transonline1 · 10 years
My boyfriend wants to identify as female. He doesn't have the money to transition right now, and it's really bringing him down. He's mentioned suicide a few times. I really want him to be happy.. Do you have any advice on what I can say or do?
Your question has been answered on the new blog, but here it is as well:"
That’s a tough situation, anon. Firstly, try your best to call her by her correct pronouns at all times. And make sure to call her your girlfriend, not your boyfriend. You’ll probably mess up a few times at first, but it’ll become easier to slip into after a while.
Make sure to supply her with all sorts of help, like online trans forums (i.e. Laura’s Playground) and suicide hotlines, just in case.
Always tell her that she’s beautiful, and that there will always be people out there for her who can help and support her. Tell her she’s loved, and make her feel as such. If you’re comfortable with it, help her become more feminine. You can help her learn to do her makeup, go dress shopping with her, all that. You don’t have to physically transition to pass, which is something you should help her to keep in mind.
I know that whenever I feel upset about my physical sex, I dress up and play around with my voice to make it lower. She could make hers higher with practice, and do a lot of things to make herself more feminine without the surgery.
Best of luck,
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transonline1 · 10 years
The blog has been remade!
Yes, as you can see, the url has changed. The new one is the exact same as it was: transonline.tumblr.com
Now that it's properly made (*Cough*Trickster shouldn't be allowed to do anything on his own*Cough*) this blog will actually be active. Any messages we have currently will be answered over there, so make sure to go follow. Sorry about that, hope to see y'all there!
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transonline1 · 10 years
Do you have a list of non-tumblr trans resources?
A couple, but really it depends on what you mean by "resources".
I know a couple of forums online, some YouTube channels, and a couple of study results, depending on what you're looking for.
Would you mind telling me what kind of resources you're looking for, anon? It's hard to give you any unless I know.
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transonline1 · 10 years
The blog is... moving?
Well, see, here's the thing. Rory and I are incapable of doing things, so the blog is being shifted into Mod Moose's care so that he can help us function. I'll have updates on where it's going in the near future, and once it moves the blog will be officially active. ~Trickster
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transonline1 · 10 years
Okay so my college writing teacher (currently a grad student) is agender and doesn't know what they want as a prefix. They don't like Mx/Mixter nor do they like zie, and I'm trying to help them find a better prefix to use until they become Dr. Andrew. What are some other prefixes for them to use when they're in the classroom?
There are lots of pronouns!
Zir, mer, hir, sey, and mur are a few.
If they're comfortable with it, prefixes such as "captain" or "professor" could be used as well.
I'm sorry, I'm really not the best at these kinds of pronouns :/ Being solely "he" means I never really had to look around. I'll try to get Rory to come and answer as well. ~Trickster
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transonline1 · 10 years
Can you please explain to me what agender is?
"Agender" refers to someone who feels that they are without a gender, or someone who feels as if they are a neutral gender (usually these people use "gender neutral" or "neutrois").
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transonline1 · 10 years
What's bigender?
"Bigender" is when someone identifies with two genders. Some bigender people feel like they are their two genders all the time, 24/7, and other bigender people can switch between the two of them (not to be confused with genderfluid people, who can move up and down the gender spectrum and be an array of genders all at once).
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transonline1 · 10 years
Offering Trans Help
Hello everyone, Mod Trickster is online and awaiting questions or submissions. He's tried his best to become knowledgeable on as many trans identities as he's been able to find, but his specialty is on MtF, FtM, Genderfluid, and demiboy/girl things. If you would like to know about anything in this categories, or maybe about sexualities in general, come and ask Trickster. You can also leave questions for the other mods, or if Trickster doesn't quite know the answer to something he'll leave it for another mod.
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transonline1 · 10 years
Mod Rory is online so if you have any questions or anything like that. just drop an ask in the askbox.
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transonline1 · 10 years
Leave Questions!
Trickster's going to work in a bit, but when he comes home in a few hours he'll be responding to whatever's in the inbox. Unless you say it's for a different mod, obviously.
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transonline1 · 10 years
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New Comic!
Pronouns, right? Super weird little lexical referents. 
My site moved to a new host, so everything should be better now! Everything -  my site, my comic, my life, my cats, my cooking, my sex. Everything. 
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transonline1 · 10 years
I’ve been getting lots of questions on Genderqueer Identities in regards to coming out lately. I continue to welcome questions, but I would also like to make a masterpost of resources I tend to recommend to people - this is a work in progress. Please note, you should not feel...
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transonline1 · 10 years
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Gender posters 1/2
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transonline1 · 10 years
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transonline1 · 10 years
Mod Trickster's Online
Mod Trickster is online even though he really should be doing an English essay that was due last week. So take advantage of him! (Not in that way.)
Ask - Submit - Check out the Trans Challenges
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transonline1 · 10 years
it’s okay to be genderfluid but usually a girl
it’s okay to be genderfluid but usually a boy
it’s okay to be agender one day and bigender the next
it’s okay to not identify as any specific gender
it’s okay to keep your gender to yourself
your gender is your own goddamn business
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transonline1 · 10 years
this is a post for every person w gender issues ever
one day you’ll find the pronouns and name and clothing and niche that fits u comfortably
until then,and whether you have or haven’t, you’re a lovely lovely person and you deserve happiness
there’s nothing wrong with you
and nothin’ wrong with experimenting
and nothing wrong with changing your mind
and people love u
and u love people
and i hope the world is good to you because you deserve it
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