utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
officially off of hiatus!!
unfortunately i had to step away from this blog for a hot minute to get some irl stuff done, but I’m happy to say I’m back! also, a big thank you to everyone who has been checking out my blog, favoriting, and following since I’ve been gone! I see u bbs and ily yall the sweetest 💕
inbox is open for asks, starters, requests, whatever you got! I’m going to try to crank out some new art soon too so if you have any requests for that send em in loves
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
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Happy pride ✨🏳️‍🌈
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
I think we underestimate how powerful the quirk Glamour is in the hands of Camie, someone fluent in internet culture. Just think of what she could pull off.  Imagine waking up from a nap and literally experiencing this 
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
(( sorry for the lack of posts/replies the past two days! I might be going on a semi-hiatus due to finals for school. I have a couple weeks left to get the semester tied up, so that will take priority over all else. I will try to jump on here as I can, but if I’m taking a long while to reply back to you, it’s just because of school, not you! ))
(( Feel free to continue sending in asks and such though!! I may not reply to them right away, but I will get to them all eventually 💕 ))
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
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[ requested by: anonymous ]
“ i’ll walk with you my dear ”
“ it’s killing me to see you this way ”
“ the truth may vary ”
“ some days i can’t even trust myself ”
“ i miss our little talks ”
“ we’ll meet again soon ”
“ we fled far away ”
“ i packed my things and ran ”
“ hold your horses ”
“ we are nothing like the rest ”
“ i can see it all so clear ”
“ i know i’ll whither ”
“ let your colors bleed and blend with mine ”
“ i think i taught you well ”
“ you’re my king and i’m a lionheart ”
“ we’re still the same ”
“ i’ll be here to hold your hand ”
“ we’re here to stay ”
“ maybe i’m a crook for not caring ”
“ i think it’s best we both forget before we dwell on it ”
“ you love when you know i can’t love you ”
“ i’m giving you all ”
“ you’re feeding on my energy ”
“ i’m letting go of it ”
“ we are the same ”
“ i can see through you ”
“ you can follow me ”
“ are you really gonna love me when i’m gone? ”
“ i’m shaking like a leaf ”
“ i’m a stranger ”
“ wish you could see… ”
“ i’m all alone ”
“ take me for a spin ”
“ i’m letting go but i’ve never felt better ”
“ i’m never ready ”
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
Master Post of ALL Drabbles (thanks to mistresslokilaufeyson)
(Thanks go out to mistresslokilaufeyson)
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason Headache: How my character will take care of yours when they have a headache Expecting: Our characters find out they are expecting a child together Milkshake: Our characters will have to split a milkshake Coffee: My character will be hyped up on coffee and pester yours Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave Spectre: My character will be visited by your character’s ghost or vice versa Bleed: My character will injure your character Dream: My character will have a dream about your character Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn’t.
O Romeo: I will write my character missing/looking for yours.  O Juliet: I will write about my character’s feelings for yours.  O Macbeth: I will write about how my character kills yours.  O Hero: I will write about my character mourning yours.  O Puck: I will write about my character pranking yours.  O Titiana: I will write about our characters sharing a night in bed or sharing a kiss. Specify.  O Oberon: I’ll write about my character getting angry at yours over something they did. Amuse Me: I will write a funny drabble about my character trying to cheer yours up. Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters. Call Me: I will write a drabble about my character asking for yours [be it at the brink of death/in a battlefield/knocking on the front door wounded, feel free to specify.] Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours. Enamor Me: I will write a fluffy drabble about my character trying to woo yours [be it out of the blue/Valentines Day,feel free to specify.] Fight Me: I will write a drabble out my character fighting with/or against yours. Get Me: I will write a drabble about my character saving yours. Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.] Invite Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character asking your character to Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer [be it a proposal for an alliance, asking them to join them in an activity (you can get dirty if you want), feel free to specify.] Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours. Love Me: I’ll write a fluffy drabble about our characters. Mourn Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character mourning your character’s death. Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours. Offer Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving yours a gift. Paint Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character drawing a picture of yours [like one of your french girls~ be it painting them or drawing them, maybe offering a picture of them as a gift, feel free to specify.] Quite Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to calm yours down [be it from crying, from lashing out, feel free to specify.] Remember Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to get yours to remember them [be it from an accident, meeting them after years apart, feel free to specify.] Shag Me: I’ll write a dirty drabble about our characters. Tell Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character confessing something to yours [be it a love confession, a secret, feel free to specify.] Unbind Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character freeing mine, or the other way around, or something among the lines [be it freeing them from jail, from handcuffs, from a trap, from a curse, feel free to specify.] Value Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character telling yours how they feel about them. Wed Me: I’ll write a drabble about our character under the subject of wedlock [be it my character proposing to yours, or marrying yours, feel free to specify.] X Me: I will write whatever it is that you wish, [specify.] Yahoo Me: I’ll write a drabble about our characters celebrating something [feel free to specify.] Zip Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character dressing mine, or the other way around [this can also be used for shutting them up as well, but feel free to specify.]
