undercover-ballerina · 14 hours
Trailblazing & Stargazing - Chapter 21
“Granger.” Zabini and Nott said in unison, slightly nodding in acknowledgment. 
She held out her hand to each of them in turn and, of course, they did the pretend kiss instead of shaking it like normal people. Pureblood etiquette! She managed not to roll her eyes. She should give herself another Order of Merlin First Class just for this incredible act of self-control.
“Zabini, Nott. A pleasure to meet you. Your muggle tuxedos are perfect, I suppose Pansy helped?”
“I can’t speak for Blaise, but I’m always perfect.” Smirked Nott. Hermione laughed, Draco snorted.
Zabini rolled his eyes. “Nott, if it weren’t for Pansy, you would have come here looking like my Great Aunt Cornelia when she comes back from vacationing around the world wearing bits and bobs from every country.”
“Now I absolutely need to meet her!” Chuckled Hermione.
“Three Snakes and a Lioness, I could write a story about this and become even more famous than Beedle the Bard” came Pansy’s voice. She was wearing a long black dress, with a high slit and a high neckline, the bodice was covered in lace. Her eyes quickly met Hermione’s who nodded imperceptibly.
“This is Agathe Fournier, my girlfriend.” She looked her friends in the eyes and squeezed Agathe’s hand. Agathe was rather petite, her hair was a light shade of brown and it was tied in a low bun at the nape of her neck. She was wearing a pink dress, with a corseted top and a full tulle skirt that reached her calves. She smiled timidly.
“Hello Agathe, I’m Hermione. I’m so happy to meet you.” Hermione shook her hand vigorously.
“Nice to meet you Hermione. Pansy told me you are her first client here in Britain.” Unlike Fleur, Agathe barely had a French accent.
Draco took Agathe’s hand and brought it towards his lips without actually kissing it. “Enchanté. I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.”
Hermione barely held back a snort. She could actually picture Draco as a wizarding James Bond. Nott and Zabini pretend-kissed Agathe’s hand, introduced themselves and greeted Pansy.
“Pans, are all witches this beautiful in France? Because I’m thinking of moving there if that’s the case.” Theo whispered, all too loudly, in his friend’s ear.
“The witches of Great Britain would be devastated to lose you, I’m sure.” Scoffed Blaise from behind.
Pansy rolled her eyes. “If you behave, I might think about introducing you to someone. Salazar knows it’s about time you two gave up your rakish ways.”
“You sound like my mother, Pans.” Laughed Draco as they reached their seats in the center of the Grand Tier.
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - Chapter 20
The month of February was a whirlwind. The Grangers had moved back into their home in Hampstead Garden Suburb, the reform was brought to the Wizengamot for a third time and, as expected, rejected. It would, hopefully, be approved in the second week of March. The Werewolf Integration Act had caused quite a stir and the Ministry had, again, received several howlers.
Her life had been, overall, hectic, but on Friday the 26th she had time to meet with Ginny and Luna for lunch. They met at the Leaky Cauldron because, as lovely as she was, Luna had a tendency to risk breaching the statute of secrecy when out around muggles. Her friends were already sitting at a table when Hermione arrived, she stopped at the bar to order her drink before joining them.
“Hello Hermione!” Said Luna in her dreamy, tinkling voice as she lowered her Spectrespecs from her head to her nose. “You are surprisingly wrackspurt-free. I’m glad to see things are turning out all right.”
“Hello Luna! I am, in fact, doing rather well, all things considered. How are you?” Hermione said as she sat down with her friends at the wooden table, hanging her bag on the back of her chair.
“I’m doing well, settling down in Hogsmeade, I’ve already met with Minerva and Hagrid about my teaching position next year. But Ginny has news. Her head is full of wrackspurts but she won’t tell me why, she wanted to wait for you and not have to repeat it.”
“What news, Ginny?” Asked Hermione as she accepted her butterbeer from the waiter.
“I’ve received an offer from the Harpies. They want to hire me as second coach, I’d become Head Coach when Sylvie Goray retires next year.” Said Ginny before taking a long sip of her butter beer.
“That is great Ginny!” Exclaimed Hermione.
“Oh, yes. A thrilling prospect!” Chimed Luna.
