unsinistry · 3 years
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unsinistry · 6 years
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Please reblog, this is so important.
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unsinistry · 6 years
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unsinistry · 6 years
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unsinistry · 6 years
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Powerpuff Girls
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unsinistry · 6 years
the plot forming in your mind:
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actually trying to write it:
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unsinistry · 6 years
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It had to be done.
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unsinistry · 6 years
I haven’t done a Heatwave x Quickshadow one-shot in awhile so lemme try
This takes place after the episode “Transformations” and basically one of Doc Morocco’s experiments had caused a global transformation turning the bots human. What a catastrophe.
Sunday Night, The Day After the Disaster 8:30PM
“Finally! I get to see what it’s like eat popcorn, and dinner with mashed potatoes and chicken and...”
With each listing Heatwave’s scowl grew a bit louder before Blades shut his mouth and supposedly mumbled something about Heatwave being a “party pooper”. “I’ll give you a tour,” Dani offered Blades as he cheerfully hopped around.
Blades had caramel-ish skin, while his orange mop of hair sat messily atop of his head. His bright blue eyes sparkled with glee as he took his white jacket off and tossed it lazily onto a chair before running off with Dani.
Heatwave on the other hand had a messy mop of red spik-y hair. Patches of dried ash were painted along his tan skin. His eyes were disturbingly red, almost as if looking into pool of the color. He tugged at the collar of his shirt in annoyance before sighing in defeat.
“These clothes are quite irritating, aren’t they?” A familiar feminine Brit established quite obviously. “No kidding, Kade’s clothing is not working out for me,” Heatwave mumbles before casting a glance at Quickshadow.
She had black hair that dangle a little bit further down her back and bright blue eyes, matching the color that would usually be her Ausley Benton. Dani must’ve lended her clothes, he had seen the white button-up blouse on her before. She had a denim jacket, the cuffs rolled up once at the end. She must’ve borrowed the black leggings and blue flats as well, he noted.
“Chase? Boulder?” She questioned vaguely. “Chase went on patrol with Chief and Boulder and Graham’s and Boulder are down in the Bunker trying to find out what caused this whole menace,” Heatwave sighed.
“Where’s your partner in crime?” Quickshadow lightheartedly queried receiving an eye roll from the tempered firefighter. “Out st the drive-in with his girlfriend,” He answered with little interest. “Ah,” She hummed before an agonizing silence drifted.
“Well, if you do not mind, I’m going out for a walk, Dani says the skies are absolutely stunning at night!” Quickshadow chirped and fluttered a wave. Heatwave sighed deeply before mumbling, “Mind if I tag along, it might take my mind off our current situation..”
Quickshadow flashed a genuine smirk.
“With all of us in different areas of the world, it makes me miss the team, even that Cheeky bastard, Blurr,” The lady laughed lightly as they strolled the glistening sidewalks of Griffin Rock. “Heh, we should owe it to Chief for bringing us all together,” Heatwave added to her statement.
“Ah, yes. The chief can be quite persuasive when it comes to family interactions.” Quickshadow agreed quietly. “When I had first arrived at Griffin Rock, you and your team were quite the surprise...” The femme mumbled unexpectedly. “Optimus had spoke to me, he told me I had as much to learn from you as you are to learn from me.”
She ran a hand through her black hair, gently tugging at a strand. “Wow, did the special Ops agent actually learn something from us, what an honor!” Heatwave had exclaimed with mock excitement. “Don’t play as if you haven’t gotten any new knowledge as well,” Quickshadow retorted.
“What did you learn then?” Heatwave’s comedic tone settled back to its raspy setting.
“That, if you have a want for something that you’ve never had, it requires an act that you have never done.”
“I thought you would know that better than anyone?” Quickshadow queried wittily and painted on a smirk.
Before she could spit out another quirky remark, Heatwave had propped her face up to his and kissed her. Quickshadow’s bright blue eyes had extended past its limit. Cautiously placing a hand on his chest to push him away before relaxing and giving in, not all too reluctantly anyway.
Heatwave pushed away suddenly, a slight look of horror sabotaging his face. “Quickshadow.. I’m-“ He failed to spit out he words before Quickshadow had risen a hand in silence.
“Don’t speak any word of that..” She said, thought her posture had slumped and she looked different. More shrunken down, you might say. Heatwave ran a hand through his red hair, shaking his head in disbelief as he cursed himself limitlessly.
“It was a... glamorous night.. I’ll see you yet again at the Firehouse..” Quickshadow mumbled before dispersing into the streets alone, leaving a broken Heatwave torn.
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unsinistry · 6 years
I’m doing a reds one-shot for once. They’re in highschool, they actually have fingers and stuff so yea, some fluff.
Blossom leaned against the principle’s desk, her bright pink eyes burning with suspicion and slight confusion. “See Blossom, Butch and Boomer have already arrived a couple of days back, since Brick here is now just here, I find it best that you…”
“Watch him?” Blossom finished, her gaze meeting a pair of blue eyes behind her. “Uh, excuse me, but I’m fully capable of taking care of myself,” Blossom’s counterpart intervened, his burning red eyes narrowed. “The only reason you’re here is because the mayor practically forced you here,” Blossom coolly replied. “I’m surprised you even came, although it was fairly late. Afraid that you might not meet up to the expectations?”
“I’m not going to meet up with the ‘expectations’, more realistically, I’ll go beyond them,” Brick bitterly replied, Blossom scoffing at such a comment before going towards the door. “I’ve set Brick on a different schedule, and if he causes any trouble, I’ll be sure to contact you, Miss Utonium,” The principle said shortly after.
