whiskeyfox · 2 years
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The Gremlin, a raccoon and Jiang Cheng
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
Since I've been back watching Hospital Series, here's a snippet of my Hospital AU that won't see the light of day for a while.
 Having finished up with a very complicated surgery not too long ago, Wei Wuxian was back outside in his usual street clothes. 
 Off to the side of the main entrance there was a little smoking area, it was a place that he had come to frequent. 
 Feeling the cool breeze and the burn of the smoke in his lungs from the cigarette Wei Wuxian felt grounded after all the intensity. To one he might have looked intimidating, but to those who knew him; he was a genius, and a softie. 
 Looking back, Wei Wuxian turned and squinted inside the hospital past the large windows, it seemed like Jiang Cheng finally finished up his introduction with the new young resident doctors. 
 Snuffing out the cigarette, Wei Wuxian lifted the flap of his jacket and gave it a quick sniff before trying to get rid of the smell of smoke. Picking up his helmet, he dashed back inside the hospital, being accompanied by the little clinks of his keys and the buckles of his leather jacking colliding against each other. 
 Jiang Cheng was anything but paying attention at the moment, he was more focused on the patient sheets he had been handed. 
 Feeling a hand on his arm he was about to turn but the force of something had him stepping backwards until his back came in contact with a wall, while another arm was placed next to his head, cornering him.
 Brows furrowed, the angelite eyes finally looked up from the papers and one of the furrowed brows raised from their frown with a complete lack of amusement towards the bright toothy smile on the culprit’s face.
“Hi, kitten…” Wei Wuxian purred.
 Jiang Cheng could only huff at the nickname as he placed his hand on Wei Wuxian’s chest, but didn’t push just yet. He trailed his eyes down the neck towards his own hand then back up to lock eyes with Wei Wuxian. 
“You smell of cigarettes and disinfectant, did you have surgery?”
“Your nose is as sharp as ever,” Wei Wuxian hummed, leaning closer to whisper into Jiang Cheng’s ear.
 Towards the further corner a group of students were all unfortunate enough to witness everything right from the start - to the delinquent coming into the hospital. To him cornering Dr. Jiang
“What do we do? Someone call the police.” One of the young boys hissed while another tried to pull their phone out. While a third youth ran off to call security. 
“Do- Do you think he’s a loan shark? Or a gangster??” The second student spoke up, while trying to unlock their phone. 
“Stop messing around, we’re out in public.” Jiang Cheng hissed as he nudged Wei Wuxian with his hand on the man’s chest, but he also held onto the jacket. Damn his fingers betraying his feelings. 
“Oh you wound me, can I at least get some kisses before I go and wait for you in the staff room?” Wei Wuxian pulled his best puppy eyes, which was completely out of place for the man’s image. 
 Jiang Cheng could only roll his eyes and the antics of his husband before he let go of the leather jacket and used his index finger to motion for the other to come closer. 
 Seeing the finger, Wei Wuxian perked up like an over excited puppy - in fact, if he had a tail it would’ve probably been wagging like crazy - it felt like he was promised to get taken out for a walk. 
 With a little huff, Jiang Cheng leaned forwards and captured Wei Wuxian’s lips. It was supposed to be a quick little kiss on the lips, but Wei Wuxian had other ideas and instead pushed forwards, pressing Jiang Cheng against the wall and deepening the kiss. 
 The students off to the side could only stare in shock, as the phone slipped out from their hands and clattered to the floor. 
 What the hell just happened??
 As much as Jiang Cheng enjoyed the kiss he was still aware of their surroundings and they were at work of all places. Damn. 
 It took a second of mental preparation but Jiang Cheng finally bit on Wei Wuxian’s bottom lip, not hard enough not to draw blood, but hard enough for Wei Wuxian to pull away.
 With this, Jiang Chenf took the opportunity and slipped out from Wei Wuxian’s grasp, making a run for it, but only stopping further up  the hallway to turn back,
“Stop being a pain in the ass and go get some sleep, you just got out of surgery and I finish in an hour.” 
 Wei Wuxian stood there for a moment watching Jiang Cheng’s back but perked up when the other turned, 
“Okay, I’ll be in the staff room. A-Cheng, wake me up before you go home.” There it was, the stupid grin was back on Wei Wuxian’s face.
 The students were all still standing dumbstruck as one of them came back with a security guard. 
“What happened?” 
