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Holy molly yesterday was 3 years, and most of that time was spent either writing, hoping to write, thinking of writing, or the normal of not writing. *sigh* truly a writing moment, anyway I hope you are all well.
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I am still dumb.
So some of you may know I had a post adding things I learned that I probably should have known, may as well start again.
I have just learned that furries are more then just dogs, cats, wolves, and dragons. Like I was always certain I could not be a furry since I ever felt close to those animals and now I am learning it is EVERY animal and even made up ones and stuff; like that is cool especially from a design standpoint and all that.
anyway you all are cool
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Rate the name: Naia
A lovely name in my opinion and I want to extrapolate on why since I do enjoy understanding why things are pleasing and work.
Firstly it is two syllables which means it has nice mouth feel, you can break it down into just Nai for a nickname. It also flows well so there is no choppiness that comes from some consonant combinations (though that is cause there is 3 vowels).
Overall it is nice and feels and unique; 8/10.
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Ah the beauty of a battered Whumpee with broken calves having to uselessly drag them about and sit in dainty poses as to not aggravate them, truly a beauty that deserves to be immortalized.
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New year new me *I say as I power up the clone forge*
The legion of clones cheer as another joins their legion.
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This Holiday season we advise you to all gather round the Whumpee and do what the season entails. Carving the poor thing up like a turkey and getting closer to your fellow Whumpers.
So from one writer to all others I wish you all a happy holidays.
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Whump Spitball: Produced by Hallmark
For those of you who have not been able to acquire a tree for Christmas this holiday season you can just force Whumpee to stay in a corner and stab the ornaments into them for an easy alternative.
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Whump spitball: The Re-remake of the Remake that makes the remake seem like the original
Imagine a Whumpee that was a reader of Whump so they apply the knowledge to either mitigate the pain by leading Whumper to activities that do less damage.
Like imagine that Whumper seemingly forgetting to lock the door to Whumpee's cell, Whumpee knows it's a test and Whumper is waiting outside so they will instead play the long game so when Whumpee leaves it will be a surprise to Whumper who thought Whumpee was thoroughly tamed.
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love writing. writing is awesome. it’s a shame that it involves writing though
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English is silly
So as an English speaker and writer I would like to tell all my ESL readers and writers that you are doing lovely and to not worry about if you are doing English right since it is a very silly language.
As somebody who is quite happy with nonce words which means that as long as there is enough context to your words (whether that be mashing words together or using the words around it I will leave to you.) you can get away with so much.
Now if you excuse me I will take my lissortly self and be galumphing back to my work in progress pieces.
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Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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So thanks to understanding evolution we understand that if there is a predisposition to fucking then they go for what is hot even if it causes issues down the line, we can see this in the Barbirusa. All I am saying is that we know that old timey saucy was feet and ankles and we now have back issues commonly so.....
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Whenever I need to write an evil devil/demon deal I somehow ask myself "how would an evil institution make this the worst?"
Like say "spend half a year In hell for XYZ" I would have them spend 12 hours a day in hell, oh and no hell does not support transport so you gotta drive yourself. Just maximize suffering from lesser things ya know.
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So what about forgetful Whumpers, like if I kept a Whumpee in the basement I know I would probably forget about them until I see their corpse while getting my sewing machine.
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It was not silly looopy pain killers it was nap time pain killers, like yay naps and all but man it was not what I was expecting.
Well the surgery went well but now that the anesthetic is off I can type and stuff. Sadly I get to be high on pain killers so maybe weird posts?
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Well the surgery went well but now that the anesthetic is off I can type and stuff. Sadly I get to be high on pain killers so maybe weird posts?
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So I know how claiming something as a funny story and finding humor in it is a trauma response.
So imagine Whumpee going "Funny story- proceeds to dump the horrid torture Whumper put them through." And Caretaker is just horrified while Whumpee is chuckling.
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