#reclaim hogwarts
omniwhore · 1 year
This might be a hot take but I get so tired of the internets mentality of IT'S EITHER OR.
Either you buy the game nd u therefore don't give a shit about trans pple or you never touch the HP fandom w a ten foot pole again and you're ✨clensed✨
I understand both sides of this conflict so deeply.
As a nonbinary person born in a country where you still have to get sterilised in order to change your legal gender, I can come close to the outrage the trans community is feeling at people so easily compromising their principles and support for them over something like this.
But I also remember the toughest parts of my life as a neurodivergent person being stuck in depression nd anxiety and my fandoms being ny o ly reason to live and keep going. We can't control our hyperfixations and sometimes they're all we have.
All that being said I believe THERE IS A FUCKING MIDDLE GROUND.
You can absolutely, privately or publicly, consume or create HP related content without monetarily supporting JKR. JUST PIRATE THE GAME. Wait a while if you have to, you don't have to abandon your interests but you can do the bare minimum to make sure your consumption doesn't do more harm than it absolutely has to. PIRATE THE BOOKS. PIRATE THE GAMES. THE MOVIES. DON'T BUY OFFICIAL MERCH. DIY YOUR OWN MERCH. Buy stuff from fan artists whose wiews you know and support. CREATE FAN CONTENT THAT IMPROVES ON JKRS STEREOTYPE FILLED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE CHARACTERS.
The content is *yours*. Rip it from that bitch's hands and RUN WITH IT but for the love of god DON'T CONTINUE GIVING HER MONEY AND PUBLICITY
IT'S THE LEAST YOU CAN DO for your fellow trans folk out here.
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khezhatkhaleesi · 1 day
also (sorry sorry SORRY i KNOW i'll shut up about it eventually) but like. I wish there existed a world in which we could go back to Hogwarts. truly I do. I can't remember if I've written about this here before or not but I'm doing it again because I had four hours sleep last night and I'm pouting. we as a generation had a thing that we should have been able to keep, we had something that bound us in the same way that star war or treck binds others, something with which we all connected and developed in a way that was much more deeply embedded in our psyche than even lotr although I suppose in terms of things that goes pretty close. and I know this is gauche to even express, and I beg you don't misunderstand me, I shan't, but it was so dear to me and to us and I wish we hadn't had the red string that tied all so many of our young hearts together so violently shredded in the palms of our gentle hands.
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sitting down (ahem, chatting) with my best friend and sorting idols into a/b/o and hogwarts houses* is probably one of my favourite pastimes
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aethon-recs · 1 year
Tomarrymort Starter Pack: 10 Recs for Getting Started in Tomarrymort
I've compiled a list of 10 medium to longfic recs that I think represent a great on-ramp to the Tomarrymort ship, as inspired by @sitp-recs’ Drarry for Beginners rec list. These are the fics that I would use to on-board people to the ship — gorgeous writing, superb characterization, and just as enjoyable on the first read as the 20th reread. 
As always, I am stunned by the talent in this ship! I tried to pick a good mix of different themes/tropes/settings, with a focus on elements that make for a good introductory work: the characters are recognizable; the setting skews more recognizable; both characters in the ship are a meaningful part of the story; the ship is central to the story; and the fics are for the most part complete (or updated within the last year). 
(Standard rec list disclaimers apply: please mind all tags and warnings on AO3 before reading; this blog abides by the age-old fandom axiom of don’t like; don’t read; recs are in alphabetical order by title.)
This is Part 1 of a 3-part series — I also have an Intermediate reading list and Advanced reading list coming up for readers who have been with the ship for a longer time.
For now, please enjoy these 1.3 million words of absolutely brilliant Tomarrymort reads that I hope will keep you hooked until the very last word:
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Tomarrymort Starter Pack Recs
A Dangerous Game by @cybrid (E, 284k, WIP)
Setting: Canon Divergence – Book 5 Premise: If Tom’s diary horcrux gains a body at the end of Harry’s 5th year (instead of his 2nd), and then promptly kidnaps Harry and holds him captive over the summer. Lots of smut ensues. Why I rec it: The characterization is truly stunning — Tom Riddle is undoubtedly a psychopath — manipulative, thrill-seeking, kind of an irredeemable shithead — but he’s also dazzlingly charming when he chooses to be, someone whose presence Harry quickly grows addicted to. Their relationship can get incredibly toxic and fucked-up at times, but Harry has top-notch instincts and can hold his own against Tom. The plot is absolutely gripping, with the threat of (the main) Voldemort, who has set his sights on reclaiming his wayward horcrux, looming in the background. 
A Future Without a Face by @dividawrites (E, 115k, complete)
Setting: Time-Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry travels back in time to Tom’s 5th year at Hogwarts, and Tom becomes obsessed with the new transfer student and wants nothing more than to possess him every way. Why I rec it: A 1940s time travel fic told entirely from Tom Riddle POV! Divida absolutely nails psychopath Tom — how he quickly gets singlemindedly focused on Harry, how the idea of possessing Harry consumes him, how he has no compunctions about doing completely fucked-up and destructive things to achieve his goals. There is so much tension between them from the start, so there’s not much of a wait to see some hot Harry & Tom action — and the conflict and tension only continues to build and build in dramatic fashion throughout the rest of the fic.
Either must die at the hand of the other by @metalomagnetic (E, 260k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Voldemort survives the Battle of Hogwarts and is initially kept prisoner in Azkaban, until Harry takes him into Grimmauld Place under house arrest. Why I rec it: This fic is an incredible exploration of Voldemort at his most terrifying. Even if he starts off the fic with his magic temporarily blocked, he is no less powerful without his magic. The force of his personality is powerful enough for him to chip away at Harry’s initial resistance — @metalomagnetic manages to write one of the most charismatic, brilliantly manipulative, and psychologically devastating versions of Voldemort I’ve ever read. Harry ends up in a good place by the end of the fic, but the journey to get there is a roller-coaster of emotions that have permanently imprinted onto my soul.
