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obvs acab but the scottish police force have the chance to do the funniest thing right now
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reading this deposition that just got dropped where someone sued musk and ohhhh my god it is this funniest thing ever . i can see why his lawyer tried to keep this confidential . they’re both maybe the biggest idiots . this is like ace attorney
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I really think people have forgotten just how bad things were under the Trump Administration. Literally every day there was news about some service being cut or someone terrible appointed somewhere they shouldn't be or what have you. He constantly flirted with WW3 and military dictatorship. It was such a blur of badness that there aren't big standouts for people to point to to make him "the XYZ president." it was everything. all the time. Why do we not remember this.
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"11,078 and counting have died in Palestine. Never stop talking.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation.
Also this is just the surface, do further research to fully understand the situation."
Art credit: @flyingkikii
Reposted from @frxchix
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as always, if you think that “human life has value and no one deserves to suffer because of who or where they are” is spineless both-sidesism instead of a consistent ethical principle, you are cordially invited to kiss both sides of my ass.
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a sequence of Events. not crosby. not mcdavid. just one nhl player with no “reputation” and everything to lose.
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It's a weird feeling.
There was a recent change in my friend group, someone was ousted once it was revealed how twisted they were. How manipulative they were. How much things now make sense now that it's over.
It makes sense now but it doesn't make me feel any better about it.
I was right in suspecting my friends were avoiding me outside of scheduled game nights, avoiding hopping into a voice chat when it was only me, then message me minutes after I left that they 'just missed you' after you end the lonesome call.
This person was keeping them on a tight leash and choke collar. Knew how to keep them at their heel and limit their interactions with me. It was only now, after it's over, my friends could reflect on how bad it really was. The apologies came after that, once that realization sunk in.
I was right.
Yet it hurts to be right on this.
Because that means it wasn't all on my head, my friends were actually avoiding me. Avoiding me to the point I stopped joining on-going calls because the small voice in my chest told me 'you might not have been welcomed there right now. Are you really going to hurt yourself by joining in?'
While the little voice on my head remained quiet, since there were no lies to tell on this situation. My heart knew.
Now it's over and I'm left to try and wade through this muck. My chest sore and full-yet-hollow, because what else can I say?
It's over.
So what's the point in voicing this to them now. My words would only hurt them more than they already are.
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I will only say this once and be done with it. There is a difference between acknowledging that wavers were signed and thus they gambled their own (and their son) lives. It was a risk they were aware of, time to consider it and make the choice to get into that pod. They choose to be in there and they rolled snake eyes.
There is a difference between that.
And believing (and celebrating) that they deserved to die because they had money.
No one deserves to die just because of wealth, status, creed or orientation. Disasters don't discriminate among the masses and we shouldn't either when it happens. I don't know all of who was on there, hell the reason for that being all I've seen is "they were Rich, they deserve to die" that I don't even know if these people ever did anything or not.
Their deaths aren't going to change anything. It's not like you suddenly get to have their money now that they are gone. You can't rob their bones for your gold. So why are you celebrating a preventable disaster.
Further more why are you giving it all this attention while there is another disaster still out there with a boat of refugees needing help. So many died there, others missing that could still be saved or at least found. Yet you all focus on the dead dead in a imploded pod to dance on their unturned graves
Why mock the deaths of one while ignoring the deaths of another. Because it isn't entertaining? You won't get any clout from it? It's too sad to think of?
Have you no humanity. Lives were lost but you only care because you say the rich deserve it, regardless of the widows and children at home.
That said, a dark humor meme is just that. Dark humor, something that sparks with others of like mind. You can have your humor, you can point out the waver and say they gambled and lost.
But when it comes to the baseline of "they deserved it for being rich" then you lost the plot. You stopped being funny. You showed you lack of humanity and empathy.
Think on that.
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End blood quantum now
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Blood quantum is how much native blood you have in you and it needs to be a certain threshold to qualify you as a tribal member. Blood quantum varies from tribe to tribe.
It means my mom is a tribal member but because my dad is outside of my tribe... I don't have enough tribal blood to enroll. Neither does my daughter. Our "official" indigeneity ended with me.
My dad is still native tho. Just southern native. Others have two parents enrolled in separate tribes and can't enroll in either one despite being Full native because their parents were mixed with other tribes so they don't have enough blood of Any tribe to qualify.
And to what end are they doing this?
Under the treaties the US govt can lay no claim to native land. So how do they fix that? Get rid of the natives, of course.
And since they can't slaughter us in broad daylight anymore they did the next best thing. What the colonial government has ALWAYS done to us and other poc.
Made up a bunch of arbitrary laws to restrain and limit our power and numbers.
And this can't continue. We are the only race who needs to apply to be part of the community we were born into. The only race who needs to prove our blood.
And that's the thing: it's not even based on blood. Racist scientists defined who was a full-blooded native based on things like shoe size, head circumference, and skin pigment.
