val-sapphire09 · 2 years
Characters being compared to dogs always use terriers or pitbulls or something for their metaphors. “They grab on and they don’t let go” “They keep worrying at it until it’s dead” etc.
Anyway, I want to see collies used as metaphors. Albert Payson Terhune style. “He was like an attack dog–making slash-and-run attacks, cutting them up worse every time, never staying in range long enough to get hurt but circling back over and over.”
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val-sapphire09 · 2 years
I have this really cool book thats like anatomy of mythological creatures/monsters and I love it however…
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This pattern. I never looked closely at I just went ‘Oh cool its a flower and skull pattern.‘
But im just now learning… theres no skulls at all!
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Pareidolia is one hell of a drug.
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val-sapphire09 · 2 years
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I hear a lot of people bitching that they can’t leave kudos multiple times per story, or can’t leave kudos on every chapter, or whatever.
Well, take a page out of this marvelous book, because I swear I’ve never been so happy to receive kudos as waking up to multiple people having done this on multiple chapters on a story I just posted.
The bar just got raised, folks.
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val-sapphire09 · 2 years
Things almost every author needs to research
How bodies decompose
Wilderness survival skills
Mob mentality
Other cultures
What it takes for a human to die in a given situation
Common tropes in your genre
Average weather for your setting
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val-sapphire09 · 2 years
I don’t know about you but i know i’m seriously fucked when i see characters interacting and they hit jackpot of almost every, if not all, kinds of dynamics where:
“i have strong feelings toward you but i know once i am able to touch and hold you i won’t know what i should do with these hands when you’re away”
the sun and the moon
the moon and the sea
the sun and the well-loved, dying sunflower
“i’d do anything for you” | “then live for me / live with me”
“i’d kill/die for you. say the word and i’ll do it in a heartbeat” | “no”
“i don’t know where else to go to” | (visibly angry) “who did this to you?”
[in life or death situation] “are you okay? are you hurt?” | “i should be the one asking you that! you’re the one who took the fall for me / who’s bleeding to protect me!”
Basically the all-powerful and capable, and their absolute weakness (still in denial sometimes)
the “what you did is very wrong but everyone deserves a second chance” and the “you’re lucky i took an oath to them (specifically) to not end you / make your life a living nightmare”
“please hesitate” | “i won’t hesitate ever”
the “i am not asking for your permission, don’t come with me” self-sacrificing and reckless dumbass, and their “someone has to watch your back while you’re being stupid. someone more clever and probably in the brink of having a heart attack the moment you take step out there: me”
“everyone looks up to them” | “hard not to when they’re that tall/big tbh”
the brat and the brat-tamer who probably has stiff joints and is grumpy or calmer than the brat most the time
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
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Joining in on that ship dynamics meme hehe
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
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Something told me you guys liked the first post I did of this meme so I thought I might as well draw more mwahahaha
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
“Pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. They are often connected to your path, passion, and purpose in life. Have the courage to follow them.”
— Ruben Chavez
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
Types of fanfic summaries and what they mean
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
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If you can’t handle me at my worst, hey, wait a minute, where are you going?
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
Yennefer has claimed her Bard and no, she’s not giving him back, Geralt. He’s her friend now and you can go suck a lemon.
Keep reading
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
Somewhere in my notes in the last few days I saw someone add some tags that I’ve been thinking about ever since. I wish I could find them again (or that I’d just saved their post at the time) because I think they made a lot of sense.
They were talking about how fanfic is becoming more and more mainstream while still remaining largely transgressive. It’s such an interesting dichotomy to think about!
On the one hand, you have sites like AO3 and realities like widespread high speed internet access being more and more accessible to larger and larger groups of people. This makes it incredibly easy for anyone at all to find and read fanfic.
On the other hand, you have the roots of fanfic. It was born out of marginalized groups such as women, people of colour, and members of the queer community deciding to take the stories that had been aimed at a largely male, white, heterosexual audience and inverting them into something they could enjoy and relate to. To this day, fanfic is a place where people write the kinds of stories that don’t get made into movies and TV shows. The kinds of stories that don’t get published or end up on the New York Times bestseller list.
Fanfic used to be written and shared in secret. People used to hide it. People still do hide the fact that they read or write it. But it’s becoming something that more and more people are becoming more and more aware of.
So now there’s a spotlight starting to shine on fanfic. People who aren’t looking for transgressive works are finding them where they always were. People who think the status quo is fine are getting upset when they enter a place where the status quo is constantly being upended.
The tags on that post that I can’t find made the point that popular media is curated and sanitized and stripped of most of its controversy in order to appeal to the widest possible audience. But that also makes that audience expect all media to be curated and sanitized in the same way. When they encounter the messy, controversial, ugly, radical, difficult things that people write in fanfic, they’re unprepared.
Fanfic isn’t big media. Fanfic authors aren’t being edited and filtered and polished - and nor are their works. The clash between the expectations of people new to fanfic and accustomed to popular media and the realities of what fanfic is and what it’s being written for - that’s part of this struggle that fandom is going through right now. It’s been going on since the beginning of course, but it’s getting louder every year.
I’m still thinking my way through this, but it really does make a lot of sense to me. If those were your tags, please let me know so I can credit you with the ideas at the core of this post.
And if you have any ideas for how we as fans can better introduce the newbies to the culture and expectations in fandom, I’d love to hear it. The better we can guide people into our space, the better they’ll fit in when they join it.
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
NSFW will be tagged as #lemon sorta NSFW is #Lime Weird fet shit/ extreme NSFW is #orange reblog to spread awareness that we’re back on the citrus scale
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
Trekking down the mountain path was a familiar thing to Jaskier, but hey, at least he’s not alone this time. In fact, he now has four new companions! Including New Roach, a lost Princess, a scary Witch, and his ‘old friend’, the White Wolf!
See? This trek down the mountain is different already!
Do I know where I’m going with this? Absolutely not. This is just another self-indulgent fic of mine with no clear plan on how future chapters would look. (Well, not really. I have things I absolutely wanted to include in here, including Jaskier in Trouble TM)
Keep reading
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
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“In my friend, I find a second self.”
c.s. lewis / my best friend by the coral / alivia horsley / @billypotts / hanya yanagihara / ‘after party ll’ salman toor / the kids aren’t alright by fall out boy / a summer’s tale / lorde / hanya yanagihara / abed and troy (community) with a winnie the pooh quote @weelezzer / isabel norton
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
If any of you are interested. I figured this is probably easier to reach than a commission post.
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val-sapphire09 · 3 years
chapter 4 is (finally) up!
Whoo, I’ve been in hiatus from writing this for so long. First because I got into another fandom, then my hardisk broke down and all of my drafts were unsalvageable. At least some I had uploaded to gdrive, but a lot of my drafts for other stories I didn’t post yet got lost. Added to that, pandemic hits and life happens and I got depressed. Enough for me to stop writing anyway. 
So, I finally decided to continue the drafts that were at least halfway done that I managed to safe in gdrive (thank god this was one of those) and now you have the 4th chapter! Hope you’re still enjoying this :D
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