In Somno Veritas by ladyoflilacs and @lordansketil (M, 158k, complete)
Setting: Canon Divergence – Book 6 Premise: If Harry starts appearing in Voldemort’s nightly dreams during Book 6, and Voldemort becomes obsessed with Harry after realizing he’s his horcrux. Why I rec it: This is one of the most unique fics I’ve ever read in this ship! Every scene is told in alternating POV between Harry’s POV and Voldemort’s POV, so you get to see how every scene unfolds from both of their perspectives. Voldemort is so intense and just as terrible as he is in canon, so his character is not at all sugarcoated, and Harry has so much compassion and heart and manages to fall in love with Voldemort anyway. The writing style is gorgeous, with richly detailed and emotionally-laden prose. Also, one thing that pleasantly surprised me is how funny their banter is! There were definitely a number of times where I laughed out loud in the middle of an otherwise really intense scene. Bonus content: also comes with a lovely sequel that made me melt.
Inevitabilities by @shadow-of-the-eclipse (T, 103k, complete)
Setting: Same-Age AU Premise: If Harry and Tom attend Hogwarts together and go traveling around the world after they graduate. A betrayal leads to their break-up, but after many years, Harry returns to find Tom in Britain, and the two of them are drawn back together again. Why I rec it: An excellent same-age AU with unhinged dark Harry and just-as-unhinged Tom. Their relationship starts out quite dark and twisted and unhealthy — and only devolves from there. The fic ends with the two of them as equals — utterly devoted to each other — but in an incredibly fucked-up way: “He loves Tom like a forest fire; wild and all-consuming, he wants to devour Tom, to claim him, to mark him, break him.” Isn’t that absolutely breathtaking?
love is touching souls (surely you touched mine) by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (M, 34k, complete)
Setting: Time-Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry gets thrown back into the mid-1940s and meets Tom Riddle as a young man just graduated from Hogwarts working at Borgin and Burkes. Why I rec it: When Harry accidentally travels back in time and chances upon Tom Riddle as a fresh graduate, he realizes this is his chance to make a difference. While Harry is only in the past for a brief interlude, he leaves enough of an impression to change the trajectory of Tom’s life. The dynamic between Harry and Tom is rife with tension and witty dialogue, and the story is set during Christmastime, which lends a very festive and heartwarming atmosphere for falling in love with each other.
No Glory by @obsidianpen (E, 254k, WIP)
Setting: Voldemort Wins AU  Premise: If Voldemort figures out Harry is his horcrux when Harry surrenders in the Forbidden Forest, and decides to keep Harry instead of killing him.  Why I rec it: This fic showcases the absolute, terrifying genius side of Voldemort, in a universe where he wins the war and captures Harry at the end of book 7. I am stunned at how skillfully @obsidianpen portrays Voldemort as a brilliant political strategist — the courtroom scene where he manipulates the story and the audience so well stands out as a top 10 fanfic moment in my mind. Harry and Voldemort’s relationship is chilling from the very start, and grows even more unhealthy as Voldemort gets addicted to Harry’s touch due to the presence of the horcrux, but Harry later learns to turn that to his advantage.
The Fire, Burning by @parsimmony (E, 35k, complete)
Setting: Canon Divergence – Book 6 Premise: If Voldemort discovers Harry is his horcrux after Book 6, and kidnaps him to keep him captive by his side in his bed, inside of a lovely greenhouse setting full of friendly snakes on the grounds of Malfoy Manor. Why I rec it: The prose!! I am swooning over the prose! Harry is Voldemort’s captive in this fic, but he is so much more than that — and the emotions that gradually blossom between them have so much richness and depth and are utterly moving that I’m still drowning in the depths of intimacy that were portrayed. Their relationship unfolds in such a gorgeous and unrushed way, and the setting is so unique too — a lush and overgrown greenhouse that’s exploding with exotic plants and friendly snakes around every corner that imbues the fic with a very romantic, dreamy quality.
the pleasure, the privilege by @being-luminous (M, 20k, complete)
Setting: Canon Divergence – Book 6 Premise: If Voldemort is doused with Amortentia keyed to Harry, and starts sending Harry bizarre and gruesome courting gifts, like the bodies of the Dursleys.  Why I rec it: Breathtaking prose! Voldemort somehow ends up more terrifying when he’s trying to woo Harry than when he’s trying to kill him. Every single sentence had me on the edge of my seat, as Voldemort’s ‘gifts’ become more elaborate and devastatingly dramatic, until Harry basically has no choice but to respond to his overtures. The ending is incredibly clever in how it parallels certain plot elements of book 6, with an added Harrymort twist. 
The Untouchable by @treacleteacups (M, 75k, complete)
Setting: Canon Rewrite (Books 1-7) Premise: If Harry starts out his first year a little bit more suspicious and a little less wide-eyed and guileless, and subsequently gets sorted into Slytherin. He has many of the same encounters with Voldemort along the way as he does in canon, but his interactions with Voldemort will end up leading him down quite a different path. Why I rec it: A snappy, fast-paced full canon rewrite that still manages to fit in all the essential Tomarrymort plot points, between Horcruxes and Hallows and the major events of books 1-7, in a compact 75k words that doesn’t at all feel rushed. It’s a delightful journey following Harry’s character evolution from an overlooked, peculiar child who relies on wishy-washy wish magic to a confident (and still endearingly peculiar) young man who can challenge and hold his own against the great Lord Voldemort. Voldemort’s obsession with Harry deepens with every encounter that they have, as he finds ways to continually insinuate himself in Harry’s life and his mind and his dreams.
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hjellacott · 1 year
The US component in the TRA fight
Seeing what's happening with Hogwarts Legacy, I've noticed that many of the ignorant people saying goblins repressent Jews have to be non-European (and I'm mainly looking at United States tbh).
