transform2bliss · 4 years
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transform2bliss · 4 years
Srimad Bhagavad Gita Recitation - Chapter 2/18
In this Episode, the contents of Srimad Bhagavad Gita is summarised. When Arjuna decided not to fight and Lord Krishna gave him words of wisdom for performing duties. Krishna also explained about properties of soul and what are the important traits of yogi. 
Be sure to like, share and subscribe to the podcast and stay connected. 
Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 4 years
Srimad Bhagavad Gita - Introduction and Chapter 1 Recitation
Srimad Bhagavad Gita is well known as the perfect Life Coaching Manual.
Under these testing times across the globe  either we can chose to be bewildered about the situation or we can take it as opportunity to stay safe and work for our transformation. 
This episode is introduction and recitation of first chapter of Srimad Bhagavad Gita which shows the setting up the scene before Gita was recited by Lord Krishna himself. 
We will be bringing complete recitation of Srimad Bhagavad Gita subsequently. Be sure to subscribe, Like and Share the podcast show.
Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
How to Chant OM Correctly!
This podcast episode is regarding how to chant OM correctly. This also includes scientific benefits and reasons for chanting OM. 
  Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Science Behind Chanting of Mantra
This Podcast explains the scientific reason behind chanting of Mantra. Linked through evolution of the universe. 
Through chanting with full love and compassion one can shift their frequency to the highest level to feel the bliss.
Be Sure to subscribe, like and share the work!
Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Why am I not losing weight?
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I regularly go to gym, still I am not losing weight?
I take care of my diet, still I am not losing weight?
I visit my dietitian regularly, still I am not losing weight?
I do not eat much, still I am not losing weight?
Do you also have similar concerns or questions in your mind?
Understanding the concern – The Psychological way
Where the Focus goes, energy flows and result follows.
It is very…
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Defeating Coronavirus - The Psychological way.
Defeating Coronavirus – The Psychological way.
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Stop overthinking to avoid attracting any virus towards you.
If you are contemplating on Coronavirus, any other virus or anything in this life. You are definitely attracting it towards you. That’s the law of this universe which is also known as Law of attraction.
Be mindful and maintain hygiene to enjoy health and better lifestyle, Not to avoid health issues.
You will receive what you…
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transform2bliss · 5 years
People having GOD by their side suffers the most
People having GOD by their side suffers the most
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I believe in God, But still suffering in my life, WHY?
People who believes that god is with them, actually tend to create a lot of mess around their life.
Suffering of God himself
We have been listening through many mythological stories or from the scriptures regarding incarnations of God. Let’s go back to the period of Tretayuga(one of the four yugas or ages of mankind as per Hinduism).
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Miracles through Prayer of Gratitude & Forgiveness
Miracles through Prayer of Gratitude & Forgiveness
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“Forgiveness is for breakdown maintenance and Gratitude is for preventive maintenance.”
It unlocks the doors of wisdom and bliss.
The ultimate aim of human being is to stay happy, remain blissful. This is the true nature of our soul – To stay happy.It’s unfortunate that we keep searching for happiness from outside world, in material things. In this race of life we tend to forget our true nature…
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Hidden secrets of "Arjuna's Chariot" for life coaching
Hidden secrets of "Arjuna's Chariot" for life coaching
“Those who meditate on Gita will derive fresh joy and new meaning from it every day.”
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Arjuna’s Chariot Description of Arjuna’s Chariot
The description of the chariot used by Arjuna in the battlefield of Mahabharata is mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1, Verse 20
अथ व्यवस्थितान्दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वज: | प्रवृत्ते शस्त्रसम्पाते धनुरुद्यम्य पाण्डव: | हृषीक…
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transform2bliss · 5 years
How to curb Overthinking of your mind.
How to curb Overthinking of your mind.
Reference for Solution from Srimad Bhagavad Gita | Guided Meditation Technique
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In 60 seconds, you are bombarded with more than 20 million chunks of information. But you can absorb around 124 chunks of information within that duration.
It’s in nature of your conscious mind to Delete, Distort and Generalisethe information being received. However, this is also accompanied by the concerns…
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Guided Meditation Technique to help you becoming Stress Free
Whenever the negative emotions and thoughts are troubling you, This guided meditation technique will help you releasing the negativity from you mind. It is recommended to listen to the audio and follow the instruction as it is while at home. 
Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Medication to Meditation. All You need to know.
Medication to Meditation. All You need to know.
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“From MediCation to MediTation. The journey from “C” to “T”: from change to transformation.” – Tarun Sharma
Choice is yours
Why Medication to Meditation?
Let’s say that a person is suffering from depression and understand that how medication will help that person and how meditation will help that person.
Impact of Medication
Depression is a condition where the person lives in the past.…
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Let’s understand and build a bridge between science and spirituality.
This episode explains how science and spirituality are connected to each other. An effort to build a bridge between science and spirituality.
Understanding Law of Thermodynamics and Verse from Srimad Bhagavad Gita. 
Know what is spirituality, how science is connected to it.
Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Go! Find your Purpose of Life - Now
In case you need approval from someone else, You are yet to find out your purpose of life.
This episode explains why it is necessary to find out your purpose of life. 
Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Introduction to Discover Yourself Podcast Show
In case you are searching for something on Life Coaching. Your search ends here.
Hey everyone! My name is Tarun Sharma and I am on a mission to provide solutions for Emotional and Behaviour related concerns through holistic wellness approach that includes your Mind, Body and Soul. 
I feel very fortunate to have realised my purpose of life and I can help in realising your's. Join me on this beautiful journey of life. 
  Check out this episode!
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transform2bliss · 5 years
Science and Spirituality - The Connection
Science and Spirituality – The Connection
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The universe is a single atom; the convergence of science and spirituality.
Dalai Lama
Whenever there is a talk on spirituality, most of the time we feel that it is related to some particular religion and maintain confused state of mind. It’s need of the hour to discuss and remove the confusion between science and spirituality.
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”
Isaac Newton
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