windmaedchen · 6 months
100 %! It is incredible how limits can drive excellence and Clive Merrison managed to create a version of Sherlock Holmes that's most impressive and memorable and that works with whatever images you have of Holmes in your mind.
(The same applies to Watson and any of the other characters, really., but the question was about Holmes so....)
What I love about Bert Coules is that his additional stories work so well along the many canon ones. If you haven't read ALL of the originals then you might not be able to tell which is which. One of my favourites is the Abergavenny Murder, which is told in real-time and Holmes and Watson never ever leave Bakerstreet to begin with. Amazing.
And finally, if you want another little taste of the Radio Adaptation, I turned another favourite, The Blue Carbuncle, into a comic some years ago. It's very heavily based on the script of the episode, with a few small changes taken directly from the original short story. ;-)
Begin reading here.
which sherlock do you like the best? In terms of actors and also films.
If we’re talking different versions, canon Holmes will always be my favourite, you can’t do better than the original :P
As for which adaptation of canon I like best, I’d have to say it’s Radio Holmes, voiced by Clive Merrison. He gives the character so much humanity and so many dynamics, and the fact that he does it through voice alone is even more impressive. Credit goes to Bert Coules the writer too, he adapts canon in a way that is both authentic to the original and unique. Just the whole series is excellent, in my opinion. They even managed to adapt every single canon story, which as far as I know hasn’t been done by any other group (correct me if I’m wrong though).
If you’re interested, there’s an extract from A Study In Scarlet on youtube here. @windmaedchen has made an awesome animation to accompany a short clip, which you can find here, and I also just found this adorable animation someone did to a scene from The Lion’s Mane :D
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windmaedchen · 7 months
Have you ever been the ONLY fan and fan-artist for a franchise?
Yeah, I can't believe I am all alone in the fandom sphere of
Oceanhorn, including the games Monster of Uncharted Seas and Knights of the Lost Realm (and Chronos Dungeon)
These games have sold over one million copies each and are available now on PS4/PS5/Xbox/AppleArcade/Android.
They are stylized adventure games akin to Zelda, of which there are WAY too few out there. They have a great universe (fantasy, magic, gods and ROBOTS), great characters and an intriguing storyline throughout all! (Not to mention an incredibly awesome "bad guy" ;-) Definitely worth looking into!
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I have a dedicated blog for them, too:
I don't understand how I have only 2 followers and 0 (ZERO!) interactions on these posts. It is like the world doesn't know these games exist!
But here is a funny fact: the world DOES know about Miraak. I bet YOU have heard of Miraak. Would you like to know which posts of mine have at least SOME interaction? Hahahaha, yeah, those with Miraak in it. xD
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I am NOT crying for likes or reblogs ... I am just so flabbergasted and devastated that there is apparently no one who has heard of the games to begin with.
I just don't understand.
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*sigh* anyway, if you need 30+ hours to spend in a world full of magic, technology, gods, fish- and birdpeople, jungles, beaches and big cities, two dudes about to destroy the world and a young couple (to-be) caught in-between trying to save the planet then go and play Oceanhorn!
And then join the fandom! xD
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windmaedchen · 9 months
Little Dew Drop - Family Game Project
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Wohoo, I am so pleased to share my latest little project with everyone, even though it's got ... nothing much to do with the blog's theme... 😅
Little Dew Drop is a tiny but cute and family-friendly 2D side-scroller and a family project completed during the summer holidays.
It is totally free and available on 👉Steam and 👉Itch!
It takes only around 15-20 minutes to play through, it's basic but functional (and CUTE!) and have I mentioned it was a family project?
My sister polished the story and scripts, my nieces did the soundtrack and the programming, my bro-in-law supported our main dev and I did the art and animation. I am so proud of them all for entertaining my ambition and actually allow me to direct them in their work. 😁 LOL 🥰
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I hope you enjoy the game and please, do drop me a message on the store pages or here to let me know what you think! ✍️✨
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windmaedchen · 10 months
Oh wow, that's so cute! 🥰
Thanks so much, I adore it! What's up with your OC, there? Any backstory you care to share?
I really, really love one person who makes just wonderful sketches, or arts!! I hope you will notice my art that I have drawn. On it is your magnificent oc by Sherlock Gnomes, and already my oc next to yours, and also by Sherlock Gnomes! (Let's be friends, you are a wonderful artist❤) @windmaedchen
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+ bonus, cute, quick sketch, Sailin hides Miss Layton from the rain with an umbrella
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windmaedchen · 10 months
will see more about Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock Gnomes
Hey! I know it's been a while since you asked but... I can still answer, right? 😅
Fast answer: no. I do love Sherlock Holmes and the gnomes movie a lot, still, but I am busy with real life and interested in other things, so my time to draw something is precious and allocated according to my priorities. Unless I am commissioned to draw something related to Sherlock Holmes, I doubt I will draw anything around this character anytime soon on my own.
But never say never. Holmes is always with me and I may find time to draw him again eventually. 🥰
I hope you enjoy my older art, though. I've got a whole blog full with it. xD
Sincerely, Windy
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windmaedchen · 10 months
Uhhh, hello miss/mister.. What's up? 😅
Hello there! 😊
I'm good! And how are you, erinaalalalala? Thanks for the tons of likes, glad you like my art. 🥰
Going to sort a few things out now, so see you around. Have a lovely day today. :D
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windmaedchen · 1 year
Commissions OPEN
Finally! I am excited to present my artistic offer. 🥳
I love to adjust my 'style' to the fandom I am drawing for, so it's always been tricky for me to create a proper commission list. But here it is anyway and I am looking forward to drawing for you! 💕🎨
Prices are in USD
Fairy Tail Inspired Offer:
Exclusive single KO-FI chibi = 5$
Double (or more)  chibi = 8$ (or more)
Character Sheet = 35$
4000x4000 Illustration = starting at 60$
For more information visit my ➡️ Fairy Tail Tumblr Blog!
