vegan-truth · 2 years
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 4 - The Lies, The Truth & The Facts
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 4 – The Lies, The Truth & The Facts
– * Scamdemic Watch HomeSection List:Section 1 – Manipulating The Numbers: Cases & Deaths–Section 2 – Social Response: How We Respond To Manipulation–Section 3 – Treatments & Other Related Science: Both Real & False–Section 4 – Testimonials: What’s Really Going On?Sub-Section 4A – Whistle-BlowersSub-Section 4B – Doctors & Other ScientistsSub-Section 4C – Nurses & Other StaffSub-Section 4D –…
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vegan-truth · 2 years
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 3 - Treatments & Other Related Science
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 3 – Treatments & Other Related Science
– * Scamdemic Watch HomeSection List:Section 1 – Manipulating The Numbers: Cases & Deaths–Section 2 – Social Response: How We Respond To Manipulation–Section 3 – Treatments & Other Related Science: Both Real & FalseSub-Section 3A – DietSub-Section 3B – HydroxychloroquineSub-Section 3C – SteroidsSub-Section 3D – IvermectinSub-Section 3E – VentilatorsSub-Section 3F – RemdesivirSub-Section 3G –…
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vegan-truth · 2 years
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 2 - Social Response
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 2 – Social Response
“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill Scamdemic Watch HomeSection List:Section 1 – Manipulating The Numbers: Cases & Deaths–Section 2 – Social Response: How We Respond To ManipulationSub-Section 2A – MasksSub-Section 2B – Social Distancing (Physical Distance)Sub-Section 2C – Quarantine & LockdownsSub-Section 2D – Police BrutalitySub-Section 2E –…
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vegan-truth · 2 years
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 1 - Manipulating The Numbers
CoViD-1984 Scamdemic Watch: Part 1 – Manipulating The Numbers
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits & opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. …In…
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vegan-truth · 3 years
Throwing A Brick At Someone's Head Could Prevent Car Accidents
Throwing A Brick At Someone’s Head Could Prevent Car Accidents
– Injecting someone with a vaccine to try to prevent disease is like throwing a brick at someone’s head to try to prevent them from getting in a car accident. You can throw a brick at someone’s head, and there’s a chance you’ll miss their head and it will do nothing at all. But let’s say you hit their head with the brick; you can then say that you successfully prevented them from getting into a…
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vegan-truth · 3 years
A List Of Athletes Who Died Or Were Forced To End Careers After CoViD Vaccination
A List Of Athletes Who Died Or Were Forced To End Careers After CoViD Vaccination
  – This is a list of headlines regarding reports of amateur or pro athletes who either were forced to stop playing or who died and “CoViD vaccines” are suspected to have played a part (I use quotes because they’re not actually vaccines, they’re experimental drug treatments that are substantially different in form and function to traditional “vaccines”). This is probably not every one of them…
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vegan-truth · 3 years
We Need To Stop Believing In The Myth Of Vaccine Exemptions
We Need To Stop Believing In The Myth Of Vaccine Exemptions
* In and of itself, the very concept of exemptions is morally wrong, and a violation of your rights. Suppose -as a hypothetical- the government of the country you live in says “Peer-reviewed scientific studies now show that those humans who have no legs commit 99% fewer crimes per capita than those who have both of their legs. Therefore, we are now going to begin a program that involves…
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vegan-truth · 3 years
"Marco.....Polio!!" by Chris Kirckof
“Marco…..Polio!!” by Chris Kirckof
Without question the go-to disease to defend vaccines is polio. Coincidently it’s also the greatest lie and medical con job of all time. Toxins Causing “Polio” is well documented. Polio is the virus that never was. 1824: Metal workers had suffered for centuries from a paralysis similar to polio caused by the lead and arsenic in the metals they were working with. English scientist John Cooke…
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vegan-truth · 3 years
Let’s Recap, Shall We? - by Amanda Wilcox
Let’s Recap, Shall We? – by Amanda Wilcox
* Copied from Amanda Wilcox on Facebook: I debated posting about this again. But I am so fuming mad with a side of “I told you so”. This didn’t add up for me last February. Not even because I’m a nurse, but because I have the ability to critically think. Let’s recap, shall we? I remember watching hospitals get paid $13k for a simple dx of CV. I remember when they got paid an additional $38k to…
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vegan-truth · 4 years
Health-Related Information On Plants-Only Diets *Photo of Dr. Maggie DiNome, advocate of whole-food, plants-only diet for preventing cancer* -
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vegan-truth · 5 years
V@((ination Is Anti-Vegan - The Moral Reason I Don't V@((inate (and neither should you)
V@((ination Is Anti-Vegan – The Moral Reason I Don’t V@((inate (and neither should you)
Hens -as well as other nonhuman individuals- are used for v@((ine fabrication
Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of people who self-identify as “vegan” making pro-v@((ination posts on social media.
