ts3kate · 6 years
TS3 on Windows 10?
Okay I come back with another basic question...
Does The Sims 3 work and run smoothly on Windows 8 and 10? I've been using Windows 7 for years but now I'm really in need of a new laptop and an old system (like W 7) is really out of the question :/
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ts3kate · 6 years
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Pizza with a VIEW! <3
Made possible thanks to @mspoodle1 (yes yes I can’t thank you enough!)
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ts3kate · 6 years
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Pizza with a VIEW! <3
Made possible thanks to @mspoodle1 (yes yes I can't thank you enough!)
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ts3kate · 6 years
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Sooo Colosseum has been successfully placed thanks to the awesome @mspoodle1 ! The Trevi Fountain is also here! I really missed having a romantic secluded retreat like the one I had on my pier so after the construction of the fountain was completed I gathered a few chairs and tables (although there’s no place to order a drink, let alone a plate of pasta!) and put them nearby (the fountain faces the city wall so it’s indeed secluded! I like to think that the town has his hidden treasures and you need to wander around to find them!)
For some reason the game didn’t allow me to make a big fountain so the water is actually in the pool… let’s hope no Sims will try to swim in it! *praying*
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ts3kate · 6 years
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Sooo Colosseum has been successfully placed thanks to the awesome @mspoodle1 ! The Trevi Fountain is also here! I really missed having a romantic secluded retreat like the one I had on my pier so after the construction of the fountain was completed I gathered a few chairs and tables (although there’s no place to order a drink, let alone a plate of pasta!) and put them nearby (the fountain faces the city wall so it's indeed secluded! I like to think that the town has his hidden treasures and you need to wander around to find them!)
For some reason the game didn’t allow me to make a big fountain so the water is actually in the pool… let’s hope no Sims will try to swim in it! *praying*
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ts3kate · 6 years
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Alright important question guys! I need your help!
I'm rebuilding Monte Vista and I SOOO wanted to have a pizzeria with a view on Colosseum. And to have Colosseum on the hill (as it would make much more sense than having it in the valley and also because some famous amphotheatres were built on hills/slopes) in one of 2 places - where the city hall (I guess?) or the cementary stands. The trouble here is that Colosseum is a big object (because it's a stadium) and can't be placed on either lot and what's worse, you can't delete the lots and put bigger ones because the terrain around is unroutable (?).
Can it be changed in CAW mode? Or do you know other (easier) ways to fix it?
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ts3kate · 6 years
Week off
After being so unexpectedly active in the community (3 posts in 2 days!) I'm gonna disappear again... but only for a week! I'm leaving for holidays outside the EU so it means no free internet connection (I guess no WiFi either) so I might need to catch up with all that's going to happen during the next 7 days after I return. And I will!
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ts3kate · 6 years
Pass the happy! 💙 When you get this reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications 😊
1. A good meal is always a wonderful mood enhancer! Especially if you’re accompanied by special people - love dining out with my friends! 2. Again, I’m not going to be original here but my dog never fails to make my heart melt.3. Music - listening to my favourite songs and pieces, playing the piano (and the guitar! I started learning it this summer) and composing a bit.4. Spending time with my grandparents - I used to have a troubled relationship with my parents and my grandmas had (and still have) a benign influence on me.5. Sudden and unexpected kindness from strangers (and doing the same) - it’s so nice when people just share goodness without having any hidden interest in it. Really makes you regain faith in human kind.
Thank you so much!
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ts3kate · 6 years
Movies tag
Rules: Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite movies of all time. They don't have to be in any particular order. Tag however many people you like.
I loved this idea too much to resist it! Can you guess all the titles?
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This time I tried to only tag the people I know haven't done that yet... :P So, I tag: @simsaralove, @danjaley, @sillylittlesimblr, @southernsimlish, @vendelavendela, @summerreverie, @aroundthesims, @create-a-sim, @lifeasasim, @historicalsimslife, @thesimgrove, @sullivanrandomness, @buckleysims, @kimmiessimmies, @titosims, @icy-spicy-scalpel​ and whoever feels like doing it!