Blossom nodded, keeping a firm gaze on Brick’s red glare. The principle being the brave soul she was dared to break the silence, a small smile spreading across her lips, “Ah, 2:34, the two of you should be heading home.”
Brick wet his lips briefly before he headed for the door, Blossom exiting first, a dark glance passing between them before she left, soon after was him. A faint “Have a good day,” was heard before the door was shut and they were on their way out the school.
Blossom’s lengthy red hair flew about, stray strands meeting with the cool winds. She could hear the rhythmic pattern of Brick’s steps a good six feet away, slightly irritating her as she could feel his dark gaze burning into her neck.
She pursued her lips, shattering the eerie silence as she parted her lips to speak, “Buttercup and Bubbles may have befriended Butch and Boomer, but those policies don’t apply to us, and I hope that’s clear.”
A small forced laugh escaped Brick’s lips, “Crystal.” She nodded, keeping her same pace as she patted at her beige and white sweater and clean jeans. She drowned slightly as she tugged at a loose thread, snapping it which seemed to have caught Brick’s attention.
It couldn’t have been that loud?
Wait, he had powers as well..
“Something’s wrong,” She finally muttered, spinning on her heel to face her counterpart dead in the eye. “Your brothers haven’t caused any trouble at all during their short time here. Why?” She queried, the need for an answer etching behind her smooth voice.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Brick questioned as if it was obvious, shoving his hands into his Jean pockets. “I-I don’t know, you and your brothers have a reputation since you have.. matured, I understand you guys have grown up and all, but I would have thought you would still be.. criminals?” Blossom suggested, her pink gaze hardening.
“Why does it matter to you?” Brick questioned, slightly arching a brow. “That’s a very stupid question to ask,” Blossom retorted crossing her arms. “I’m a superhero, I get to the bottom of things. And you, my friend in which you are not, are the reason why.”
“Hah, find that hard to believe,” Brick sardonically muttered, his gaze starting to cool. “You avoided my question,” Blossom restarted smoothly uttered, lacing her arms together before her chest. “As did you,” Brick countered, her gaze didn’t even falter at the slightest.
“That was your opinion, not a question.”
“Why aren’t you here to cause chaos, madness, destruction? I appreciate the fact that you aren’t, but I don’t understand why.”
“What I’m hearing is that you want us to go back to being criminals, causing chaos, am I right?”
“You’ve ignored my question again.”
“Then what do you want me to say?”
That was it, Blossom curled her fingers around the collar if his shirt, bunching it up and dragging him down to eye level, barely a gap between them. “Why are you here?” she huskily whispered, his firm red gaze slightly faltered, startled by the sudden violence.
“Why can’t I be here?” He responded in the same tone, his teeth gritting against one another. “You can’t return to Townsville without a reason in mind, you and your brothers are criminals. Buttercup and Bubbles may have softened up on their counterparts, but I haven’t on mine.”
“So I’m 'yours’ now?” Brick restated, a smirk twitching at the tip of his lips. A faint blush managed to redden her face before she licked her lips and shook her head. “There’s no way I would have ever said that,” Blossom scoffed, her fist clenching tighter around his collar.
“Heh,” He gave a short laugh before mumbling something.
“Now what was that?” She questioned, quirking am eyebrow.
“Go to hell.”
She learned forward, their cheeks gently pressing together as she whispered quietly into his ear, a strand of his red hair crushing against her forehead.
“I’d tell you the same thing, but you’d probably just feel at home.”
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unsinistry · 6 years
Death of The Professor
Okay um Imma have three of these, in telling when the other two will come out, but this one is focused on Buttercup's reaction, I'll do Blossom and Bubbles soon after like said b4 idk when anyway lessgo
Buttercup busted through the door, hair whipping around her pale face, eyes full of concern and pain as she focused on the professor in the medical bed. "Professor," She breathed as she came over, hovering over him slightly, her arms seeming misplaced and unsure where to be.
His thick black hair was removed from his fist face, his beaten up face, clear for anyone to see. She bit her lower lip, removing her wispy hair from her face. She gently shook his shoulders, her lip curling into a sneer and a glint of pain and spite in her green eyes. "What'd you do," She sneered, her voice etched with the pain that was unsuccessfully masked.
She glared down at the bandages around his chest, yellow and matted with blood. "He's just resting," The Doctor replied softly, unfazed by the harsh tone received, setting down his clipboard and heading for the door. The professor drearily opened his eyes, his brown eyes soft.
Buttercup turned her attention to meet his gaze, teeth lightly chattering her breath shaky and unsteady. "Buttercup.." The man muttered, coughing as he weakly sat up. "Professor, please say you're alright," She shakily said, her hand gently gripping the side of the bed. Professor Utonium looked down, clearing his throat before mumbling, "We have more pressing matters."
"No we don't," The teen girl gasped, her necklace dangling loosely from her neck. There was a pause before she parted her lips to speak, "We'll get you back up, you'll be standing in n-"
"Buttercup," The professor had cut her off, his fingers gently knitting it's way between hers. "We can't," The professor coughed a series of time before continuing, "do anything.. The damage is too severe for anything to be done.." An agonizing silence drifted, all but the slow beeping of the professor's heartbeat.
