#Short and simple
sysmedsaresexist · 3 months
Hot Take
Maybe instead of asking why or how some trauma-based systems turn to pro/endo spaces and mistakenly believe themselves to be endogenic, we should be asking why they felt invalidated about their trauma and experiences in CDD spaces
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Item ID: UF-2420 Item Name: Honeycomb Greatsword Category: B-6 Origin Point: Oxorron, Dwallente System Owner: Proxus Gathoran Description: A greatsword, the blade approximately 160 cm in length with a 30 cm handle. Constructed by members of the Oxonte species, an insectoid race, out of the same biomechanical material they use to make their hives. The bulk of the blade is formed of repeating hexagonal segments, layered in overlapping sections, creating a very strong but lightweight core. At the very center of the weapon, as well as on the blade’s outermost edge, chitin from the Oxonte themselves reinforces the structure. Both the guard and the handle are decorated with feathers and scales from the Vhraitia, a common companion creature on Oxorron. Acting Supervisor’s Notes: I can’t believe I haven’t even heard of the Oxonte before today- apparently their homeworld is on the edges of explored space, but still, they’ve been part of galactic society as a whole for a few thousand years now. Showed up right after the end of the Ellkoran Conflicts. Guess they’ve mostly kept to themselves, though, at least based on what the ambassador told me. I’m just glad we were able to get things sorted for xem, it sounds like this item is xer most important possession.
Two whole weeks. That’s how long she’s lasted as the Acting Supervisor, with another performance check fast approaching. Everything so far had passed by in a relative blur. Naturally, the transition period had been hectic, but things were finally falling into place, which led to increased pressure for her to officially accept the position. Any longer and the Director would officially open the applications to individuals outside of this branch of the FPA. Considering how that worked out last time…
Cynthia was convinced. It terrified her, naturally, but by the end of the day she’d hand over the necessary paperwork. Then all she’d have to do is survive the final week of her trial run, and the job would be hers.
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tastes like ass and makes me shit
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“Come on! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“We could die?!” Amaryllis laughs loudly at her husband's response, “When has that ever stopped us before, Garrus?”
“I’m ‘Shepard’ again? Since when-“
“My wonderful, magnificent, drop dead gorgeous and sometimes questionably sane wife we are not in our thirties anymore-“
“We’ll be fine-“
“Filled with bullet holes is not fine. Besides we couldn’t even get the time off- no stop smiling like that- you’ve already gotten the time off.”
“I have.” Garrus’ mandibles flare in a mixture of exasperation and affection. His smaller wife looks up at him, her scarred face wrinkling as she smiles, “You know if I want something done-“
“You’re going to do it yourself,” Garrus finishes, affection winning out in his voice, “You’re going stir crazy.”
“So are you,” She says giving him a look, “I’ve seen the longing look you aim at your black widow. It’s an easy, regular mission. We might not even get shot at.”
“Shepard, we always, always, get shot at.”
“Then it’s a good thing we’re still in marvellous shape from all that reach and flexibility,” She says, getting on her tiptoes and dragging his face down to kiss him, “We leave in two days.”
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ourplacetobefree · 4 months
Eddie leaned down towards Buck, and Buck instinctually put his hand out to rest on Eddie’s side. Eddie’s arms landed on either side of Buck on the couch. And then Eddie was in his space, his lips pressing briefly to Buck’s cheek.
“Thanks, Buck,” Eddie said, still so, so close to Buck. “I’ll see you at home.”
He said goodbye to the rest of the crew, and then he was gone, his boots thunking down the stairs.
Eddie kisses Buck goodbye. They aren't together yet.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Submitted Prompts #79
Technus takes over the BatWing suit.
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nostalgiachan · 7 months
Conversations Held Seconds Before Disaster
Tenth Prompt: The last conversation with the group before battle
Summary: Vier, Lae'zel, and Wyll plan the best way to deal with a gaggle of kobolds, but somebody else has other ideas (496 words)
“Must we wait for Karlach to return?” Lae’zel hissed as she, Vier, and Wyll crouched among the dust-covered bottles and ancient oak casks in the winery of Rosymorn Monastery. “These are kobolds. They are as great a threat to us as a child is to a red dragon.”