“It is, and I’m honored. But I’m not sure. I haven’t told Harry yet.” Ginny sighed, slouching.
“Why not? Surely he’d support you.” Hermione placed a comforting hand on Ginny’s arm.
“He would, but working as a coach would mean I’d be away most weekends. During the week Harry comes home late every night. We would hardly see each other anymore.”
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Hermione Granger and the Dramione Shippers - Chapter 12 - The Actual Epilogue 2019
Hermione stepped through the floo at 12 Grimmauld place and found herself in the midst of what seemed like a hurricane. Two trunks were piled in a corner, two identical owls hooted in their cages. Shouts came from somewhere on the upper floor. Hermione stepped away from the fireplace as the green flames spat out another trunk that she proceeded to levitate next to the other two. The flames lit up again and her daughter came out holding her black cat familiar, soon followed by her husband who was holding the carrier.
“Alya, put Pugsley in the carrier, please. Draco, get out of the way from the floo, I’m sure Ron will be coming through soon enough.”
Alya Granger-Malfoy, a wisp of an 11-year-old girl who had inherited her mother’s wit and her father’s smirk, nuzzled against her familiar’s soft, black fur before placing him in the carrier that her father was holding for her. Then, platinum curls bouncing, she ran upstairs to meet her cousins. Well, they weren’t cousins, really, but they might as well be since they had grown up together.
“Hello Auntie Ginny!” she shouted, already halfway up the stairs.
“Hi Alya, tell my kids to hurry up, will you? Godric knows I’ve yelled enough for today!” She entered the kitchen. “Hi Hermione! Hey there, ferret! Ready to be finally rid of your kid?”
“Hi Ginny! We won’t really be getting rid of her, though. We will be teaching her classes!” Said Hermione, quickly hugging her friend.
“Hey Weaslette! I can’t believe my precious little Wednesday is leaving the nest! I’m not sure how I’ll survive without our goodnight snuggles. I hope she’s sorted in Slytherin, I’ll just have to go read her a story in her dorm.” Draco said mournfully.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy! You will do no such thing!” Glared Hermione. “She will enjoy her years in Hogwarts like any other student and you will not smother her, or else! And, anyway, she will be a Gryffindor.”
The floo came alive and Ron came through, soon followed by Remus, his 14-year-old son who looked exactly like him at that age, two trunks and then Hyacinth, his 11-year-old daughter, and Hannah Weasley, née Abbott, his wife. Hyacinth was tall for her age and had Weasley hair but her features were softer and she looked very much like her mother, with dreamy brown eyes.
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - Chapter 19
The following morning she went back to her office to get caught up with everything that had passed while she had been gone. She payed a quick visit to the muggle liaison office to arrange for her parents’ new passports and then went to see Cho about the reform.
“Hermione! Welcome back! Is everything alright? You’ve been gone a few days.”
“Hi, Cho. I had to rush to Australia, my parents weren’t well. But now everything is fine and they’ll be moving back here soon.” Hermione said with a broad smile. “How is the second draft coming along? When will you take it to the Wizengamot again?”
“The second draft is ready, we had most of it ready even before the first hearing, we just tweaked it with some help from the Slytherins and Neville. Tomorrow we’ll go in for the second time, I’m aware it will be another farce so I won’t get my hopes up.” Cho sighed, resigned to move on with the game of snakes and ladders that was having anything approved by the Wizengamot.
“Let me know how it goes. It will take time but I’m sure you can have it passed. It’s a good reform, it will change things for the better.” Hermione said encouragingly.
“Let’s just hope we can get the concept to sink into those bearded skulls!” Chuckled Cho.
After a full day at work, Hermione flooed back to her house. She changed into dark blue muggle skinny-jeans, white trainers and a soft, merino wool jumper in emerald green,  all courtesy of Pansy Parkinson, minus the sneakers. She pulled her hair up in a messy bun, grabbed two bottles of wine and flooed to Grimmauld Place.
“Honey! I’m home!” She shouted as she exited from the fireplace at her friends’ kitchen. She heard steps coming down the stairs and Harry popped his head through the door, his hair sticking up in every direction, even more so than it usually was.
