shoes off and placing them on the rack next to the entrance.
Sanji appeared in the entrance hallway, popping out from the direction of their living room. His hair was pulled back with a headband, eyes lowered and sleepy, his suit was long gone and instead he'd gotten comfortable in a pair of sweatpants and shirt that Zoro was almost certain was his and not the blonds. Zoro cracked a small smile at how soft Sanji looked and with a few long strides he had his arms wrapped around him, face buried into his shoulder.
"You're early," Sanji said, breaking off into a yawn.
"I could say the same for you. What happened?"
Sanji's arms slinked around Zoro as he sighed, resting his cheek on his husband.
"I may have snapped at Zeff," Sanji answered, voice trailing off at the end.
Zoro frowned. Zeff and Sanji often got into little tiffs with each other but it wasn't often that Sanji got sent home early for it. It couldn't have been too bad though or Zoro knew he'd have found Sanji out front on the porch swing while he chain smoked his problems away.
Zoro leaned back and Sanji looked at him, brows furrowed with a slight pout to his lips.
"I'm not going to make you tell me-" Zoro began and Sanji seemed to slump, comforted by those words.
"What I will ask though, is do you want to go lay down?"
Sanji laughed small and low, eyes downcast as he nodded.
"Yeah, I'd like that. Maybe a short nap and then you can keep me company while I make dinner?" Sanji asked as he glanced back up, trapping Zoro with his gaze.
Zoro leaned forward, the tip of his nose brushing along Sanji's as he whispered, "Yeah, we can do that." Zoro's lips ghosted over Sanji's as he watched the blond's eyes widen, cheeks tinging the softest of pinks. Then Sanji sighed against his mouth, eyes closing as he leaned in and pressed firmer.
Sanji moved, placing soft kisses across Zoro's mouth, cheeks, nose, and finally one on his forehead that he stood on his tiptoes for so he could look down at Zoro as he did it.
Zoro chuckled, pulling Sanji back to his normal height and pressed their foreheads together.
"Come on, the bed's calling our names."
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Sauté, Not Burn
Zoro pulled at the collar of his button-up shirt, eyebrow arched in annoyance as he stared at himself in the mirror. Sanji had insisted he wear something nice, as if Zoro’s favorite henley wasn't good enough, and to top it off the blond had slid the hair gel across the bathroom counter.
"Just a little, Marimo. You look like you just got out of bed.”
Zoro rolled his eyes as he grabbed the gel. It wasn’t that he hated getting dressed up, he liked to think he cleaned up rather nicely, but it was the fact that it was tedious. He looked good in whatever he wore and Zoro knew it. He’d tried telling Sanji that before but the blond had only huffed, dismissing the idea with a wave of his hand, cigarette smoke billowing in his wake.
“Tell me again why I need to dress up?” Zoro asked as he dabbed gel onto his fingertips and combed it through his hair. Sanji watched him with a lowered gaze and softly a softly parted mouth.
“Because we’re meeting up with Zeff for dinner, it’s polite.” Sanji sighed, and Zoro watched from the mirror as Sanji licked over his lips.
“I take it back, that won’t do,” Sanji came up behind Zoro, arms snaking around his waist as he rested his chin atop his shoulder. They locked eyes in the mirror and Zoro smirked.
“Why’s that curly? I don’t meet those high standards of yours?”
Sanji snorted, hiding his face in the crook of Zoro’s neck.
“As if! You went from just woke up to just got fucked.”
Zoro laughed as arms squeezed around him.
“I thought you liked that look on me?” Zoro wiped his hands off on the hand towel and then laced his fingers with Sanji’s, bringing their hands to rest just below his navel.
“You know I do, but I doubt Zeff would like it very much.”
Zoro grimaced as memories of when they’d been caught at the Baratie resurfaced, hands stuffed down each other’s pants in the pantry and once in the staff room with Zoro on his knees in front of disheveled Sanji. Zeff had brought it up at every chance, relishing in the way Sanji and Zoro’s faces turned a flaming red. He’d alternated between calling them Cherry and Tomato for weeks. Zoro hated both nicknames but they were no worse than his usual nickname of Broccoli.
As if sharing his thought Sanji shuddered, letting out a pained groan.
“Horrible, never again.”
“Not in the Baratie, you mean.” Zoro said, and Sanji squeezed his hands, cheeks flushed a light a pink as he glanced away, clearing his throat.
