twstdreams · 4 months
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Are you a fic writer and looking for a way to get involved? Or are you a reader who would be up for supporting ongoing fundraisers for Gaza?
This blog has been set up for supporting the cause!
Fic writers, you can either have your current drafts/ideas “sponsored” or open yourself up to requests! Readers will make a donation to a vetted fundraiser for Gaza and, after submitting proof, will be gifted a request or will support a writer in advancing their fics!
Please click here to learn more about how this works, and visit the blog for more links including how to sign up, which writers are currently participating, and some vetted, open fundraisers which need your help!
This post is meant to be shared so please reblog if you are able! Thank you ❤️
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twstdreams · 1 year
Hi, thank you so much for the update! Love you and your writing, please stay healthy and happy! Prioritize yourself 🥰❤️
Thank you so much, sweetheart! It's really heartwarming to receive messages like this! 🥰 I am still pretty nervous about returning now after essentially being inconsistent for years now. So your ask reminds me to keep hope and have fun! When people tell me they love my writing, my heart skips a beat! ❤️ I will take care of myself so I hope you do the same!
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twstdreams · 1 year
Bumbling Love
For @yandere-daze (extremely late Secret Santa gift, I’m truly sorry!)
Content Warnings: fluff, reader is not athletic or a runner
Spoiler Warning: spoilers for Episode 1 and Vargas Camp Event, Deuce-centric spoilers for Episode 5
Word Count: 4K
Deuce likes you, romantically. He does not want to comment on the 10 stages of denial he went through to get to admit this, even if Ace is happy to recite the entire story including all the late-night breakdowns. Unfortunately, Deuce’s misfortune does not end there, because now he has to actually convey these feelings! He can practically feel his brain malfunction at the thought, but if he doesn’t tell you, who will? Actually, being outed by his friends or roommates is one of his worst nightmares, but more importantly, he thinks his heart might burst before he figures out if you would ever confess first. You’re kind and don’t let the little things get to you, but on the flip side when Deuce tries to leave subtle hints they seem to fly right past you.
Thus begins the chronicles of Deuce’s confession!
Attempt 1: Endearing Endorphins
Deuce knows running is one of his strengths and the accolades he’s gotten for it proves that. He might not be getting awards for his history grades or the questionable mushroom potion he made in alchemy class last week, but Deuce loves running. He enjoys the feeling of the wind and the rush that comes from being faster than your surroundings. So maybe you’d like it too? Plus, you’re supposed to share things you like with the person you like, right? That may or may not be what that article he read for a total of 3 minutes said before he closed it out of embarrassment. 
More importantly, it’s too late to back out. After a couple of failed in-person attempts and some advice from Cater, Deuce had invited you to join him on a run via text. You happily accepted and now the agreed-upon time was fifteen minutes away. 
Deuce keeps going over his plan mentally. First, stretching while making conversation. Next, run with you while hopefully looking cool. Finally, during the cooldown, Deuce would confess! It was simple enough and Deuce didn’t want to make it complicated. He could handle three steps! That’s what he told himself right after checking his phone for the umpteenth time to see if you texted him anything. The weather was good and there were no upcoming tests, he thinks, so there’s no reason for you to cancel, right?
“Hey Deuce!” you call out.
“HEY!” he calls back and does his best not to wince at how loud he is.
“Thanks for inviting me! I’ve been wanting to get into running for a bit, but I could never get the motivation by myself.”
“Maybe you could join the track and field club.” With me are the words he can’t get himself to spit out. 
“Nah, I’m mostly doing this for the exercise. I’m already in another club.” He starts lunging to stretch and you follow suit. When you bend your arm to the side and over your head, the two of you nearly touch hands and form a heart. If it were anyone else, Deuce wouldn’t have cared. But when you laugh and point it out, it becomes funny and refreshing. Part of why he loves you is how little mundane things become fun and how easy it is to be with you. Deuce knows there’s a chance things will go sour if you don’t feel the same way, but he doesn’t want to lie. Somehow he feels like it’ll be okay. And the more he complicated things, the more likely he’d get stuck in his head.
By the time you two are finished with dynamic stretches, he’s hyped himself up to confess to you. Deuce has it all figured out in his head. He looks cool from running, then he tells you his feelings and asks you out! Simple enough, right?
“Ready to start?” he asks.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Your answer is paired with a smile that makes his heart skip a beat. You two start with a light jog and a warm-up lap or two. Deuce looks to the side to double-check your condition. You return his gaze with a smile and seem to be doing well, though perhaps breathing a little harder than him. 
Taking his chance, Deuce speeds up and begins to run with all his might. He focuses on running faster and faster until it feels like he’s as fast as the wind. Adrenaline pumps through his veins and he turns around to see your reaction. Unfortunately, you’re on the opposite side of the track, already giving up on trying to catch up. He immediately stops and shouts out your name. You wave in acknowledgement, a tired smile, but it doesn’t stop the flood of embarrassment from overtaking him. Ditching your crush halfway across the running track isn’t cool. 
“Sorry! I just got so excited and,” Deuce decides against spitting out ‘really wanted to confess’. 
“No, don’t worry! You were so fast! I can see why you got that award,” you pant. Deuce is so mortified he only hopes he’s not as red as his Heartslabyul uniform. He waits for you to catch your breath as he gathers his courage. If he delays this any longer, who knows what else will go wrong?
“It’s, the reason was,” the words are a mess but his brain keeps going anyway, for better or worse, “I like running just as much as you!” Now his heart must be thumping as fast as yours, but he’s sure it’s for a different reason even if both of your cheeks are red. Your eyes meet his yet he can’t figure out what you’re thinking, only knowing that the gears in your head are turning as you process his confession.
“Oh! I like spending time with you too, Deuce!” you chirp happily but Deuce is too stunned to speak. This has already gone wrong in so many unexpected ways and he has no clue how to salvage this. 
“Ready for another lap? Feel free to go at your own pace, you don’t have to stay beside me.” And with that, you start to jog away. Deuce and his feelings are left in the dust and gravel of the track. He chalks it up to a failure. When you leave early to go take a shower it feels like you take his courage with you.