“Hey ‘Mione! Welcome back! Ginny’s still getting dressed, we were… er… delayed.” He blushed.
“You know, I could have survived without knowing you just finished shagging. I’m sort of going through a dry spell.” She huffed. Harry shrugged and wrapped her shoulders in a hug before taking her to the living room. A few minutes later, Ginny came down the stairs.
“Did you bring me a baby kangaroo?!” Ginny joked as she hugged her friend.
“I’m afraid that would have been illegal, and impractical too. But I brought wine.”
“That’s even better than a kangaroo! Sit down, to celebrate your return from down under, we’re having your favorite food. Paella!” Ginny shouted enthusiastically.
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Hermione Granger and th Dramione Shippers - Chapter 11
“Positively breathtaking.” said Draco as he kissed her hand when they met outside the gates. His lips lingered on her hand for a long instant before he started kissing his way up her arm gently pulling her closer. Her cloak fell back from her shoulder and he kept kissing up her throat, eventually reaching her lips. Her fingers reached the back of his head as his arms circled her waist. Hermione felt heat course through her body as the intensity of the kiss grew exponentially.
Draco eventually pulled away and the cold crept up on Hermione. He pulled her cloak back to cover her.
“I’m sorry, I got a bit carried away.” He said, not looking sorry at all.
“I’m glad to see you, too. Gomes.” Hermione chuckled.
“Who’s Gomes?” Draco frowned.
“Oh, right. Just a character from a muggle show. I’ll show you sometime.” She took his hand. “What’s the plan?” she asked.
“Edinburgh. I’ve reserved a table at The Witchery.”
He brushed one finger along her jaw and kissed her again. Just a soft kiss on her lips, but Hermione felt the heat spread from her chest all over again. He straightened up and apparated them.
They appeared in a small passage between a gift shop and an ice-cream parlor across the street from the witchery. They walked, hand in hand, the short distance to the restaurant. They were greeted at the entrance by a witch wearing black robes.
“Good evening Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy. Welcome to The Witchery by the Castle. If you’d like to leave your cloaks with me, I’ll escort you to your table.” They handed her their cloaks and she vanished them.
She led them to a small table by large, white, French windows in a wood paneled room with a high painted ceiling depicting images of the tarot. Candles spread a golden glow illuminating the leather chairs, the white tablecloths and the gilded statues scattered around the room. Draco pulled Hermione’s chair out for her and then sat on the opposite side of the table. He was wearing a black three-piece suit with a white shirt and a Gryffindor-red tie and pocket-square.
“We swapped house colors.” Commented Hermione nodding at his tie.
“I must say, Hermione, I think the color green was invented just for you. I might decide to start a quest to conquer the world just to forbid anyone else from wearing green ever again.” He smirked.
“Honestly, I think we’ve had enough world domination attempts to last us several lifetimes. How about we make a deal. You refrain from conquering the world and I wear green more often.”
“I could settle for that. I’m suddenly having visions of you wearing nothing but emeralds.” He eyed her through his lashes as he pretended to read the menu.
Hermione blushed. She was sure she’d read something along those lines in one of the Dramione fan fictions she’d read over the Christmas holidays. Two flutes of champagne appeared on the table. Hermione cleared her throat and tried to read what was written on the menu but her eyes would not focus.
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - chapter 18
The following morning, Hermione woke up early and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for her parents. She was not a great cook but she could make French toast, she made three and placed them under stasis charms so that they would still be warm when her parents came down. Wendell was the first to arrive.
“G-Goodmorning…” He paused as if he was trying to remember something. “Hermione! I smell something d-d-delicious.” He said.
“I made French toast for breakfast. With lots of cinnamon, just how you like it.”
“Thank you, d-d-dear. Would you mind helping your mum down the stairs? The s-stumbling is always worse in the m-morning.”
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Hermione Granger and the Dramione shippers - chapter 10
Breakfast in the Great Hall
If ever there was a Guinness world record for brightest blush, Hermione was sure she would win it. She felt her cheeks reach the temperature of Mount Vesuvius’ Pyroclastic cloud that burned Herculaneum.
“How?” She asked in a whisper, to avoid drawing attention from the few students still lingering in the Great Hall. She was, pointedly, not looking at him.