"We can do something to fix this, you have a bunch of chemicals, I'll fly to the lab right now and-"
"There's nothing," Utonium gripped her hand just a little harder, she shook her head sniffing ever so slightly as her eyes seemed to be aching in pain. She not back the welling of tears that threatened to overflow, gripping their clasped hands with her other. "I-I-I don't understand," She stuttered, her breath becoming heavier.
"The bullet that shot me... It pierced through my heart, I'm considered lucky just to be sitting here," Professor muttered, taking a deep grasp for breath. "They said they would give me a medication.. to ease the pain so the.. the.." His words seemed to fade as Buttercup shook her head and grinded her teeth, her eyes squeezed shut as she rubbed her forehead in their clasped hands.
"Stop talking like that!" She almost screamed instantly after she said that, her tears overflowing. She could feel the weight of his gaze on her, "Stop looking at me! I can't do this!" she tightened her fist, vibrating ever so slightly as her lip quivered, her voice gradually forming into a sob.
She could see the medication beside her, shaking her head as she read the bottle, forcefully setting it down. "It's time for you.. Time for you and your sisters to let me go.." "I can't!" She sobbed immediately afterwards, her tears starting to drip as she wheezed, "I-I can't do this.." She fell into a coughing fit little afterwards.
She picked up the bottle, squeezing it lightly as it started to crumble. "I can't let you die!" She sobbed, dropping the crumbled bottle onto the ground. His gaze didn't falter as he glared at the bottle, then unfolded his other hand hidden behind him, two pills in his hand. "P'fess- Dad! I can't, please, you can't leave us!" Her tears overflowed, streams making their way down.
He had set one in his mouth, despite her protesting. "Everyone passes away sooner or later, it wasn't long until I was to be next," He said, Coughing a little bit more. "Please stay..." He asked quietly as he held her hand. She didn't bother to snatch it away, only crumbled down next to him. "I don't want to be alone.." He whispered, his voice gradually growing hoarse.
"Thank you, Buttercup, without you and the girls, I wouldn't be here. All the adventures we've had, couldn't have wished for more," His voice seemed a little high pitched towards the end, he wheezed, coughing before his hand lost its grip and he slowly rested back on the pillow. "No..." She said to herself, shaking her head.
Her lip quivered as she continued on, "No.. No... No... please!" She wheezed as she placed her head on his shoulder, the monitor flat lined as she sobbed loudly into his shoulder. She squeezed his hand shaking her head as she screamed, hoping the pain would ease, yet it never did.
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unsinistry · 6 years
No title I’m out- pretty much Brain dead but here we go
-Greens fic ppgxrrb
Buttercup spun the string of spaghetti through her plastic fork, the lights dimmed to the minimum as she sat alone at the table of the family household. She gently escorted a strand of hair behind her ear, pushing back her plate of spaghetti into the sink before her and sliding out the bar stool into the living room.
The house was irritably silent, exception of the light pitter-patter of the pouring rain outside. The seventeen year old turned on the television, remote still in hand as the news channel flickered on. An illustration represented her and her two other super powered siblings on the screen, a man with a very solemn expression read from the few papers in his grasp-
“Day three since the two Powerpuff Girls, Bubbles and Blossom have been seen since the incident with Mojo Jojo. Leaving us with only one super powered team, how dependent can we be on the only Powerpuff Girl to keep our city sa-”
Buttercup turned off the television, the room dimming into an almost pitch black scene. The girl ripped her jacket from the arm of the couch, abruptly unlocking the front door to her house. She pulled her phone from her black jacket pocket, the rain pouring down onto the cement, threatening to splash onto Buttercup’s lime green converse.
She dialed a number, observing the dark skies decorated with specks of rain and sheared clouds. “You watched the news?” A familiar voice swarmed into the speakers of her phone. “Why do you think I’m calling, Butch?” Buttercup retorted irritably, gently pulling her hood over her head and walking out into the rain. She could feel the wet drops of water sink through her hood.
“It’s ten o'clock at night, what are you going to even do?”
“Anything, I can’t just sit around and not look for my sister’s! They’ve been missing for three whole days, swiped right under my nose to God knows where. Not to mention the professors worn himself out looking for my siblings, not allowing me to go search for them so I won’t get taken..”
The other end was silence for a brief moment before he sighed heavily, “Can’t you trace their bio-signature? Thought your dad had some thing to track down traces of Chemical X.”
“Don’t you think we’ve already tried that?” Buttercup hissed, as she rose into the air, surveying from the rainy skies. “Professor was only able to trade you and your brothers other signatures, from what we know, they aren’t anywhere in Townsville.”
Buttercup’s green eyes scanned the buildings, biting her lower lip as she averted her gaze to one of the vehicles pulling into a garage and turning off their rumbling engine. She huffed, blinking as Butch started up again, “Maybe it’s better if you just try and help your dad find your sister’s remotely. I mean, what if you get taken too? Your sisters are pretty clever, I’m sure they can find a way out on their own.”
“Like when? What if they’re gone for weeks, months, maybe even years? If it’s worth finding my sister’s, then I might as well. We work better together, so will get out, we always do.”
“So you’re going to let past experiences decide for what’s going to happen next? What if you don’t make it out? It’s not always a happy ending all the damn time!”
Buttercup had landed back on her front porch beneath patio covering, uncovering her raven black hair as she slipped back her hood. “Hah, you almost sound worried,” She sardonically scoffed, rolling her eyes in the process. The wind started to whip around aggressively, a lime green streak that accumulated into a teenage boy around Buttercup’s age, matching raven hair and green eyes considered as her counterpart stood before her.