“Well, if you’re going to keep the hair then I say go for a whole look. Pop open these buttons,” one of Sanji’s hands let go of Zoro’s and undid the first couple buttons on his shirt. It showed off a hint of collarbone and tanned skin and Sanji gave a low whistle.
“It’s a good thing we’re not going to a restaurant or I’d have to fight people off of you, and I don’t fight women, Marimo.”
“It’s a good thing I don’t want anyone else then, isn’t it?” Zoro raised the hand still linked with his and brought it to his mouth, gently brushing his lips across Sanji’s knuckles. Sanji turned a light pink and Zoro’s stomach did a little flip. It didn’t matter how much time passed, he was always able to make Sanji flustered and it made him indescribably happy to see sappy eyes trained on him through the mirror.
Sanji looked away, pressing a kiss to Zoro’s neck and stepped back, adjusting his tie.
“You look good like that, maybe throw on that blazer I just bought you-“
“The one from our last vacation?”
“Yes, that one. It’ll pull it all together. You look handsome as always, for a plant.” Sanji smirked at him as he stepped out of the bathroom.
“You love this plant, you can’t fool me ero-cook!” Zoro called out and he heard Sanji’s snorted laughter from the direction of their bedroom.
Zeff lived close to them in a cozy house that oozed warmth. The only time Zoro thought it fit the man was when Sanji was around him. Zeff could be a stubborn asshole, no better than Sanji, but when they were together it was obvious how much he cared for the blond.
"I hope you're hungry. We're making piperade." Zeff called out over his shoulder as he walked towards the kitchen.
Sanji lit up at the mention of the dish, letting out a soft hum.
"What the hell is that?" Zoro asked, setting his blazer on the coat rack after Sanji had placed his suit jacket there.
"It's a traditional dish, simple and absolutely divine."
Zoro snorted, "Somehow whenever you call a dish simple, I have a hard time believing you."
Sanji rolled his eye as he heard Zeff's barked laughter from the kitchen. The sound of the fridge opening and closing, followed by items tumbling across the counter had Sanji and Zoro hurrying along before Zeff got impatient and started threatening them with whatever utensil was closest.
As they followed in after the older man, they found him tying his apron on.
"Bout time eggplant, wash your hands and help me prepare these." Zeff said and glanced over at Zoro.
"You too, Broccoli. Wash your hands. You're good at cutting stuff right?" And at Zoro's nod, Zeff pointed at the bread set out. "You'll slice that, nice and even. No fuck ups, understood?"
Zoro grumbled under his breath as he stood next to Sanji at the wide sink. They worked in tandem, each going through the motions of washing their hands without hindering the other. It was a flow that they'd acquired after so long together and it felt natural. When they turned back around after drying their hands, they found Zeff had been watching them. A small smile spread across his face as he motioned once more at their tasks.
Sanji stood next to Zeff, sleeves rolled up and knife in hand as he took an onion to slice.
"Carne and Patty and going on vacation in a couple weeks. Gonna need you around the restaurant more once they leave and until they get back." Zeff said, shoulder bumping gingerly against Sanji's.
"I'd be there anyways, as if you had to ask old man."
Zeff shook his head as he cut the garlic, "Wasn't asking, brat. I was telling."
Sanji muttered under his breath, "I was telling," in a teasing high pitch and Zeff kicked at his calve, making Sanji wince.
"Don't you know not to anger the cook?" Sanji snarked, repeating words he'd heard Zeff say one too many times growing up and Zeff barked a laugh.
Zoro stared at the bread, knife in hand. All he had to do was make the slices even. Simple enough. He cut it slow and even, glancing over at the blonds to make sure they were still busy cutting the vegetables and aromatics. By the time Zoro sliced the last piece, Zeff was hovering over his shoulder.
"Looks good, can you sauté the garlic and onions?"
Zoro looked at Sanji and the blond gave him a winced look with a slow thumbs up.
"Of course I can, what idiot can't sauté?" Zoro said as he looked back to Zeff, setting the knife down as he crossed his arms over his chest.
Zeff raised a single eyebrow at him, unimpressed.
"Then we'll leave it to you."
Sanji's face scrunched up as he held in a laugh and Zoro repressed the groan that wanted to leave him. The only thought going through his mind was, 'What the hell is sautéing, again?'
Zeff set the pan on the stove and watched as Sanji helped Zoro get it ready with olive oil and set the heat for him.
Zoro leaned over to Sanji, feeling Zeff's eyes on his back, and asked "How the hell do I sauté this shit?", in the quietist whisper he could.
