#writing block is real
hrokkall · 5 months
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Mama gave me music lessons,
now I play the saddest songs
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yeonzzzn · 3 months
You guys ( @emi-en @pockettwinzz @paralyzedparadiseonmytongue @alvojake @ja3yun @yeonzzzn ) are a perfect definition of PATHETIC bcoz, imagining enha members doing 18+ things and it's so weird. Why do u guys even write smuts? it's DISGUSTING okay? and wht will u feel when writing smuts? joy? happy? contented? wht will u get when u wrote it? NOTHING and u guys just freely asking for a SIN.
oh? it’s a sin? we feel nothing while writing smut? are you so sure?
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because imagine church boy jake sitting beside you in the middle of service. his fingers are slowly tracing up and down your exposed thigh. each time his hand reaches the ends of your skirt his thumb stretches underneath it to slightly rub against your clothed cunt and biting at his lower lip at seeing you squirm out of the corner of his eyes. oh god did he wish he could bend you over this church pew bench and fuck you senseless. or having you on your knees in front of him, not to worship god, but to worship him with each movement of your mouth sliding up and down his cock until his cum was shooting down your throat.
you’d try to push his hand away but knowing you didn’t want him to actually stop because with each brush of your hand over his in attempt to move his hand only made him press his hand more towards your inner thigh and up higher and higher. rubbing his knuckles against your folds and feeling your slick coat his digits through your panties. “oh so wet for me baby, and in the middle of service? so so dirty for me.” he’d slip your panties to the side and push his fingers inside your tight pussy, reaching for your other hand and placing it on top of his clothed cock, squeezing the top of your hand which in turn had you squeezing him. you kept squeezing him in motion of his fingers fucking into you, slowly reaching your fingers up and unhooking his belt, his hand moving to help you unbutton his dress pants and zip them down, giving you the access to slide your hand right between his boxers to wrap your fingers completely around his dick.
jake quietly gasped at the feeling of your skin against his, slowly bucking his hips upwards to fuck himself in your hand. the both of you biting down onto your lips to suppress your moans and gasps from the other church goers from hearing. you’ve never been so happy to be in the last row of pews and in the far corner out of eyes reach. you squeezed his shaft tighter with each movement, spreading his precum with your thumb over the head each time you hit the top of of cock. jake pushed his fingers in knuckles deep in you, curling them up with every push, hitting your weak spot. both you and jake knew you wouldn’t last long. you clenched around his fingers and his cock twitched in your hold. both seeing stars as you both came together, making a mess in his nice church slacks and you soaking the cushions of the pew. god jake couldn’t wait until next sunday.
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hope you enjoyed this anon <3 wrote it just for you pookie
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vaspider · 8 months
Feisty Lady Anger and other things about me you hate
My mother prizes her anger, for all that she doesn't express it openly. I tell stories about her spiteful, steel-spined responses to people who told her, "You can't do that," and I point to them as Why I Am How I Am. Her father told her he wouldn't pay for her college because "women only go to earn the MRS degree," and she could "get married and have babies" without college. In response, Mom got her bachelor's in Mathematics in 1970 on her own dime, back in the days when in-state students didn't pay tuition at state schools (just another thing Reagan ruined). She worked and paid for her books and housing, got her degree, paid for her own wedding because he wouldn't do that either. Taught school, got her Master's, had three kids, started her Ph.D. with 3 under 6 and became a professor when the youngest was 5.
Tell me I can't, my mom told the world, and I'll show you that I can. I won't just do it, I'll become a department head and a Distinguished Professor and retire after 30 years of teaching other math teachers with a list of achievements as long as my arm.
There is an anger that runs deep in the women in my family. Tell me I can't, and I'll show you I can. Show me injustice and I'll tear at it with my teeth and hands, staring you down while I do. Backwards and in heels.
I can't tell you the moment I crossed out of Feisty Lady Anger in the eyes of the people close to me, but I can tell you the moment I noticed. Maybe it was when my voice started dropping or the growing muscles on my shoulders pulled my stance more square and upright. Maybe it was when I moved from they/them to he/they, and somehow I stepped from Diet Woman to Too Close To Man in their eyes.