“It appears, we are both curious, Granger. I think I should smirk now. I heard it does something to your insides.” And he did, in fact, smirk. But her insides were too twisted to react to it. “Anyway, you gave me enough information, so I went on a quick trip to Hastings, yesterday. By the way, sorry for standing you up. Did you have a good time with Pomona?”
Hermione nodded slightly.
“Good. Perhaps we could start a new… what’s it called? Ah, yes, ship. Would it be Pomione or Hermona? Although, I must say, I’m pretty fond of Dramione. I’ve read some… rather creative things.”
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - Chapter 17
Hermione made herself some coffee and waited on the sofa. When the time came, she took the broken mirror out of her pocket and unfolded the napkin, the moment it activated she touched it and she felt like she was being pulled inside a tornado. She landed roughly at the Portkey Arrivals gate at the Kingsford Smith International Airport. She went through the Wizarding security checks and then she met Ron. “Hey, ‘Mione! How are you?” He hugged her tight. “Hello Ron! I’m a bit drowsy but I have a potion, give me a moment.” She took the anti-disconbobulating potion from her beaded bag and drank it in one single gulp. She felt better and mentally thanked Malfoy. “Look at you, Ron, all tanned! You look like an Aussie already!” “I must say, things are going really well for me here.” “I’m so happy for you! And thank you, for looking out for my parents.” “You know I always cared about them, that hasn’t changed.” “What did the healers say?” “I’m taking you there right now so you can talk to them directly.” He held out his arm, when she took it, he apparated them to the Ursula Southeil Hospital for Magical Maladies. They entered the hall and Ron purposefully strode towards the information desk. “Hey, Mate.” He said to the wizard on duty. “I have an appointment to see Healer Alinta Cavanaugh.” The wizard checked the parchment in front of him “Second floor, ambulatory number 24, turn right when you get to the second floor, fifth door on the left side.” “Thanks Mate.” As they climbed up the stairs, they met quite a few healers along the way. Unlike the healers at St. Mungo’s, who wore very unpractical robes, the healers here wore regular muggle scrubs in different colors. Hermione and Ron reached the ambulatory and knocked. The door opened and a witch about their age, with dark hair, dark eyes and traditional tattoos on her forehead and chin greeted them, she was wearing blue scrubs. “Hello Mr Weasley. You must be Minister Granger. I’ve read a lot about you.” “Hello Healer Cavanaugh. I sure hope your source material wasn’t the Daily Prophet or you’ll have a really poor opinion of me.” “Oh no, don’t worry. I hate the Prophet.” She gestured dismissively.
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Hermione Ganger and the Dramione Shippers - Chapter 9
After talking to Hermione and seemingly getting her to talk to him again, Draco returned to his rooms. They were not very different from Hermione’s but his sofa was black leather and the rest of his furniture was black too. He didn’t even like black, but this had been Snape’s flat and he didn’t want to change it. His Godfather was never an affectionate man but he had always been kind to Draco and he missed him.
He had not understood a word of what Hermione had said, but he was pretty sure that that fucking book was at least part of the reason she had been avoiding him. Muggles were probably writing stories depicting him even worse than he felt about himself. He took out his pensieve and revisited the memory.
Not that using his pensieve with memories of his evenings with Hermione was new. He did that almost every day, trying to figure out what he did right or wrong depending on her reactions. He had been fancying her since that very first day when they had found out about the whole Harry Potter books fiasco. He told himself he shouldn’t fancy her, because she could be nice and friendly to him, but surely, she could never forget how he’d treated her, how she had been tortured in his own drawing room as he looked helplessly at her. But sometimes he felt like, maybe, she wanted him too. The mixed signals drove him crazy. He had tried, really really hard, to avoid wanking to thoughts of her, but that battle had been lost long ago. Her lips, her hands, he legs, all of her, now haunted his dreams.
After the fourth time he had revisited the memory he thought he had everything down. He had to find this internet, wherever it may be, and look for this AO3… webshite? No, websight. Yes, definitely websight. Or wherever the fan fiction was kept. It all sounded like gibberish to him. Oh, and Dramione, that weird word on the cover of that blasted book. That seemed important too. He needed help from someone who would know about such things. A muggle born, he would ask a muggle born student. Who could he trust?