For us Europeans, goblins are our folklore, our ancient culture, our history. We've had goblins, ghosts, witches, meigas, wizards, elves, giants, mermaids... Since ALWAYS. Like, have you read Ulysses' adventures? Tolkien? German fairy tales? Celtic tales? These stories have been amongst us for 3000+ years. They're part of our history, our culture... And not really US culture, for example, nor US history, nor US mythology. And it's obvious in the way some of you speak, that you really have not grown-up in this world and had this folklore be part of your blood.
What Hitler did was take goblins, steal this ancient being (which is actually an umbrella term for 20+ types of goblins across Europe, including the famous leprechaum), and turn it into a Nazi tool for anti-Semitism. And we're reclaiming our culture. We're not letting Nazis take that way from us, like they took so much more from us. The previous four generations in my family have all lived wars, I'm literally the first war-free. My parents grew-up in times of conscription and fighting Fascism. My grandparents only ever knew World War II. Another, older set of grandparents, was born in the middle of World War I. All of them here in Europe, my Dad, Granddad and Great-grandfathers all having been forced to fight here and there.
So don't talk to me about anti-Semitism, war, prosecution, Nazism... I know. I've grown up in the ruins and scars left by the war. I'm still trying to help my country recover from the war. My birthplace. And part of the fight is try to undo the damage done by the Nazis, where possible, and you know where it IS possible? recclaiming my culture, my history, my folklore. I can't bring people back from the death, but I can fucking do that.
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iamnmbr3 · 6 months
One of weirdest disconnects (but far from being the only one), I see from the left in regards to Israel is that jews have no claim to the land, are colonizers and oppressors, but at the same time make long ass rants about how native americans had their land stolen from them, deserve to claim it back and get reparations and all that. And the disconnect here is that jewish people, as a group, are native to the region of Israel, their ancestors literally built a country there after escaping slavery, lived there for a long ass time but were eventually kicked out by the Roman Empire, and after thousands of years of being persecute and not felling safe returned to their ancestral homeland, to reclaim and rebuild what was stolen from them. Isn’t that what people say we owe native americans? Or indigenous groups that were kicked out of their lands in general? Yes, in their thousand year absence other peoples built their lives around the region of Jerusalem. Yes, Palestine deserves to be recognized and it’s citizens to have decent lives like everyone else. Should Israel never have existed, or cease to exist? No! There’s plenty of room for both peoples to have their countries, the jewish people belong there too and history proves they need a nation to serve as a refuge! Their land was returned to them by British after WW2, since they legally owed it after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, and while the partition could have been better, after all the horror’s jewish people had experienced it’s hard to blame to UN for giving it a go. Honestly, this whole situation just shows how dumb, hateful, bigoted, misinformed and disingenuous a lot of people in the left are. It’s easy to say that the Hogwart’s Legacy game is anti-jewish, that supporting it gives power and money to evil people and then harassing people that want to play it (which is dumb all around, as pretty much all the other hot takes and boycott to that game), but when it comes down to actually standing with jewish people and showing empathy? Nah, that’s too hard for them. It’s all performative. It’s easier to jump on the hate train and say they deserved what H*mas did to them, it gives them more likes.
Yeah. So many people on the Left are all "land back" until it's time to say land back for Jews. Kind of like how a lot of the Left shouts "believe all victims" about sexual assault till those victims are Jewish. I mean would anyone on the Left call any of the recognized sovereign nations of indigenous people in North America ethnostates that need to be abolished? Or say indigenous people still trying to get back a piece of their ancestral lands should stop because it was too long ago now? The hypocrisy demonstrates how deeply antisemitic views have seeped into parts of the Left. Which we cannot allow.
Jews are indigenous to the Levant. Both Israelis and Palestinians have a claim to the land. Israel exists. That's a fact that won't change. Any workable longterm peace must find a compromise solution that acknowledges both Israeli and Palestinian needs. Any other solution will simply result in more bloodshed (which a lot of "activists" in the West seem more interested in...probably because it's not their blood being shed).
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chaoticfandomgirly · 4 months
People who say that most of the Marauders fandom is made up, like it's a bad thing...you have another thing coming.
The whole point of our fandom is to separate us from the absolute BS of canon and JKR.
We are the ones who claimed the smallest part of Harry Potter and made it into something big and wonderful!
We are the ones who fixed plot-holes, improved representation and bought life to characters that were mentioned ONCE.
We made the most beautiful ship- Wolfstar along with Jily, Jegulus, Dorlene, Rosekiller and more!
We made a world where calling a non HP fan a muggle wasn't an insult.
We make the most elaborate pranks and have really good taste in music.
We are the ones that made the Golden Era seem like a spin off for the Marauders Era.
Our fandom knows pain and loss of a whole new level.
So yeah, what if half of it is made up? Not everything has to be canon for one to enjoy it. The Marauders are a testament to the creative minds and passion of all the HP lovers. It is art even if it's inspired by another piece of art. The Marauders fandom is a place untouched by jkr and we all know that if she ever decided to write anything about them it would just not live upto so many beautifully done fics, she really missed an opportunity with this. Therefore, it's safe and diverse which the author herself failed to achieve. Moreover, it's something that allowed people to reclaim their beloved fandom even when jkr ruined it for many. This fandom is OURS. Yes, we did not create the characters or the world but we made it BETTER.
Better ships, better representation, better world, better music, better characters and better everything!
I do not want to seem like I hate the original work, I don't and that's precisely the point. I love it, it's my childhood and the reason for my love for reading but at the same time, being mature and recognising the problems in the original series is essential no matter just how much it might break your heart. That's why I am thankful for The Marauders fandom, they gave me doorway to not abandon my love for Hogwarts and magic. In fact, I only fell deeper in love.
Thank you for reading my rant, you may proceed.
