tobiasbotte · 2 days
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really helpful technique ^ once you know how to divide by halves and thirds it makes drawing evenly spaced things in perspective waaay easier:
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tobiasbotte · 2 days
idk man but something about Stanley "taught himself extremely advance physics/math/probably many other things while running a relatively successful business" Pines and Stanford "is wanted in almost every dimension with a judicial system of some kind" Pines is sooo fucking funny to me
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tobiasbotte · 20 days
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tobiasbotte · 22 days
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tobiasbotte · 25 days
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tobiasbotte · 4 months
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tobiasbotte · 4 months
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Imperial passport of Kublai Khan “I am the emissary of the Khan. If you defy me, you die.” 1240 A.D. [886x960]
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tobiasbotte · 5 months
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tobiasbotte · 5 months
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tobiasbotte · 5 months
nasa: we're going to shoot three rockets directly at the sun during the total eclipse. for study and research purposes.
me: oh cool
nasa: we have named the rockets apep. this stands for atmospheric perturbations [in the] eclipse path.
me: oh cool
nasa: apep is also the ancient egyptian deity of chaos and darkness, who ceaselessly seeks to extinguish the sun. we launch these rockets directly at the sun in the name of apep.
me: oh... cool?
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tobiasbotte · 6 months
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My comic to @recovery-zine <3 ❤
I drew it two years ago and my style has changed a little but I'm still really proud of this piece, I'm happy I can finally show it ❤!
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tobiasbotte · 6 months
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tobiasbotte · 6 months
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from twitter user deejaygeejaygee
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tobiasbotte · 7 months
I heard the news last night. I spent a good chunk of today processing it. And a not so good chunk of it crying.
I cannot even begin to express how much of my childhood was touched by Akira Toriyama's work.
My dad introduced me and my little brother to Goku and his wild adventures. We'd budge up against him on the couch and cheer as Goku beat the bad guys, and gained new friends.
We'd go to the mall, to FYE, and hunt down the next VHS (yeah, I'm old) in the series, grab bourbon chicken before we left. We'd bounce around, waiting for Dad to pop in the next tape, and chant, "Last time on Dragon Ball Z—"
My brother and I would recreate the fights in the yard as best we could with our gangly, clumsy limbs. Occasionally, we'd take it a smidge too far, and someone would wind up in tears. Oops.
My dad and I would discuss our favorite scenes, what we thought would happen next, who the best bad guys were, who his greatest allies were. Goku was my main hero, but as I got older, Vegeta and his gosh darn redemption arc stole my heart.
I have a lot of memories surrounding this show.
Dragon Ball was the first anime I'd ever seen in my life, and it blew my tiny little mind.
Thank you, Akira Toriyama, for giving me something wonderful, something I always come back to.
'Scuse me, I have to go cry a bit more, fuck—
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tobiasbotte · 7 months
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tobiasbotte · 7 months
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tobiasbotte · 7 months
a late entry, but heavy contender for tik tok of the year
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