It's a funny thing when all of a sudden your anger becomes real enough to be startling to people. Your anger is no longer feisty, charming, and attractive. This thing that people liked about you, that people who say they love you said they loved about you, suddenly becomes frightening, upsetting, and terrible. The way you didn't let people mow over you and fought back used to be a thing that people admired. It was actively attractive. It was one of your best qualities.
Now? It's ugly. It's disgusting. It's scary. The thing you were is gone, and now your anger is real to them.
It's in that moment that the blade cuts back towards you. You realize the reason your squared shoulders and set jaw drew people in couldn't be squared with the stubble on that jaw or the newfound strength in your arms. Feisty Lady Anger isn't real, not in the way a man's anger is real. Feisty Lady Anger is admirable, sure, but it is admirable because of its essential ineffectual nature. At most, Feisty Lady Anger fixes minor problems for the kids at school, gets the principal to back down from scolding your child when she politely asks the kid calling her a faggot on the bus if he knows what that really means, pushes a woman to achieve for her family, in appropriately neutered ways.
When you stop pretending to be a woman and become who you really are, when your anger becomes real, you realize both that the thing about you that people loved is gone and that this thing was attractive in the first place because of its ineffectiveness. Your anger wasn't scary because it wasn't real enough to be threatening.
Now you have Man Anger, and, you're told, you should apologize for that. It doesn't matter if it's the same anger you've always had, or that you're angry about the same things. It comes now in baritone, with belly hair and bellowing, and now it's both real and disgusting.
The worst part is watching it come from people you thought should know better, the people who should understand. You spent nearly 40 years being told to sit down and shut up because the men in your professional career were speaking, assured that if you just waited your turn, you'd be given a place to speak eventually, and now here you are being told within a community that claims to love and understand you, by people that claim to be in community with you and love who you are, that you actually don't have any real problems to speak about, also your Man Anger and Man Privilege (when do I get that, please?) are Scary and mean you should sit down and wait, and you'll be given a place to speak eventually.
It is the Transmasculine Catch-22: if you become Man Enough to no longer fit into Almost Lady, your anger becomes Real, which makes you realize that your anger wasn't Real before, but because it's Real now, you're not allowed to have it. And by the way, you're not allowed to be neither Man or Lady - now you're Man Enough, and that makes it all the more clear how you were simply Kirkland Signature Lady right up until the point you weren't.
There will be a few people who Fucking Get It, who don't see you as either a Failed Lady or a Broken Man, and you'll love those people all the more for their rarity. It won't take the sting out of realizing that the things people you love loved about you before now disgust and repel them, but it'll make it enough to keep going.
You couldn't stop, anyway. You've never felt more yourself, and the people who don't love you, the actual you, the real you... the loss of that hurts, but not nearly as much as the idea of pretending to be something else did.
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p-perkeys · 1 year
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s0fter-sin · 1 month
retired ghoap going on a renovation competition show
ghost takes over the budget and he's ruthless with it; tracking every paint swatch and piece of lumber down to the last cent, haggling for every purchase and making the most of their coupons. soap's in charge of design; he can visualise floor plans better than anyone, seeing the completed spaces in his mind when they’re little more than a steel shell
they run their site like a military base, treating their builders like rookies; expecting them to follow orders but also waiting for them to inevitably mess up so they can fix it
they're an immediate shock to the judges; they fully expected them to have no idea what they're doing, to have no understanding of style or trends, but they didn't sign up just for shits and giggles
they know how to hit a brief and can do physical labour faster than the actual builders. with soap's discerning eye and ghost's practically, they design gorgeous rooms and become a real threat for the prize money. they handle the stress and sleepless nights like it's second nature bc really, it is; a few all nighters painting are nothing compared to being shot at
they also take great joy in messing with the other couples
it takes a while for them to figure out they're even married; they argue like it's going out of fashion, never holding their opinions or frustrations back but it's their love language as much as their banter. you can hear them barking at each other from across the site; callsigns and “It” and “sergeant” thrown around just like in the field
the challenges are where they have the most fun
the day to day? that's work; they're strict, both with themselves and the schedule, never letting anything fall behind or go incompleted. but the challenges? that's play time. they love pushing the brief, toeing the line of the rules purely bc they can
they get to a two part art challenge and ghost's scheming before before the host even opens their mouth. part one? one half of the couple has to design some kind of art piece that will feature in their house. part two? the other person has to gather supplies and tools and make the art
there's a time limit for how long they can take to gather the supplies; once it's up, they can't go back for more and they can only use what they can carry themselves to their station. they're in a warehouse filled with scrap and paint and tools, the choices almost overwhelming
ghost politely interrupts the host to ask for a clarification; absolutely anything in the warehouse can be used so long as they can carry it?