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Ok so first off I'm just going to say that i know next to nothing about the fancasted Slytherin boys but i have been unable to get Mattheo Riddle out of my head for the last few day so here we are now
Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!reader Warnings: Use of Y/n, cussing, possible bad writing.( lmk if there's any others i should add)
The summer before your sixth year at Hogwarts was spent bettering yourself in all the ways you thought were flawed. You were tired of being the odd one out in your circle of friends. You wanted the love that they had. None of them understood when you told them you wanted the fights they got into, they'd tell you you're romanticizing it too much and that it wasnt all love and roses, but you understood that, you wanted the dark parts as well as the light parts - you wanted to learn how to fix a fight. You wanted everything, but no one else seemed to want it - actually, thats not true they wanted stuff like that just not with you. With you they wanted to use your body then get rid of you by morning. You didnt like it it but you'd decided long ago that maybe its all you deserve, all you'll ever receive from anyone. Until HE was partnered with you on a project in potions class. All was well in your little fake world until HE started flirting with you anytime you'd work on the project together.
Everything was fine until one day he got a dare from Draco. "hey mate, noticed you've been hanging around with that one hufflepuff" Draco smirks at his friend whilst sitting down at a table the others had set up for studying in the library. "care to tell rest of the class if she's really as good as everyone makes her sound?" As Draco spoke Mattheo could feel his jaw tense. "And what the hell are you on about now Malfoy?" "Oh you know just the fact that your crushing on a whore." Draco leans back folding his arms across his chest before Mattheo kicks the chair out from underneath him. "And how many girls have you used for the same thing Draco? You have no right to speak about someone when your the exact same." Mattheo raised his voice looking down his nose at the blond boy. "Oh don't believe me? Give her a month, hell she'll probably be trying to jump you after a week of being just plain nice." Draco moves to his feet while speaking. Mattheo continuing to look down upon Draco says a quiet and simple "fine." before pushing the bleach blond twat back to his seat and reclaiming his to go back to studying.
Over the week following that night Mattheo let his affections pour down on you, he'd gotten to know you and he let you see parts of his soul that no one else had been able to. After the month was up and you hadnt done anything about your feelings for him and Draco realized he was wrong he started spreading the knowledge of the dare to anyone he spoke to. Gossip wasn't much of a big thing at Hogwarts so when there was big news it tended to spread like wildfire, but often got skewed along grapevine.
You had been sitting in the library with Hermione studying for a test when you'd noticed she looked as if she'd had something she'd wanted to say. So when finally you'd grown restless of her bouncing knee you ask her the question you've been dying to know the answer too. "Merlins beard, Hermione what is it." She looked up at you with a look on her face as if she had no idea what you were talking about. "Hermione?" You said her name in a questioning tone and she looked as if she caved within her mind. "Well, Draco's been talking, about the many people you've been with - and i am in NO way shaming you for anything - but he's been saying that there was a bet, with Mattheo that involved you, and supposedly he bet Mattheo that you'd go along with anything if he had y'know with you, and that that's why you've been hanging around him so much." The red haired girl spoke cautiously as if expecting you to break down right in front of her. You opened your mouth to say something, the one person you didnt want to see walked in. You had completely forgotten about agreeing to tutor him. You looked at him, no longer with a look of happiness approaching your face but instead a look of animosity grew and without a word you stood and collected your books walking past Hermoine and Mattheo going to your dorm room to collect your thoughts.
Mattheo gave the Granger girl and questioning and concerned look to which she responded with a pointed one and told him to go find Draco before turning back to her studies. So he did, he went to the grand hall to see if he was eating lunch, he went to the quidditch field to see if the blond was gallivanting on his broom. And lastly - which honestly it should have been first - he checks the Slytherin common room and it's inevitably where he finds the blond lounging on a sofa. Mattheo bounds toward Malfoy and picks him up by the lapels of his uniform jacket and shoves him to the nearest wall. Matttheo on his search for Draco had heard the rumours that were going around and each one making him angrier and angrier. He wants to yell at the boy against the wall but he doesnt want prying ears hearing. "What have you done Malfoy?" His words dripping with acidity and the blonds name punctuated with a rough shove against the wall. "I know nothing of what you mean Riddle." Another rough shove to the wall and Mattheo asks the question again. "What. Have you. Done. Malfoy."
"Nothing, I was merely speaking with Nott in a not so private corridor about that bet we had. It is not my fault that people overheard." That sentence earned him another shove. "You'll take it back." Mattheo was trying desperately to know some sense into the otherwise senseless boy of what he'd just done without saying it outright but never the less Draco still figured it out. "You aren't in love with her are you Riddle?" Draco spoke seemingly disgusted at the fact. "You. Take. It. Back." Becoming more and more in pain, and the look on Mattheos face reminding him of a certain someone who can't be named, Draco finally surrendered, agreeing to take back what he'd said. Mattheo let go but kneeing him in the stomach before he left to make his point known. He then made his way to the Hufflepuff dorms to find you, and explain himself, and maybe grovel/beg for forgiveness.
When he gets to the to for the dorms he knocks, he has a friend in Hufflepuff that has been waiting for him. They let him in and tell him discreetly where your dorm is. He makes his way through the halls and up the stairs until he's standing in front of your door. Before he knocks he's wracking his brain trying to figure out what to say but all thoughts he had went running away when he heard your soft sobs through the door. No doubt because of him.