Keep reading
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twstdreams · 1 year
Bumbling Love
For @yandere-daze (extremely late Secret Santa gift, I’m truly sorry!)
Content Warnings: fluff, reader is not athletic or a runner
Spoiler Warning: spoilers for Episode 1 and Vargas Camp Event, Deuce-centric spoilers for Episode 5
Word Count: 4K
Deuce likes you, romantically. He does not want to comment on the 10 stages of denial he went through to get to admit this, even if Ace is happy to recite the entire story including all the late-night breakdowns. Unfortunately, Deuce’s misfortune does not end there, because now he has to actually convey these feelings! He can practically feel his brain malfunction at the thought, but if he doesn’t tell you, who will? Actually, being outed by his friends or roommates is one of his worst nightmares, but more importantly, he thinks his heart might burst before he figures out if you would ever confess first. You’re kind and don’t let the little things get to you, but on the flip side when Deuce tries to leave subtle hints they seem to fly right past you.
Thus begins the chronicles of Deuce’s confession!
Attempt 1: Endearing Endorphins
Deuce knows running is one of his strengths and the accolades he’s gotten for it proves that. He might not be getting awards for his history grades or the questionable mushroom potion he made in alchemy class last week, but Deuce loves running. He enjoys the feeling of the wind and the rush that comes from being faster than your surroundings. So maybe you’d like it too? Plus, you’re supposed to share things you like with the person you like, right? That may or may not be what that article he read for a total of 3 minutes said before he closed it out of embarrassment. 
More importantly, it’s too late to back out. After a couple of failed in-person attempts and some advice from Cater, Deuce had invited you to join him on a run via text. You happily accepted and now the agreed-upon time was fifteen minutes away. 
Deuce keeps going over his plan mentally. First, stretching while making conversation. Next, run with you while hopefully looking cool. Finally, during the cooldown, Deuce would confess! It was simple enough and Deuce didn’t want to make it complicated. He could handle three steps! That’s what he told himself right after checking his phone for the umpteenth time to see if you texted him anything. The weather was good and there were no upcoming tests, he thinks, so there’s no reason for you to cancel, right?
“Hey Deuce!” you call out.
“HEY!” he calls back and does his best not to wince at how loud he is.
“Thanks for inviting me! I’ve been wanting to get into running for a bit, but I could never get the motivation by myself.”
“Maybe you could join the track and field club.” With me are the words he can’t get himself to spit out. 
“Nah, I’m mostly doing this for the exercise. I’m already in another club.” He starts lunging to stretch and you follow suit. When you bend your arm to the side and over your head, the two of you nearly touch hands and form a heart. If it were anyone else, Deuce wouldn’t have cared. But when you laugh and point it out, it becomes funny and refreshing. Part of why he loves you is how little mundane things become fun and how easy it is to be with you. Deuce knows there’s a chance things will go sour if you don’t feel the same way, but he doesn't want to lie. Somehow he feels like it’ll be okay. And the more he complicated things, the more likely he’d get stuck in his head.
By the time you two are finished with dynamic stretches, he’s hyped himself up to confess to you. Deuce has it all figured out in his head. He looks cool from running, then he tells you his feelings and asks you out! Simple enough, right?
“Ready to start?” he asks.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Your answer is paired with a smile that makes his heart skip a beat. You two start with a light jog and a warm-up lap or two. Deuce looks to the side to double-check your condition. You return his gaze with a smile and seem to be doing well, though perhaps breathing a little harder than him. 
Taking his chance, Deuce speeds up and begins to run with all his might. He focuses on running faster and faster until it feels like he’s as fast as the wind. Adrenaline pumps through his veins and he turns around to see your reaction. Unfortunately, you’re on the opposite side of the track, already giving up on trying to catch up. He immediately stops and shouts out your name. You wave in acknowledgement, a tired smile, but it doesn’t stop the flood of embarrassment from overtaking him. Ditching your crush halfway across the running track isn’t cool. 
“Sorry! I just got so excited and,” Deuce decides against spitting out ‘really wanted to confess’. 
“No, don’t worry! You were so fast! I can see why you got that award,” you pant. Deuce is so mortified he only hopes he’s not as red as his Heartslabyul uniform. He waits for you to catch your breath as he gathers his courage. If he delays this any longer, who knows what else will go wrong?
“It’s, the reason was,” the words are a mess but his brain keeps going anyway, for better or worse, “I like running just as much as you!” Now his heart must be thumping as fast as yours, but he’s sure it’s for a different reason even if both of your cheeks are red. Your eyes meet his yet he can’t figure out what you’re thinking, only knowing that the gears in your head are turning as you process his confession.
“Oh! I like spending time with you too, Deuce!” you chirp happily but Deuce is too stunned to speak. This has already gone wrong in so many unexpected ways and he has no clue how to salvage this. 
“Ready for another lap? Feel free to go at your own pace, you don’t have to stay beside me.” And with that, you start to jog away. Deuce and his feelings are left in the dust and gravel of the track. He chalks it up to a failure. When you leave early to go take a shower it feels like you take his courage with you.
Attempt 2: Sweet on You
Going at it alone didn’t work out so well, so now he decided to tackle the problem with the help of his upperclassman! Specifically, Trey is reliable and the best baker in the dorm. In exchange for manual labour doing chores here and there and peeling enough nuts to feed an army of squirrels for the winter, Trey would help him make your favourite dessert. 
He reads the entire recipe first, as Trey recommends. And then repeats that two more times just to make sure he gets it right. He listens to Trey carefully and measures out the ingredients with more care than when he measures materials in alchemy class. He mixes vigorously with all his might when whipping ingredients and then gently and with great care when folding together batters. Any feedback Trey gives, Deuce immediately accepts without question and implements on the spot. But thanks to the third year’s help, Deuce is able to avoid numerous failed attempts. Though there were several close calls including nearly mixing up the sugar and salt, almost over-mixing the batter before Trey stopped him, and a very scary fumble of the baking pan.