the host confirms; anything under the roof is their's to use
ghost thanks them and steps back in line, standing at attention and waiting for round one to start
ghost volunteers to be the one to do the art, shocking everyone since soap is well known as the artist of the two of them. but soap sees the mischief in his eyes; he knows he's up to something and can't wait to see where it goes
the timer starts and ghost immediately shucks his hoodie and gets to grabbing; stuffing the impromptu bag with everything he recognises from soap's own supplies. there's seconds to go when he bolts for soap, throwing him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry
the other couples are pissed and call it cheating, trying to get them disqualified
ghost just shrugs, soap still over his shoulder, "they said we can use anything we can carry. i followed the brief"
soap just laughs like a mad man
they win the challenge by a landslide
everything's going smoothly, they've won enough room reveals that they’re in a good financial position, they’re ahead in their current room and in a great headspace
then soap gets injured
it's an honest mistake, a part of the roof they thought was stable collapsing and hitting soap
and ghost, always calm and in control, panics
he's on the other side of the site when he hears soap cry out and goes running; shoving past cameramen and builders, screaming to know what happened before he even sees him. he finds soap on the ground, blood dripping from his temple and it's too familiar; a thing he sees in his nightmares
he doesn't know what to do with all his fear so instead, he channels it into anger
he goes off on all his builders, demanding to know how they could be so useless and careless as to miss the unstable roof; screaming at them in a way he hasn't done since he was on active duty, tearing down a rookie for poor trigger management
all the while, his gentle hands tend to soap; checking the wound, if he's concussed, soothing him before he can slip into a flashback of his own. he growls at the cameras, doesn't let the onsite medics anywhere near him; he doesn't know them, doesn't trust them with his johnny. it's only soap's gentle convincing that makes him step back, that forces him to stop and breathe; glaring the medics down from soap's side as they check him and come to the same conclusion soap already reached
he'll be iust fine; a few stitches and he'll be right back in it
ghost goes with him to the hospital to get the stitches laid, abandoning the site to their terrified builders to look after. it takes a few days before he can handle them being separated again, can't even handle one of them going shopping while the other site manages
but soap doesn't begrudge him for his clinginess, not when he knows it's rooted in the fear of losing him. he just keeps him close and calls him his good luck charm when they win the room reveal that week
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varyathevillain · 1 year
no joke but what I really want for Buddy Daddies as a fandom is to make fanart and fanfic post present time ep12 where Rei wears an arm orthosis when working.
I think varied disability aids being represented would be fantastic, and personally would write Rei as someone being deeply proud of something he's done for his family, but also understanding with time that using an orthosis also helps him at work and in raising Miri. with a giant portion of mobility/motorics aids being represented by prosthetics, seeing more variety and exploring it in fiction would also help making a step in normalising disability treatments.
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asterwild · 6 months
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The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a small marsupial with a big reputation. They have one of the highest bite forces relative to body size of any mammal. Though they're primarily scavengers they will also hunt fresh meat, and often consume the entirety of their prey, bones and all.
Tasmanian devils are considered endangered. The biggest current threat is Devil Facial Tumor Disease, a contagious cancer first identified in 1996. Vehicular strikes, dogs, and hunting and trapping have also played a role in depleting devil populations.
Beginning in 2020, Tasmanian devil reintroduction has begun in mainland Australia, where they had been absent for over 3,000 years.
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creaturefeaster · 2 months
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making up for the fact that i didnt color like i wanted to the other day, by still not really coloring but drawing more. 🖤🦜
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nondelphic · 20 days
i started writing a fantasy novel, and now i’m deep in researching medieval politics like i’m running for office in the 13th century.
