Um... so. That drama just happened... but uh. Can I ask? I was inspired by the cancer ask, and uh, can I have the same thing but with Axe and Error? Thank you!
I’m dying pls, angst aaaaaaaa- a potato questioning why it’s enjoying this
Horror/Axe: He most likely already knew before the doctor told him. His sense are keen and he could smell the sickness roll off of you. Oh, he beats himself up over it and no one can comfort him. He knew and he didn’t act. But, he stays beside you. Trying desperately to comfort you with his presence. Trying to find a way to heal you that he ends up neglecting you until the last week when it gets bad. It hits that there’s no cure, you’re dying and he’s wasting so much time. He doesn’t care if it kills you that very night he rips you away from the dreadful place and carries you up the mountain to stargaze one last time with you. When you die it doesn’t take to long for him to fall down even with Teeth around. The regret is just to much and he gives in. Praying that somehow in the afterlife you can be together despite his sin.
Hi it's been a literal year and I couldn't finish Error but I think this is shit but needs to be posted kiddo
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(LET'S GET SOME ANGSTY SH*T) How would skelies of your choosing react to an S/O being diagnosed with stage four cancer and they only have about a month to live? (No, magic or medication will save them.)
Oh shit- a dying potato Ink!Sans: His smile tightens when the doctor tells him what's happening. But, stays strong for and takes you to do whatever you want before you die. To let you live for once even if it means it shortens what little remains of your life. You most likely end up dying in his arms, peacefully and discreetly. While you were all dressed up and out dancing and other shenanigans. This is just too much for him to bare. Two weeks later he 'falls down' and turns to dust right in the middle of fighting Error. The multiverse loses its protector and now color fades to grey. 'Just a insigfigant human ' Error thinks ' caused the downfall of all the au's 'Teeth/Cinnamon: the poor boy, it has to be explained to him. Once he figures out you're dying and no one can save you, someone he's loved so much, he almost dusts right there. But Axe, Axe, the one who no one would think cared about you picks him up off the floor. Tells him that he needs to comfort you and love you before it's over. To live and love to keep your memory alive. He's still in pain, but this fills him with determination. Spending as much time as possible with you before you die. And doing Excatly what his brother told him to. Axe is also comforting you. If you're dating his brother you gotta be friends too. When you pass it's a quiet funeral and he's hurt so so bad. But he manages to make it for another 300 years. And the returns to your loving arms again.
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(Sorry I accidentally pressed ask before I finished! Im the Anon matchup) I'm 5' and 5.5 inches. My hair is a dark-medium brown that naturally get lighter as it gets longer (so the bottom is the light part). My hair actually reaches just above my hips! I'm very outgoing, and fairly sociable. I enjoy making people laugh, and I like hugs and physical contact. People say I have a big presence, and I know my voice carries. I'm a bit awkward at times, but I do joking flirt with my friends. Thank you!
... I'd pair you with SF!Papyrus! Thank God for your socialization because he needs to be out and about without Razzle Dazzle and outside his little friend group. He'll also joke flirt once he grows comfortable with you and won't make you feel weird when you're awkward. He's like that alot too. Also, needs a big presence. Not a mean one like Sans but, a kinder and more loving one.
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What about US!Sans, SF!Paps, and UF!Paps with an S/O who is super smol but always wants to protect them.
Blue/Starry-eyed: He's kinda worried. You're smaller than him! You're gonna get hurt! No s/o dont start another fight he doesn't want to have to heal you or have anyone hurt! He's fine on his own don't worry just please! Don't be mean! Let's all just... have a couple tacos instead and talk it out???Edge/Boss/ General: can't stop laughing omg it's adorable how you stand up for him. But quickly intervenes as he doesn't want to look weak with a human protecting him! Low key appreciates what you're trying to do for him though. Likes that you can also verbally hold your own. Finds it appealing.Auburn/Puppy: he's having a heart attack. Please don't start fights for him he already has to pull Razzle Dazzle out of brawls he can't. Now if you're roasting the dude with him behind you all intimidating he'll appreciate it and praise you at home. But, if it's physical, stop he's gonna kill over if you get hurt at all.
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May I have a match up? I'm 5 foot and 5.5 inches. I have dark brown hair that naturally gets lighter (to like a medium to light).
Bb I'm so sorry I need info about your personality
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((No problem babs))
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((Alright I'm done))
Ohhhh boy. These might take awhile. Thanks for the ideas!
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Oups i didnt see you only make 5 characters so uh... if you received my ask can you remove SF sans (semi animal S/O )
Ah, no ill just go ahead and do it! It's okay just read the rules next time!
