weirdotyler · 5 years
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get thee behind me foul fiend
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weirdotyler · 5 years
love this
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WEHHHH hello everyone heres some boards from the project i presented to Les Gobelins. It’s about a rich white couple becoming paranoid when they start suspecting the people around them to be replaced by aliens !!!set in a retrofuturistic 60s !!!! u can read more about it here 
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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Comic diary #1
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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“ Forgiveness is warm. Like a tear on a cheek. Think of that and of me when you stand in the rain. I loved you completely. And you loved me the same. That’s all. The rest is confetti. “
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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Umbrella Academy + Tumblr Posts
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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“I always felt like something of an outsider. But I identified with people up on the screen. That made me feel like I wanted to be up on the screen too. I felt like eventually I would get there.” 
Rest in peace, Luke Perry (October 11th, 1966 — March 4th, 2019)
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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In loving memory of Luke Perry. You will always be our Fred Andrews. Thank you for everything you did for this world, you made this world a little bit better.
And you will be dearly missed.
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weirdotyler · 5 years
When i first discovered Riverdale i noticed Fred Andrews, ever since then i just didn’t see any other characters.  He shines brightly. 
If i ever get the pleasure of becoming a parent, i hope i will be like Fred or Luke himself.  I will always look up to him.
Rest easy.
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It was never about escape. It was aoout wanting to feel like I belonged. I felt like I belonged on a screen. I don’t know why. I guess because I related to the people up on that screen much more than the people around me. I always felt like I was one of them and in a matter of time I’d get there.
R.I.P. Luke Perry (October 11, 1966 – March 4, 2019)
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weirdotyler · 5 years
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weirdotyler · 6 years
i don’t think Rick will ever be whole again
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weirdotyler · 6 years
Good evening, lads. Made another video where i complain about what stops me from making stuff. Obv i’m going to move on and start doing things, i actually decided to challenge myself to film stuff with as much as i have for equipment. So yeah.
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weirdotyler · 6 years
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My cat passed away three days ago, at night. I've never lost a friend to an illness before. Seeing the energy and life leaving such a young body was more than just heartbreaking. He was only 9. His name was Kuzja. Naming your cat Kuzja in Russia is almost like naming your son John in Britain. But somehow it made him even more special. Kuzja he was.
My first ever memory of him is his little voice, the literally «small» sound of his «meow» was so tender, so silent yet so clear you could tell how little his body was. The sound came from my father's jacket. My dad'd complained that he had to pay for the taxi just so that the little one wouldn't get scared. I jumped up to the doorway and saw a little white and grey kitten with a scratched nose. He smelled like a baby. We played for while until he fell asleep. I remember crying on that day because i wanted him to stay. He stayed.
He didn't like to be alone. At all. When he was little he slept with dad, because out of all of us dad moves the least in his sleep. Every time he would leave the room to have a smoke or a glass of water in the night, Kuzja would wake up and cry until someone would eventually enter the room. He hated alcohol, but loved olives. Sometimes he would check the bath while i was in it just to know if was okay. He was just as antisocial as I am. Everyone liked him, but he only liked his family. Once when he was young - mom, my brother and I went on vacation; grandma said he waited for us everyday in front of the door. If we were to eat he was as well, there was no discussion. Even if he already ate before.
The night before my first day in the office I had anxiety, Kuzja found his way to the bunk bed for the first time in many years and stayed with me. He was my emotional support. Every time I had a bad day I knew I would come home to someone, I knew someone was waiting for me. No matter how shitty some situations were, he was always there to cuddle with me, to put his little paw on my hand or my chest and to lay his little head on me. I was never this close with anyone, I probably never will be.
Home is not home without him. Today when I woke up I nearly called him to hear his little roar in return. Next moment I realised he won’t answer. I'm completely gutted. He was way too young to go. But I'm glad he's no longer suffering.
The last couple of months he tried to be as close to us as possible, literally. I understand now that he felt it. He would lie on our chests and try to get higher - closer to our heads. No matter how uncomfortable it was for him he would stay on our chests, shoulders and necks as long as he could. He was heavy so eventually we would put him on the bed, but he would climb up to our faces again. I know now that he tried to be with us while he still could. The energy left his body in less than two months, but his love never did. And he gave us all his love. He was that kind. His heart was full of love towards us.
Dear Kuzja, Tuz, Shmuz, Tuzkus.
My beautiful boy, my best friend, my heart, my home. You made me the happiest kid in the whole wide universe, I hope I made you happy too. I am forever grateful for every second, every moment we shared together. The scratches you left on my hands are still there, healing. The world isn't as bright as it was with you in it. You were my light on the darkest days, you burned the brightest. This light will carry on.
Love you to the moon and back. See you someday xx
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weirdotyler · 6 years
“I lost all interest in my schoolwork, friends, reading, wandering or daydreaming. I had no idea what was happening to me, and I would wake up in the morning with a profound sense of dread that I was somehow going to have to make it through another entire day. I would sit for hour after hour in the undergraduate library, unable to muster enough energy to go to class. I would stare out the window, stare at my books, rearrange them, shuffled them around, leave them unopened, and think about dropping out of college. When I did go to class it was pointless. Pointless and painful. I understood very little of what was going on, and I felt as though only dying would release from the overwhelming sense of inadequacy and blackness that surrounded me. I felt utterly alone, and watching the animated conversations between my fellow students only made me feel more so.”
— Kay Redfield Jamison, An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness (via fyp-psychology)
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weirdotyler · 6 years
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that's what I look like to my friends, always from the back and with a camera
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weirdotyler · 6 years
First of all, why can't we just get married?
Thank you so much for your supportive message! It truly means (memes hehe) the world to me!
I've been working a lot on a lot of stuff, but for some reason it never seems to be perfect enough? I think my main problem is not even fear of being unnoticed, but fear of imperfections in the things that i do? Because obviously I'm inspired by the best people in the film industry, so MY stuff never seems to be good enough, that's why I'm always reaching for better quality and content.
And I DO realize nothing's perfect, but sometimes I stop anyway.
So I gave a word to myself that I will film stuff and post it ANYWAY, because honestly? Fuck fear of failure.
And I hope to maybe make something together with you! (I had this idea for a while now, tbh)
I'd like to read your stuff (not only the things you post here), so please share if you'd feel like it! I'm into this stuff as well!
Love you to the moon and back! Have a nice day!
Hello, i did a little something and put my face and thoughts into it!
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weirdotyler · 6 years
Hello, i did a little something and put my face and thoughts into it!
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