Torture Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character torturing mine or vise versa. Take Me: my character will kidnap yours Leave Me: my character will leave your character behind. Deny Me: my character will either deny your character’s advances or deny them a ’ happy ending’ Grope Me: my character will grope yours. Lick Me: my character will lick yours in any specified place or manner. Suck Me: my character will suck on any body part of your character Tease Me: my character will tease yours, whether in a friendly or a sexual manner Please Me: my character will do anything to please yours Bite Me: my character will bite yours on any part of their body Blindfold Me: my character will blindfold yours in order to have their fun Meet Me: My character is meeting yours either for the first time or just causally. Greet Me: My character will greet yours, either at the door, at work, or somewhere else. Own me: My character owns your character. Slap me: my character will slap yours. In the sexual manner, or of anger. specify. Call Me: My character will call your character for whatever reason. Hug Me: My character will hug yours. Either by surprise or for a specific reason. Give Me: my character will give yours a gift Tickle Me: my character will tickle yours ruthlessly. 
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify. (you can add any other special things that could happen!) Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three. Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick. Confess: My character will speak their true feelings about your character. (or about a topic. you may choose.) Death: My character’s reaction to your character dying. Time: My character is running late! They are supposed to meet your character at _____ (fill in the blank) or vise versa. Specify. Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm. Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify. Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it. Run!: My character is chasing your character (or vise versa) OR both characters are being chased by ___________ (fill in the blank). Sky: Our characters are stargazing. Help: My character requests help from your character (be something silly or serious, you may decide.) Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify. I Do: I will write our characters as a married couple Broken: I’ll write our characters breaking up or in an angsty scene.
« : memory from the past with your character » : a future event my character would like to happen with them + yours [a daydream] ¿ : something my character would like to forget [specify in general or about yours] ☼ : A memory my character has with yours that they’ll never forget ♥: Our characters will have a Mistletoe Kiss ★: Our characters will decorate the tree ¤: My character will give yours a present ❖: Our characters will go caroling $: Our characters will go Christmas shopping together ❂: Our characters decorate eggs together †: My character will have an egg hunt with yours ღ: My character will give yours chocolate ❦: My character will admit she/he loves your character ✯: Our characters will go see fireworks together ♬: Our characters will go to a parade ッ: Our characters will go to a costume ball together ☾: Our characters will go trick or treating ♛: Our characters will wear matching costumes ❄ : drunk texts 
Cerberus: Our characters raising a little hell together Centaur: My character showing yours compassion Harpies: Our characters getting into an argument Sphinx: My character asking yours a hard question Furies: One of our characters causing the other pain Phoenix: One of our characters helping the other to rise above a bad situation Dragon: My character guarding yours Aerico: One of out characters nursing the other back to good health Mermaid: Our characters going swimming together Alicorn: Our characters doing something they thought was impossible together Unicorn: Our characters creating magic (real or imagined) Pegasus: Our characters fantasising together Banshee: My character will mourn the death of yours Bugul Noz: Our characters committing an act of charity together Hiisi: Our characters camping out under the stars Brownie: Our characters doing housework together Faerie: Our characters causing mischief together Jujak: One of our characters helping the other prepare for a special occasion Lorelei: My character will take yours somewhere involving music Hallucinations: My character will have hallucinations about your character. Candle: Our characters spending time together by candle light. Rain: I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain.  Kill: I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours.  Love: I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours. Lust: I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together. Date: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.  Defend: I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours. Fight: I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours. Death: I’ll write a drabble of my character with yours on their deathbed. Mourn: I’ll write a drabble of my character mourning yours. Pet: I’ll write a drabble of my character buying yours a pet. (specify what kind.) Wash: I’ll write a drabble of our characters showering/bathing together. Pool: I’ll write a drabble of our characters swimming together. Beach: I’ll write a drabble of out characters at the beach together. Sing: I’ll write a drabble of my character singing to yours. Snow: I’ll write a drabble of our characters building a snowman together. Game: I’ll write a drabble of my character playing videogames with yours. Movie: I’ll write a drabble of our characters watching a movie together. Shop: I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping. Cook: I’ll write a drabble of our characters cooking together. Sleep: I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours. Rivalry: I’ll write a drabble of our characters having a rivalry between each other. Obsession: I’ll write a drabble about my character having an obsession with yours. Vise versa. Proposal : My character proposes to your character. Vise versa Celebration: Our characters celebrate together. Or have a party. Secret: My character tells your character a secret. Promise: My character makes a promise to your character. 