She slipped her phone back into her pocket, looking Butch in the eye. “Because I am,” He answered her, running a hand through his spiky raven hair. “What? You need a protector too? You even have powers identical to mine!” Buttercup muttered bitterly, shaking her head in disbelief. “No, I don’t, but your city, Townsville for sure does,” Butch countered, eyes full of what seems to be concern.
“I’m gonna do what I have to do, even if that means risking my own life for the sake of it,” His counterpart said, grief etched behind it, walking past him onto the path that lead to the sidewalk. “So you’re going to leave Townsville, your dad, the people who need someone to protect them from whatever the hell is out there for your sister’s who are more than capable of taking care of themselves?” He queried, causing her to pause in her actions.
“If that’s what it takes,” She muttered, leering over her shoulder slightly.
“You’re bluffing.”
“Watch me.”
She started her journey up again, only to be countered by Butch gripping her wrist and pulling her back. He held her wrist level to his shoulder, meeting her gaze with a concerned one. “You wouldn’t,” He muttered, voice low. “Why wouldn’t I? What makes me unable to do such a thing?” She questioned, wetting her lips just slightly.
“You’d leave everyone, just like that?” He said in disbelief, a short unconvinced laugh followed after. “Why shouldn’t I? There’s nothing that can change my mind and that’s-”
Her breath was suddenly cut short as a set of warm lips were set on hers, catching her off guard and set into a minimal panic before slowly settling in. A couple of seconds had passed before they parted, Buttercup still dazed by what had just occurred.
“Just stay, because if you go and end up never coming back, I think a lot of us have lost a lot more than her already have,” Butch quietly uttered, letting go of her wrist soon after realizing he still had a firm grasp on it. Her wrist suddenly felt cold, goosebumps risen across her arm before she crossed her arms and gently hugged herself.
“I.. I-I’ll think about it..” She stuttered, her voice unusually soft as she unlocked the door, peering into the dark living space. “That’s fine,” Butch’s familiar voice quietly said, starting his way back home.
“And Butch..?”
“Thanks… for everything..”
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unsinistry · 6 years
Something Better
Danny Phantom one-shot, it's not really a shipping one, more of a talk to his self. Listen to Better than yourself Criminal Minds Part 2 by Lukas Graham for better mood.
Danny looked at his bare arms, cuts and bruises marking all over. He wiped away the dust gently with his index finger, his jet black hair bristling in the wind as he sat on the cold green grass in the middle of nowhere.
When I transform, am I still the same person..?
His fists whitened as he curled them into a tight fist, unraveling and gripping the damp grass that glistened in the sun light. He ripped out the green terrain, crunching it inside his hands as he thought about the question.
Does being a ghost make you more special than everyone?
His breath was shaky, his body Vibrating violently as frustration coursed through Danny. Goosebumps slathered over his bare arms, his blue eyes narrowing darkly, gritting his teeth together he slammed his fist on the ground.
"I don't know!"
He screamed out as he squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. You can't hide behind your green eyes forever. He sat there, cold and alone in the damp grass. None the less his family and friends gathering their thoughts on where be could be.
Who am I when I change. Am I Danny Fenton or am I the reckless ghost kid everyone assumes me to be. He thought back to when they were children, his fists curled as he stood before Dash who towered over Tucker and Sam who quietly hid behind him. His not so menacing glare gazed into his eyes before Dash shoved him into the ground before the young Tucker and Sam.
He thought back to where Vlad towered over him, his hand boiling with ectoplasmic energy ready to fire at any time. Danny had inhaled before phasing down into the ground and fled unsure if Danny Phantom had made that decision. Or the cowardice Danny Fenton.
Danny shook his head as he slowly flipped over his arms, his wrists visible as he looked behind him to find the endless rows of trees. He closed both of his hands, a white eccentric ring enveloped around his wrist, slowly traveling up his arm.
He observed his hand covered in the ghostly white glove and his black sleeve. He looked at his other arm, the bare arm of Danny Fenton then the ghostly one of Danny Phantom. He squeezed his eyes shut as a strange breeze showered over him.
He opened his eyes slowly, its green glow illuminating dimly. "I don't know who I am anymore.." He mumbled full of sorrow as he sniffed, looking at a strand of his white hair. Daniel looked up at the slowly darkening sky free of clouds.
A dark cloud rolled over in front of he sun, the area darkening as a clap of Thunder erupted. "Maybe I'm neither..." He muttered quietly then shook his head. "Maybe I'm no person at all?" He questioned to himself as his thermos fell from his back.
"I was a ghost when I was fourteen.."
"And a ghost I am forever.."
0 notes
unsinistry · 6 years
Big Brother
Danielle Phantom and Danny Phantom Big Brother little sister fluff
Danielle crossed her legs as she looked up at the night sky. Stars decorated the dark scene, the moon brightly casting its rays of light through the green curled leaves that hung from the sienna burnt branches. She looked down at a bag of salt and vinegar chips in her lap, sighing heavily as she had given up to open it.
She looked at her bandaged shin, gently touching it before winning and jerking her hand back. Her hand curled into a fist as she closed her eyes, calming herself down. “Are you okay, Danielle?” Danny came to query as he sat down beside her in his alter ego Ghost form. “Yeah, I’m fine..” She responded gently as she set tugged on the bag of chips.
She huffed and frowned as she handed the bag of chips to Danny. “Can you open this.. please..?” She meekly questioned as she straightened her red beanie. Without a word, Danny took the chips and after a few tugs he managed to open the bag, a few chips wandering out the bag.