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The things nobody says - chapter 4
When Olivia reached her parents’ home she was relieved. She wouldn’t be alone anymore, she’d have help. Her parents welcomed her babies with open arms and took them from the car into the house. Olivia took the luggage to her bedroom as her parents cooed over the babies. They had hardly said hello to her, but she guessed it should be expected. They were very excited about becoming grandparents.
She sat on her childhood bed staring at the wall. A yellowed Leonardo DiCaprio poster was still pinned above her desk, the corners curling around the pins. Below it, hung framed pictures of her with her friends throughout their teens. The last picture had been taken at the beach on her last summer at home before leaving for university. She was wearing a lime green bikini that stood out against her tanned skin, her arms and legs were toned and her stomach was flat, her abdominal muscles taut.
She looked down at herself now and sighed. She was wearing black yoga pants that were slightly tearing at the inner seams, her drool stained grey hoodie was large enough to cover her now sagging stomach and breasts. She needed to feed the girls before she started leaking, again. She thought. She went to the living room where her parents were still making funny faces at the twins. It was a sight to behold. Her very prim and proper parents were kneeling down, on the living room carpet, speaking nonsense in high pitched voices at the twins who were sitting in two identical bouncers she had not seen before. Her parents had probably gone on a shopping spree and wasted a shitload of money on mostly useless stuff. She remembered, then, that she had left the breastfeeding cushion in the car, she went out to get it. Nobody had noticed her coming in the room and nobody noticed her leaving it. She came back, sat on the sofa wrapping the cushion around her waist and called her parents, who still hadn’t seen her.
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Hermione Granger and the Dramione Shippers
As soon as she stepped out of the floo at the Three Broomsticks, she saw him. Platinum blond hair studiously tousled, grey eyes looking at her with an intensity that melted her insides, long fingers curled around a glass of butter beer. He smiled at her and stood up, reaching her with just a few strides. He hugged her, his hands resting lightly on her back, his fingers gently pressing into her. He smelled of spearmint and sandalwood and his breath tickled her neck as his hands literally burned through her jumper. She stood there, awkwardly hugging him back, not knowing where to rest her hands.
“Welcome back, Hermione. Did you spend a nice holiday at home?” He said, still holding her.
She wondered if he could hear her heart. Probably, because it was beating louder than the 21-gun salute performed for the birthday of the muggle Queen.
“Hello, Draco. Y-yes, it was a nice holiday. How have you been?” She disentangled from his hug, even though she would have liked nothing better than to stay there forever.
“I must say, the school during holidays is exceedingly dull. Nobody brewed illegal polyjuice potion and turned themselves into cats, no trolls in the dungeons, no life-threatening situations at all. Kids these days don’t know how to have fun.” He chuckled.
Hermione snorted, just for a second, forgetting to feel embarrassed. “You, are an idiot.”
“A devilishly handsome idiot though.” He smirked and her stomach did a somersault. “I took you up on your offer and borrowed some of your books, although reading with you is much more enjoyable than reading by myself. Did you bring any new books? Do you have any news about the… movies?” He said guiding her, with a gentle hand on her back, towards the table he had been occupying.
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - Chapter 16
“Hey Hermione! Ready to go out for lunch?” Said Harry as he walked through the door. “I’m starving!”
“That’s new!” She deadpanned.
Harry laughed. “Hey, I still have to make up for all the times the Dursley’s made me go hungry.”
“We just have to wait a minute. We have a guest.” Said Hermione tentatively.
“Now, that is new! Who’s coming with us?” Harry asked.
At that exact moment, Malfoy, as handsome as ever, came in through the door that Harry had left open.
“Good morning, Granger, Potter. I hope I’m not too late. The redrafting of the education reform went on a little longer than expected.”
Harry gawked.
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - chapter 15
Hermione was thoroughly exhausted after a very long work day and hoped to be able to go home soon, but the education reform was too important, she had to see this through.
When she stepped out of the floo at Malfoy House, still wearing her work outfit, she was surprised to see Malfoy waiting for her and not Carson.
“Hello, Granger.” He said with his trademark smirk. “Are you done saving the Wizarding World for today?”