Instead of knocking he opens the door quietly (thank goodness it wasn't locked) and made his way inside, he closed the door behind. You looked up at the noise of the door closing and made brief eye contact with Mattheo before looking away again. "why are you here? I know about your bet so you can just forget about everything." Your words bitter as you snapped at him. "Love… there was no bet of the type that you have undoubtedly heard. Draco - called you something i don't intend on repeating to you, and I want- no- needed to prove him wrong. i am so desperately sorry for any pain he i have made you." Mattheo walks up your now standing form and kneels in front of you resting his hands on your hips. "I- I can't do this, I let you in. I- I broke MY rules for you - FOR you. Because I- I loved you." He shoots up to his feet and rests his palms on your cheeks. "Don't- don't use past tenses we can still have this, we can still do this it doesn't have to end just because of some pitiful joke i made in a fit of rage. Please, one more chance and if i fail you again i leave you alone forever, I- I promise." the look in his eyes told you he was sincere yet you still doubted it. The one person you'd let fully inside to see the darkest parts hurt you, but it was something small, and Draco has that effect on everybody. You pull his face to yours connecting your lips together, his hands move from your cheeks to the small of your back to pull you closer. When you pull away breathing uneven. "Is that a 'we can be together' type of kiss." He smiled wide when he finishes speaking. "oh shut up." You pull him in for another kiss.
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hotchfiles · 5 months
fire of devotion.
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⋅☆⋅ mrsaluado's first xmas event ⋅☆⋅ masterlist
pairing: remus x fem!reader.
summary: remus helps you deal with the grief december brings you.
content warnings: parental death (mentioned), very angsty feelings but not regarding the couple, established happy & healthy relationship.
word count: 1,2k
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december was not your favorite month anymore, it had been through most of your life, you loved the little lights, the decorations, the gift giving, the parties and egg nogg and secret santas. your mum, being the witch she was, loved surprising you by decorating the whole entire house just a day before, your place going from ordinary on the 23th to completely magical by the 24th, it was beautiful.
when she passed just before you got your hogwarts letter, you felt like magic was about to die, but your muggle father made sure to not let it happen, to not let sadness override the joy you felt every time the year was coming to an end, so he would wait for you to come home for christmas break, the house completely ordinary, and then when you went to bed he would spend the entire night decorating everything by himself, no wand, no spells, just the magic of his love for you.
you stared at the house in front of you, a bit run down, snow covering it and desperately needing a repaint, your heart twitched in pain and your grip on remus' waist became stronger, his pulling you even closer by the shoulder in response. it had been three years since the last time you came over, you couldn't face the emptiness of it after the passing of the last family you had, so you just never came back after your father's funeral. and december became just another month.
you spent the first one at hogwarts, remus silently by your side as you cried. the second one with him and his mum who was always sending letters about how she wanted to meet you, the girl who made her boy feel normal. the last one with james, lily and their little boy and chosen family, the potters, even if it was weird to call the couple you saw snogging on very very unsanitary places at school like that.
the plan was to do it again this year, if it weren't for the letter you got from the city council stating that you had to empty the house before the new years as it had been reclaimed by the city and would be torn down.
so there you were, feeling the dust tickle your nose and water your eyes as you and your boyfriend got in, the electricity had been cut years before, but remus took his wand and swiftly made all lamps light up, trying his absolute best to make the situation less traumatic than it already was.
it was awful for him to watch your mood completely change, your light dim out, your heart bleed out, everytime december came around. and even though he understood it, now that he was standing on your old living room, he could actually feel why. it was... homey. even if no one had lived there in years. it had picture frames everywhere, drawings you made when you were about harry's age, paintings your mum had done when she decided she needed a hobby.
your letter from hogwarts hung on a wall inside a glass picture frame, along with your mother's wand. your father had made all efforts to make you see and feel she wasn't really gone. when he passed you lost them both.
you sat on the dirty couch, elbows on your knees as your hands held your face, you began to sob and within just seconds remus was in front of you, his knees bent down even though he knew it would hurt like a bitch to get up, his hands took yours so you would look at him. "darling, s'alright, m'gonna pack everything, you go outside and get some fresh air." his thumb as delicate as ever, went to your cheeks to clean up the stubborn tears and you were about to deny his offer, it should be you doing that. but his eyes held so much tenderness and remus placed a soft kiss to your hands and you could not deny him of being kind, that's who he was, so you agreed and got up, leaving the house after staying warmly inside his embrace for a few.
it would probably take too long with you inside anyway, remus was an outstanding wizard and would definitely pack everything with just a couple of swift movements. you were distraught, your wand hadn't even been touched that day yet. your plan was to sit on the sidewalk and enjoy the cold as you waited, but the curious stares of the old lady next door prevented you to. it took her a while to recognize you, but as soon as she did you were forced to drink tea with her, she had been neighbours with your parents your whole life and kept repeating how sorry she was and how she missed you. it was a warm strange feeling.
when you came back to your house front, remus had christmas lights on one hand and scotch tape on the other, his brows as furrowed as ever and sweat droplets ran down his face as he tried to neatly tape the lights to the windows' frames. "moony, whatcha doing?" you chuckled, using his nickname as it matched the seemed mischief he was trying to pull.
he looked back at you and replied like it was obvious, "christmas decorating, dove." you were about to ask further but he gave you no mind, going back to what he was doing. you went back inside and tears started to blurry your vision in seconds.
the fireplace had green flames and there was only one box left near it, he had packed everything and had already sent to the cottage you shared via floo network, the only box left were the christmas decorations, empty as the whole house was filled with it, lights, the tree, the little trinklets, it sparkled just how you remembered and you held yourself to stop your crying sobs from being too loud.
remus held you from behind when he was done outside, his arms around your waist, his head lowered so he could kiss your cheek, "tried to do some of it without magic like you said your father did, but your mum knew what she was doing using it, alright." you turned around to look at him, and you didn't even need to ask why he did it because he knew your thoughts just by looking at you. "you deserve seeing it like this one last time." he shrugged it off so casually you felt like you would melt on the spot. like it was normal. like it was simple. like it was the obvious thing to do.
he didn't even notice how much effort it was and how no one ever would do something like that, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled in for a kiss, a gentle one, but your arms clung to him like he would disappear. he grinned into it, interrupting it only to loosen up your grip, "love, you're choking me, not the place f'that."
you were so overwhelmed you didn't even reply to the silly innuendo, not letting him brush off his grand gesture by joking around, "you have no idea how much i love you." his heart skipped a beat, four years together and he still felt like you were his goddess school crush, every confession making him blush exactly like the first one.