“Yes, but it’s not the kobolds I’m concerned about,” Vier replied with an even tone. “How many times now have we walked into what looked like a simple fight with a couple of men, but quickly turned into a free-for-all against half an army? I couldn’t see the whole room from the doorway, mind, but it looked quite large; there’s no telling what’s in the back there. Blighters could have a couple of trolls sleeping in a corner, for all we know.”
“In my experience, trolls tend to have a snore you could hear from another plane,” Wyll joked, “so I’d say we’re fine. But point taken, nonetheless. On top of that, the room looked like it was drenched in as much wine as that poor bastard over there.” He pointed to the literally and metaphorically booze-soaked corpse of the kobold on the far side of the room. “If we go in carelessly, one errant spell bolt or knocked-over candle could send the entire room up in flames.”
“All the more reason to go in now,” Lae’zel insisted. “Or have we forgotten her condition?”
Vier’s eyebrows raised and her lips pursed as she looked to the githyanki. “...Shit, you got me there. Alright, we’ll get in quick, take out the kobolds up front, and hopefully by the time Karlach’s back, we’ll be dealing with whatever else might be lurking in there as far away from all the wine puddles as possible.”
Just as Vier took to her feet, she saw someone climbing through the broken window the party had used to sneak into the room - Karlach had finally arrived.
“Ugh, sorry about that,” she said at a louder volume than Vier would’ve preferred. “When nature calls and all. What’d I miss?” She didn’t bother to wait for an answer; instead, her fiery eyes immediately turned to the kobold corpse on the floor. Within seconds, she’d unhooked her battleaxe from her back.
“Kobolds, is it? Aw, easy peasy! Let’s get to it, chums!”
“Oh, shit, wait!” Vier attempted to call out, but it was too late; Karlach let out a battle cry - or, to be more precise, a battle laugh - and kicked down the door of the wine cellar, axe swinging with wild abandon at the first unfortunate kobold she saw. All the rest of the party could do was scramble in after her and hope that something remained of them all when the explosions finally stopped.
Vier had never treated so many burns before.
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untilyouremember · 10 months
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The Story of Our Unlikely Love
Available digitally (through Kodansha)
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B, Twin pops 
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| Back to Prologue
There stood Ruggie as he impatiently watched you tear the twin pops into two for the both of you. This wasn’t the ideal situation as you planned to purchase two of the twin pops, but the rest had been bought out. So Ruggie and you were going to share, which wasn’t super romantic. After all, you were being watched by a hungry hyena the whole time you tried to get the perfect split.
Once the two twin pops broke into two you immediately noticed how the right side had gotten a chunk of the left side. Wasting no time, Ruggie grabbed the bigger side, as you expected. However, the sun had caused the left popsicle to start dripping onto your hand. Since you were quite tidy this bothered you, before anything could be wiped off, Ruggie swooped in to lick you.
There he giggled mischievously as your face went up in flames from slight irritation. You knew Ruggie did this as pay back since you took a long time on splitting the popsicles. This was especially obvious as he started to eat your remaining ice cream since, according to him, you were neglecting it.
In the end you decided to let Ruggie go so long as he wiped the mess he made. Which he did, taking one of your wet wipes he not so gently wiped your hand. But he did place a princely kiss on the back of your hand as an apology, so he made up for it.
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pageofheartdj · 9 months
Treat others how you want to be treated.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
Tibetan buddhists speaking about the issues of tulpamancy and cultural appropriation have always been here.
Here's one from 2014!
Another from 2019!
A different one from 2020!
You're just ignoring them because it's more convenient to claim your practices come from an ancient tradition, rather than it being a new thing. (Which it is. The concept is completely different from what Tulpas actually are. Please learn to distinguish reality from fucking Supernatural lore, I beg you.)
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fcxrcin · 1 year
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"I--I don't know if it's a good idea to give you this." Words come out quick, ALMOST too quick as if she were rapping a FAST part of a song. She's holding the memory core to her chest, fingers trembling just the slightest.
"M-Maybe you're better off without it." BUT she knows. Who is SHE to judge what Sukuna was better off with or without? This was his memory and she knew he'd want it back. Still, her fingers curl around the data, refusing to let go. She could've kept it hidden LONGER, dammit. Sukuna's keen eyes never failed him.