“Here,” He quietly responded as he handed them over to Dani who smiled pleasantly. “Why are you here, Danielle? I mean, it’s great to see you ‘n all but why so suddenly,” Danny questioned as he learned back, observing the stars. Danielle bit her lower lip, averting her gaze up at the sky, “It’s.. hard… After you became the hero of the world, inside the ghost zone, you’re wanted more than ever. And after they tracked me down as an associate of yours.. I’m just as wanted as you are. I can’t live my life normally like you can, Danny. I’m not even real, I’m just a clone…”
“Danielle, you could always come back with me, I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind,” Danny said as he looked over at Danielle. “But it’s not that simple, your family doesn’t even know I exist.. I’m am outcast,” Danielle intervened negatively. “We can change that, Danielle. Anything for family, really we could almost be considered brother and sister,” Danny lightheartedly laughed. The young girl gave a all laugh as she looked down at the bag of chips.
“You’re the only family I have, and I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you,” Dani confessed quietly as she yawned. “And letting me come back with you, I can’t do anything to repay you Danny.” Daniel waved her off as he sighed forcefully. “I wouldn’t mind extra help in catching ghosts, if that’s alright with you,” The phantom boy negotiated, a small smirk twitched at his face. “Are you going to keep talking, or are we going to kick some butt?” Danielle mischievously grinned.
Danny gave a small smile as he pulled a knee close to his chest, sighing heavily, “Maybe tomorrow..” “I’ll be ready,” Dani reassured as she returned the smile and rested her head on her male counterpart’s shoulder, gazing out at the stars gently closing her eyes. Danny truly was like a big brother to Danielle, even she had to admit it.
“And.. Thanks..”
“No problem.”
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unsinistry · 6 years
Capture and Conquer
Dani Phantom, Big brother and little sister moment anywhoo
Danny clenched his jet black hair as he sat staring at the ground between his legs. Sam and Tucker stood behind him as they glanced up at the open window, curtains flapping about as a cool wind whistled in. “It’s my fault Danielle was taken,” Danny growled, drowning out all the other sounds but Sam, Tucker and the hope in finding a sign of Danielle.
He looked at his blue jeans then his nubby fingers as they curled into a fist. “Danny, it’s not your fault, you didn’t know Danielle was even going to be here until half an hour ago,” Sam briefed quietly as she set a hand on his shoulder.
“The worst part is, I don’t even know who took her..” Danny trailed off. An eerie silence passed before a bloody murderous scream erupted into the air. Like lighting, the eccentric blinding white ring flashed around Danny, his eyes shot open with a green glow as she flew out the window at full speed. “Wait up, Danny!” Tucker called as he slung his bag over his shoulder and quickly ran out the door with Sam not too far behind.
Danny’s white hair waved through the air, his eyes scanning rapidly throughout the buildings as he passed by. “Don’t worry, Danielle, I’m coming!” He yelled out as he cupped his own chin. A large government building stood before him, from what he could see at least, guards in white uniforms stood out by the doors.
“I shoulda’ known..” He growled to himself before becoming invisible, as well as intangible before slipping through the doors. Immediately an alarm sounded, ringing out loudly throughout the building. “ECTOPLASMIC INTRUDER DETECTED, HIGH LEVELS OF ECTOPLASM INDICATED!” It rang boldly, lights flashing from red to white. “Shoot,” Danny cursed before hearing a loud familiar scream.
“Danielle,” He muttered quietly before dashing through each room. He reached a room Dani was cuffed to an examination table against the wall, helpless in every way. Tears welled in her small glowing green eyes as her white hair towered over her other eye. Two men with large cannons held over their shoulders prepared to blast at Dani, just to painfully dampen her powers.
“No,” Danny quietly said before zooming through, spiraling through the air as a shield manifested from his gloves before Danielle. She was bruised deeply, marks all over her body. Her suit was torn slightly around the arms and near her legs. Danny blasted the two men, leaving them out for a few minutes, just enough time for him to free Danielle.
“I’m going to get you out of here, Danielle, I promise,” Danny reassured as he broke the cuffs after a few relentless tugs. Danielle coughed as she let her arms dangle as she stood up, leaning against the older phantom’s side. She sniffed a little as her powers slowly regenerated.
“C'mon we don’t have that much ti-”
Daniel’s sentence was cut short as the two men held them at gunpoint. Danny parted his lips to speak before closing them back again. “Erm.. hold on,” He said before setting Dani down behind him. “Alright, let’s get to it!” He smiled before frowning angrily and placing his two hands on both shoulder cannons. A thin layer of ice flaked on before more layers applied and became a thick block of ice.
He showed the two of them back before picking up Dani and running. “Can you walk?” He asked between heavy breaths as he ran down a long hallway. “I can try, maybe flying is better,” She suggested quietly as he set her down quickly. She lifted off the ground for a few seconds before crashing back down. “My powers are still weak, I can’t do anything, I’m useless!”
“Now is not the time to beat yourself up, come on, we are almost at the exit,” Danny intervened with a small smile before placing her on his back as she clutched his neck. The phantom ghost zipped through the hallways and past guards, being noticed few seconds after he went passed.
Dani had patted her older cousin’s back pointing back towards a group of men holding them at a very firm gunpoint. “Hey guys, I see you brought the whole gang! I’m so flattered!” Danny sarcastically muttered before holding Danielle close to his chest and placing a barrier around them just as all of them fired.