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Being friends/best friends with UF/US Papyrus
Yes. - slightly less salted potato
Edge/Boss/ General: Patience beyond compare and perservance to outlast any amount of determination. To learn to see through the cracks and the hardness the cruelty of the underground has forced upon him. Making him cruel and awkward. To read him like a book and listen and watch because you genuinely care. Late nights on the phone when either of you are distressed in any form. Finding out eachother darkest secret and thoughts and bonding over them and your new found trust. To have this is a friendship that will last you through hell and back and maybe even death itself. To find that even the most cocky, dense, and mean skeleton might know and feel alot more than anymore can ever tell.
Stretch/Honeybear: To understand that comfort is found to some not in words, but in presence and silence. By kindness and truthfulness the greatest things shall blossom in the friendship you seek. Finding out that lots of things are going to be left unspoken or ignored but, staying and wanting to be with him. Creating jokes and listening when he finally talks. Handling his hangover when he finally cracks and having an open shoulder to cry on. Staying up for days on end doing nothing but foolish things and sharing little details about eachother. Hugging before you leave to give him something to hold on to. Even when you’re confused with him nodding your head and looking over his faults. Having a lifetime friend and counselor to guide you And help make tough decisions. To have company even in the darkest of times is what that close friendship shall be
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Okay so I'm pissed because of a CERTAIN SONG CONTEST so could you tell me what kind of music the Fell skelebros and Tale Gaster likes?
Same bb fucking eurovision- a salted potato Edge/Boss/Commander: Heavy metal, emo rappers, generic cringey emo stuff. Has a soft spot for Old Opera music. Especially if it's in Italian. He loves those r's like ya boi.Red/Cherry: an alternative guy who doesn't mind anything other than pop stuff. He can't stand it. Techno is okay by itself but, mainstream and pop isn't his style.Gaster/Doc: generic classical music fan. Old fashioned and wonders what the hell is up with pop and rock music. Shockingly doesn't mind some good Country sometimes. ♡
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how would accidental confessions from us/sf pap, and the uf brothers go? like, maybe they're watching a movie with their crush or something and an 'i love you' slips out or something? i hope this makes sens e
Love this trope - old 'tato Stretch/Honeybear: You two had been hanging out for the weekend. A sudden storm rolled in with a tornado warning so, it prolonged your visit a night. Agreeing to watch a Napstabot movie, you got caught in a trance. A thought comes to your head as you think about the weekend you had spent together. " I love you. " it flies out of your mouth and he flinches. Visibly shaken for once in the entirety of the time you've known him. His eyes trail over to you, a shaky hand removes his pixie Stix from his clenched teeth. Some spills out of the end as he had accidently bitten a part off. " whay did ya say? " He asks quietly. You're blushing and can look anywhere but him. " I... I... " You stutter out. He's facing you entirely now. Focused directly on you. " I love you, Honeybear... " You muttered and your hands flew to your face. His breath halted and his eye lights went out. Suddenly, your hand were torn away from your face. He was kissing you. Hard. And you happily returned the favor. Even as the lights went out from the storm, leaving you in total darkness as your bodies drew closer together. " Stay. " he breaths out in the darkness when you both part. " Please? " this seems to come out in a more begging tone. You lay your head on his chest while gravity makes you both fall back onto the couch. " Yes. " You say, entirely captivated and breathless.Auburn/Puppy: Puppy had come over to your small apartment in the city to stay the night. This was a common thing and usually a couple of your other friends tagged alone for a long and thoughtful night. Though tonight, it was just you two. Alone. The thought excited you and made you blush. You had fallen head over heels for the secretly sweet, bad boy skeleton who'd crashed into your life so suddenly. Both of you were sitting at a table as the TV played in the background. As you played card together something slipped out " God, I fucking love you, Pup. " Oh shit. His cards scatter across the floor as he stares at you, mouth hanging out. " Y-you..? " He slurs out. This seems to be processing in his mind and you lower your head to hide the firetruck red blush on your face. " I love you too. " your head snaps up and his face his hidden beneath his hood. " I love you too. " he repeats. Hands clasped on his lap nervously as you shoot him a reassuring smile. " What do you want to do about it? " you asked him, and leaned over the table to get to him. Letting your cards also fall to floor. " I...I... " he let's out so softly you can hardly hear it. Then, your hand wraps around the back of his head. Pulling the flustered and confused skeleman in for a long and passionate kiss.Edge/Boss/General: " Ugh. " says your best friend. Cherry has already fallen asleep on the couch beside you two during mettatons newest video. Now, that had ended and reruns were all that was left. " Why don't we change the channel then if you don't like it? " you suggest. " there's no one else on! " he snaps at you as he gets up to put the dishes left over from the popcorn and what not you'd taken into the