“I genuinely don’t know he’s more of an idiot or a genius. Probably an idiot more than anything.” 
 The group all startled and they turned to look at the woman with her hands in her pockets, her coat reading, “Dr. Wen Qing.” 
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
(Late) Valentines - Chengxian
I posted this on twt, but to those who follow me here, hello. I am posting this one day late chengxian valentines one shot.
Wei Wuxian could only crouch and poke at some talismans by his feet, as he heard the gleeful cheers of couples and other people outside, he did wonder why people even celebrate the death of another person, Valentines... It was Valentine's day that they celebrated, unfortunately for him, since he was immortal he had heard all the gossip when it happened and then, well... Wei Wuxian sighed as he saw the two little feet hoop into his sight, then Valentines became a love day. 
"Shoo, don't touch that, I know you love making a mess." 
"No-" The man and the raven had a sudden stare off competition. With the raven having turned its head to the side, its little beady eye glowing red. 
"You're only alive because I allow you to be, now shoo-" Wei Wuxian used his hand to gently push the raven away from the talismans.
The raven was none too pleased by this thread and pecked at the fingers with another caw.
"I know you want to go out and play, but I don't have the time right now, I got to look into this haunting." 
"No, I won't be celebrating valentine's day," Wei Wuxian finally looked up from the scattered papers and placed his arms on his knees as he watched the little bird, "I don't have anyone to celebrate it with either." If one paid close enough attention they could see the cogs turning in the little raven's head, but Wei Wuxian could only watch in both amusement and wariness, knowing how mischievous the bird could be.
 The little raven was only a fledgling when Wei Wuxian had found it in the Burial Mounds and having raised it, he couldn’t part with the mischievous little bird when its time had came and so he did something one shouldn’t do and messed with the circle of life once again, his consequences? Well the consequences were that Wei Wuxian must walk this earth without the escape of death. 
 Wei Wuxian could only chuckle as he turned back to the talismans ignoring the raven who was now hopping around its owner. Coming round, the raven used its beak to tug at the trousers leg, and Wei Wuxian continued to ignore the bird until there was a jingle. 
“Hey, give that back.” Wei Wuxian spoke softly as he finally turned his attention to the bird, who now had a little bell in its hold by a string. 
“You know how important that is to me, hey- hey let’s trade.” He thought he was a genuins, reaching into his pocket and pulling out some peanuts. He wished he was a genius, but it looked like the raven was not in the mood to bargain today.  
 The Raven tilted its head, the bell jingling in the process and Wei Wuxian slowly braced himself for the impact as he fell forwards, his stomach taking the brunt of the force and crumpling the talismans - which he was trying so hard not to touch - in hopes of catching the Raven, but he was too slow and the raven took a few hops before spreading its wings and flying off. 
“Bastard, and I raised you as well.” Wei Wuxian grumbled as he placed his forehead on the ground and just laid face flat for a moment before getting up and dusting himself off, he needed to find the bell. 
 Wei Wuxian finally looked around and started to make his way towards where he guessed the raven had flow off and made his way out the alleyway towards the bustling street, which in fact was full of vendors trying to preach roses or chocolate, with the excuse that a handsome man like him should have a sweetheart of his own. 
 And usually Wei Wuxian was good at ignoring the said compliments but when he was stopped in his tracks by a little girl who was selling some roses he could only groan on the inside and buy a few. 
 Roses in hand, he still continued down the road until he rounded a corner and heard the jingle of the bell. 
“Where did you get this from?”
 Wei Wuxian felt time freeze as he saw the person sitting outside the cafe, the person was dressed casually with their hair in a half up and half down hairdo, the frown on their face felt familiar too, but it shouldn’t have been them, too many decades have passed. 
“Where did you get this from…” The man repeated the question, much slower now as he raised the bell up and the purple tassel dangled down. 
 And Wei Wuxian felt his own breath hitch and his heart pick up pace, it couldn’t be a trick of the light because the sun was shining over them, casting the man in a warm glow, even though they appeared quite unapproachable. 
“Calm down Wei Wuxian, he might not recognise you,” Wei Wuxian murmured to himself as he stuck on a smile and went over the pair of a man and crow. 
“Hey, so sorry- That’s mine, it's just this little guy who stole it from me.” 
 The man frowned even more as he looked up at Wei Wuxian, he looked like a carbon copy of Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian felt a pang in his heart. 
