vanossfan10 · 1 month
Mandalorian Arc AU: The Child
Jaune and his friends where having a normal day at beacon in the cafeteria, until Jaune’s Teacher/Mentor shows up surprising him and tasks him with looking after a Child named Grogu?
Something is telling Jaune that once this little Green guy comes to meet everyone at Beacon, at hey will all go crazy for him.
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First Meeting / Blonde Hunters
"Has anyone seen Jaune?"
"Vomit Boy?" Yang asked, lounging on the couch with a comic book in hand. "Haven't seen 'im."
"Really?" Nora asked. "Figured if anyone would know where he went, it'd be you. Ya know, 'cause you two-"
"I haven't seen him!" Yang buried her face into her comic, trying to hide her blush.
"Did you check the dorm?" Ren asked.
"I did, but he wasn't there. In fact, I don't remember seeing him this morning, either."
"He wasn't in the shower?" Nora asked. "Then I skipped my morning routine for nothing!" Nora raised her arms in anger, earning a gag from Weiss sitting close by.
"Well, the shower's open, so-" Nora ran past Pyrrha, the champion doing well to stay out of her teammates way. "Nobody has seen him at all today?"
"Who are you looking for?" Pyrrha flinched, whirling to see her armored team leader standing behind her. He stepped away to avoid being hit.
"Jaune!" Pyrrha panted, placing a hand on her chest. "I was wondering where you were since I didn't see you..."
Looking down from Jaune's helmet, she saw a strange, green creature in a harness on his chest. The creature was very small, yet had large eyes and ears. It reached out to Pyrrha with three digit hand, as if trying to grab her.
"Oh... Um, who is this?" Pyrrha asked.
"What is it?" Yang asked, poking her head from behind Pyrrha's shoulder.
"And why does he have three fingers?" Ruby asked from behind Pyrrha's other shoulder, occasionally bringing a chocolate chip cookie from her bag to eat.
"This is Grogu." Jaune answered, bringing a hand down to push down the green creature's hand. "My master stopped by and asked me to babysit while he's on a mission."
"Aw, he's so cute~!" Ruby cooed, only to watch as chocolate chips flew from her cookie and into the green baby's mouth. Ruby pouted. "Okay, less cute."
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vanossfan10 · 4 months
Giving The Golden Dragon Some Loving(Closed Rp with @tokufan400)
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Jaune,wearing a tight,form-fitting black t-shirt that showed off his muscles,long black gym pants that had asymmetrical yellow streaks across it and black and yellow running sneakers,walked into the gym of Beacon Academy..
Only to see the blonde busty bombshell known as Yang Xiao Long,wearing gym clothes that complimented her curvaceous body with the words 'BREED ME.' written on the area where her plump rear end was.
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
If Blake was a Twi'Lek
Blake: Jaune, can we talk?
Jaune: Yeah, sure. What about?
Blake: Well... I wanted to talk about... us...
Jaune: Us...? As in our trade, or...?
Blake: Romantically...
Jaune: Please tell me you're not breaking up with me?
Blake: No no no! Not at all.
Jaune: Oh, thank the Force... You had me worried there.
Blake: Sorry....
Jaune: Okay, if we're not breaking up then, then, what is it?
Blake: So... Since we're going about... saving my brother, and sisters from slavery... Don't you think... Don't you think when we... do it...
Jaune: It? Oh! It... Okay I follow, ahem! P-Please continue.
Blake: Yeah well... Don't you think the 'slave outfit' is a little much...?
Jaune: Well... You tell me, after all you're the one who brought out your old shock collar with the chain attached to it... So do you really think it's, too much?
Blake: ...
Blake: Touche...
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
Papa Arc: Son. There is something very important I need you to know.
Papa Arc: Your mother is the most terrifying thing on this planet. If I had to choose between seeing her when she's angry or walking into the Grimmlands with nothing but my Tighty-Whiteys, I would walk into the Grimmlands because then She'd at least Cull a good chunk of their population before she found me.
Jaune (12): Yeah? You've said this before.
Papa Arc: *picking Jaune up* I GOT HIM RIGHT HERE HONEY!
Jaune: You motherfucker!
