uncoloredhearts · 28 days
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uncoloredhearts · 28 days
there’s a website where you put in two musicians/artists and it makes a playlist that slowly transitions from one musician’s style of music to the other’s
it’s really fun
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uncoloredhearts · 28 days
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thinking about their peaceful morning in the cottage
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uncoloredhearts · 28 days
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uncoloredhearts · 1 month
i love you singers whose vocals sound desperate i love you musicians who sound like if you don’t get this song out you’re going to explode i love you songs that sound like they’re dragging the vocalist with them 80 miles per hour down the highway tied to the back of a truck i love you voice cracks in emotional songs i love you unique voices i love you music that disturbs the comfortable and comforts the disturbed
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uncoloredhearts · 2 months
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uncoloredhearts · 2 months
Mastering the Art of Dialogue
Dialogue is the lifeline of any narrative. It brings characters to life, propels the plot, and creates depth in the story. However, writing dialogue that feels real and engaging can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you refine your dialogue-writing skills:
1. Listen to Real Conversations
The foundation of great dialogue is authenticity. Spend time listening to how people speak in real life. Notice the flow of conversation, the interruptions, the ums and ahs, and the unfinished thoughts. Real speech is rarely grammatically perfect or fully articulated. Incorporating these nuances can make your dialogue more relatable.
2. Each Character Should Have a Unique Voice
Your characters should be distinguishable by their dialogue alone. A teenager will speak differently from an elderly person; a doctor will use different terminology than a street artist. Think about their background, education, and personality. These factors should influence their speech patterns, vocabulary, and even the rhythm of their dialogue.
3. Use Dialogue to Show, Not Tell
Dialogue is a powerful tool for showing the reader what’s happening without explicitly telling them. Through conversations, you can reveal your characters' thoughts, feelings, and intentions. For example, instead of narrating that a character is nervous, you could show it through their stammering dialogue or their avoidance of direct answers.
4. Keep It Concise
In real conversations, people often meander through their thoughts. In written dialogue, however, it's important to be concise. Every line of dialogue should serve a purpose, whether it’s moving the plot forward, revealing character, or creating tension. If a piece of dialogue doesn’t add value to your story, consider cutting it.
5. Read Your Dialogue Aloud
One of the best ways to test your dialogue is to hear it. Reading your dialogue aloud can help you catch awkward phrasings or unnatural speech patterns. Better yet, have someone else read it to you. This can provide insight into how your dialogue will sound to your readers.
6. Use Subtext to Your Advantage
Not everything needs to be said explicitly. Subtext—the underlying meaning behind the spoken words—can add depth and complexity to your dialogue. Characters might say one thing but mean another, based on their emotions, relationships, or situations. This layering of meaning can make your dialogue more engaging and thought-provoking.
7. Balance Dialogue with Action and Description
While dialogue is critical, it should be balanced with narrative description and action. This balance helps maintain the pacing of your story and ensures that your scenes are visually and emotionally compelling. Action and description can also provide context that enhances the meaning and impact of your dialogue.
Great dialogue can transform a good story into an unforgettable one. By applying these tips, you can craft dialogue that captures the essence of your characters and engages your readers on a deeper level. Remember, writing is a craft that improves with practice. Keep experimenting with your dialogue, and don't be afraid to rewrite until it sounds just right.
Writing dialogue is a skill that can be honed over time. The more you practice and read, the better you'll become at capturing the essence of conversation on the page.
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uncoloredhearts · 3 months
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uncoloredhearts · 3 months
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save me michael sheen director of the way(2024) gay swingers scene save me
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uncoloredhearts · 3 months
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boyfriends 😍
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uncoloredhearts · 3 months
The only two times we saw Crowley kissing something/someone was when he was losing them
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uncoloredhearts · 4 months
Aziraphale expressions that I find very funny
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uncoloredhearts · 5 months
i am not immune to stories in which characters who have endured harsh, empty existences become absolutely transformed by someone’s sincere love for them and learn to live
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uncoloredhearts · 5 months
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I needed to practice hands, so I did gay fanart about it
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uncoloredhearts · 7 months
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Can't decide which kind of reunion kiss I would prefer for them: either sweet and slow, with lots of talking OR Aziraphale just explodes like a pressure cooker releasing all his pent up emotions and unfulfilled desires/needs at once. Anyway I just want them to smooch and hug
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uncoloredhearts · 7 months
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you... soft and only
you... lost and lonely
you... just like heaven
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uncoloredhearts · 7 months
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They are smitten, I believe <3
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