"wouldn't.....you agree?"
He wouldn't. Why are you asking. Just, just give him back his memory.
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mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Roughened Warmth - Reiner x Reader (softtober prompt #3)
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Welp. I was on a roll a week ago and now writing is slowing down-- Nevertheless! Here we are again, I'll try to get back in a groove but I do have a friend visiting on TOP of midterms, so expect these to most likely stay sporadic.
This day happened to be Reiner Braun! Ironically after Erwin, I know. It's based in season 1 since I don't know if they ever have a snow experience besides getting stuck out in the woods? So, I just hope it works with what we now know about Reiner.
I'm not giving a COMPLETE spoiler warning since s4 is now animated, but this does talk about Marley... because, you know, what's fiction without trauma.
Here's to another Softtober day!
Prompt #3: Gloves/Mittens (mittens are more convenient for what I wrote.)
Word Count: 2.4k
The bitter cold of Paradis was not something you had prepared for that day so many years ago. You packed many things up when high-tailing it from Marley, but gear against the harsh winter had not crossed your mind. Now caught in a terrible snow storm, stuck in an old wood cabin, most definitely trapped for as many hours as the weather raged on.
The window was frosted over in delicate ice patterns, painting across the pane in fragmented designs that jutted this way and that. You heavily sighed and stared at the piles of snow that were building near and far from the mock-base as of tonight, and you waited in anticipation to see if Ymir would follow through in bringing Daz and Christa back safely. Intuitive as you were, it wasn’t a surprise that you found Ymir to be one of the more suspicious cadets apart of the Training Corps.
Not like you were much better. Your group was a considerable danger to these… Eldians. Ones who you once were convinced to be monsters, slowly were beginning to prove that… they too were merely human. Seemingly afraid of “they mystery of the titans,” something you found to be basic knowledge back in Marley. How could they not understand the horror in which they existed in was due to their past crimes?
It got you thinking as to why you harbored so much blame towards them, why Marley held such high standards towards a past that no longer existed? They were clueless to life off of the island, thinking Paradis was merely the rest of the world and there was nothing beyond that. Their innocence made the anger ease, and only led to your confusion.
Spiraling, you don’t show it. Your face remains calm, staring at the icy drawings on the cold glass as the snow blew wildly in the storm. A hand delicately pressed into your shoulder, jumping you both out of your thoughts and physically in that moment. You sharply turned over your shoulder to find a timid looking Reiner waiting for your attention—clearly having grown concerned when his calling of you fell on deaf ears, and you remained so enamored with the outside snow.
“Shit, Reiner…” you hushed, knowing from the look in his eye that the approaching conversion wasn’t for other’s ears, “is everything alright?”
He visibly swallowed, bringing his hand back to his side and shifting his gaze to reflect out the window, “Just worried…”
Reiner Braun was no stranger to you, knowing you maybe inside and out at this rate—being raised and trained together back in the internment zone. It was maybe the only perk to Warrior training you could ever feasibly argue for, seeing at how it shaped the man before you.
You had always taken a liking to the large blonde, finding his nurturing spirit to be sweet while preparing for who would become a Warrior, and who would not. He was kind, naive, not someone you ever considered to be named a Warrior for Marley. Shockingly enough, like Porco Galliard, he was chosen as the Armored Titan. Along with Berthold, Annie, and Marcel, all appointed to protect Marley with the abusing of their own Eldian blood.
Shocked Reiner was picked over the both of you and Porco, you went to General Magath—begging to be apart of the Paradis operation regardless your lacking of power from one of the Nine. Arguing that you were a terrific strategist and intellectual when it came to a land like Paradis, and if allowed to embark on the long term fight in taking back the Founding Titan beside the Warriors you would prove your worth in potentially inheriting the Beast Titan. 
Knowing your worth in such a plan, and holding personal belief that you were maybe the strongest thinker among the Warriors next to Annie, Magath is able to convince Marley’s generals in allowing you to also embark on the journey. It’s what got you here, five years later. In a creaky, old cabin, sought after for comfort by someone as expectedly strong as the one to inherent the Armored Titan. 
“Worried.” You repeat in a warmer tone, a light smile teasing at the corners of your mouth, “Never thought you’d feel such a thing.”