It’s difficult. A lot of delicate work he isn’t used to, learning cooking terms he was previously unaware of, and bits of chaos that always seemed to pop up whether it be in the form of a messy kitchen or nearly mixing up quantities. But when he imagines the smile on your face when you learned he made it for you himself, all his motivation returns and his energy skyrockets. If he’s going to confess, it’s going to be with a dessert he made himself and nothing less.
“Do you think it turned out okay?” Deuce asks while hovering around the finished product.
“You did a good job. The dessert turned out well and it’ll be a nice gift,” Trey compliments, amused as Deuce practically buzzes with nervous energy. The first year carefully packages the gift and heads straight for you. 
He calls out your name and you make your way toward him with a smile. Once you’re in front of him, with no preamble, he confesses, “I made this, especially for you.” A gasp leaves your lips but you quickly accept the gift and take a peek at what’s inside.
Cheeks pink due to both nerves and remembering his last failure, Deuce quickly tacks on, “Because you’re special to me!” His statement brings your attention back to him and the clear joy in your expression fills him with anticipation and hope.
“Aww, thanks, how did you know I was craving this? It’s my favourite, so I can’t wait to eat it,” you thank him but Deuce’s expectant gaze never wavers. A continuing silence passes by and you tilt your head, mouth opening and closing once. Deuce’s stomach drops. Maybe this is when you reject him. Tell him you appreciate the gift but could never reciprocate his feelings. He doesn’t know what he’d do if you tell him you could never date someone who used to be a delinquent. Suddenly, your posture straightens and your grin widens as if you’ve come upon a realization.
“I can’t believe you made this yourself. I’m so impressed. You’re such a good friend!” Your sunny smile doesn’t falter as you marvel at the dessert but that statement is the perfect line to punch him in the gut. Plans of a study date evaporate into thin air as another failed confession weighs heavily. Deuce can hardly recall what happened next but will forever have the feeling of his courage and optimism being popped like a balloon ingrained in him.
Attempt 3: Picture Perfect
This plan is a little cliche, but something tried and true must have a better shot at success. Or at least, it couldn’t be any worse than two failures. Deuce tries not to keep his expectations too high but something about you always has his hopes creeping up. He’s been waiting outside of the cafe for half an hour. It’s still another fifteen minutes until you two meet up, but the mere thought of being late made him so uneasy and restless that he ended up leaving early. At least this gave him time to go over his plan (and fret anxiously about anything that could go wrong). First, he’ll take you to a cafe to eat some sweets, next go see a movie, and then finally confess! Three steps and he’ll have finally conveyed his feelings to you. Or that’s what he tells himself as he paces back and forth for the umpteenth time.
“Deuce!” you call out, immediately stopping him in his tracks, “When did you get here? I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”
“No! I, I just got here a few minutes ago,” he reassures while letting out a weak laugh. Deuce opens the door for you and asks, “Are you ready?”
“Yes!” Your eyes shine with excitement as you look around and Deuce thinks it was worth all the research. “It’s so nice to get to hang out somewhere off-campus and away from any textbooks. I appreciate all the last-minute study sessions, but I definitely needed a break.”
“Yeah. School is more fun for me when I understand the work, but after lotta hours in a row it’s too hard.” Deuce was grateful for the help of his dorm leader and friends when it came to him, but the number of times he was unable to absorb knowledge after a prolonged study session was innumerable. Even with you, nothing would allow him to read a textbook for several hours straight and actually recall its contents. 
“I could try running again with you! It’s supposed to be good for your health and clear your head too,” you add. He tries to not flush in embarrassment remembering his first failed attempt at confessing and instead awkwardly smiles. But your willingness to try something makes him happy again, in spite of how it turned out the first time, has him falling in love all over again.
“When I run, I can just focus on becoming one with the wind! I don’t have to think about anything else. I can run with you whenever you want to,” Deuce promises, and he means it. Because you’re someone worth making time for. 
“Okay, I’ll go running with you again. But, I’d love to pick outfits for you one day too! Even if we’re just trying on things for fun. I was so surprised to see you in something other than a school uniform, but you look so good it makes me want to see you in other things.” Deuce nods immediately, though you’re someone he’d have a hard time saying no to anyway. He’s drawn to clothes that leave a powerful impression, but the thought of having matching couple outfits fills him with unexpected excitement. Cater had been talking about how couple outfits had been trending on MagiCam and Deuce had immediately thought of you. He imagined how nice you’d look, what’d it be like to pick pieces with you, maybe a cool set with details that matched nonchalantly. He hopes that matching couple outfits with you will be a real possibility by the end of today.
“Anyway, there are so many options on the menu! I can’t decide what I want,” you muse. 
“I can pick them out! You can go find a seat,” wait no that sounds too demanding, he didn’t mean it like that, “I mean, I can choose if you don’t want to. And! You can sit, you don’t have to wait in line with me.” Dear Great Seven, that was so embarrassing. He wanted to order for you since he had looked up the menu in advance to pick out what you’d both like, but he conveyed it in the most awkward way possible.
“Alright, surprise me then! I’ll find us a nice spot.” His only consolation was that you didn’t seem bothered by his blunder. Deuce took a deep breath and tried to refocus himself. If he couldn’t even offer to pick out some desserts for you, how could he confess to you? Still, he manages to recite his list of desserts and orders your favourite drink.
Deuce points out and names all the different sweets to you, paying extra attention to which ones you linger on longer, what dish gets the biggest reaction, and feeling so much relief when you seem genuinely excited to try them all. He tries to focus on absorbing every single word you say about each dessert because whichever ends up being your favourite is something he hopes to get you again in the future. All your little comments are endearing and make him want to confess to you right now! But he holds his tongue because you’re in a public setting.
“I liked the floating island one. Which is your favourite?” Deuce asks, wondering if your answer will match his guess.
“That one was good. You must like it because you like eggs, right? For me, they all taste great! And it’s better because I get to share them with you.” His heart confirms that he’s head over heels for you because that statement alone gets it racing. He wants to be special to you so badly and receiving even just a hint that may be true has his hopes soaring sky high.