He was wearing a black suit with a crisp white Oxford shirt and a dark green tie. Hermione felt extremely self-conscious, she had come here straight from the Ministry and looked a mess.
“Honestly, Malfoy. I’m haggard, I could do without further bullying from you. I read your memo, I visited Eniiyi’s memory of the hearing, I really don’t need to be here unless you’re going to be civil.” She chided, taking her discomfort out on him.
“Calm down, Granger. I was just joking, not bullying.” He replied, raising his hands in surrender.
“Do. Not. Tell. Me. To. Calm. Down. Ever.” She growled.
“Fine, fine. I’m sorry. Let’s get some food into you, before you bite my head off.” He took her arm and lead her towards the dining room. "You look llovely, by the way. Green looks good on you"
She huffed but went along with him. Mostly because she was hungry and her fridge was empty, and she did like this outfit very much and she was glad someone had noticed it, even though she was aware that she looked anything but lovely and he was just being nice.
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Hermione Granger and the Dramione shippers - chapter 7
Her mother was mostly silent. When her father left them to go to sleep Mrs. Granger asked “This Malfoy boy. Was he really that bad?”
“Well, mom, he was a little bully. There’s no escaping that. But as far as the war is concerned, he was as much a victim as I was. He has been tried and acquitted of all charges. And I assure you, the Wizengamot was out for blood. Had he been even remotely guilty, they would have locked him up for good.” Hermione said earnestly.
“And he works with you now.” Her expression unreadable.
“Yes, he does. You could almost say we are friends now. He apologized, about everything. He really is sorry and he has changed.” Hermione reassured her mother.
“And this almost friendly Malfoy, are you two… involved?”
“Mum! No! What makes you think that?” Hermione blushed.
“Well, that website seems to think otherwise.” Her mother protested.
“Mum, we talked about it. That is just fantasy!”
“Theoretically, the books are being sold as fantasy too.” Scowled her mother.
“Well, that’s… different.”
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Trailblazing & Stargazing - chapter 14
A while later there was a knock on the door, Eniiyi came through “Mr Malfoy is here, would you like me to let him through?” Hermione nodded in response and Eniiyi, before walking away said “I’ll start heading down for the hearing if you don’t need anything else.”
“I’m fine Eniiyi, go right ahead, I’ll see you later.” Replied Hermione. Eniiyi left and Malfoy came through the door, shutting it behind his back.
“Good morning, Granger. Are you not coming to the hearing?” He asked.
“No, Eniiyi will be there to imply my support without overshadowing Cho’s great work. I’d like to hear your thoughts about it though, I’ll review Eniiyi’s memory when she gets back. Perhaps, you could write a short recap later tonight?”
“Very well, I’ll owl you later.” He nodded and turned around to leave but, before he opened the door, Hermione said
“Did you know Parkinson has a muggle phone?”
He looked at her with a brow raised high. “Parkinson has a muggle what now?”
She huffed. “A phone, Malfoy! It’s a clever bit of technology, much better communication method than floo calls and owl post. You should ask her to help you get one yourself.”
Malfoy shrugged, muttering something under his breath, and left. Hermione got back to work, putting aside all thoughts of what was going on in the Wizengamot chambers. She focused on reading through all the notes she had from the various departments.
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undercover-ballerina · 2 months
Hermione Granger and the Dramione Shippers - Chapter 5 - the first chapter with some smut
Christmas break came and Hermione left the school to visit her parents. Before leaving she had left a small package on Draco’s desk, nothing fancy, just a few sugar quills, which she knew he loved, and a pair of protective gloves for potion brewing, because she’d had to heal his hands on multiple occasions when he’d had to intervene quickly before a student could blow up the classroom or kill everyone with toxic fumes. 
Malfoy would stay in the castle over the holidays, using the excuse of having to watch over the children who didn’t have families, to avoid returning to his own Manor, where the stench of death and the gloom of black magic still hung in the air. He walked with her to the three broomsticks, casting a warming charm over both of them and an impervious charm to protect them from the snow that was slowly falling over the school grounds.
“Have a nice holiday, Hermione.” He said, tucking a lose strand of her hair behind her ear as they reached the pub.
