willowwraith · 2 years
I turn off the engine of my car and step out. I look up at the house. It’s been years since I’ve been here. It seems smaller somehow, and yet just as expansive as before. I walk up the steps of the porch and tentatively place my hand on the door knob. The door swings open with barely any force.
I feel nervous as I walk into the foyer. There are doors on either side of me, leading off into different wings of the house. I walk down the familiar hall, passing the music room, the library, and the game room. I find my way to my old room. My old room with it’s posters on the walls, dvds of cringe-worthy tv shows, a testament to my youth. 
I consider leaving. This is too much. It would take too much work. This was a stupid idea. I turn my back on the room when something catches my eye. My bookshelf has all of my books on it that I read as a kid and teenager. I pick up my old copy of Mrs. Frisby and Rats of NIMH. This was my favorite book. I read it so many times. Looking at the shelf I see my old copies of The Chronicles of Narnia, Twilight, Harry Potter (before it was revealed that the author was problematic). 
I could make this work. I’m a different person now. I’d have to redecorate, but that’s easy enough to do. A smile appears on my lips. I nod my head. Time to get to work, but first I think I’ll spend some time in the library.
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willowwraith · 10 years
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"He’s a city person"
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willowwraith · 11 years
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willowwraith · 12 years
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In which Obama is secretive about who he voted for.
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willowwraith · 12 years
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For Remy <3
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willowwraith · 13 years
OMG I want this clock so bad!!
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Dr. Who Timey Wimey Tardis Clock
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willowwraith · 13 years
That awkward moment when...
You call your facebook news feed your dash... I'm on tumblr too much... >.>
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willowwraith · 13 years
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then i’m like:
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Follow this blog, you will love it on your dashboard
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willowwraith · 13 years
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willowwraith · 13 years
Halfway through.
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willowwraith · 13 years
Why did they edit out the part where Rory is alone at night in a country where he doesn’t know anybody, crying himself to sleep over one of the most clear and vicious examples of bullying I’ve ever seen on this show?
This was actually a step too far on Santana’s part.
We know this is only a guest role, and even though it’s possible he just goes back to Scotland, but I wonder if they’ll have his character commit suicide caused by severe bullying.  Would they go that far?
I know it’s completely wrong what she said, and it isn’t reall an excuse but Rory did lie to Brittany, and we know how much Santana cares about her and she saw that Rory was trying to take Brittany away from her. If I were in that situation I’d probably have said a lot of mean things to him too.
Well, Damien McGinty, the actor playing Rory, is from IRELAND, not Scotland.  Now, moving on.  I'm not sure they would go as far as to have him commit suicide.  They might go as far as to have him almost do it, but then get saved by one of the glee kids or something.  And really, Santana was being really selfish this whole episode.  Yes, Rory lied to get into Brittany's pants.  That was wrong of him.  But Santana went WAY too far.  He didn't know that Santana and Brittany are in love.  Yes she is Santana, so she could still have insulted him.  She didn't have to make him wish he was back in Ireland and that no one liked him.  He's been in the country for what?  A week?  He'll never want to come back.  It makes me sad that Rory doesn't really have any friends yet except for Finn....and he's not even really his friend yet.
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willowwraith · 13 years
#when a group of college kids capture the friendship between ron and harry in one scene better than directors and screenwriters of seven movies could
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willowwraith · 13 years
Jim Cantiello’s Gleecap - Pot O’ Gold (Glee s3)
I want to marry Jim Cantiello.
Is Jim a mind reader? Is he living in my head?
 I am SOBBING from my laughter. OH MY GOD.
I’m in love.
Klaine was 1% of the episode and like 80% of the recap.
^Which is why I’m reblogging this again. ALL THE AWARDS. 
OMG He’s so one of us !!!
also : ‘Say hi to Klaine for me!!’ XD
omg I love this!!! Yay Damien!  And Klaine! And...everything! PERFECT!!!
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willowwraith · 13 years
You are a wonderful human.
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Argument over!!! Harry Potter trumps Twilight, hands down, no questions asked!!!!!!
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willowwraith · 13 years
Last Friday Night clip is out?! I usually don't watch song clips before the episode airs, BUT I MUST SEE THIS!!!!
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willowwraith · 13 years
A lot of people has been asking me ‘bout these shirts I made. Sooo, I decided to host a Tumblr giveaway! (Now, say YAY!) Here are the rules:
You must be following me.
You can only reblog this post up to five times.
The winner will snag two (Yes, TWO!!) of these shirts (I’ll let him/her pick the designs he/she would want to have)
I will pick a random winner on December 3, 2011. I will contact him/her through his/her ask box so enable your asks on that day! :D The winner will have 24 hours to reply to me via Tumblr Message with their name, address, and zipcode (Intl winners, please give me your zipcode as well, I don’t know all of them and don’t want to look them up). If the winner does not respond to me within 24 hours, I will pick a new winner. Good luck! x
I only wish there were a Hufflepuff shirt as well
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willowwraith · 13 years
A lot of people has been asking me ‘bout these shirts I made. Sooo, I decided to host a Tumblr giveaway! (Now, say YAY!) Here are the rules:
You must be following me.
You can only reblog this post up to five times.
The winner will snag two (Yes, TWO!!) of these shirts (I’ll let him/her pick the designs he/she would want to have)
I will pick a random winner on December 3, 2011. I will contact him/her through his/her ask box so enable your asks on that day! :D The winner will have 24 hours to reply to me via Tumblr Message with their name, address, and zipcode (Intl winners, please give me your zipcode as well, I don’t know all of them and don’t want to look them up). If the winner does not respond to me within 24 hours, I will pick a new winner. Good luck! x
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