“Me too. Sharing is better.” Deuce so badly wants this to be the norm for him. He wants to get to share so many things with you that he could go on listing things for an entire day and it still wouldn’t be enough. By the end of today, he plans on being one step closer to that goal.
“By the way, how much do I owe you for all the food?” You say it casually in passing while double-checking the directions to get to the movie theatre, but immediately Deuce is alert and nervous.
“No! You don’t have to pay me back. It’s fine! I owe you for all your help studying,” he insists. Deuce is ready to ramble out any number of excuses to prevent you from footing the bill in any manner. He’s trying to be a model boyfriend right now and making you pay, especially when he didn’t even consult you about a budget beforehand, would be the opposite of his goal.
“Alright, alright, but don’t feel like you have to pay me back every time we study. It helps me too!” you concede. On the way to the theatre, he learns a couple new things about you. Your favourite movie as a kid and what your current one is, popcorn preferences, and the two of you share both fond and horrific movie memories. Deuce loves getting to know all the little things about you, which come out naturally as the two of you spend time together. He thinks he could spend forever hearing you talk about it and learning more about you. It would never be enough. He’s trying to make a mental note of it all for later but every so often Deuce gets distracted by how close your hands are to his, close enough to easily brush if he leaned a bit, and how he wished he could hold yours. Maybe he’ll get the chance to hold your hand during the horror movie! And after he confesses at the end of the date, hopefully, he won’t have to let go of it either. It might seem stupid, Ace would have laughed if he discovered it, but Deuce wanted to give it a shot anyway. The prospect has him excited and Deuce mentally recites his confession in his mind. Everything is going to plan! You’ve had a great time at the cafe, a lovely walk to the theatre, Deuce is getting your tickets, Grim calls out to you, and … Grim calls out to you? With Ace standing beside him? And other first years???
“What’s everyone else doing here?” Deuce manages to spit out after the initial shock passes.
“Wait, don’t you know? Yesterday while you were at practice, we were all discussing weekend plans so I mentioned that we were going to see this movie. A bunch of other people said they wanted to see it too, so we decided to all meet up here. I swear Ace said he was going to tell you.” You get swept up in the group and just like that, whatever atmosphere between you disappears.
Deuce does his best to keep a neutral expression but then you glance at his face and proceed to remind him there’s enough time to go to the bathroom if he needs to, so unfortunately he’s not succeeding at that either. Sure, a date can definitely be you, your crush, your roommate, and several other friends! No, that definitely cannot be a romantic date. Deuce knows a group of friends hanging out when he is in said group. Plans of confessing to you fade to black like the movie screen as the film starts to play.
The Best Laid Schemes of Mice and Men
Once again Deuce finds himself walking along the shoreline, feeling annoyed and unsure.  He knows he’s no genius, but it’s seriously starting to feel like this is hopeless. Cater said if he comes on too hard, it could scare you off. But at this rate, Deuce just wants to tell you outright, plain and simple. Frustration and affection keep building up inside. All this thinking and planning isn’t really his style. Shouldn’t he just be his authentic self? The lapping waves offer no answer but at least the air is refreshing.
He shouts your name to the setting sun, then continues, “I like you! Romantically! Please go out with me!” It feels great. Even if no one but the birds knows, it feels right. So, Deuce turns around and strengthens his resolve to see you, face the truth and what may come, and - 
“Okay.” Oh no. Deuce knows that voice. He knows it so well because it’s yours, and it usually never fails to brighten his day. But right now it’s activating his fight or flight instinct, and he can feel the adrenaline pumping. It’s at this point Deuce comes to the stunning realization that he has the worst luck. Nearly got expelled on the first day of school, had to fight an ink monster, then at the next training camp got attacked by a different ink monster and was forced to fend it off by himself, and to top it off several of his upperclassmen have tried to kill him. Now there’s this too, just the icing on the cake! All the times he purposely tried to confess to you? Failed. Absolutely none of his intentions reached you. Shouting his frustrations to the ocean? Message heard loud and clear in all its clumsiness without a speck of eloquence. 
“Let’s date,” you add with a smile bright enough to rival the setting sun. Deuce can feel his brain malfunctioning. It’s turning to mush just like when he’s blanking on a chemical formula for potions class or he can’t remember a certain time period during a history test. He wants to thank you, to tell you that you won’t regret it, he’ll do his best to be a great partner, with so many sweet and flowery sentiments.
“Huh?” is what leaves his mouth. You both stare at each other, clearly flabbergasted by the other. You press your lips together and wait to see if Deuce does anything else. The silence quickly becomes awkward. Are his palms sweaty now? This feels like the world’s most high stake pop quiz.
“I like you too, Deuce!” you blurt. You look at him expectantly with a bated breath. Oh, wait, he needs to reply properly, doesn’t he? Hasn’t he dreamed of this scenario? Yet his brain refuses to articulate a single emotion smoothly or in a timely manner.
“Uh, I,” Deuce makes a mental note to never overthink and plan again because every memorized word is nowhere to be found, “Thank you!”
“Umm… you’re welcome?” Your mouth is left agape and the way you’re fiddling with your fingers makes Deuce even more nervous. He’s definitely making a mess and any word he seems to choose ends up being the wrong one. 
“Please take care of me!” There’s a belated pause before he scrambles to add, “I’ll take care of you too!” Deuce can’t tell if this is the greatest or most embarrassing moment of his life. But once he sees you break out into genuine laughter, he doesn’t care. If it’s for you, he wouldn’t mind being a fool.
“Okay, let’s take care of each other.” You extend your hand and he takes it without hesitation. The feeling of your hand in his is new but it feels right all the same. Deuce hopes that eventually, it’ll be natural, something that feels like second nature. The warmth of your hand, the sound of your laughter, and your giddy smile, they’re all things he hopes to get to experience for the rest of his life.
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twstdreams · 1 year
Changes to twstdreams
Hello! As you’ve noticed, there’s been quite a hiatus on this blog with sporadic posting here and there. I’ll spare you the details but my life has changed a lot since I started this blog and it continues to change even now. I’m going to try to find a more sustainable way to write and stay involved in twst but it will be a learning process. 
