virginiawoolfes · 3 years
I am my bones. I am my body. I am here, and this is all I have. My bones and my flesh are all I am. 
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
an old lady lives in her home. her children are buried in the backyard, but she still goes there. her dog’s stomach is as empty as the streets. her cabinets are as empty as the stores. she’s forgotten how empty it sounds. she’s happy. she’s happy, because she doesn’t remember ever not being happy.
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
“The purpose of this message is manifold. Its principal object is to say that I don’t like being cut off from you and thus am making an attempt to get into touch.”
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letters of vita sackville-west and virginia woolf + taylor swift + richard siken + couple kissing on building steps, 1970s
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
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richard siken +  kim hye rim
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
“i’ll cut my hair, to make you stare” - cavetown, this is home // “i dye my hair, but you don’t care” - teen suicide, dye my hair
“are you tired of me yet? i'm a little sick right now but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here“ - cavetown, this is home // “my nose bleeds and my hands shake and oh my god, I can't wait to not be sick and not be sad“ - teen suicide, dye my hair
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
Do you remember when we were walking in the sunlight, my love? I remember the honey rays, and I remember what you were telling me that day. You were telling me about your favorite musician, and you were telling me about how they cut their hair, and everyone was mad at them, but you loved their new haircut. I remember exactly how you were smiling, your curly hair bouncing and the sun giving you those gold flecks in your eyes. I remember so much. I can't really study history since I met you, thinking of the moments the textbooks missed, knowing how the littlest moments with you were always so, so big. The time you pulled me away when I was just about to trip and fall. The time you starting talking as soon as we stood up from our desks. Every laugh and every time you'd grasp for my hands. Could a book remember all this? It's okay. We don't need those. I'll remember the tiniest bits of you forever. I'll remember.
Thank you, for giving me so much to adorn my mind.
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
mind's eye:
wraps. distorts. expands.
for them.
the morning glory poisons the dew with its disgust of the night blooming jasmine,
supping its own transience while the jasmine prays to witness another dawn
even if it means its heart will freeze from the chill of the indigo sky
it's okay. tuck away, the glory won't find you.
the jasmine, shunned by veiled rejection, could give the nectar you could only find by parting the seas
if only you allowed it.
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
I should’ve told you how beautiful your eyes were
Under the covers of your pain
I should’ve known that our days were counted
I am young, and I don’t understand
And I was young, and I didn’t understand then
I’ve never believed in heaven
But only if I could
I’d build a castle in the skies brick by brick just for you
And I don’t believe in spirits
But If I had the power to
I’d keep yours happy till my flesh was rotting and then, I’d be with you
And I don’t believe in ghosts
But if it was in my hands
I’d speak to you every night and every night we would dance
And I know it isn’t over yet
But is hope really any consolation?
maybe the world sees crocodile tears
i admit, another one of my fears
but love is blind and so are you
but love is blind and so am i.
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virginiawoolfes · 4 years
Cancel your plans, halt your postponing
For the future is as bright as gunpowder ash
When you hear the knell of the end days singing
And when heaven and hell are bent on Armageddon reigning
When the lead-plated skies cresting barren fields are all that is seen on a summer’s day
Seek solace in the arms of your unwavering hope
That debilitating, chronic humanity’s yoke
Fear no more the wails of the dead
For when your promises and plans turn to dust
And the conferences and treaties rot and rust
You will be ready to choke on those lead-plated skies
And leave this barren world behind.
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