Papa Arc: I know I am but what are you? In trouble, that's what.
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
RWBY: Jaune Arc Mandalorian AU: Jaune’s Starfighter
**During the last Two Years at Beacon, Jaune and his friends all got along he managed to have a very loving relationship with Yang and the two Teams became power houses after their first year, but on one night they played Truth or Dare Jaune Revealed in a Truth he has a Starfighter to help him go earn some cash from bounties in space given to him by his Bounty Hunter Mentor; Boba Fett.**
(Night of the ToD game night)
Ruby: BULLSHIT! I call BULL!! SHIT!!
Yang: Ruby! Language! I’m sure Jaune is just joking
Jaune: who said I was?
Teams RWBY & (J)NPR: ………EEEEHHHH!?!?!……
They all yelled in shock and saw that he wasn’t joking at all.
**The very next morning he took Team RWBY and his own team down to Ozpin private landing bay for Beacon where bullhead ships were kept, they all soon saw a ship that was covered in a large grey tarp and once they walked over to it Jaune grabbed the tarp and revealed his Starfighter.**
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Ruby:…oh wow…(eyes shine and she begins to drool)…
Weiss: mhm this is quite a spectacle~
Blake: I mean I’ve read these in science fiction books but never thought I’d see one in person
Yang: that’s fucking hot babe~💕
Pyrrha: Jaune you always continue to surprise us
Ren: Nora No! (He said trying to hold her back)
Nora: NORA YES!!
Jaune: I’ll think about it Nora, anyway this is my Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, years ago it was originally made for a old warrior race of people known as Jedi but they all went extinct and are only a few left in the Galaxy, as from what my mentor told me when he got this for me
Blake: your mentor got you this?
Jaune: yeah it was a gift after I completed my training, but despite it all I wear his family crest on it to show my thanks to him and to honor my mentor
**Suddenly Weiss interrupted**
Weiss: if that’s so, what’s this art piece supposed to indicate mhm~
**she said in a teasing tone as they all looked at the side of Jaune’s Starfighter wing and saw a pin up spray paint art piece of Yang**
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**everyone looked at the pin up with blushes, some covered their mouths and some looked at Jaune with a cheeky smirk, but Yang mostly was looking at it in embarrassment but also a little bit happy on the inside seeing Jaune still thinking of her when he’s away**
Jaune: now Yang come on I can explain
Nora: so fearless leader got a sexy mascot to show off to the galaxy huh
Jaune: NORA!
Pyrrha: my goodness Jaune I didn’t think you’d do that and by yangs reaction you didn’t even get her permission, how deviant of you
Jaune: Pyrrha it’s not what y-
Yang: how could you Jaune! (She said blushing harder)
Jaune: Yang please it is just a pi
Yang: how could you get my Signature Wrong!!
RWB(Y) & JNPR:…….Huh???
**they all said in confusion**
Yang: if you wanted me to be your pin up you should have had me sign it!
Jaune:…..umm…ok I’m sorry?….I guess?
Yang: good but I’ll forgive you under one condition
Jaune: what?
Yang: if you take me for a ride in it first before everyone else
**she said tapping her fingers together and making a pouty face along while doing it**
Jaune: (Giggles) sure thing babe
**he said as he pulls her in for a kiss and her soon accepted his apology from the kiss and his promise**
Nora: can I blow up a Cabbage Stand with it now!
Ren: why a Cabbage Stand?!
Blake: you really wanna ask her that question Ren?
Nora: Well my beautiful Ren Ren, it’s because in every universe there is a Cabbage man who yells “No! My Cabbages!!” It’s a universal thing Ren Ren~💕
Ren: What?
Ren: NORA NO!!!
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
Lone Warrior
Jaune Arc Mandolorian AU: Jaune Arc In Volume 4 after seeing his love Yang harmed and his partner Pyrrha die at the hands of Cinder
“I can go back to them I can’t go back to Yang, not after I Hunt that Witch Cinder, and Avenge…..her murder….This Is The Way~”
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
RWBY: Jaune Arc Mandalorian AU
Everytime I think of Jaune Arc as a Mandalorian I draw him with this YT Vid
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
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a new Dragonslayer commission :)!