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ts3kate · 6 years
Tagged twice! By Alex and Summer😀
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Thank you so much for tagging me guys and sorry I'm so late with these... (Just look at how genuinely happy and moved my Sim is!)
Tagged by @ice-creamforbreakfast ! Thanks! ❤
Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Kate
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra
Height: 1,69/1,7 m (that would be about 5'55")
Have u ever had a crush on a teacher: Hah yeah well who hasn't? >.< I used to have this weird obsession about my English teacher in high school. He was so fun and free spirited and... English! And very open and treated us students like individuals equal to him, wanted us to call him by his name (not something Polish professors allow you to do on a regular basis)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hm probably married to a great man and maaaybe with a child, having a satisfying job (I know I know that's everybody's dream... :P) and a head full of memories that I'm making now!
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: Italy is always a good place to be! If you want me to be more precise, I would say Sardinia
Your coolest halloween costume? Halloween is not a big thing in Poland (although it's gaining popularity) so I'm gonna name a few general costumes that I wore for different occasions: witch (obv), Pocahontas, siren, flamenco dancer and Al Capone! :D
Favorite 90s show? I don't remember watching a bunch of shows in the 90s, I prefered movies most probably... But last summer I discovered Murder, She Wrote and it became my guilty pleasure :P
Last kiss: I'm not gonna be original here... it was my dog :P
Have u ever been stood up: Nope. Nor have I ever committed such a crime :P
Favorite pair of shoes: Hm... this one's hard. Depends chiefly on the season... I love my golden high heels for how versatile and utilitarian and comfortable they are but still... they are just high heels so by definition they can't be too comfortable. I also absolutly adore my Havaianas flip flops - never have I imagined that shoes that separate your toes could be this comfortable!
Favorite fruits: Nectarines
Favorite book: At the moment probably Daniel Silva's books about an Israeli spy.
20 Questions - tagged by @summerreverie ! Thank youuu! 😄
Rules: Answer all 20 questions and tag 20 people
(I skipped a few questions that doubled:)
Languages Spoken: Polish, English also coversational in Italian and French
Nationality: Polish
Favorite Scent: Definitely cocoa butter and summer rain/storm - the scents of summer!
Favorite Color: I've always had a favourite colour in any given period of my life in the past (they would change) but today I don't really know... it really depends on the shade but I would say blue, white, red, gold, emerald green and turquoise/mint
Favorite Animal: Pets - dogs, wild - probably elephants or dolphins
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? Oooooh I used to be a devoted and loyal tea drinker but now I much more often enjoy a cup of coffee
Favorite Fictional Character? Can't pick just one. I'd rather take pieces of characters that inspire me than embrace one completely and make it my role model. But I do admire Guido Orefice (Life Is Beautiful) for his love, sacrifice, inner strenth and optimism, Donna Sheridan (Mamma Mia!) and Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic) for their passion and love for life
Dream Trip: I would love to go somewhere in Latin America one day
When was your blog created? 12th June 2013, Wednesday, I scrolled my whole activity page to find the exact date! :D
Last Movie You’ve Seen? Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! a few days ago
Song You’ve Had on Repeat: I believe recently it was La Cintura by Alvaro Soler
Favorite Candy: Not a candy fan but I enjoy milk and dark chocolate like a kid
Favorite Holiday: Easter
Last Book You Read: Short stories by Ernest Hemingway
Favorite TV Show: Genius: Picasso right now, I loved it! I'm not a huge fan of tv series ad binge watching so if I follow anything it's usually short (like 10 episodes)
Who’d You Most Like to Have Lunch With? Definitely my friends! I get this strange feeling of harmony with the world when we dine out together!