“You too, Draco. Feel free to take books from my room if you want something to read.” She held out her hand to shake his, but instead, he used her hand to pull her into a hug. Hermione felt awkward at first, but then relaxed into the warmth of his chest and lightly kissed his cheek before stepping away to enter the pub to access the floo.
The sky was incredibly blue and the air was extremely cold when she appeared in the backyard of her parents’ house. She was surprised at first, but then remembered that Scotland was very much further up north, sometimes she forgot that. She had flooed from the three broomsticks to the leaky cauldron and apparated from there, it had taken less than two minutes to travel more than 900km.
Her parents were both happy to see her, but, on a closer look, her mother seemed tense. Hermione told them about her job, about Andrew Chapman and how he was now top of his class; she told them about how strange it felt to be working with her own professors but that having a colleague who was her own classmate helped.
“Who is this classmate you work with? Do we know him?” Asked her father.
“You’ve met him once, but he was a nightmare back then. Luckily, now he has changed. We read together, I’m teaching him about muggle literature.” She said with a big smile on her face.
“What’s his name? Is he in the books?” Her mother asked with a clouded expression.
“He is in the books, but he’s not the same anymore, I promise. Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”
Her mother scoffed. “I guess we’ll find out when we get to read them. They were sold out when we went to buy them.”
Her father wanted to talk about the books and the upcoming movies. He was curious about how the news had been received in the Wizarding World. He then proceeded to update Hermione on the teeth of each of their patients. 
When Hermione wished them goodnight, her mother followed her. Before she could step on the stairs, her mother pulled her into their home office.
“Come here, Hermione. I need to talk to you.” She went towards the desk, turned on her computer and showed her a website, it was called AO3. The website itself was rather unimpressive. Hermione didn’t understand what the problem could be with such an innocent-looking website.
“When you asked us to look on the internet to see what came out, we started googling your name and other keywords every day. When we saw that nothing serious appeared, we reduced to once a week.” 
She had a strange expression, something in between conspiratorial and ashamed. “Well, two weeks ago I googled your name and some… stuff came up. I have since told your father not to do any more research on you. But after what you said before… what is your relationship with this Malfoy boy?” 
“We’re friends, colleagues. Why?” Hermione didn’t understand where this conversation was headed and felt uncomfortable.
“Well, you should read some of this, privately. I don’t know what you can do about it though. I got you a laptop, it’s in your room. You’ll find the links in the browser history.”
“I will mum, thank you.” Her mother left and Hermione went upstairs, washed, put on her pajamas and sat on her bed with the laptop. She opened the browser and searched the history. All links brought to the same website her mother had shown her, AO3. Before reading anything, she decided to find out more about the website itself. AO3 was the acronym for Archive of Our Own. A website, run by volunteers, where people could post fanfiction. She googled the definition of fanfiction first, then started reading the first link in the browser history. It was a short story, ten thousand-ish words. The title was, honestly, rather lame “The Library”.
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undercover-ballerina · 2 months
The things nobody says - chapter 3
Steve put a hand on her shoulder and said “Don’t move, I can move the cradles closer.” He stood, moved his chair away and rolled the cradles up towards the head of the bed.
“This here is Phoebe. She’s the smaller one, but the doctors said her weight is perfect. They are both rather big for twins. That’s why your bump was so big, you were carrying around a total of 6kg of babies.” He gently stroked her hair. “I can’t believe I almost lost you.” He whispered. Olivia leaned her head in his hand, relishing his touch. She looked at their babies. “All’s well that ends well, look at what we made!”
Phoebe was wearing the onesie they had picked for her, it was white with glittery grey stars all over and ‘Mini Rockstar’ written on the chest in lime green. She had the softest brown hair and the cutest little pout. Her lips were making a sucking movement as she slept. Olivia felt her heart clench.
“You made them, and I’m so proud of the three women of my life. This big girl here is Amelia.” He said with a sweet smile. Her onesie was mint green with large black polka dots and the words ‘Milk & cuddles’ written in hot-pink on her tummy. She was a little bigger than her sister, the same brown hair and rosy cheeks, her tiny little fists kept clenching and unclenching.
Olivia felt tears sting her eyes. “Hello my little cupcakes. Welcome to the world. Mommy loves you so much.”
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