If I choose to no longer write, I will let you all know and simply archive this blog so no worries about it being deleted.
Current changes:
Requests are now suggestions! I will try to get to as many as possible but if I feel really stuck on a request, I will simply not write it. 
Please don’t take this personally or feel that it is my passive way of telling you not to send requests anymore. I just don’t have the capacity to write everything that comes my way and push through regardless anymore
Do not expect a quick turnaround time
No schedule as of now
Will not be writing for the manga or manga only characters (Yuuken, etc.)
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twstdreams · 2 years
Werewolves Hide Behind the Moon: Meeting werewolves Kalim and Jamil seems like something straight out of a storybook but what kind of ending are you heading for?
Stolen Treasure: Pirate!Savanaclaw have their eye on you but as the first mate of another crew, you won’t be so easily swayed
Halloween Twisted Wonderland
Here are all the Halloween pieces I’ve made!
Halloween Haunting: Halloween Event CYOA as MC
Summoning Catastrophe: Accidentally summoning a demon and then Malleus has to save you
Trick or Treat: Jade and Floyd, Silver take little sibling!reader trick or treating
Trick or treat pt 2: Crowley takes his child trick or treating
Nightmares: Jamil, Leona, Floyd, Azul, and Riddle dream their lover is killed only to find their partner asleep beside them
Crowley’s kid: Crowley trick or treating with his child
Zombie AU: How the first year’s survive in a zombie apocalypse and what gets them killed
Spooky Starter Kit: Ace, Riddle, and Malleus introduce their S/O to Halloween
Terror Time: Silver, Epel, Ace, Ruggie, and Deuce are stuck in a horror movie haunted house or corn maze with their crush and desperately trying to survive!
Dress up: Riddle, Leona, and Kalim react to their S/O dressing up as their respective Great 7 figure
Pixie Predicament: Leona, Deuce, Epel, and Riddle help their S/O who accidentally drank a potion that turned them into a little fairy
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twstdreams · 2 years
🎊 Happy Birthday! I'm glad you're still here, and you're as awesome as ever. 🎊
Thank you, darling! I'm almost surprised I'm still here too. I feel like a cryptid who pops in, drops content, and then comes back every so often to repeat this cycle. Your compliments and support mean a lot!
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twstdreams · 2 years
Happy Birthday!
You spend your birthday with the dorm leaders! It’s your special day that comes once a year, how do they celebrate it?
Note: inspired by the in-game birthday greetings
Riddle Rosehearts
Makes it very clear to the dorm that there will be no unbirthday party because it’s your birthday so they best not forget!
Lots of presents! He gives a mix of practical useful items that you can use daily or will make your life easier. But, he also makes sure to indulge you and gift things you may have been hesitant to get yourself or something that’s only purpose is to bring you joy, even if not the most efficient or logical choice
Asks Trey to bake your favourite cake and tarts! Whether it’s a jewel-like strawberry tart, a lemon meringue tart piped in the shape of a flower, or a chestnut tart that he had to scour and peel the chestnuts personally. Riddle wants you to be able to eat something sweet that you love on your birthday
Bonus: if it makes you happy, then he can take you for a horse ride! Riddle has honed his riding skills with years of discipline and practice, so you don’t have to fear being thrown off or other disasters. Sometimes you two chat while riding, but there are moments of peace and simply enjoying the experience together
Leona Kingscholar
Little shit  Acts so blasé about the whole affair, might even tease you if he notices you’re clearly excited about your birthday
But he let’s get away with more things than he usually would! Leona says it’s because he can’t be bothered to react, perhaps insinuate that it’s not even worth it, but really he’s just tolerating it bc it’s your birthday
If you want those birthday nap cuddles, feel free to take what you want! Leona might grumble for 30 seconds, but you find his tail loosely curled around you and absolutely no retaliation from him even if you plop yourself on him
Also suddenly you’re going out for dinner? You’re not sure if he really found this place or if Ruggie did, but Leona does pay. It’s a high quality place with delicious food, filled with other diners for the night, but somehow you already have a reservation
Leona may tease you if you pouted earlier when he didn’t get you anything, or just have a righteous smirk plastered on his expression as if he won by proving you wrong
Azul Ashengrotto
Promises to grant one wish for you as a gift and explains it as “an investment in the future”… yeah the future of your happiness
No, he wont admit to researching what your possible one wish was just so he was prepared and could accomplish it swiftly and with grace.
What’s the purpose of this free wish? Maybe it’s so you depend on him in the future, maybe it’s because it’s hard to be vulnerable and admit he’s doing this all for you, who knows? If you do, feel free give yourself the gift of a sputtering Azul Ashengrotto through some acting and teasing!
Even though you were sure your one wish was your birthday gift, when you return to your dorm room there’s a couple of books you’ve been eyeing on your desk and a candle with a relaxing scent! You know who it’s from and you laugh a little, wondering how much he fretted over your birthday gift
Kalim Al-Asim
A WHOLE CELEBRATION with all bells and whistles. You’ve seen festivals that are smaller than this massive event Kalim has thrown together
There’s a parade of your favourite animals and then some you’ve never seen before! Peacocks in colours you didn’t know were possible, camels decorated in costumes, and massive elephants you’re not entirely sure how they even got here
There’s an entire feast and you have no clue how you’re gonna break it to Kalim that you don’t know if you can even try every dish! There’s also a mountain of tropical fruit, peeled and plated beautifully, and enough fresh coconut water to take a bath in. Hope your fridge has plenty of space!
There’s bands playing all sorts of cool instruments to match the mood of the birthday celebration (because “party” does not grasp the magnitude of what is going on). Feel free to make some song requests!