“I would rather ask why would someone have a Yunmeng Jiang clarity bell with them.” 
 Well Wei Wuxian was screwed, he messed up big time, 
“But that would also explain why this crow kept bringing me all sorts of cursed trinkets.” 
“He’s not a crow but a Rave-” Wei Wuxian shut his mouth as soon as the man's words were processed. “Shit.” 
“You got some explaining to do, sit down.” Jiang Cheng motioned towards the open seat opposite to him. 
 Wei Wuxian felt lost for a moment but did as he was told and looked at the roses in his hands. 
“Are those for your beloved Lan?” The bitterness was still evident in Jiang Cheng’s tone as he placed the clarity bell on the table and leaned back, his arms crossing in front of his chest, it was a defensive stance. 
“No- No, these are uhh for you.” He panicked okay? 
 Jiang Cheng looked just as surprised by this, and hesitated for a moment before taking the roses, a soft blush tinting his cheeks. 
“You still have some explaining to do.” 
 The Raven gave a happy caw and hopped over to Jiang Cheng, pecking at the man’s hand. Wei Wuxian could only glare at the bird as Jiang Cheng raised his fingers and stroked its head.
 It looked like he wasn’t going to spend Valentines alone after all. 
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. or stay up with them when they're sad even if you're gonna lose sleep. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. that's how you know that you care. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. you're supposed to make small sacrifices for them and they are supposed to do that for you. and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. jesus.
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
Well time to come back to this hell site and start posting again, I'll see if I can dig up some of my old chengxian/xiancheng content later tonight
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
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Merry Late Christmas
I am back with my plague doc WWX agenda because the man has a chokehold on me.
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
Alright now all I can think of is any random servant in the northern palace watching sqh winding up to run and launch himself at mobei's back and latch on. They always pretend not to see it but theres a betting pool to see how high he can really jump
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MBJ has to take counteractive measures
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
Y'all are reblogging some of my old crappy art and I don't know if I like it or hate it :')
I shall redraw some of it as some point again, and make it better
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
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Recently I had the brainrot of JC wearing the corset costume from Jackson Wang's Blow MV so here are the final results. The past few days have been really difficult in getting any colouring done so this is probably isn't the best of my art pieces ueueue
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
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A implied Mpreg chengxian request piece.
I've kinda been playing around with different art styles to see which I like best, and I think this is my favourite so far.
If you would like to see more of my art please consider buying me a coffee ^-^
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whiskeyfox · 2 years
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I had to jump on this trend with someone who wasn't done yet haha
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whiskeyfox · 3 years
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The White Cat's Divine Scratching Post
I have finished reading this amazing novel. And it’s such a gem. 
The start of the novel can be a bit off putting, especially with the slow start and the chapter titles as our protagonist drops dead right at the start, but hey it seems like a repeating trope for those who like reincarnation novels. 
This novel is full of comedy and oh so many dick jokes, the characters are so well developed and lovable, some of them even deserve their own little spin off series of their misunderstandings. If you like couples who take joy in others misery, you will love Mo Tianliao and Qingtong. 
As the novel does progress onwards there is heavier themes of death and murder, as well as limb removal, which does not go in to too much detail, for those who fear gore, it’s very easy to skip over those parts without losing too much context. 
The only thing I found difficult to follow were the certain fighting scenes near the end to the novel as well as the extras, but it could also be down to both the TL and English being my 2nd language. 
The ending to the actual novel felt rushed, or more like it wasn’t planned out, but the extras to an extent helped to tie it off.
Mo Tianliao is our well feared Demon Lord who is absolutely obsessed with his kitten, and every cat owner can agree with me that we do love and cherish our cats dearly. 
Qingtong is our cold and aloof yet once again somewhat childish Immortal that is feared by most, and I just love how every young demon beast becomes the most docile little thing in his presence. Another thing I absolutely loved about Qingtong is he has no shame, he more than once straight up punched people in the face or beat the crap out of them, which is really different to his cold appearance. 
Taishi was everything in this novel since he was made, he cracked me up so much and was the main object of the comedy in all of this. 
Meng Hu made me fall in love with his character so much which made me want to scream “He's just a tiger himbo” he’s such a sweet character and poor man thought he could escape his sect responsibilities but near the end he never did.
Shi Di and Ding Hu deserve their own little spin off series, the amount of times they ended up in compromising positions and people had them misunderstood, overall they seem like they would make a fun couple if they ever got together haha.