living room. " Fair point. " You chimed as he walked away huffing. Then you heard a clang sound come from the kitchen and lots of swearing. Cherry groans and shifts on the couch beside you. Deciding that checking in on General is better than sitting there you get up and peak your head into the kitchen. Seeing a hilarious sight. He's gone and tripped over something and now has a bowl for a hat and there's popcorn seeds scattered across the floor. Snickering reaches his ears and he glares at you. " This isn't funny! " he hisses loudly, clearing embarrassed. He glares and crossed him arms. " G-God damn do I love you General. " you both took a moment to process what you said and froze like stone statues. Not moving. General tried to process what you had said and take it in. It wasn't working too well. Taking a few steps back you begin to walk away and turned around. Only to have your wrist grabbed and being forced to turn around. Getting embraced by an edgey skeleton with a bowl for a hat.Red/Cherry: You were both extremely drunk at the time this all had happened. Tonight you thought it would just be you three getting together and watching stuff. Hanging out like normal buds. Honestly, this is the fell universe, you should've known better. Of course there was shenanigans and beer involved. General had long since passed out on the floor and neither you nor Cherry planned on moving him anytime soon. Being intoxicated you popped in beauty and the beast and blared gangster or hood music while making crude commentary. Cherry was highly amused and then joined in when he fell under the influence. Insanity ensued and now, the house was an absolute wreck. General would kick your asses when he got up and sober again. Right now you didn't care. Your I pod that was playing you're music died and you were stuck with the shitty Disney movie. " This is why I love you, Cherry. " You slur out while said skeleton does a weird trick with his bottle. " right back atcha, babe. " he says back to you, sloppily kissing your cheek. You stare at eachother for a quest moment. Then burst into obnoxious laughter.
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CAN I get some fluffy Red headcanons? X3
• Red's room doesn't actually smell bad, it just looks like shit. But his bed is the perfect place for relaxing, cuddles, and other activities 👀• May occasionally cook for his s/o, he's pretty good at it. Not a five star restaurant but, good old fashioned home cooking.• is a large pissy man baby that needs love and attention, hug and kiss him at random intervals and it's just 👌 good job s/o• can make good remixes and will present them to his partner like a prized jewel. If they're hardcore music fans that is.• prepare for late nights for talking, watching movies, and doing random shit while either sleep high or drunk.• not big on making public displays but, will if someone is hitting on his s/o or gives them a weird look.• is actually extremely loyal unlike most think. If you've gotten into a serious relationship with him, you're something special and he's NEVER letting go.
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can i have a matchup maybe?? if thats cool with you guys- uh, im 5'2" and im supposedly good with kids? im just a somewhat taller one myself, honestly- im empathetic and good with cats/animals in general, too. im usually pretty quiet/chill for the most part, but i get really passionate about things im interested in! and apologize for ranting almost immediately afterwords, whoops...i doubt myself a lot/often too, and it usually leads to me having some slight memory problems, and thank you guys!!
I'd match you up with SF! Papyrus. He'd be good with your personality and listen to your rants. Assuring you you aren't a bother at all. Also, he loves that you're so smol and good with children. He's not a people person so that'd be a good mix! Would help you with your memory by leaving notes around the house and cuddle you to death.
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Can I get a matchup please? I'm agender and pansexual (tends towards guys, but I'm still pretty flexible). I'm a bit lazy, but I always do my stuff. I'm also really sassy and sarcastic, but it's all in good fun, and I try real hard to be a bit more nice. I like gaming, reading, drawing, writing and singing. I'm not overly clingy, but I still love affection. I also have depression and anxiety (yay, fun) and sadly have a lot of bad days. :-/ I think that's all. Thanks for your time!
I'd match you with UF!Sans, he's in tune with your humor and personality. He doesn't want someone to clingy but, he wants to give and relieve affection and you also share some similar interests! He'd be willing to laze about with you and help you quietly through the bad days. As he has alot of those himself.
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I'd like a matchup, please. Im a 5'5" hetero girl who loves gaming, reading, and working with people even though I'm shy overall. Speech and language fascinate me to no end, and my sense of humour tends to be sarcastic, sassy, and teasing (in good nature, though) after I really get to know someone. Ive got a bad case of depression and anxiety that loves to creep up on me. Hope you're having a lovely day
I'd match up you up with US!Papyrus! Or as I call him, Honeybear! He loves gaming and having deep conversations with you! Plus! He thinks you're so smol and adorable and would try his very best to work through and consulting you with you're issues and depression. He Would always be there for you, through thick and thin.
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quick question!! are you taking matchups currently?
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