"merry christmas, darling." remus pulled you back to him, kissing the top of your head before you found the perfect spot to lay closer on his chest.
a merry christmas indeed.
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siriuslystarbucks · 2 months
For @prongsfoot-microfic prompt April 10, 2023: Saudade
A/N: This is not a happy one! They're married to other people and pining for each other
Visually, nothing is separating them. James is looking at Sirius, and nothing obstructs his view. Sirius is looking at James, and he can see him with perfect clarity. 
There are no physical barriers. There's nothing stopping either of them from reaching out to make contact for the first time in years.
But something stills their hands, the same thing that prevented them from being together the way they want-- and have wanted since they were in Hogwarts and didn't quite have a name for their fascination with each other. They had a few blissful years together, years that ended when James's parents found out about them and resulted in them losing everything. No romance, no sex... no friendship. The feelings never left, couldn't leave if they tried. Society keeps them apart. Their families. Their career ambitions.
He's so close, Sirius thinks. It would be easy to take a few steps and reclaim the love that's always been his, but it wouldn't be as easy to throw away his future, the life he's built. He considers it anyways, just as he does every time he sees James.
James's wife says something to him, but he barely notices. He loves her as much as he can, but there's no denying to himself that it's less than she deserves. He only hears what she says when it's Sirius's name-- "Is that Sirius Black?" He glances at her, sees that she is looking at him, and nods.
"Wow, I haven't talked to him in ages. Let's go say hello." She starts in that direction, and James is pulled along. Is she dragging him? No, this is the effect Sirius has always had on him. He's a magnet, and James is a hapless piece of metal, never able to free himself-- never able to even think of it as being free, because nothing feels better than being with Sirius; it's not a cage, being in love with him.
Sirius sees them approach, of course. He's been looking at James this entire time, transfixed. "James," he says when they stop walking and stop in front of him. His tone is too reverent.
He swallows thickly, his feelings a lump in his throat that he has to work past. One word, his name, and James isn't sure he can do this. How can he stand here and pretend that he's fine with this distance between them? But there are people around, and he can't make Sirius wait for him, so he opens his mouth and the only thing that comes out, in a tone equal to the one just used, is, "Sirius." He can't say anything else. He tries to make another word come out-- anything-- but his name is the only thing that came out, and it stays that way.
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harrypotterfuryroad · 5 months
Have you ever seen an online Harry Potter fan who has a whole paragraph to explain that they still like it like “Harry Potter — the book where the main villain is a demagogue for a thinly veiled allegory for white supremacy, where it’s explicitly stated that power systems can be corrupted and the only recourse is to overthrow them and to defy them, and the media frequently lies to discredit those who challenge power — meant to much to me as a child. That’s why I’m reclaiming it from JKR, who is a fascist because she suggested the idea that women are defined by liking makeup might not be feminist.” Makes you wonder if they actually like. Read the books….
no yeah i’m convinced that harry potter fandom is largely self-insert fics rather than actually reading the books, like they treat the series as a dnd sourcebook for hogwarts as a setting instead of a story in its own right
it’s the only way i can explain how they ignore every single point she made
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dramioneasks · 2 months
Hello! First of all, I LOVE your blog! ❤️ I hope everyone is well. Do you know any fics with more "adult themes"? Which mean, more serious stuff, war, etc. I love Manacled, Secrets & Masks and Perfectly in Pieces. I also love Hunted and LITOTZA. Maybe fics where Draco is on the other side of war and then changes? Or was faking all this time? Thanks so much!
Shadows of Ourselves By: InkFairy - T, 32 chapters - Draco Malfoy has played both sides of the war for years, but when Voldemort gives him an ultimatum—bring him Hermione Granger or die—she surprisingly agrees to be handed over to the Dark Lord. Together, they take pureblood society by storm as Master and Madam Malfoy, all while trying to help the Order find and destroy the last Horcruxes and defeat Voldemort forever.
Draco Takes a Mark - diamonddaydream - T, 53 chapters, Words: 184,204 - "The fact that Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy were mad for each other was the worst kept secret at Hogwarts.“ Retelling of The Half-blood Prince as a Dramione story. Crookshanks brings Draco to Hermione after she’s brought back cursed from the Department of Mysteries. Knowing the relationship they’ve carried on in secret since the Yule Ball is about to be tested, she inscribes an ancient love charm onto his left arm with surprising consequences which may affect the course of the coming war. Continues the story “Dancing with Draco ” or reads fine on its own. Complete, HEA
Entanglement By: blankfish - M, WIP - “Your loyalties begin and end with me now, Granger, or have you forgotten?” he spat bitterly. At the request of the Order, Hermione Granger marries Draco Malfoy, a man she’d only ever known as her enemy. This decision leads her on a winding path of tumultuous consequences that even she could not have predicted. Dramione War AU.
The Gift of Joy by BiscuitsForPotter - E, 22 chapters, Words: 147,249 - After the murder of Albus Dumbledore, Draco never makes it out of Hogwarts. Instead, he is captured, interrogated, and placed in the temporary care of someone who can help him lie low until a more permanent solution can be found. His caretaker? None other than one Hermione Granger. Stripped of his status, his wand, and his dignity, can Draco Malfoy find solace in the company of the muggleborn he once tormented?
Divine Artifice By: jessiy - M, 25 chapters, Words: 162,391 - The story of how Draco Malfoy found redemption, his heart, and reclaimed his family’s honor. All thanks to a mislabeled bottle of Experimental Amortentia. Hermione/Draco
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy - speechwriter - M, 33 chapters, Words: 296,116 - The night that Harry and Dumbledore return from the cave, the Death Eaters are delayed from reaching the top of the Astronomy Tower for one more minute. Draco Malfoy lowers his wand. A Deathly Hallows rewrite in which Draco accepts Dumbledore’s offer to fake his death and go into hiding with the Order of the Phoenix.