Sanji barely held in his laughter, shoulders shaking as he looked at Zoro with a dopey look.
"Just don't burn it and you'll do fine." Sanji leaned a bit closer and placed a soft kiss upon Zoro's cheek. Making his face heat up as Zeff cleared his throat behind them.
"Is there a problem, eggplant? Broccoli?"
"No, sir. None at all." Zoro replied. After all, all he needed to do was not burn it. How hard could that be?
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Take Out
Zoro knew from the moment Sanji called him while on break at the Baratie that the day had been hard on him. His voice sounded tired, a sort of weary that wasn't often heard from the blond. "Do you have to go in tomorrow?" Zoro asked, already looking at the cook's work schedule hung on their fridge. "No, but that doesn't mean the old man won't call me in still!" Sanji grumbled and Zoro heard the telltale exhale that meant Sanji was smoking. "Don't worry about it, Curly. When you get home, everything will be taken care of." Sanji snorted and Zoro smiled, holding the phone between his shoulder and cheek as he opened the fridge to see what they had on hand. Not much, it was time to go shopping but Sanji had been busy with work and Zoro always got the wrong items so he wasn't allowed to do it alone. "What do you have planned?" Sanji asked, "It better not be something ridiculous that you cooked up with that pea brain of yours." Zoro rolled his eyes, cheeks warming. He knew Sanji probably already had an inkling of what he had planned, the blond knew him like the back of his hands after all, but Zoro didn't mind. "Don't get your panties in a twist, I'll see you when you get home." "What do you mean? I still have 5- fuck, okay yeah, see you at home Marimo." Sanji grumbled and there was a loud exhale followed by a rushed, "Love you," and an exaggerated kissing sound that made Zoro shake his head fondly. Zoro heard Zeff call out to Sanji and a cut off swear before the call ended. Zoro reached up to grab his phone and pocketed it. With the ingredients on hand Sanji could make something great, like he always did, but for Zoro that wasn't an option. Zoro may be able to cook without burning their house down but his skills were nowhere near the level of Sanji's and he didn't want to torture the blond's palate with that when the day had already been hard enough. He closed the fridge, crossing his arms over his chest and tapping his fingers against his biceps. That left a few options. He could ask Zeff to prepare some of Sanji's favorites and pick Sanji and the food up when the blond got off work or he could call in a to-go order from one of Sanji's preferred restaurants that wasn't the Baratie and have it ready and waiting by the time he got home. If he got take out he could turn it into a date night, food and a movie, a glass of the red wine Sanji had been raving about lately. It didn't sound bad. Zoro weighed the options. If he were to ask Zeff, there was no doubt in his mind the older chef would tease the living hell out of him for spoiling his 'eggplant'. Zoro's lips pursed as he glanced at the saved menus stuck onto the fridge with a picture magnet. It was a photo from one of their dates to an aquarium, in it Sanji was staring awed at all the fish swimming by while Zoro's smiling face was pinned in the corner. He'd been proud of capturing that moment, glad to have the awestruck and bright look that had crossed Sanji's face saved. It was one of Zoro's favorite pictures. It had also been the day they had surprised each other, both kneeling and looking at each other as if the earth was going to crack open and swallow them whole, fear and excitement mirrored between their eyes, overwhelmed by the unrivaled love they both felt and still feel. Zoro's thumb rubbed along the underside of his ring finger, the gentle turn and press of cool metal against his finger was grounding and as if that was the only answer he needed, he snatched a menu off the fridge. Take out it was.
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November OTP Prompt Challenge
Take out
Full moon
“Your eyes are the prettiest things I’ve ever seen”
Banana pancakes
Forest path
Movie night
Going over to family’s house for dinner
Role swap AU
Bridal carry
Running a bath
Burnt dinner
Looking through an old photo album
Breakfast in bed
Love poem
“As you wish”
A surprise visitor
Frosted ground
Huddling together on a cold day
“That wasn’t supposed to happen”
Hand kiss
“Why me?”
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November Prompts
1. a tender little curse 2. wolfhound 3. crossing 4. peacoat 5. understudy 6. class war 7. shakespearean 8. overpower 9. can we? 10. rough hands 11. monstrosity 12. cosmos 13. rotting from the inside 14. white dress 15. infestation 16. mercury 17. saliva 18. gaslight 19. beaver moon 20. household magic 21. contagion 22. police car 23. haste 24. loose tooth 25. dark realm 26. conjured 27. what feeds your heart? 28. weapon of choice 29. nature is a haunted house 30. death scene
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