The whole event is a whirlwind experience but you know down to your core that you’re treasured and celebrated as you’re surrounded by festivities and happy friends
Vil Schoenheit
He takes you out on a birthday date! The entire thing is planned out  and very meticulous. All the activities are catered towards you, nothing was decided on a whim. Everything is done with care and intent, so much so that it’s crystal clear how much he cares and the effort he put in
Good taste in just about everything from outfits to restaurants to the route you took to get everywhere! Being celebrated by him indeed does feel like an honour and a luxury
Your gift consists of skincare and cosmetics, if you like them, tailored perfectly to you because he concocted them himself! From the concentration of ingredients to the fragrance, the products he gives are clearly made in mind with you and you alone 
He crafts a lipstick which matches your undertones perfectly, a shade that makes you feel confident and beautiful, with your favourite finish. The lipstick is held an engraved case with a customized message, something innocuous but holds special meaning to the two of you
Idia Shroud
It’s a private affair with you two in his dorm room, maybe at most a communal room that can be booked at the Ignihyde dorm, where the two of you plan a marathon!
He let’s you choose the game, show, music, whatever you two decide to binge for your birthday
Idia tries to hold back any remarks because it’s your birthday, even if the second movie of the Pumpkin King trilogy is way better than the first, because it’s what you want
Orders your favourite snacks ahead of time but if you point out his careful consideration and care he’ll probably end up blushing and stuttering!
Idia gets ahold of any item you want on the internet as a birthday present. Do not worry if it’s obscure, on another continent, only available through bidding, he can find it! 
Idia will be holding his breath while nervously watching you open the present, the ever-looming fear of getting you the wrong thing present. Feel free to spare him and open it after you leave! Or perhaps crush all his fears when he sees the expression on your face when you discover what he got you!
Malleus Draconia
Please invite him to the birthday party, he’s been looking forward to it far more than anyone else
Even if it’s just the two of you, he’d eat half a cake if it meant sharing the celebration with you
He would arrive early out of excitement and could help you prepare too if you’re not ready yet
Enjoys all the classic things like games, blowing candles, and any other traditions from your culture or just something you do
But if you want to try something completely new, that’s fun too! New traditions form all the time and just as you entre another new year of your life, you can try new things too! So if birthdays are more fun for you if they’re in enchanted gardens, corn mazes, or amusement parks, so be it!
Malleus makes sure you feel special, celebrated, and most importantly, not alone
All the magic tricks and spells you could ever want at your disposal courtesy of one of the strongest magicians in the world. Want to see an illusion of a castle of candy forming? Sure. Want to take a night ride on a broom under the night of the stars? Easy for Malleus. Time to transport to your favourite place? The spell has already been activated and you can see the gentle green glowing lights.
Let’s you take the lead though, if you want something he will try to achieve it within reason … and maybe even if it isn’t reasonable. That would make this birthday all the more memorable, wouldn’t it? 
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twstdreams · 2 years
Is it really your birthday? 🤭
Yes, it was this month so that's why I made the birthday headcanons!
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twstdreams · 2 years
Happy Birthday!
You spend your birthday with the dorm leaders! It’s your special day that comes once a year, how do they celebrate it?
Note: inspired by the in-game birthday greetings
Riddle Rosehearts
Makes it very clear to the dorm that there will be no unbirthday party because it’s your birthday so they best not forget!
Lots of presents! He gives a mix of practical useful items that you can use daily or will make your life easier. But, he also makes sure to indulge you and gift things you may have been hesitant to get yourself or something that’s only purpose is to bring you joy, even if not the most efficient or logical choice
Asks Trey to bake your favourite cake and tarts! Whether it’s a jewel-like strawberry tart, a lemon meringue tart piped in the shape of a flower, or a chestnut tart that he had to scour and peel the chestnuts personally. Riddle wants you to be able to eat something sweet that you love on your birthday
Bonus: if it makes you happy, then he can take you for a horse ride! Riddle has honed his riding skills with years of discipline and practice, so you don’t have to fear being thrown off or other disasters. Sometimes you two chat while riding, but there are moments of peace and simply enjoying the experience together
Leona Kingscholar
Little shit  Acts so blasé about the whole affair, might even tease you if he notices you’re clearly excited about your birthday
But he let’s get away with more things than he usually would! Leona says it’s because he can’t be bothered to react, perhaps insinuate that it’s not even worth it, but really he’s just tolerating it because it’s your birthday
If you want those birthday nap cuddles, feel free to take what you want! Leona might grumble for 30 seconds, but you find his tail loosely curled around you and absolutely no retaliation from him even if you plop yourself on him
Also suddenly you're going out for dinner? You’re not sure if he really found this place or if Ruggie did, but Leona does pay. It’s a high quality place with delicious food, filled with other diners for the night, but somehow you already have a reservation
Leona may tease you if you pouted earlier when he didn’t get you anything, or just have a righteous smirk plastered on his expression as if he won by proving you wrong
Azul Ashengrotto
Promises to grant one wish for you as a gift and explains it as “an investment in the future”... yeah the future of your happiness
No, he wont admit to researching what your possible one wish was just so he was prepared and could accomplish it swiftly and with grace.
What’s the purpose of this free wish? Maybe it’s so you depend on him in the future, maybe it’s because it’s hard to be vulnerable and admit he’s doing this all for you, who knows? If you do, feel free give yourself the gift of a sputtering Azul Ashengrotto through some acting and teasing!
Even though you were sure your one wish was your birthday gift, when you return to your dorm room there’s a couple of books you’ve been eyeing on your desk and a candle with a relaxing scent! You know who it’s from and you laugh a little, wondering how much he fretted over your birthday gift
Kalim Al-Asim
A WHOLE CELEBRATION with all bells and whistles. You’ve seen festivals that are smaller than this massive event Kalim has thrown together
There’s a parade of your favourite animals and then some you’ve never seen before! Peacocks in colours you didn’t know were possible, camels decorated in costumes, and massive elephants you’re not entirely sure how they even got here
There’s an entire feast and you have no clue how you’re gonna break it to Kalim that you don’t know if you can even try every dish! There’s also a mountain of tropical fruit, peeled and plated beautifully, and enough fresh coconut water to take a bath in. Hope your fridge has plenty of space!
There’s bands playing all sorts of cool instruments to match the mood of the birthday celebration (because “party” does not grasp the magnitude of what is going on). Feel free to make some song requests!
