thornethistlebriar · 3 years
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Little spiritual haul at the book store
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thornethistlebriar · 4 years
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Collecting my ribbon, herbs, candles, and a few other magical items to place them in this cherry wooden box that was made for me.
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thornethistlebriar · 5 years
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This rock totem was created when a friend and me were taking a calming walk through this creek bed.
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thornethistlebriar · 6 years
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This candle is to help aid a sister witch heal from something that has caused her great strife. With this candle may she heal by the flame of life.
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thornethistlebriar · 6 years
Here listening to the water flow and seeing how it relaxes me in the chaos all around me.
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thornethistlebriar · 6 years
Dig deep beneath the gray rubble,
Picking piece by piece up,
From the runes of this ancient temple.
When none is left let rain pour,
Watering and nourishment the ground.
Bursting through the soil a bright green bud,
Gradually increasing in size and shape,
Finally one day blooming into this purple golden lotus.
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thornethistlebriar · 6 years
Magical Lemon Cake
This is just a simple lemon cake from a mix with a little touch of magic blended in. You will prepare the mix just as the box States but instead of oil you will substitute butter for it. Take a pinch of crushed mint and add it to the mix. You will ant to mix the ingredients in a deasil or clockwise fashion. When you pour the batter into a pan take a fork and run curves through the batter. Now let it cook until done. Now icing the cake with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle some nutmeg over the top. Now enjoy.
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thornethistlebriar · 6 years
Room Protection
Take four small bowls place within them some sea salt, crushed basil leaves, and a bay leaf. Then sit each bowl in a corner of your room it will help guard against unwanted spirits or energies. 
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
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Witch is a Witch regardless of gender or sexuality
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
New Year 2018
I brought in the new year by working and ended up leaving a little after midnight. As I walked home I had this energy pulsing through me that was giving me some personal insight about what I wanted for this year. I came up with the word I want to achieve this year and the term I have determined for myself is Empowerment. I plan on using this term in all aspects of my life from my work, personal, and my spiritual sides.
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
Happy Yule
This year Yule feels different as I realize this time isn't about material stuff but about family, friends and loved ones. I celebrated today by making some holiday treats and counting my blessings.
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
Blessed be the male witch,
The one that seeks to find his inner warrior,
The one that takes cover in the forest,
The one that writes melodies,
The one that nurtures those around,
The one that brightens the stars,
The one that calms fears,
The one that creates life,
The one that burns like a phoenix,
The one that punishes wrongdoers,
The one that accepts his truth,
The one that awakens the spirit,
For each of us a travel a separate path,
But we all have the same fire burning within.
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
Personal Blessing Oil
Items Require: glass bottle with stopper olive oil rosemary lavender oil sea salt pieces of your hair
First, you will want to place sea salt and rosemary into a mortar and pestle. You will want to grind them up into they turn into a powder. Place the olive oil into the glass bottle. Add the powder into it. Now you will want to add a few drops of lavender oil. Next, you will want to place the hair in it. Place the topper on it and shake it about five times to mix all ingredients. You will want to shake this oil every other day for two weeks. A little note that you can do is speak a blessing into the bottle as well.
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
Nature My Grounder
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My connection to nature has grown here lately since become a witch. Before I didn't have much of a connection growing up because I was a studious type that watched television and read a lot. I discovered that locating places that were out there in a natural setting was a way for me to rekindle something that I thought I had never had. Going to places like the photo above allow me to travel to a place that helps me dissolve my current issues in my life. Being out in nature is a way for me to clear my head. Nature is there aiding my body back to a state that is grounded in this world from the pulsing beat that is carried in the water, the trees, the wind, the air, the rocks and within the earth herself. I challenge my fellow witches to go find your spot in nature and discover what nature is for yourselves.
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
Happy Halloween
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thornethistlebriar · 7 years
True magic is neither black, nor white - it's both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life keeps a balance on its own
The Craft (1996)
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