[Commission info][Patreon][Ko-Fi][Twitter]
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
RWBY Jaune Arc Mandolorian AU: Knightshade: “Train me please”
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**Jaune enters the room with his equipment and supplies**
Jaune: I’m going out to get a bounty could take a few nights, you want to come with me Blake?
Blake: umm sure I’ll go with you the girls are out for the next two days anyway so I need something to do for now?
Jaune: great maybe along the way we can stop by the bookstore to pick up some books I’ve been wanting to read
Blake: huh? You read as well? What have you been reading into?
Jaune: Hunting tactics, Sniper 101 and Ancient Stealth Techniques.
Blake: huh basic Hunter stuff…
Jaune: and secretly a Copy of Ninja’s of Love for seducing and seduction skills
**Blake Blushes**
Blake: w-what?
Jaune: yeah embarrassing and silly I know but I’ve managed to get all my targets and bounties hot spots and g-spots with the skills I have learnt from them.
Blake: hehe how skilled could you say you are~
**Jaune thought for a sec and responded**
Jaune: roughly I could say enough to make them mumble and drool and pass out….enough time to capture them and collect my bounty~
**Blake drooled at the thought of Jaune doing that to others and even fantasizing about him doing that to her since she had read all the Ninja’s of Love books.**
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Blake: c-could you train me by doing those skills sometime Mas- I mean Jaune
**Blake blushed hard before Jaune looked back at her thinking what did she say**
Jaune: w-what?!
Blake: What?…nothing let’s go do this mission dude
Jaune: Dude?
Blake: s-shut up let’s just go now before I change my mind 😖
**she said walking faster to avoid him noticing her huge blushing face**
Jaune: **smirks under his helmet**
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
Yang: What do you want to do for your birthday, Blake?
Blake: There's a new sushi place in town-
Yang: Sounds good.
Blake: -That we can go to after everyone leaves me alone for a few hours so I can read.
Yang: That works too I guess. We'll let you have some privacy then.
Blake: Jaune can stay though.
Jaune: Cool.
Yang: What, why him?
Blake: I like to jerk him off while I'm reading my smut.
Yang: ...*Leaves*
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
Jaune Arc Mandalorian AU
I can definitely hear this being his theme when fighting
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
When you ask your dragon slayer boyfriend things right after he gets off a train:
Thought I should post this reel on Tumblr as well! 💕
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vanossfan10 · 5 months
Jaune: I swear if someone says something obscene one more time. I'll kick him out of here. What's big, yellow, and can take you anywhere?
Yang: Easy! I use it all the time!
Jaune: Finally!
Yang: It's obviously…
Jaune: Yes...?
Yang: That great cock of yours, daddy~ With the way you fuck me, you make me reach the moon~💕 *Wink*
Jaune: Get out of my sight, you pervert. And just so you know, the answer is bumblebee. You know,... your motorcycle?! The big, yellow thing that takes you wherever you want?!
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vanossfan10 · 8 months
Jaune Arc Mandalorian Armor AU: Jaune starts his day at beacon like he dose showing off his new full gear of mandolorian armor he was given by his father. Many watching and staring at him along with his team and Team RWBY and with Blake and Yang staring and ogling at the mysterious guy thinking he was a new student until he takes off his helmet and tells everyone about the armor.
armor look by me @vanossfan10
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"Yeesh, look at that guy." Ruby followed her sister's gaze to the armored figure staring out the window with a gloved hand on the wall. "Overkill much?"
"I can't remember the last time I saw a huntsman in full armor." Ruby commented.
The figure made no movement to the sister's gossip. If there was any movement, which there was, it was unseen by the two. The movement in question was the flexing of the gloved fingers against the wall. As the airship began its descent into Beacon, the figure swiftly turned away and made his way to the exit. As the doors came open, they were the first to exit, right into the nearest bathroom.
"Huh." Ren blinked at the impatient suit of armor.
"Guess when you gotta go, you gotta go." Nora said with a chuckle.
"Need a hand?" Ruby looked up to the gloved hand extending to her. Reaching up, she felt herself rocketing to her feet. This armored guy was way stronger than he looked, and that's WITH the armor he was wearing!