Dani squeezed her eyes shut as Danny Phantom crouched, his back slightly turned to the men in white as he looked down at Danielle. “It’s time to go,” He quietly said as he turned intangible, Dani as well becoming intangible and slipped through the ground.
“We lost visual, Sir,” One of the men in white reported. “Don’t worry, we have enough of what we need,” The man’s baritone voice rumbled as a sinister grin creeper onto his face.
Once Danny had phases back up, he cautiously looked around, he was in a dark area surrounded by various trees. He didn’t get up from his couch and he looked down at Dani who opened her eyes hesitantly and gave a small smile. Daniel returned the grin as she set her down.
“Thanks Danny, and sorry for the unexpected arrival,” Danielle apologized generously as she fiddled with her black and white gloves. “Eh, it’s fine, all you did was give me a major heart attack,” Danny nonchalantly waved her off before she gave a meek grin.
“Oh great.. You found her!” Sam voiced tiredly from behind. Danny stood up straight, looking down at Dani before transforming back to his normal clothing. Danielle done the same, sparking slightly as she patted her tan skin.
"I'll bring you back to my house, I have a medical kit under my bed, can you walk yet?" Danny came to query as the younger ghost girl scratched her head. "I'm still a little weakened by the experimenting, using my keys seems a little to tiring," She complained slightly as she looked over to Sam and Tucker who shared glances and shrugged.
"Well then, guys we have a long walk back,? " Danny responded with a forceful sigh. "Hah, I've got to get back home, but I'll see you tomorrow," Tucker waved the phantom kids off as he walked away, tightening his backpack straps along the way. "I've got to get home too, you know my parents.." Sam added as she waved goodbye with a small smile and walked away leaving Dani and.. well Danny alone.
Dani was already set on his back, arms wrapped around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Well, ready Danielle?" Queried Danny Fenton as he jumped, trying to position her on his back correctly. She didn't respond, instead came up with a congested snore.
Danny grimaced before looking over his shoulder slightly, her ruffled hair brushing against the back of his neck.
"Night, Danielle.."
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unsinistry · 6 years
One-shot of DannyxSam. When the two of them get trapped in a power dampening cage, what can they do to get out? Light fluff
Sam sat against the transparent wall, sighing heavily a he rested her arms on her bridged knees. Danny Phantom relentlessly used his ectoplasmic energy to try and break the shield, only for it to shoot straight through it and vanish into harmless thin air. Frustration overcame him, as he squeezed his eyes shut before they shot open, his previous green glow transformed into an icy blue glow.
He attempted to freeze the barrier, only until it flaked over and slowly shattered to pieces leaving the barrier unharmed. "Give up, Danny. Vlad has the key, and your powers obviously don't work here," Sam stated quite obviously. Danny ran a hand through his white spikey hair, closing his eyes for a brief second before looking back at Sam.
"We can't just sit here, Plasmius could be using us for some ghost powered.. thing..." He groaned as he crossed his arms. "I'm not a ghost, remember?" Sam exasperatedly huffed as she fiddled with her black arm bracelets. "He could have just put us in here to keep us away, ever thought of that?"
Daniel sighed and looked at the dusty ground. "Can you contact Tucker, at all?" He queried as he kept a hand on his forehead. "If they noticed we were gone, he and Jazz should already be searching.. No promises if they're searching here," Sam replied, averting her gaze over to Danny.
The phantom kid sighed sitting down next to Sam, leaning against the barrier like her. It wasn't too long until he jolted up in sight pain. "Argh, Ghost barriers suck," He mumbled before placing his hand on the ground and created a small flakey wall of ice along the barrier to penetrate the pain.
Sam yawned as she rubbed her eyes tiredly. She stared through the transparent wall to see lab tables and equipment hanging off walls. The Fenton Thermos lay on one of the tables as did one or the wrist bracelets. "Hopefully Tucker can make it in time, before Vlad gets what he wants," She muttered bitterly as she looked down at the dusty grounds.
The lights suddenly flashed off, leaving them in almost complete darkness. Danny's glowing green eyes illuminated the small five foot radius. "Well, now the lights are off.. that's saying something..." He shrugged curiously as he manifested a ball of ectoplasmic energy in his palm. "Nobody else is here though.." Sam pondered aloud. "How can you tell? It's pitch black out there," Danny intervened as he arched a brow curiously.
"No dip, also the light switch is right there, it's still flipped on. Either someone cut the power lines or the power is just down," Sam bluntly muttered as she gestured towards the large switch on the wall. "And the odds of that.." Danny mumbled to himself. "All we can do is wait till Vlad comes back, we can outsmart then."
"And in the meantime?" Sam queried as she pushed back a few errands if her jet black hair. "We wait!" Danny proclaimed with a smile before furrowing his brows. "That sounded a little bit too optimistic, didn't it?" Sam nodded with a small knowingly smirk, "Yep." The goth girl placed her hand on the wall, tracing it around the area. "So Sam, what should we talk about at this fine moment?" The phantom queried in an artificial tone.
"I honestly don't care at the moment," Sam lackadaisically responded patting at the barrier and continuing. "Then.. I have a question," the phantom claimed as he started trailing the wall opposite from Sam's direction. "Fire away, ghost kid," She said as she observed a particular place on the wall. "
Why am I dubbed clueless one?"
Sam paused, relaxing her eyes from their narrowed position, looking halfway towards Danny.. The ghost kid paused from trailing the wall as well, looking over to the goth girl. "Because of a.. personality trait you carry, specifically..." She replied hesitantly before continuing her voyage. He had done the same as he pondered her response for a moment, "But there has to be a reason, what makes me so clueless?" He came to question again, instinctively pausing before he ran into Sam.