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
just had this thought of lily as a lit student volunteering at her local library and barty as this delinquent being assigned to do community service there. like she starts off with a bit of a ‘oh this poor criminal, i must save him’ mindset and then is constantly frustrated by barty as it’s clear that he just. doesn’t want to be saved. and he’ll deliberately mess up the book organisation systems and try to scam people by fining them when their books are nowhere near overdue so he can keep the money for himself. and lily is running around after him, huffing as she loudly puts the books back in their proper places, whacking him round the back of the head when she catches him trying to scam some old man. she’s screaming at him in the back room, leaning over him as he sits back unbothered on one of the chairs, shoving her finger in his face but he just grins and tries to bite it so she’s whacking him again and storming out bc he’s just SO infuriating. but then somehow he’s also going in depth with her about the motivations of iago in othello and whether the tragedy can be blamed entirely on him or if society itself plays a part in the plot’s development or animatedly discussing keats’ ode to a nightingale and the concept of negative capability and how it relates to the body. and she’s just completely fascinated by him, she wants to analyse him like one of the texts from her classes, she thinks she could write essay upon essay about his view of the world and the way his brain works and the tattoo she can always see just poking out of the top of his collar. and now she’s missing deadlines bc she wants to spend time w him, and laughing as he knocks over an entire bookshelf while trying to tell her about the book he’s just read, and really he doesn’t want to be saved but maybe he’s saving her instead…
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toads-treasures · 2 months
I reblog a lot of “write it cringey! Lean in! Who cares if it’s bad!” for someone who will cry if I think It’s Bad
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mtndw-whteout · 4 months
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TEEBUS !!! god damn is this guy traumatized !!!!
Also moar lore
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goldenhypen · 11 months
⋆。⠐ happy ✧。♡
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✴︎。⠐ birthday ⠐⚬⋅。
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⋅。⠐ to the kindest cutest most loving cheerful hard working greatest prettiest handsomest funniest hottest jakey sim 🦭 ⚬♡⋅。
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⎯ ⋅ ♡ ⋅ ⎯
jake, my love and admiration for you go beyond words. thank you for blessing me with so much joy and love in my life. you’re an inspiration to so many and i’m so grateful for you and incredibly proud of where you are and who you’ve become. and you deserve all the best things, or at least to have the best birthday of your life this year <3 eat well and celebrate lots my love <3 i love you and happy birthday <33
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lilbitofmac · 2 years
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There are no strings on me… or so I think.
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heartofalifer · 6 months
sometimes I lay at night thinking what exactly did daisy write in the description of alec hardy's tinder profile and what pictures did she use that made her think that could get women to swipe right on him. was it selfies? was it candid photos she took? was alec wearing that blue jumper on and reading a paper with his legs crossed in the photos? I need to know
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Bolas fans have such a superiority complex, they have done nothing wrong, they're the best, they did the most for their team...
They are so toxic and spreading such disgusting misinfo about soulfire just to up bolas that it makes me sick
You are free to hype up your team, to make content for it, to appreciate new ccs discovering them
But you can't do it to by criticizing soulfire( it literally nullifies the good stuff), you can't say that nobody did content for soulfire, you simply never saw it because you never looked for it because you were stuck in you bolas bubble full of people just has toxic has you conforting you in your behavior, we're not mad at ccs discovering bolas we're mad at the fans to immediately redo the old competition and pick up the atrocious behavior and erasing everything that blue went through
Bolas was literally the worst team in term of behavior, they were the only ones to grieve bases and burn people stuff for the sake of it, to make it impossible for the others to play ( exemple: the bounty stuff ), they also took advantage of the rules but when it's soulfire the world is falling on your heads no? Omg bad killed the red on the first day, well that costed him his whole purgatory experience because of fans and he constantly had to hold back on what he wanted to do and he still got hate. The meta gaming allegations are a goddam joke i don't even need to talk about it, the biggest argument of red fans is that they were only half the team....
Have we watched the same event? Blue was max 3 persons on a good day and when someone tried to connect they would get killed by red before they could even understand the event ( people love to say blue lived in reds base but red did the same for the old blue base don't be hypocrite), while red had EVERYDAY like 5 people on at the same time and at the end of the day which was the best advantage ever
Red weren't victims, and I'm tired of people saying that it was the case. Open your eyes and see. Both teams were awful, and that was the objective of this event, I only wrote about bad red things because this is addressed to red fans.
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