Reiner’s brow tensed, not entirely appreciating the tease. You snort a light laugh, pulling your legs closer towards your side in giving him a space on the window sill. He didn’t hesitate—familiar with the gesture, he paced himself closer and leaned up across from you.
“About what, this time?” You quietly asked as he seated himself, the man responding with an elongated sigh.
“This. All of this. I can’t—“ He paused suddenly, a sharp inhale, “I really can’t have anything happen to you guys.”
Silence hangs for a longer moment between the both of you, wind lightly battering at the window, and you snort humorously. Reiner remains still, peering up at you from the corner of his eye as you watch with the same, lazy smile.
“First of all, thinking like that isn’t going to allow us to succeed. Stopping with that kind of behavior should be your first step. Secondly,” you lightly kick your foot out towards Reiner, knocking him gently on his shin, “we’re going to be fine. All of your friends are capable of handling themselves.”
“Not all of them.”
You tensed at him interjecting, confusion sweeping through you as you could tell his words clearly meant more than he was letting on.
“No?” You asked earnestly, trying to be patient for the rest of his response.
Regardless of you not having a titan, you all had learned what it meant to protect yourself in a place like this. Losing Marcel was nothing any of you had ever dreamed of happening—all in silent agreement that he was the most capable of your group and definitely who would have the steady head on his shoulders. Next thing you all knew, a titan erupted from the ground and boom. He was gone.
It was then that you remaining four would have to be on your guard’s at all times. The unpredictability of Paradis was proven to be the most dangerous element of this mission, so far. But you four were the only foreigners, everyone else had grown up in such uncertainty. So why—
“… I don’t think I follow.”
Reiner straightened up, making sure you followed him as he nodded towards the upper part of the cabin—where the rest of the Trainees had gone to rest through the storm. The suddenness hit you square in the chest, hardly leaving you with enough room to breathe. “Reiner—“
“I know! I know, I shouldn’t, I just—“ His head fell into his hands, the weight of his admittance quite literally crushing. “…I can’t help it. They all hold so much potential.”
“Good for them, but that’s not why we’re here.” You sternly remind, knowing exactly what he was talking about and not having the will to want to admit it to yourself. “We have a job, Reiner. Keep that in mind… this isn’t a trip to make some friends.”
More silence, Reiner’s fingers curled further into the blonde of his hair as he tugged at its roots. You frowned, head drooping as you pushed off the side of the window in the direction of him. You reached out carefully, pulling a hand from his hair and holding it between you both.
“Listen, I know it’s hard…” You hush now, your defensiveness carefully easing, “They’re good people.”
“Which is just the worst part of it all…” 
Reiner’s hand softly squeezed around your own, pulling it closer to his being while he sat up. He finished pulling your hand into his lap, simply holding it there. About to ask, you watched him carefully observe and study the way your hand looked in his. He pushed and pulled at your fingers, spreading them gently before finally encasing them in his much larger, tattered palm. Roughened warmth holding you there. 
“…” There seemed to be no pressing thoughts bursting at his seams, seemingly caught between two frames and content with how he came to be. Not you, you knew how he would shut himself up like this and anguish in the looming dread all by himself. It didn’t have to be like that, you always tried to convince him. Showing had always proven to be better than telling.
Starting to pull your hand back, you enclosed his hand this time and brought it back in your direction. Wanting to at least try and spark a hope in him, even if the flame had been dimmed a long time ago.
“We have to do this. If not for ourselves, for the people in Liberio.” You are focused on his knuckles in turn, now, gently brushing the pads of your thumb over his skin. “We deserve to be free of these people’s sins… our families are too important to let the devils worm their way into our hearts.”
There was a twinge of guilty pain that pressed into your heart, pulled at its strings and solidifying the feeling of being a bad person. Reiner’s hand closed over yours, and it shook you from the darkness clouding your mind. You turn back up to him, seeing that he too had been watching your hands, still. 
“You’re right. This is our mission… we gotta see it out til the end.” He encouraged, and you couldn’t help but sadly smile at the drastic shift in attitude. He had continued to be torn between being that powerful warrior he showed to his comrades in the trainee program, and the insecure maybe undeserving Warrior that had left Marley. It didn’t matter to you, he was always going to be Reiner—the same boy you cared for since you both were children.