"Is this really the most important thing you have to talk about?" Sam groaned tiredly before Danny innocently shrugged, "It is now, I mean come on Sam, I'm your best friend you can tell me anything." Danny drawled on the word anything as he gave a small smile. "It's nothing, Danny, really.." Sam waved him off.
He titled his head, green eyes glowing about. "Remember when Ember came, put me under that spell and you broke it by.." He shuddered. "Kissing Dash.. Afterwards, you hugged me and said that the spell hadn't worn off.. but Tucker said you weren't even put under the spell.. Am I that clueless?" "Somewhat..." Sam mumbled.
"Danny.. It's really complicated," The goth girl quietly said. "It's really hard to say you like me, I know how that is.." Danny muttered blankly as if it were just a normal conversation. Sam looked up suddenly, sputtering slightly, "H-how can you just assume that.. I mean unless you.."
"Sam, I like you too," He admitted as he looked down then at the wall. Sam knocked on the wall beside them gently, a hollow sounds ringing throughout. She scrunched up her face before giving a small smile, a longing gaze silence floating within the atmosphere before she knocked on the wall again.
"It's.. weaker right here... Wait! Concentrate and try to freeze the wall, go through the pain," Sam concluded as she stepped back. "It's hollow, slightly dampened." Danny furrowed his brows as if she were crazy before actually attempting. He closed his eyes before pressing his hands against the wall, wincing and jolting back as a spark of pain fluttered through his systems.
He attempted again, focusing and pushing through the pain as ice slowly crisped over the wall before flaking off. It hadn't work, even if it were hollow the wall would have had to been broken in some way. He huffed trying again for the next few minutes, Sam behind him crossing her arms as she shook her head.
"Guess we have to wait for Tucker.."
"And finish a chat.."
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unsinistry · 6 years
I'm So Sorry Danny
Okay I have some brutality inside and I need to get it out with a death or two so if you don't mind.. Danny Phantom! This is going off the last one-shot kinda Sam concept.
Danny's hands were cuffed behind his back as he sat on his knees, his neck being held by Vlad. He couldn't change to where the cuffs wouldn't dampen his powers, he couldn't use any of his powers. Sam and Tucker were on their knees cuffed as well by two other ghosts.
"Guys I'm going to get you out of here," The phantom kid reassured as he jerked on his cuffs. "And how will you do that, Daniel?" Vlad sneered as he spun to face Danny. "You're powerless against me." The villain placed his hand on Daniel's stomach, ectoplasmic energy sparking, causing Danny to since in pain refusing to let out a wail.
He gritted his teeth together until Vlad stopped and looked him in his glowing green eyes. Danny refused to give him a glance, instead closed his eyes, staying still. "Leave them alone, let them get out of here, you want me, Vlad," Danny seethed angrily.
"We have to get Danny out of here," Sam whispered quietly to Tucker. "Vlad took all our equipment.. My equipment.. What else can we do?" Tucker replied bitterly. "There's always something we can do," Sam assured him even though herself she wasn't sure.
"Daniel, I only need then for one thing, to see the one thing they loved confiscated away from them, then they will be set free," Plasmius plotted in a sneer. Danny's eyes widened as Vlad cupped his chin. "And what will that be?" The phantom reluctantly queried, though the answer was quite obvious.
Sam tried to stand up, though was pushed back down by another goon. "Danny!" She called out as her lower lip quivered. "Sam.. Tucker... I'm so sorry," Danny confessed as he shook his head. "Don't be dude, none of this is your fault," Tucker intervened with a sad smile.
"Oh but it is, if he hadn't gotten his ghosts powers, you wouldn't be here. If he hadn't gotten his ghost powers, all your families wouldn't have been placed head in to danger," Vlad interjected boldly. Danny looked down at his knees.
"But not anymore."
Vlad placed his hand on Daniel's back, it sparking as it heated up. Sam looked down then up at Tucker. "Don't look, Sam," Tucker quietly muttered. Daniel winced as he looked up at Sam and Tucker, worry full inside their eyes. Tears threatened to overspill in their eyes as they watched in horror.
"Say buh-bye to your lovely Danny Phantom!" Vlad declared as Danny looked down eyes squeezed shut before he quietly muttered, "Sam.. I-" Vlad gave a strong ectoplasmic energy beam straight through the heart of Danny Phantom. Slowly, Daniel's particles disintegrated, his hair flashing from black to white before he gave an agonizing scream and disappeared.
The goons unlocked the cuffs of Sam and Tucker who shook with horror. Sam immediately ran up to where Danny previously was, slowly looking over towards the cuffs with tears trailing off her pale skin. She clenched her hand into a tight fist as she looked up at Vlad who floated with a sinister grin.
Tucker pulled Sam back, shooting a death glare at Vlad. "This is all your fault," She seethed before they left through an emergency escape door. Tucker dragged Sam across the concrete grounds, slowly losing energy. The travel remained silent as the ttuhought of what had just happened.
Tucker panted a little, straightening up as he blinked a couple of times once he saw FentonWorks. "Sam... We... we have to tell them.." Tucker quietly briefed as she gripped her hand. She looked at him, then her combat boots before reluctantly following him. "I never got to tell him.." She quietly mumbled to herself.
"He never gotten to know how I felt.."
Sam and Tucker stood at the porch of the Fenton's house. Tucker slowly curling his hand into a fist, biting his lower lip before he gently knocked on the door. He left his fist on the door, breathing in as he stepped back and waited in an agonizing silence. They heard the small "I have it!" from Jazz behind the door.