Turncoat By: elizaye - M, 101 chapters - Switching sides. “I have only one condition, and I trust it won’t be hard for you to meet. I want Granger.”
We Learned the Sea By: floorcoaster - T, 37 chapters - Draco Malfoy turns himself in after a very successful career as a Death Eater, then enlists Harry and Hermione to help him in a scheme to bring down the Dark Lord. DHr. A story of forgiveness.
Static By: galfoy - M, 21 chapters - The Order rescued Draco and Lucius Malfoy after Lord Voldemort turned on them. All the safe houses are full, and Hermione Granger is the only one who can take them in. Will she agree after having suffered a drastic nervous breakdown?
Stolen By: Elsie girl - T, 45 chapters - She pretends to love him for the Order. He pretends to love her for the Dark Lord. Have they deceived everyone, or only themselves? “Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren’t even there before.” Mignon McLaughlin. Thank you so much for the support. Please read and review. Complete Dramione.
Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan - M, 78 Chapters - It is six years since the fall of the Ministry to Voldemort. Those other than purebloods are deemed less than human. When Ginny’s daughter ends up in grave danger, Hermione sells herself to the Death Eaters to save her life. Draco/Hermione. Not fluffy
Family Ties by l.h. Zein - T, 33 chapters, Words: 163,935 - They would underestimate him. The strongest person he’d ever known had been underestimated, and she was his mother in all but blood. He molded himself, played the part he’d been cast to play, while he waited for his chance. Then Sirius Black had escaped. Twisted canon. AU picking up at the start of DH.
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saw someone (this someone being @gaiaexploreslife ) scripting they live in magical nature reserve and i kinda wanna script a cheesy plot in one of my hogwarts drs, about my family being tasked with preserving a magical forest by nature itself. but as the generations have passed the members of my family became less and less worthy and eventually the forest sealed itself off from everyone. that is, until my aunt. basically, starting with my aunt and later myself, the family will "reclaim" the forest.
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absumoaevum · 4 months
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Jury of Hearts (29,473 Words || WIP) by absumoaevum
Chapters: 4/?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Crookshanks (Harry Potter), Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Eudoria Merrythought, Luna Lovegood, Patience Bright, Pomona Sprout, Minerva McGonagall, Horace Slughorn, Violetta Hitchens, Percy Weasley, Leta Brindlemore
Additional Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, POV Third Person Limited, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Slow Burn, Angst and Feels, Hermione Granger's Parents Are Missing, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Eventual Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
With his family's trials on the horizon and nothing holding him to his home apart from his despondent mother and perpetually-drunk father, Draco Malfoy jumps at the opportunity to return to Hogwarts to repeat his final year. At Hogwarts, he can escape his wretched home life and perhaps even rehabilitate his reputation. Things are looking up. That is, until he gets to school and realizes that his entire House hates him. Now Draco must decide between his old life and something new.
New is the last thing that Hermione Granger needs. All she wants is for her life to go back to the way it was before the war. When a hearing at the Ministry goes sideways, Hermione accepts Headmistress McGonagall's offer to return to Hogwarts, sure answers lie hidden in the school library that will help her find her missing parents. But Hogwarts is a very different place than she remembers, and Hermione must change as well if she has any hope of overcoming her past to reclaim her future.
Fates intertwine and loyalties are tested in this Post-War 8th-Year Slow Burn Dramione Drama/Suspense/Romance.
Updates Mondays.
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sunflowerabyss · 6 months
Charms of Fate: Chapter 11
Paring: Remus Lupin x Fem!Professor!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Plot: Amidst the echoes of a bygone era, you return to Hogwarts years after parting ways with Hogwarts. What begins as a journey fueled by nostalgia transforms into an unexpected reunion with Remus Lupin, now a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. As the past intertwines with the present, the two former classmates navigate the complexities of grief, the resurgence of friendship, and the unwritten chapters of their shared history in this tale of rediscovery and the magic that binds them together.
Warnings: fluff
As fate would have it, since that heartfelt confession through your Patronus, you hadn't crossed paths with Remus. The demands of both your schedules kept you constantly busy, and every time you glimpsed each other, one of you would be swept away by students or staff. With N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.s looming, the pressure was mounting, adding to the challenge of finding a moment to connect. Doubt crept into your thoughts, making you nervous that you might have come on too strong, fearing Remus didn't share the same depth of feeling. Unbeknownst to you, Remus was dealing with his own emotions, yearning to find the right time to reciprocate. He longed to let himself feel the zest of love after years of self-denial. Although he could send a message, he wanted to express his feelings in person, to finally let himself be loved and cherished.
As Remus strode through the dimly lit Hogwarts corridors, he found himself lost in his thoughts. The weight of your words and tangled emotions with you fell heavily on him. As he patrolled, he caught the faint murmur of voices echoing from the end of the hall. A wand's light illuminated his face as he approached, recognizing Snape and Harry in conversation.
"...insolent, little..."
"Professor," Remus interrupted. Snape turned to Remus, the light from his wand blinding Remus.
"Well, well. Lupin," Snape began with his everlasting sarcasm, "Out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we?"
Remus knows not to acknowledge Snape. So instead, he turned his focus to Harry, asking him if he was all right.
"That remains to be seen," Snape claims, snatching the parchment from Harry's hands. "I have found a rather curious artifact from Mr. Potter. Take a look, Lupin. Supposed to be your area of expertise. Clearly, it's full of dark magic."
Remus accepted the parchment, instantly recognizing it to be the Marauder's Map, a creation of his friends and him from their Hogwarts days. Despite the tension building inside him, he maintained composure. "I doubt it has dark magic, Severus. It looks like parchment that insults anyone who tries to read it. I suspect it's a Zonko product."
Snape tried to reclaim the map, but Remus skillfully avoided him. "Nevertheless, I shall investigate it, since it is, as you say, my area of expertise." With a pointed look, he asked Harry to follow him.