Princess: Your character gaining everything they wanted thanks to mine or vise versa. (Be specific on who gets which role) Servant: My/your serving yours/mine, no matter what. (Be specific on who gets which role) Knight: My/your character defending the other. (Be specific on who gets which role) Mercenary: My character getting payed for a favor of yours. Seer: An event with our characters in the past or future. Songstress: My/your character preforming, whether it is in front of an audience or just for your/my character. (Be specific on who gets which role and whether is private or public) Magi: My/your character having a spell put on them and your/my character’s reaction. (Be specific on who gets which role and what spell you want cast) Archer: My/your character setting a long-distance goal and aims to achieve it with your/my character’s help. (Be specific on who gets which role and what goal it is) Thief: My/your character has stolen something from yours/mine and plans to escape with said item. (Be specific on who gets which role) Healer: My/your character helping your/my character when they are hurt/sick. (Be specific on who gets which role, and whether the pain is physical, emotional, or just having to catch a fever) Spirit: My/your character watching over your/my character. (Be specific on who gets which role) Summoner: My/your character calling for yours/mine. (Be specific on who gets which role and what kind of situation.) Fool: My character cheering up or amusing yours or vise versa. (Be specific on who gets which role)
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
Shigaraki’s birthday being revealed three weeks after it passed
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
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camie says fuck hero lives for the next 5 asks
♏ - muse is unbearably rude/cruel/violent for 5 asks.
ohhh dAMN go off I guess
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
♏ - muse is unbearably rude/cruel/violent for 5 asks.
ohhh dAMN go off I guess
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
“Do you... want to go to the fair?”
Doe eyes blinked rapidly, and the tall girl turned her gaze to the shorter one before her. Taking in the adorable sight of pink cheeks and that iconic bobbed hairstyle, she saw that Ochako’s face was tilted down and away, averting her eyes from meeting Camie’s own while she waited for her response.
In other words, Uraraka Ochako was absolutely adorable. It was yet unclear if the proposal was intended as a romantic gesture, or if Ochako was wanting to be friends. Neither option sounded very unappealing.
Stifling a laugh, the girl’s mouth quirked into an amused smile. “I mean, yeah, I’m down. Fairs are lit.” She gestured with one hand to nothing in particular, her other hand resting on her hip.
“So, like, what, today, or when did you..?” She left the question open-ended, looking down to Ochako for a response.
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
I literally cannot figure for the life of me how to add a picture to an ask I’m answering ,,, , ,
I drew this pls just let me add it
if anyone has any helpful tips pls lmk
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
Camie calls Todoroki Todobroki and you cannot change my mind
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
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“So, I know our task is to like, "win their hearts”, but I low key have no idea what to do, fam.“
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
today is national declare your love for himiko toga day
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
“But you look so fami—huh? Oh, me?” The girl blinked rapidly, the confused expression easing off her face at the question, a surprised look taking its place.
“Haha, my b, I guess I must’ve been mistaken,” Camie laughed it off pleasantly, rubbing the back of her neck. The girl before her felt... familiar, but she couldn’t pinpoint why, or where she’d even know her from. She decided to chalk it up to deja vu for the moment, and leave it at that.
What with the masks and all the dancing, the disorienting neon lights and waves of music that shook the walls, it was difficult to tell who was who, or what was what. It wasn’t so surprising that she had made a mistake, thought she recognized someone she didn’t. Something in the pit of her stomach disagreed with her, but she shook off the feeling for now.
“Camie Utsushimi,” she smiled, raising two fingers in a peace sign. “Just Camie’s chill though.”
“What about you?” She calls over the loud music, cupping a hand around her mouth as if to bolster the sound of her voice.
“Do I... know you?” -utsushimis-quirk, for the masquerade starters ask meme 💕
Toga turned around swiftly at the question. Had she been found out? She just wanted an excuse to dress up in a cute dress and dance with people!
“Erm.. No, I don’t think so! Who are you, though?” She answered cheerily.
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
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Disaster squad
Transparent under cut!
Keep reading
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utsushimis-quirk · 5 years
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🌺 No excuses only cuteness 🌺
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