Jazz had opened the door with a bewildered smile, arching a brow slightly. "Hey.. Where's Danny?"She queried. Hearing his name made Sam squeeze her eyes shut and sniff. Jazz slowly picked up the memo though asked again, "Sam.. where's Danny?" Tucker looked down and closed his eyes before looking back up at Jazz. "H-he's not.." Jazz started as she covered her mouth tears starting to well. "Danny can't be.. how will I tell my parents.."
Maddie and Jack Fenton came behind Jazz who shakily breathed. "I'm sorry Mrs. And Mr. Fenton.." Tucker mumbled quietly. "What do you mean, you're sorry? Where's our son?" Maddie exasperatedly queried. "Mom... there's something you need to know.. about Danny.." Jazz looked over her shoulder slightly.
"He's.. a ghost.. He's Danny Phantom.."
"That's ridiculous!" Maddie and Jack instantaneously said. Sam and Tucker looked up with sincere eyes. Their smiles slowly faltered. "You're.. serious?" Maddie queried. "Oh my God... No..."
"My son.. he can't be d-d.." Jack quivered as Jazz cried into his shoulder. Maddie had done the same as Sam buried her head into Tucker's shoulder. He had patted her back comfortingly as himself had his eyes swollen with tears.
"I'm so sorry, Danny.."
0 notes
unsinistry · 6 years
This is slightly based on emotions at the moment, after watching Phantom Planet again, I'm kinda torn tbh but let's see how this works out
The Fate of the human race is at stake.
Skulker shoved Danny Phantom down on his knees, tightening the cuffs behind his back as he pressured Danny's leg on the stage of Casper High. After Danny's identity was spoken out, he's been known all across the world. And now, Skulker dares to expose him more.
His black and white uniform torn, scratch marks and bruises on his glowing olive skim bare to others. His hair ruffled and a mess, his face plastered with multiple bruises and marks. He sniffed slightly as he looked down, the students of Casper High gasping at their hero, one of the students amongst them bruised and broken up above.
Sam and Tucker pushed through, blinking as they narrowed their eyes. "Danny.." Sam quietly rasped as she covered her mouth. The ghost kid had looked up, disappointed as though he had given up completely clear in his glowing green eyes. His ghost capabilities were limited by Skulker's cuffs.
Our world's are linked, if mine goes, yours goes too.
"You see your hero now, he's beaten, he's weak!" Skulker prided, Danny only slowly looked down at his bruised legs. His hair towered over his eyes as he sulked silently. "Danny... this isn't you, toughen up!" Sam motivated quietly as she held the edge of the stage. "I can't do anything, Sam.. I.. I don't have the thermos, I can't use my ghost powers.." The phantom quietly mumbled as he sniffed. "I'm sorry.."
Sam placed her hand on the stage, the glass ring glistening on her finger. "Promise me," Danny instantly picked up on her requisition though shook his head. He glanced at Ticket who bit his lower lip nervously. "His technology was left to be upgraded at the Fenton's house.
Skulker had zapped Sam away, skidding against the ground. "Sam!" Danny gave a bitter look that could kill up as he growled. He needed to do something. "You can't do anything, remember, all your ectoplasmic energy has been drained, unless your able to get these cuffs off, in which I doubt severely. None of your peers can leave, Danny, they will all see your head on my wall before they perish," Skulker grinned wickedly.
Danny jerked on the cuffs behind him before lowering his head again. The hopelessness starting to fill his head. The ability to not do so. The negativity draining him slowly. His thoughts slowly drifting to the past as he closed his eyes, draining out the worried wails of Tucker, Sam and others.
Get up Fenton.
Look at Fen-turd, can't stand up for himself.
I can't let them see me. Not like this.
When all attempts fail.
When all hope is lost.
He's there.
"Any last words, ghost kid?" Skulker sneered sickeningly. "Yeah.." Danny muttered quietly.
"Don't let the frostbite."
Danny's eyes shot open, a piercing sound erupting as an icy blue glow illuminated the phantom's eyes. Skulker's prideful grin started to falter, the glare seeming to be full of death in Danny's eyes. Danny's fist curled, his own gloves starting to flake over in thick blocks of ice, as did the cuffs before they suddenly shattered.
Ectoplasmic energy slowly sparked in his hands as he risen, floating slightly above the ground. He looked back briefly towards the others who all nodded in encouragement before Danny blasted Skulker with a beam. Skulker smashed into a wall, baffled for a moment once he saw the ghost kid standing with a clenched fist.
"This hurts me more than it hurts you... oh wait, no it doesn't."
Danny with a fist covered in ectoplasmic energy gave a strong blow to the face. Jazz stood on the outer side of the wall, narrowing her eyes and blinking before looking up at Danny. "Here," She muttered before tossing the thermos. Danny grinned was he uncapped the thermos and sucked in Skulker.
"How is that for cool?" Danny sneered with a smile before lowering himself. He yawned and scratched the back of his head, his icy blue gaze converting back to the glowing green eyes after he blinked a couple of times.
"Danny!" Sam called from behind and halfway choked the boy in a hug. "If Skulker won't kill me, then this will!" He rasped as he patted her back and converted to his normal Fenton look. Sam patted his shoulder. "Please just tell me you didn't lose all your hope,? " She quietly queried.
"Not all of it," Fenton replied as he looked down at the thermos.
"I've got something to look forward to.."
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