tonari-no-kaguya · 6 years
Please help raise awareness, or better yet offer help to the people of Greece!
This fucking site: hey net neutrality is about to die :((( please help us :(((( boost and rb everything you see even if you’re not American :((((((((( we’ll have no wifi :(((((( we need you!!!! :((((
Non-Americans: okay
Non-Americans: hey greece is basically on fire, 150 people are wounded, 53 are killed and our nature is being destroyed. we’re suspecting arson. can you please reblog some posts and help spread awareness?
This fucking site:
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tonari-no-kaguya · 6 years
I want this and I want it directed by Taika Waititi
marvel where’s my ten minute video of thor teaching earth etiquette to the asgardians???
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tonari-no-kaguya · 6 years
Actually if you have debilitating cramps while still in your teens it’s definitely worth consulting a doctor! Endometriosis is more commonly diagnosed in people in their 20s but that’s largely due to people not recognizing the symptoms early in life, and it can be diagnosed while in your teens. Same for PCOS.
Shit No One Told Me About My Period
I knew the basics before I got it, but I had no clue…
* The blood wouldn’t necessarily be red. When I first got my period, I spent a few min looking at my underwear wondering how I shit myself. I didn’t know the blood could look brown, or be thick.
* That tampons weren’t a good idea yet. I was 10 or 11 when I got my first period and physically smaller than an adult woman. My first attempt at inserting a tampon was very painful and unsuccessful. I wouldn’t use them until I was around 14 or so.
* That when you use pads the blood can get on your bottom and I’d have to occasionally clean off the toilet seat after using it.
* That getting your first period DOES NOT mean you’re fully developed and fully able to bear children. I could have technically gotten pregnant at that age, but I was still a child and pregnancy would have put my life in danger because I was still physically immature.
* That it wouldn’t be regular for another few years.
* That very painful cramping is NOT NORMAL once you reach your 20s and is cause for concern.
* That the blood and tissue you pass can look chunky or stringy and not like blood from a cut.
* That stress can halt your period for months BUT
* That doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant
Feel free to add your own
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
Psychology Server on Discord
Interested in psychology? Currently studying it? Neurodivergent yourself? Here’s a new server dedicated to psychology and mental health discussions! We aim to be a positive and judgment-free zone, all are welcome!
Link below:
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
Caillou is a little shit, poor Rosie didn’t do anything wrong.
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
Lmao my main OC is a 16 year old male Iberian Neanderthal with bright red hair and freckles. Like none of this is drawn from my life and my wants, if anything he’s most inspired by/based off of Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke.
i realised that people’s main OC (excluding like, sonas obviously) is almost always a reflection of themselves, something that allows them to vent their insecurities or be a vessel for what they wish they could be, and it becomes incredibly easy to find out things about a person by looking at their OC
probably an obvious fact but ive been thinking about it
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
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the donald trump animatronic at disneyland’s hall of presidents looks like they made an animatronic for hillary, went “oh fuck” and stretched a hastily-made donald trump skin over hillary’s facial structure 
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
Hey Catblr and Petblr
So I need advice on something that I keep having doubts about. My 15 year old Maine Coon is ill, and we unfortunately don’t know how much time is left.
He‘s had thyroid problems and IBS for a few years, which we were able to manage with medication and an altered diet. However he’s been losing weight rapidly and started having bloody diarrhea about a few weeks ago. Our vet suggested putting him on a steroid to help the inflammation in his gut, but discovered that he’s also developed a heart murmur. We’ve started having the euthanasia discussion but a part of me just worries that I’m being hasty or that it’ll seem like I just “didn’t want to deal with him.” He still has some good days and he’s ravenous, but the appetite is likely due to his illness.
So could it be time to say goodbye?
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
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Ana de Armas in Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
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The best <3
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
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My current study help aesthetic
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
This scene broke my heart
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I wish we had more time.
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
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Comic I made based on personal experiences. Never really made comics before :/
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
Absolute beauties
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Brown hyena and leopard skull.
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
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Dream Daddy kids PT1
(Free to use, pls cred me if u do!)
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
The worst trick a childhood anxiety disorder pulls is, you spend your early years being applauded for being so much more mature than your peers, because you aren’t disruptive, you don’t want any kind of attention, you don’t express yourself, you keep yourself to yourself - this makes you a pleasure to have in class, etc etc - and you start to believe it’s virtue. But you’re actually way behind your peers in normal social development, and who knows if you can ever catch up.
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tonari-no-kaguya · 7 years
Bisexuals in committed monogamous relationships have not chosen a “side,” they have chosen a person.
Thank you and have a blessed day.
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