It makes me cringe to tag anyone after all this time that passed and also because I don't remember who's already done it. But still, I want to tag for any or both of these (or feel free to completely ignore me if you've already done these or simply don't feel like doing these): @danjaley, @historicalsimslife, @southernsimlish, @sillylittlesimblr, @aroundthesims, @simsaralove, @kimmiessimmies, @create-a-sim, @vendelavendela, @buckleysims and anybody who wants to do this!
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ts3kate · 6 years
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After my game crashed and I lost the house I’d been working on for the last few days I was very determined to retrieve it as soon as possible (before I forget everything I’ve done). I decided to use a different house, the one situated in Monte Vista (but in my mind somewhere in SimSpain) and I tried to rearrange the interior and decorate it to copy the style of my lost lot.
Those of you who recognise the house may also notice how the layout of the 1st floor has changed (picture 2).
So this is the (quick and unfinished) house of a certain controversial and fiery painter…
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ts3kate · 7 years
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Music room
The Winthams' House
(work in progress)
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ts3kate · 7 years
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Obviously, even the 'luxurious' governess' room cannot compare to the splendour of the chambers of the masters of the house.
Lady Amanda Wintham's bedroom
Dining room
The Winthams' House
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ts3kate · 7 years
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The nurse's/governess' room
The Winthams' House
A.k.a. the most luxurious one out of all the servants' rooms in the estate. This is the only quarter thought to house one single servant. And only this room has windows...
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ts3kate · 7 years
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The maids' room
The Winthams' House
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ts3kate · 7 years
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The servants' quarters - kitchen
The Winthams' House
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ts3kate · 7 years
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Thank you so much (again!) for tagging me Alex @ice-creamforbreakfast ! It's one of the cutest challenges I've encountered! And it's so fun!
If You Dated My Sim
I usually share with you my female Sims, so I decided to use this opportunity to introduce to you one of my boys :D Ernest! He's a young aspiring musician, who won the latest Y Factor edition! ;P
1. Ernest is a singer/guitarist so expect him to surprise you with a cute tune composed especially for you from time to time!
2. If he loves you he won't hide it - he couldn't wipe the bright wide smile off his face when he's around you, he'd give you flowers and spend long evenings cuddling you on the sofa watching all the chick flicks and girly tv series you'd like. Especially at the beginning of your relationship.
3. But the life with him is not all honeyed... It's just like dating an artist he is... or a child (that he also is). Sometimes you wonder if he's on his period or something, because out of nothing he pouts *rolleyes* Like my grandma says, "Men only mature until they're 7. After that they only grow."
4. Also... no child likes when someone else plays with their toys right? Whether it's his friend, current or ex-girlfriend. Ernest is treason-intolerant! (Aka jealous and possessive - shh don't tell him!)
5. Above all he's very loving. He's got a big good heart that can easily be broken...Proceed with care! Fragile content in here!
6. If you go back home with some flat-pack furniture... don't expect your manly man to joyfully rush for his toolbox and put it all together in no time. It's like a 1000-pieces puzzle that would take him ages to figure it out!
7. Living with his mother (and the rest of his family) resulted in him being very disciplined! Well frankly, he may leave the socks on the floor. but once he picks them up, he would never wear them again without washing!
8. Speaking of family, it's very important to him so he will totally insist on visiting them, inviting them, spending every Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day and New Year's Eve together. And May Day. And Mardi Gras.
9. He's disarmingly frank. Sometimes he will hit your biggest insecurity saying he loves that tiny spare tire on your stomach or that scar you have on your left shoulder blade. He's very observant. And he's so in love with all those little things! :P
10. Above all he would travel the world and sacrifice everything for the one he loves. How couldn't he?
I tag: @ice-creamforbreakfast because I'm NEVER tired of getting to know your gorgeous Sims!, @aroundthesims, @simsaralove, @danjaley, @create-a-sim, @buckleysims, @vendelavendela and anybody else who feels like doing this!
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