The whole event is a whirlwind experience but you know down to your core that you’re treasured and celebrated as you’re surrounded by festivities and happy friends
Vil Schoenheit
He takes you out on a birthday date! The entire thing is planned out  and very meticulous. All the activities are catered towards you, nothing was decided on a whim. Everything is done with care and intent, so much so that it’s crystal clear how much he cares and the effort he put in
Good taste in just about everything from outfits to restaurants to the route you took to get everywhere! Being celebrated by him indeed does feel like an honour and a luxury
Your gift consists of skincare and cosmetics, if you like them, tailored perfectly to you because he concocted them himself! From the concentration of ingredients to the fragrance, the products he gives are clearly made in mind with you and you alone 
He crafts a lipstick which matches your undertones perfectly, a shade that makes you feel confident and beautiful, with your favourite finish. The lipstick is held an engraved case with a customized message, something innocuous but holds special meaning to the two of you
Idia Shroud
It’s a private affair with you two in his dorm room, maybe at most a communal room that can be booked at the Ignihyde dorm, where the two of you plan a marathon!
He let’s you choose the game, show, music, whatever you two decide to binge for your birthday
Idia tries to hold back any remarks because it’s your birthday, even if the second movie of the Pumpkin King trilogy is way better than the first, because it’s what you want
Orders your favourite snacks ahead of time but if you point out his careful consideration and care he’ll probably end up blushing and stuttering!
Idia gets ahold of any item you want on the internet as a birthday present. Do not worry if it’s obscure, on another continent, only available through bidding, he can find it! 
Idia will be holding his breath while nervously watching you open the present, the ever-looming fear of getting you the wrong thing present. Feel free to spare him and open it after you leave! Or perhaps crush all his fears when he sees the expression on your face when you discover what he got you!
Malleus Draconia
Please invite him to the birthday party, he’s been looking forward to it far more than anyone else
Even if it’s just the two of you, he’d eat half a cake if it meant sharing the celebration with you
He would arrive early out of excitement and could help you prepare too if you’re not ready yet
Enjoys all the classic things like games, blowing candles, and any other traditions from your culture or just something you do
But if you want to try something completely new, that’s fun too! New traditions form all the time and just as you entre another new year of your life, you can try new things too! So if birthdays are more fun for you if they’re in enchanted gardens, corn mazes, or amusement parks, so be it!
Malleus makes sure you feel special, celebrated, and most importantly, not alone
All the magic tricks and spells you could ever want at your disposal courtesy of one of the strongest magicians in the world. Want to see an illusion of a castle of candy forming? Sure. Want to take a night ride on a broom under the night of the stars? Easy for Malleus. Time to transport to your favourite place? The spell has already been activated and you can see the gentle green glowing lights.
Let’s you take the lead though, if you want something he will try to achieve it within reason ... and maybe even if it isn’t reasonable. That would make this birthday all the more memorable, wouldn’t it? 
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twstdreams · 3 years
i just read the Villainous! reader (great work btw) and why do i feel that as soon as malleus found us we ether be dead or locked in the dungone (i can't spell)
Aww, thank you, sweetie! And yes, you’re right. Malleus would absolutely get revenge and isn’t afraid to hurt someone who betrayed him. If he’s still seething with rage, you might not even make it to the dungeon ... at least not alive. I wouldn’t be too surprise if you were electrocuted and suffering severe damage from that either. Even beyond not letting his image be tarnished, Malleus would be extremely hurt and emotional. My advice? If you can flee to another dimension, do so quickly!
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twstdreams · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland Game
For anyone who wants to be friends, here’s my account!
Player ID: A2FBL61p
Tumblr media
Also! Just want to note, I know the English translation changes some terms and speaking styles. I personally, am just going to follow fan translations I trust but I may adapt things here and there. There are several terms and words I definitely won’t use as I feel they’re either outdated or don’t flow as well.
aka I’m scarred by Sebek saying yeah baby and I ain’t ever going to do that
edit: my old phone rebelled so I had to start a new account
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twstdreams · 3 years
Hey! It's good to see you writing again! I hope you're having a decent holiday season.
Thank you!!! I'm getting back to it slowly but surely. It's reassuring to see you here! I was worried it'd be rather quiet. Your add-ons were so funny and warmed my heart! People like you make it worth coming back. I hope you're having a lovely winter break!
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twstdreams · 3 years
Rainy Days
It’s raining outside but warm in your heart.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle immediately checks on all the animals to ensure that their enclosure is set up to protect them from the rain. He enlists the help of several students and reminds them that the animal’s welfare is most definitely related to theirs. The dorm leader is not afraid to off some heads if the hedgehogs get sick!
The rain generally forces all the students into the dorm buildings. Given Heartslabyul is already at full capacity, he tries to ensure the students follow the rules despite being more cramped. 
School does not end just because it rains so he has a homework session with you. Catching up on assignments, writing lab reports, making study notes, all while taking refuge in the library or perhaps listening to the gentle sound of rain.
To reward you for your efforts, he’ll host a mini tea party for the two of you! The cool rain practically invites you to make a warm cup of tea. Depending on your mood, the two of you might try a new blend or perhaps an old favourite. Either way, it’ll be accompanied by a lovely dessert! Strawberry tart, rose petal petit fours, spiced chocolate cake, it all depends on what’s in season and Trey’s latest interest.
Leona Kingscholar
Cuddles for days when it rains! It’s not as if Leona is super productive or energetic on any given day but he most certainly is not getting all wet in the rain voluntarily. Lions do hunt during storms but Leona is more likely to go demand food be brought to him and laze about with you in his arms
He doesn’t treat rainy days as anything special but the two of you are likely doing separate things in the same space. You might be studying while he plays chess, reading as he naps, and so on
When the rain comes down, the two of you indulge in peaceful silence –– softly stroking hair with his head on your lap or leaning on his chest with a tail wrapped around your leg accompanied by the pitter patter of  raindrops falling
Azul Ashengrotto
Work never rests and Azul does not use rainy days as a sign to take a break
Rainy days, sunny days, all are good for business. He welcomes people to take cover from the rain in Mostro Lounge, while deliberating what item to buy off the menu of course
In the Sea of Corals, rain is treated much differently. Naturally no one who lives in the water fears getting wet, but rain does affect salinity and temperature of the ocean surface. Living in the depths of the sea means that rain is pretty new to Azul
It is kind of interesting for him to see rain and both how those on land treat it. He most definitely enjoys the uptick of warm drinks being ordered and unfortunately comes to learn how uncomfortable wet clothes are. 