Xuanji really stood out to me, especially even though he didn’t appear much he left such an impression on me that I had to mention him here. Appearing as someone who doesn’t like attention or even fighting Xuanji was an interesting and fun character to see, especially when it came to Qingtong and how him being pushed out of his comfort zone made him act. 
Overall the novel is such a fun and light read and for those who are looking for a bit of comedy with pinches of heavy topic, it's definitely worth a read.
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whiskeyfox · 3 years
Feeling kinda soft so a post cannon XuanYin AU
After everything He Xuan would sometimes wonder the mortal realm for a change of scenery. He kind of watched times change like this as well.
Some days He Xuan would sit on a step with a steamed bun watching kids play, other days he would get coaxed by the wives of stall owners in to maybe marrying their daughters but their efforts were always fruitless as the tall handsome man would say he already had someone.
After a while a gold ring started adorning He Xuan's fingers, but nobody ever saw the man with his lover. As time went by He Xuan would still sometimes sit there and watch children play, there was something about soft toys that has come around and the man couldn't understand it, they looked crude and poorly made but it brought so much joy to the children.
Standing up, He Xuan dusted himself off and started to make his way through the town, trying to find a quiet spot where he could draw his array to go back to the Ghost City, but before he even reached his destination he stopped at a stall, just at his eye level hung plush black cats, with buttons for eyes and nose, they were poorly made but were somewhat cute nonetheless.
He Xuan must've been looking at it for a while because the female stall owner approached him, took the plush down and practically shoved it in to the mans hands, she gave him a knowing smile and then went about her business of serving other customers.
He Xuan looked at the plush in his hands, running his thumb over the little fabric head as as the corner of his lips tugged upwards ever so slightly. Looking up, He Xuan finally went ahead and found a place that was placid enough and didn't get much foot traffic from other patrons of the town.
The change of scenery was like a slap in the face, but for some it was a gulp of fresh air. Not for He Xuan though, he always felt like the Ghost City was too frantic, ghost would constantly argue or fight, and the Ghost Kids were not the same as human kids.
Pocketing the plushie, He Xuan straightened his back and started to make his way through the city while keeping an eye out for a certain officer. They should've exchanged communion array passwords, but no matter how many times they attempted to something would come up, either a fight would break out in the ghost city, Hua Cheng would call He Xuan or one of them needed to help Xie Lian.
He Xuan didn't blame the couple, but circumstances just never allowed it, it usually led to a hasteful kiss and one of them would be off. But now that he needed to find the other, He Xuan cursed for not having the communication array password.
The search didn't take long though, because the officer was soon spotted making his way through the crowd, he kept his head held higher now and when the other spotted He Xuan, a shy smile tugged at the former gods lips and he went over.
Meeting midway He Xuan pulled out the plus and placed it in YinYu's arm instead, "A human in the mortal realm gave it to me, I have no need for it." He spoke, his tone steady, but the ocean blue eyes were still focused on the plush in its new owners hands.
YinYu was caught off guard to say the least but he looked at the plush and back at He Xuan. One step, two and three, the former god very carefully, he was still a bit unsure how comfortable he himself felt with physical touch, hugged the calamity in front of him but soon let go taking a step back, "Thank you, I shall treasure it."
Aaaaa this came out longer than expected but oh well, I shall proof-read it in the next day or two. But I'm in my feels ;-;
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whiskeyfox · 3 years
I need you to know that my friend saw your sexy cow YY before they met him and I read tgcf out loud to them and we just finished book 3 and every time YY came up my friend went “oh the sexy cow”. Your impact….
Isnsijeowneoe OH NOOOO- I am so not sorry I actually planned to redraw that at some point too :')
But I am so glad to hear someone likes my art it really means a lot to me <3
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whiskeyfox · 3 years
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Since 2022 is The year of Black Water Tiger I had to draw He Xuan with a black tiger, I just finished it a bit a late, but oh well! 
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whiskeyfox · 3 years
Weaponized incompetence my ass just weaponize it back. Once my dad tries to pull the “but I don’t know how to clean the counters as well as you” on my mom and she said “ok honey I’ll show you” and she made him stand in the kitchen and watch her clean the counters. Then she pulled out a bottle of chocolate syrup and proceeded to spray the entire kitchen in chocolate, hand him the sponge and said “okay now it’s your turn”
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