war-cry-stance-blog · 7 years
Mental abuse in the home can be simply when there is one person that you should be able to go to and tell things, but can't. When everyone else in the household is scared of their retribution. Scared to the point of subduing themselves in order to appease that individual. When you can imagine exactly what that person would say and how they would make you feel totally awful about yourself. When you can imagine exactly what that person would say to another member of the household, imagining what you would say in that circumstance, and then backing down when the time comes because you are too scared yourself. It's not always loud. It's not always physically painful. The pain comes from their words and what their actions are doing to yourself and those around you.
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war-cry-stance-blog · 7 years
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Grief Vessel
A jar spell to help process loss and connect to a loved one in Spirit World
You will need:
letter to loved one*
spell candle*
various herbs*
*Due to the nature of this spell, some of the components require personalization. I made this jar in remembrance of my mother who passed away when I was a girl. Some of the items used in this spell correspond specifically to her, so I will explain what they are, and why I included them. Hopefully this will give you a clear idea of how to select personalized spell components.  
I included cemetery dirt from my mother’s grave, as well as sand from our favorite beach. If you’re unable to access dirt from your loved one’s grave, consider adding earth from your garden, a potted plant, or a favorite place that you shared with them. Please DO NOT use unethically sourced grave dirt. 
I included amethyst and bloodstone as the main components, as well as clear quartz, milk quartz from my mother’s favorite beach, and rose quartz because I associate it with her. For crystal correspondences,  @cosmic-witch has an excellent post on crystals in death magick that can be referenced here. 
If you’re unfamiliar, a taglock is an item that creates a magical link. It’s an object that is connected to the individual who is the focus of the magical work at hand. I added an angel pendant gifted to me by my mother when I was a little girl. You can use any item you like as a taglock, as long as it facilitates a connection between you and the person you are remembering. If no taglock is available, crafting a sigil to add in their honor would be a wonderful alternative. 
I chose to include a letter to my mother. I was abused by her while she was alive and really needed to express my forgiveness. This was very cathartic and helped me release some of the resentment I had built up towards her. It’s not a necessary spell component, but a very healing one that I highly recommend adding if it suits you.    
Spell Candle:
This spell does require a candle. I chose a magenta colored candle because it reminds me of my mother and her love of vibrant pink roses. I inscribed the planetary seal for Pluto on the candle because my mom was a Scorpio ruled by that planet and Pluto is associated with death and the underworld. I recommend choosing a candle color you positively associate with your loved one. Inscriptions aren’t necessary, but consider adding sigils, planetary seals, and symbols for added intent. 
Various Herbs:
For this spell, I chose three base herbs; rosemary, chamomile, and lavender. I also added rose petals because they were my mother’s favorite flower, motherwort because it corresponds to motherly protection, and lemongrass because the scent reminds me of gardening with my mom. You are free to just use the base herbs called for, but it’s nice to add herbal correspondences that relate to you and your loved one. 
Casting the Spell:
Though it’s not necessary, I recommend casting this spell on the evening of a full moon. That way the vessel can be set out to charge in the moonlight. 
Once you’ve decided on your personal correspondences and gathered all your components, layer your items in the jar in whatever manner you see fit. 
Light your spell candle and use the wax to seal your vessel. Say aloud or in your mind:
Your soul is eternal and lives on in the memories I hold dear. This vessel is an anchor for your spirit, reminding me that you are always near.
Once the jar has been sealed and the incantation recited, your vessel is complete and can be displayed on a favorite altar or shrine.
This was very healing and I feel so much more connected to my mother’s spirit after performing this spell. I hope it’s able to facilitate the same healing for you!
(revised for typos // 11 June 2015)
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war-cry-stance-blog · 7 years
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Rose quartz Crescent moon
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war-cry-stance-blog · 7 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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war-cry-stance-blog · 8 years
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( ☄ - x - ☄ - x - ☄ - x - ☄ - x - ☄ )
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