"Thanks." Ruby said, giving a sigh. "Sorry, I was just-"
"You're pretty tough."
"When I first learned about dust, I didn't have aura to protect me." He looked away. "Spent a couple months coughing up ice."
"Wow, that's..." Ruby gave a chuckle. "That's pretty bad."
"Not as bad as what was coming out the other end." Ruby guffawed at the story, memories of her horrible experience with that girl in white long gone and away. "My name's Jaune. Jaune Arc."
"Ruby Rose." She smiled at her new best friend.
"So, who's your new friend?" Yang gave a playful smirk to her sister.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Word on the street is my little sister was saved by a knight in shining armor." Yang snickered. "Or at least, he's only wearing armor."
Ruby and Yang looked to a distant wall where the topic of their conversation was, once again, standing against the wall. This time, however, his back was to it. To Yang, it seemed like he was glaring at everyone in the room. To Ruby, Jaune looked like he was trying to pull off the cool loner look.
"So, what's he like?" Yang prodded. "Is he cute? Is he nice? You guys kiss yet?"
"No, Yang!" She shoved her sister away. "We just met!"
"Well, that's good to hear. Last thing I'd want is somebody taking advantage of my baby sister."
"I'm not a baby, Yang!"
"Aw, but you sure to act like one!" At this the two began to wrestle, rolling off their sleeping bags and into-
"What are you idiots doing?!" The two looked up to see the infamous dust girl from before glaring down at them. "You're rolling all over my night bag!"
"Really~?" Yang raised a brow. "I thought I felt something long and hard poking my-"
"IT'S LOTION, YOU PERVERT!" She said with a flushed face.
"Oh, I'm sure it is~."
"Could you keep it down?" They all turned to see a girl in a black nightgown glaring at them with yellow eyes.
"I'm so sorry." A girl standing next to the white-haired girl said with a bow. She had long, red hair and wore a long-sleeve button shirt. Was that Pyrrha Nikos? Like, THE Pyrrha Nikos?
"Yeah, my bad." Yang let go of Ruby and stood up. "I was teasing my little sister about her new friend." She jabbed a thumb towards the armored figure.
"Is that a Mandalorian?" Pyrrha(?) gasped.
"Why is he attending Beacon?" The black nightgown girl asked.
"He said it's so he can get his license." All eyes fell on Ruby. "At least, that's what he told me."
"Bounty hunters." The girl in white scoffed. "Another gun for hire from a bygone age, or worse..." She huffed. "A look-a-like."
"If he's a look-a-like, then he's got quite the collection." Yang said. "Closest I've seen a Mandalorian is in pictures."
"That's the only time you should see one." The girl in the black nightgown said with a grim tone. "They're trained since childhood to become masters of war, and any poor village they happen to enter, they leave alone."
"Oh, well, that doesn't sound so bad." Ruby said.
"Alone meaning no survivors."
"Oh." Ruby squeaked.
"And you said you're friends with him?"
"W-Well, I mean, Yang said I was, but um... Yes. Yes, he's my friend."
"Have... Have you seen his face?"
"W-Well, it's just..." The girl stared at the armored figure, her voice giving away a different tone. She clutched her book to her chest, carrying a dreamlike gaze towards him. "I've also read that they're some of the gentlest souls in the world. They're willing to help even the smallest creatures for little more than their gratitude, and the only time you'll ever see their true face is on their death, or when you're..." Her voice trailed off with a blush.
"Ugh..." The girl in white groaned. "It's getting late, so can we all forget about the walking death machine who would sell us to the highest bidder looming across the room and go sleep in our own separate spaces."
Shortly thereafter, the girls parted, though they all cast glances at the armored elephant in the room. Some with baneful scorn, others with fantastical admiration, but all with curiosity. As Ruby nestled into her slumber, she had one thought racing through her mind.
'He's not really dangerous... is he?'
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vanossfan10 · 10 months
Yang: Hey, uh, Diana?
Diana, with Yang slung over her shoulder: Yes?
Blake: Do we even weigh anything to you?
Diana, also with Blake under her arm: No. It's like holding a couple of grapes.
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vanossfan10 · 10 months
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vanossfan10 · 10 months
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