Not blood. And besides that it wasn't uncommon for outsiders to become part of a tribe!! You didn't need to be native by blood to be native! Blood quantum has made it IMPOSSIBLE for them to qualify and made it impossible for tribes to practice that long time aspect of our culture.
So please share this post. So many people legitimately think natives are extinct and even less are aware that we do more than just sit around drinking all day. Few people have good feelings about us and within that there are a few who actively help. Please be one of those few.
We need support and allies and for our voices to be heard. Please don't let this post just be me screaming into a void. We need people to know what blood quantum is, how archaic and harmful it is, and to help us spread awareness to people who otherwise would ignore us. Use your privilege.
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Again I find myself falling into the same mental ditch.
I am getting older, my time where I could even possibly have a child slimming, yet being in a relationship for nearly 5 years. Yet the majority of that relationship? Its spent in the apartment where I live with roommates. Not even with my Partner. I have been trying to get it through to them I want to live with my Partner, that I want kids, yet it feels like they are stuck in a time vacuum where never changes.
Sure. They are at least trying to move their own shit on, getting an updated passport so one of them can get their citizenship after...[checks notes] almost 10 years now? They had planned to get this shit dealt with after 2019, that and a surgery, but guess what happened in 2020
So plans got stalled, I am stuck in limbo and I’m starting to feel less and less sympathetic to them. I want to move forward with my life, I want to get married and get that chapter going, I want a fucking kid! Why do they get to have the married life and hold me back from doing the fucking same
Am I the Asshole here? How long do I have to wait until I can move on without the guilt of being a bad friend?
When is it my turn.
I will never forgive them if I end up never being able to have children because I waited on them to get off their asses.
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This might be a hot take but I get so tired of the internets mentality of IT'S EITHER OR.
Either you buy the game nd u therefore don't give a shit about trans pple or you never touch the HP fandom w a ten foot pole again and you're ✨clensed✨
I understand both sides of this conflict so deeply.
As a nonbinary person born in a country where you still have to get sterilised in order to change your legal gender, I can come close to the outrage the trans community is feeling at people so easily compromising their principles and support for them over something like this.
But I also remember the toughest parts of my life as a neurodivergent person being stuck in depression nd anxiety and my fandoms being ny o ly reason to live and keep going. We can't control our hyperfixations and sometimes they're all we have.
All that being said I believe THERE IS A FUCKING MIDDLE GROUND.
You can absolutely, privately or publicly, consume or create HP related content without monetarily supporting JKR. JUST PIRATE THE GAME. Wait a while if you have to, you don't have to abandon your interests but you can do the bare minimum to make sure your consumption doesn't do more harm than it absolutely has to. PIRATE THE BOOKS. PIRATE THE GAMES. THE MOVIES. DON'T BUY OFFICIAL MERCH. DIY YOUR OWN MERCH. Buy stuff from fan artists whose wiews you know and support. CREATE FAN CONTENT THAT IMPROVES ON JKRS STEREOTYPE FILLED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CHARACTERS.
The content is *yours*. Rip it from that bitch's hands and RUN WITH IT but for the love of god DON'T CONTINUE GIVING HER MONEY AND PUBLICITY
IT'S THE LEAST YOU CAN DO for your fellow trans folk out here.
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She ain't even subtle anymore lmao
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No they're right actually and they should say it.
The lefts descent into obsession with identity politics means all these boys get from these spaces is essentially being told they're inherently monstrous or will grow up to be so.
12 year old boys are not evil. They're children. And they're susceptible to manipulation from these fucks on the right who have sadly correctly identified that large swathes of the left will ignore and shun them. People turn to extremist factions when they feel ignored and dehumanised.
A 12 year old boy online isn't going to be able to read the nuances in your uber ironic but not really actually ironic "all white men are inherently trash" hot takes. They're going to take that at face value because they're 12 and that's what 12 year olds do. And they're going to feel angry, rejected and judged by your words. And then fucks like Andrew Tate get to swoop in and tell them that you're wrong and start the ball rolling on that indoctrination.
If you're an adult leftist and you honestly think teenage boys possess the wherewithal to purposefully follow dangerous Misogynists like Andrew Tate in order to "preserve their own privilege long term" then I'm sorry to say you're too far gone and I'd suggest logging off and actually trying to have a conversation with a kid who is vulnerable to the grooming of these uber misogynists and treat them as a human being instead of a reflection of an identity you've boxed them into.
You may tick more diversity boxes but you are still the adult. Start acting like it.
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COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.
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Another pulse of the same old same old. Looking at the room where I sit with my mom and grandma.
Three generations of women in one room.
And the feeling, the imaginary loss, of a fourth that I could have added by now.
It's not that I'm not ready. It's that I cant go forward with it right now.
Or rather
Being held back by the lives of others that still depend on me regardless of them being full ass adults. I dont know anymore if this is my choice to wait or I'm too scared to break away to go on with my life.
Maybe it's both.
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