In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Remus's frustration surfaced. "Now, Harry, I don't know how this map came into your possession, however, I am astounded that you didn't turn this in. Did it ever occur to you that this, in the hands of Sirius Black, is a map to you?"
Harry hung his head low, muttering out a quiet no.
"Your parents sacrificed themselves for you. Gambling their sacrifice by roaming the castle late at night with a killer on the lose is a pretty poor way to repay them!" Remus straightened himself up, catching his breath.
"Now, I won't cover for you again, Harry. Understood?" Harry nods.
Remus confiscated the map, instructing Harry to head straight to his room with no shortcuts. "I shall know," Remus warned.
Harry nods, walking away. He stops at the door, turning around before dropping a revelation that sent a chill down Remus' spine. "Professor Lupin, I don't think the map always works. I saw someone on there who I believe to be dead."
"Oh? And who might that be?" Remus asked.
"Peter Pettigrew," Harry said simply.
Remus' face contorted with disbelief. "That's not possible," he uttered, shaken to the core.
"It's just what I saw. Goodnight Professor." Harry left Remus standing alone in the DADA classroom, wrestling with the shock and dread that Peter Pettigrew might still be alive.
The rhythmic pounding on your door jolts you from a deep sleep, and you groan, questioning who would need you at this ungodly hour. Wrapping yourself in a robe and sliding on slippers, you trudge to the door. As it creaks open, you find a disheveled Remus, his appearance signaling distress. Before you can inquire about the cause, he pushes past you, running his hands through his hair, muttering under his breath.
"Remus, what's going on?" you ask, concern etching your features. He collapses onto a chair, and you hasten to calm him. Tea is shoved into his hands, its warmth a comforting presence. Remus's gaze is haunted as he begins, "Do you remember Peter?"
You nod, memories of the past resurfacing. "Vaguely. Not much."
"He's alive," Remus states, the revelation hanging heavy in the air.
"Impossible. He died. Sirius killed him," you counter, the words catching in your throat. Remus's distress only intensifies, and you find yourself pacing, trying to process the improbable news.
With a heavy sigh, you admit, "I never believed Sirius betrayed the Potters or killed Peter. It didn't align with who he was."
Remus looks up, vulnerability in his eyes. "I never knew what to believe. Everyone I cared for vanished."
You move to him, grabbing his hands, the touch a reassurance. "I tried to stay in touch, Remus. I really did."
He meets your eyes, regret etched on his face. "I pushed you away, didn't I? I was scared."
"You were scared, and I understand that," you say gently, squeezing his hands. "Let's figure this out together."
In the soft glow of the lamp, Remus Lupin couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before him. You, disheveled from a night's sleep, with wild hair cascading around your face, a hint of sleep lingering in your eyes. Unbeknownst to you, a gentle smile graced his lips as he noticed a small trace of drool on your chin—a detail that would have been comical if it didn't add to the endearing beauty of the moment.
Despite the disarray, Remus found you utterly enchanting. The vulnerability and authenticity of your appearance only deepened the love he felt. With a tender smile, he pulled you closer, savoring the subtle scent of lavender on your skin. As he gazed into your eyes, he saw a beauty that transcended the physical, a beauty that resonated from the core of your being.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull, Remus leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that spoke volumes. It was a kiss filled with the sweet promise of every shared sunrise and the silent understanding of countless untold mornings. In that intimate exchange, he discovered a profound connection that surpassed the need for words, a connection that affirmed the simple truth—he was utterly and completely in love with you.
With a gentle sincerity, Remus looked into your eyes, his voice a soft, reassuring melody. "I love you too," he confessed, the weight of unspoken words finally finding release for the both of you. "I'm sorry for not saying it sooner, there was just never a good time. But from this moment forward, I promise you'll never spend a day wondering if I love you. I'll weave those words into every sunrise, whisper them through the rustle of leaves, and etch them into the very thread of our time together. You'll know, always, that you are cherished and loved beyond measure."
Stunned and overwhelmed, you find yourself at a loss for words. In the exchange of emotions, the weight of Remus's confession hangs in the air, bringing you a sense of relief. As he holds you close, you let the warmth of the moment envelop you, the promise of love resonating between your heartbeats.
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parkerslatte · 10 months
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Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Ravenclaw!Reader
Warnings: spoilers for hogwarts legacy. characters aged to seventh year 7. Ages 17/18. Mentions of canonical death. Mentions of death.
Summary: It had been two years since Y/N L/N spoke to Sebastian Sallow. Two years since the events of their fifth year took place. In those two years, Y/N has tried to put it all behind her, wanting to not think about all of the dangerous and life threatening things she had endured.
After the events of fifth year, Sebastian isolates himself, not wanting to hurt Y/N or Ominis anymore than he already had. Throughout his sixth year, Sebastian began to speak to Ominis again, the two making an attempt to reclaim their friendship. However, Sebastian doesn't make an effort with Y/N, despite her attempts.
When the two are paired up for a potions assignment, Y/N tries her best to try and talk to Sebastian - all she wants is her friend back. However Sebastian is still under the impression that he will put her in danger if he gets close to her again. Despite his worries, he begins to find it hard to resist her.
Started: 31st July 2023
Finished: N/A
Current Word Count: N/A
Prologue (COMING SOON)
Chapter One: At Last
Chapter Two: Early Hours
Chapter Three: Echo of Their Fall
Chapter Four:
More to come…
Authors Note:
- I am beyond excited to begin this series! I already have the prologue and the first three chapters written already and will be posting them very soon!
- I have an OC version posted on Wattpad and AO3 so if it might seem familiar to you if you have come across it before, that is the reason why! My username is the same on the three sights :)
- I am not sure exactly how long this fic will be but I aim for around 16/17 chapters. It won’t be too long but I will hopefully share a good story with you all.
- I hope you all enjoy. And if anyone would like to me added to a Taglist, feel free to message me or reply to this post :)
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