This is just another symptom of the main problem with “the animal movement”: most people have no idea what Veganism actually is about. As Professor Gary Francionehas stated on more than one occasion,…
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vegan-truth · 5 years
On Strategy In Advocacy: The Mistake Of Trying To Convince Those Who Don't Care
On Strategy In Advocacy: The Mistake Of Trying To Convince Those Who Don’t Care
Image credit: The Washington Post
– AbVegans, we need to stop talking about Veganism with the people who ridicule us and ignore our arguments.
Something Our Species Is Doing That’s Wrong
Every year now, the human species confines and kills around 70,000,000,000 land-dwelling nonhuman animals(the latest written information I have on hand is from a few years ago, but I know it has…
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vegan-truth · 5 years
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“Abolitionist Single-Issue Campaigns” Are In The Domain Of Welfarism Too There are quite a few people involved in "the animal movement" who support what Prof. Gary Francione has termed "new welfarism" (that is, the idea that we can achieve the abolition of all animal use through implementing a gradual buildup of  individual reforms of our treatment of animals) who have presented the idea that there is a morally significant difference between single issue campaigns that they claim are "abolitionist" in nature and ones that are overtly welfarist.
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vegan-truth · 5 years
Guest Blog: Lab Flesh And Anti-Speciesism
Guest Blog: Lab Flesh And Anti-Speciesism
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The following post about why “lab flesh” is non-Vegan was post by Dan Kelly on his Facebook timeline. It’s one of the best posts on this subject that I’ve seen:
“ ‘Clean meat’ is a speciesist term meaning flesh made from animal cells, blood products taken from fetal calves, hormones, antibiotics and additives to…
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vegan-truth · 6 years
"Reducetarian Steps" Are Neither "Beautiful," Nor "A Contribution"
“Reducetarian Steps” Are Neither “Beautiful,” Nor “A Contribution”
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– I recently came across the following article after it was shared by someone in a Facebook group for Vegans and non-Vegans: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2018/09/24/650437498/opinion-as-florence-kills-pigs-and-millions-of-chickens-we-must-open-our-hearts?
This article will do worse than nothing for animals. Why do I say worse than nothing? Because of this line in the article:
“So here’s…
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vegan-truth · 6 years
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Guest Blog: Why do I do it? How do I do it? Background issues and more. - The following was posted on the Facebook timeline of Pierre Roland Roy-Parent who is an AbVegan friend of mine and a great writer on the subject of Veganism.
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vegan-truth · 6 years
On Morality: Why Not Use Speciesist -And Other Kinds Of- Oppressive Language?
On Morality: Why Not Use Speciesist -And Other Kinds Of- Oppressive Language?
  Our language is a window into the way we think.
The way we think about nonhumans informs the way we speak about them, and the way we speak about them influences the way others think about them. And finally, that influences how they act towards them. So we can see that our language is vital in taking not just the first but many important steps towards ceasing to harm them.
Carefully choosing the…
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