The Octavinelle dorm is underwater so you don’t hear the soft sound of pouring rain unless you two were caught somewhere else before the downpour, such as the library or between classes. If you are, the background noise will most likely consist of a pen writing and drops of water hitting a window.
Kalim Al Asim
When it rains, Kalim would rather go out dancing than take shelter. The rain can help cool the temperature and nothing can damper Kalim’s mood. With grey skies blocking the sun, you can take refuge in Kalim’s sunny smile
Kalim stomps through puddles without hesitation. Clothes can be cleaned and he doesn’t mind getting wet! He’ll be delighted if you decide to join him frolicking in the rain. There’s no rhyme or reason really, you two just don’t let some cloudy skies get in the way of having a good time.
After the rain, there’s a rainbow! And if not Kalim can use his unique magic to make one. It’s a beautiful sight and the perfect way to end exploring and playing in the rain.
Warm up afterwards with hot chocolate or warm tea with milk as the two of you dry off. Be careful not to catch a cold or else you might end up with a grumpy Jamil
Vil Schoenheit
If he goes out, it’s with an umbrella, rain coat, and hair protectant to make sure his hair doesn’t get frizzy. No matter the weather, Vil intends to look beautiful.
With running outside on the tracks now out of the question, Vil is likely focus on yoga and weight training. He may do different forms of cardio though depending on the equipment and space available
Fresh and frozen fruits in his smoothie add colour to a dreary day while he also makes sure to get some vitamin D to make up for lack of sun
Vil never skips on his skincare routine ever, consistency is key, but on rainy days he might opt for a longer one. If you’re close, you might get to join him for a masking session! Or perhaps just be lucky enough to bask in his presence and get a glimpse at what he does to maintain the prettiest skin you’ve ever seen
Vil works on blog columns, plans social media posts, picks outfits, crafts potions, and completes homework on rainy days. If a plan or two has been cancelled, he gets ahead on other work. Vil does not waste day and he expects you to do the same!
May spare a kiss or two after skincare and removal of makeup if you were productive too
Idia Shroud
Nothing much changes for the homebody. He hardly had any plans to go out in the first place, but he hopes that gym class gets cancelled
Idia does have to check that packages didn’t get too wet! He might be anxious or frantic if he knew something delicate, limited edition, or precious is expected to be delivered during the dreary weather
Ortho wears water proof protectant so Idia isn’t overly worried, but he might do a check up or two just in case or if a scan shows abnormalities
He’s not opposed to some hot chocolate or warm drinks if you want! He’ll use headphones and try to keep quiet if you want to enjoy the sound of rain while you’re together
Suggest some comfy cuddles during the downpour and you’ll have a blushing mess on your hands, but he definitely doesn’t move away when you scoot closer! 
Rainy days have never been something fun for him, if anything one too many classmates watch him to see how his hair reacts with the water droplets, but they’re a bit more cozy with you
Malleus Draconia
One would think that Malleus has lived so long that rainy days lose meaning. While the Valley of Thorns isn’t a particularly rainy place, it is not so uncommon that it’s a cause for uproar. The weather changes as it always does.
However, the two of you are likely to spend the day exploring! Rain means you get to see the gargoyles in action as their purpose to function as gutters while protecting buildings from the water
If you’re having fun walking in the rain and enjoying the splashing sounds of your boots hitting water, then he’ll join you! It’s not something he does normally, but he can hardly resist your excited grin and extended hand as you invite him to join.
You both indulge each other with your favourite rainy day activities. Many dates take place under cloudy skies with the sound of rainfall to accompany you
If you two are ever caught without an umbrella, Malleus simply uses his magic to prevent you two from getting wet! He creates a shield which prevents anyone from getting soaked, like a little bubble to protect you from the weather
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twstdreams · 3 years
Welcome back, Luna-senpai!! I'm really happy to see you active again and I hope everything went alright with your school work and projects, I know how stressful they can get- ~🥧nonnie
Hey, darling! Thank you so much for your well wishes. Sorry for disappearing on you all again, but as I’m sure you can imagine life got hectic. Right now things are still a little messy, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So, by December 15th, hopefully, I can be back in full swing!
Take care of yourself, keep safe, and feel free to send me your favourite twst blogs or posts in the mean time!
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twstdreams · 3 years
Halloween Twisted Wonderland
Here are all the Halloween pieces I’ve made!
Halloween Haunting: Halloween Event CYOA as MC
Summoning Catastrophe: Accidentally summoning a demon and then Malleus has to save you
Trick or Treat: Jade and Floyd, Silver take little sibling!reader trick or treating
Trick or treat pt 2: Crowley takes his child trick or treating
Nightmares: Jamil, Leona, Floyd, Azul, and Riddle dream their lover is killed only to find their partner asleep beside them
Crowley’s kid: Crowley trick or treating with his child
Zombie AU: How the first year’s survive in a zombie apocalypse and what gets them killed
Spooky Starter Kit: Ace, Riddle, and Malleus introduce their S/O to Halloween
Terror Time: Silver, Epel, Ace, Ruggie, and Deuce are stuck in a horror movie haunted house or corn maze with their crush and desperately trying to survive!
Dress up: Riddle, Leona, and Kalim react to their S/O dressing up as their respective Great 7 figure
Pixie Predicament: Leona, Deuce, Epel, and Riddle help their S/O who accidentally drank a potion that turned them into a little fairy
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twstdreams · 3 years
The loss of a loved one is deeply upsetting and one of the worst experiences a person can go through. I wish you all the best, and your health comes before any writing.
Thanks! It's a lot but my family and I are getting through it. I have a support system that have been really understanding. I appreciate your well wishes! I hope you're taking care of yourself too, sweetie.
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