“…I wish I could feel more like Annie.” You hummed in trying to bring a playful nature back to your voices. Reiner finally was receptive of the idea, snorting a gentle laugh in response. Pathetic and void of any true humor, but most definitely hinted at. 
“Glad I’m not alone in that way of thinking,” he chuckled, looking back towards your hands so innocently intertwined, his brow quickly screwing into a scowl in that general direction. “Your hands.”
You tilted your head in confusion, following his movements in staring down at your collective hands, “Yeah…? What about them?”
“They’re freezing.” He retracted his palm quickly from the one, his hand diving into the pocket of his uniform much to your dismay.
“Hey! They’re not made of ice—you don’t have to react like that!” You whine in meaningless complaints, more so wanting to poke fun. “Don’t tell me your that chicken of holding cold hands…”
“What? No. That’s not at all what I was trying to do.” He scoffed, smiling gently to himself as his hand still moved in his pocket. Very clearly digging for something. “I’m trying to give you something.”
“Oh, woo—ow…” you pretend to murmur in awe, “a gift? You shouldn’t have. We don’t even get paychecks, yet.”
“No, no. Not a gift…” he groaned, shaking his head with your sarcasm, “here.”
Out from his pocket, his hand which returned now clutching around two pieces of black fabric. Rugged and looser in some places versus others, they weren’t the prettiest accessory you’d ever seen. But, they were clearly made with care, and looked like an amateur’s knitting job at best.
“Where’d you find those?” You curiously breathed, leaning closer to try and get a better look at the item which he gladly presented.
“They’re mittens.” He chuckled, flipping them over in his hand before running a thumb against the yarn, “I made them.”
You finally understood the feeling of one’s heart leaping into their throat, you having to take a moment to swallow before further assessment of the gloves. No wonder they looked sloppy, Reiner had never picked up knitting before.
“I had some of the girl’s help me… never thought it would actually be that hard.” 
Hesitantly, you reach out and take the mittens in your own hands—giving them another look over much to Reiner’s amusement. He chuckled at how you studied his handy working, quietly shaking his head to himself. “Clearly, I underestimated the skill needed for knitting.” 
“Awe, no, stop that.” You quickly counter, trying to ignore how right the comment resonated within you. “They’re not… that bad.”
“Mmm, not that good either.”
The two of you only quietly laugh at that, knowing that no argument would be able to deny the fact that… gloves, even in times like these, certainly had tighter stitching than this. Regardless of how they might hold up against the weather, you proceed in slipping them on your hands—now spreading your fingers in the cottony covering and watching as numerous holes appeared with every way your hand bent.
You turned towards Reiner, watching his face screw into one of slight disappointment. He eventually moved back to focus on you, nodding pathetically in the direction of his craft.
“I stand by my not that good comment.” 
You chuckle again, pushing him off against his shoulder with a light pressure from your hand. Scooting closer, you begin to press a little against his side, “Ultimately, it’s the thought that counts.”
“Thoughts don’t help against cold weather.” He reminded.
“Stop being so critical! You were making mittens! For the first time, too. Not many people can say they’ve ever made a pair of mittens—me being an example!” You encourage, “You need to give yourself more credit.”
Reiner turned his head closer in your direction, not caring that your faces now stood just inches apart. He hoped that, regardless of the amount of warmth which the mittens may provide, that you could at least feel the heat in his heart he always would hold out for you. That something as cheesy as love really could protect you against the harsh cold of your shared realities. He gave one final huff of wavering humor, facing forward to then lean his head on the side of your own scalp.
“Maybe.” He remarked softly, letting your shared body heat now invade every sense of his in wanting to maybe be numb to the rest of everything else around you both, “Maybe one day I’ll go easy.”
You grew quiet at his sudden point of contact, not shying away from mindlessly returning the unspoken affection. In this window sill, you didn’t think it could get warmer anymore. The wind giving a now pitiful pattering on the glass. “I hope that day comes soon.”
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zoklaperzys · 1 year
it does not matter because ned and lyanna said: anyways his name is jon
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celestialheal · 9 months
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" is that... balsam? " she looks at the mortar the elf is holding in her hands and then to other healer with a especial shine in her eyes " do you need any help making healing potions? "
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