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Sherlock Holmes inspired offer:
Simple button-eye characters (shaded) = 15$
Coloured button-eye character = 30$
‘Sherlock Gnomes’ style = 10$ / 15$ / 20$
For more info open my ➡️ Sherlock Holmes Tumblr Blog!
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Ace Attorney inspired offer:
Soft-line character, single colour, no bg = 30$ / 50$
Coloured Soft-line character, very simple bg = 80$
Flat coloured Pokemon-style character = 30$
Again, for more info drop by my ➡️ Ace Attorney Tumblr Blog!
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Styx / Goblin / Fantasy inspired offer:
Flat colour button-eye chibi = 8$
😁 Small but cute. Hahaha! Check out my ➡️ Styx Tumblr Blog!
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Feel free to mix and match style and fandom!
Please don't be shy, you may always send an Ask or a Chat Message. I am always happy to answer any questions and create a custom offer for you!
Thanks and see you around! 😊
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windmaedchen · 2 years
Oh snap! I remember following you on DA way back when. I'm honored you'd follow me here. Have a wonderful day and thank you :D
Whaaat? Really? xD How was I ever follow-worthy way back then?! Hahahah.... Nah, the pleasure is all mine, I am looking forward to your art and stuff! ;-) All the best!
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windmaedchen · 2 years
Hello! Was wondering if your animation of one of the Bert Coules scenes was still available? The YouTube link didn't work for me. Love your art!
it wasn't, actually, since I closed all those Google accounts but forgot about the fact some videos were embedded into other websites. However! I was able to upload the video directly to Tumblr, and so it's back in the post you are looking for! :D https://windmaedchen.tumblr.com/post/129941205551/done-edit-i-directly-uploaded-the-video-the Enjoy!
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windmaedchen · 2 years
OMG Kiri found The Great Mouse Detective and was ensnared by Rattigan! 😍
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More art of Ratigan and a reason why I shouldn't be a side character- 😩😩😩
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windmaedchen · 3 years
Whooaaat!?!? I didn't see this!
Oh that's so cute! Thanks so much, they look like real besties! <3 Charlie's design is awesome, really neat!
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Miss Layton and Charlie are best friends and Gift for @windmaedchen
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windmaedchen · 3 years
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Sherlock Gnomes OC, Miss Layton. Haven't drawn anything Holmes related in ages!!!
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windmaedchen · 3 years
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— Tit-Bits magazine (1884) https://ift.tt/3oWMDSx
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windmaedchen · 3 years
Why do you think of "Johnlock" and is it bad for the fans of Sherlock Holmes to do? Why do some people like myself view Sherlock and Watson as a thing? Is it wrong of me to read the original books/short stories and view them that way?
Hey, thanks for the message, I am flattered you wish to hear my opinion. ^__^
What do I think of “Johnlock”? It isn’t my cup of tea, I guess, but no shipping of any kind really is, so this has nothing to do with these specific characters. 
Is it bad for fans to do it? Hell, no. Not in the slightest. You can do in your head everything that you wanna do, and none of it is bad. Once you bring what is in your head out to the open, however, make sure to practice modesty. No one enjoys overly obtrusive people. And in Tumblr context it just means no patronising or right out hateful reblogs or posts. Celebrate what you may have in common, don’t dwell on the differences. :) Or say nothing... also works wonders for keeping stress levels down. xD
Why do you see their relationship that way? How would I know given that I personally do not see it that way. It always amazes me how people can both take such different impressions from the same story! We see the exact same thing, but somehow our attention rests on different small details and there our imagination then diverts into different paths. Incredible prove that, no matter how different we are as humans, we can still consume and love the same things, connecting us more than we think.
Is it wrong that you have that impression reading the canon? Once again: nope. Why would it be? Nothing can and should constrain your thoughts. Maybe this question goes a little into the “is that view at all accurate?” domain, to which I would kinda like to drop two things: 
First - We do not know and we cannot know. It certainly could be if you take some sentences a certain way and attempt to read between the lines... But interpret as you want, the specific topic of a romantic relationship between Holmes and Watson is simply not dealt with in the same way, for example, Watson’s falling in love and marriage to Mary Morstan. All romantic relationships that somehow needed to be specified for story-reasons ARE specified in the canon. What Holmes and Watson do, however, is left entirely to the reader’s imagination and that means: we simply can’t tell, can we?  The canon is, regarding that question, a bit of a white slate. Which is nice, because it also allows other interpretations, like aro/ace Holmes or the Holmes/Adler ship.
Second - Since there is no real (effort of) confirmation regarding such suspicions from Sir Arthur ... I personally just prefer it when people can accept their wishes as headcanons. I suppose that ties in with the above mentioned humble approach. I’d rather not sell it as canon when all I have at hand are a few sprinkled words that could mean just about anything. HOWEVER, that sure doesn’t mean one cannot present one’s reasoning... trying to make well-crafted points is fun and exciting! In fact, tasteful and humble contributions to a (shared/public) headcanon are always welcome and a delight for anyone who loves that tea! 
So help yourself to a cup. ;-)
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windmaedchen · 3 years
Sounds like something Wiggins might say... xD
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— Tit-Bits magazine (1884) https://ift.tt/3vxV2h5
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windmaedchen · 3 years
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Sherlock Holmes taking on the large green beast that is Milverton’s private safe.
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windmaedchen · 4 years
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Read The Blue Carbuncle and loved Paget’s drawing of Holmes and Watson wearing heavy looking winter clothes. Featuring an occasionally appearing OC named Jane L. Layton. 
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