witchmaximoff · 3 months
Unspoken Heart
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader (Platonic) Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Summary: Where Y/N grapples with unrequited feelings for her friend Wanda. Despite her love being unreciprocated, Y/N selflessly prioritizes Wanda's happiness, willing to make sacrifices to ensure her well-being.
Warnings: Unrequited love, friendzone, angst, death, no happy ending.
Word count: 1097
NOTE: This is my first time writing something so I wanted to try, but English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistakes. Please give me some feedback, it might encourage me to do more if you like it 🌹
Suddenly, the bell above the door chimes, and in walks Wanda Maximoff, her presence commanding attention even in a crowded room. Your heart skips a beat as she spots you and makes her way over, a warm smile gracing her lips.
You find yourself in the bustling city of New York, where the chaos of everyday life seems to fade away as you step into a quaint little cafe. Sitting alone at a table near the window, you watch the rain drizzle down outside, lost in your thoughts.
"Hey, Y/N," she greets you, pulling out a chair and sitting across from you. "Mind if I join you?" You nod eagerly, trying to contain the butterflies in your stomach as she settles in. The two of you have been friends for years, but lately, your feelings for Wanda have been anything but platonic.
As you chat about mundane things, you can't help but steal glances at her, admiring the way the soft light of the cafe accentuates her features. But deep down, you know that she only sees you as a friend, nothing more.
The conversation turns to deeper topics, and you find yourself opening up to Wanda about your hopes, your dreams, and your fears. She listens intently, her empathy and understanding washing over you like a warm embrace.
But as the night wears on and the cafe begins to empty out, a heavy silence settles between you. You can feel the weight of your unspoken words hanging in the air, the truth of your unrequited love threatening to spill out.
Finally, unable to bear it any longer, you gather your courage and speak up, your voice barely above a whisper. "Wanda, there's something I need to tell you..."
But before you can finish, Wanda reaches across the table and gently places her hand on yours, her touch sending shivers down your spine. "Y/N," she says softly, her eyes searching yours, "I cherish our friendship more than anything. You mean the world to me."
Your heart sinks at her words, the sting of rejection cutting deep. You force a smile, masking the pain behind it as you nod, pretending that her friendship is enough.
But as you watch her leave the cafe, the rain still falling outside, you can't help but wonder what could have been if only she felt the same way.
As you step out into the rain-soaked streets, the cool droplets patter against your skin, mirroring the tumultuous emotions swirling within you. Each raindrop feels like a tiny reminder of the tears you've been holding back, the ache in your chest growing heavier with each step.
The neon lights of the city blur through the mist, casting an eerie glow on the pavement below as you walk aimlessly, lost in your thoughts. The sound of distant thunder echoes in the night, a somber symphony that matches the rhythm of your breaking heart.
You can't help but replay the conversation with Wanda over and over in your mind, each word a painful reminder of the unrequited love that weighs you down. The knowledge that she will never feel the same way gnaws at you, tearing at your soul with relentless persistence.
But as you trudge through the rain-soaked streets, you find solace in the solitude, the emptiness of the night offering a fleeting sense of comfort. You know that admitting your true feelings to Wanda would only lead to heartache, so you choose to keep them locked away, hidden beneath a facade of friendship.
Despite the ache in your chest and the loneliness that threatens to consume you, you cling to the hope that one day, you'll find peace in loving Wanda from afar. For now, all you can do is embrace the rain, letting it wash away the pain as you navigate the stormy seas of unrequited love.
The rain continues to fall, a silent witness to the unspoken heartache that lingers in the air, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices we make in the name of love.
After walking for a long time in the raining streets Y/N go back to the compound, as you enter your clothes clinging to your skin and your hair dripping with rainwater, you feel a sense of exhaustion wash over you. Despite the late hour and the weariness that weighs heavy on your shoulders, you can't shake the feeling of unease that gnaws at your gut.
Dragging yourself towards the kitchen, you hope to find some semblance of comfort in the familiar surroundings of the Avengers' home. But as you approach the entrance, your heart clenches painfully in your chest at the sight that greets you.
There, standing in the warm glow of the kitchen lights, is Wanda, her laughter ringing out like music in the stillness of the night. But it's not her laughter that catches your attention, it's the way she's leaning in close to Vision, their bodies almost touching as they engage in animated conversation.
A pang of jealousy shoots through you like a bolt of lightning, your breath catching in your throat as you watch them interact. The intimacy between them is palpable, a stark contrast to the platonic bond you share with Wanda, and it only serves to deepen the ache in your heart.
For a moment, you're frozen in place, unable to tear your eyes away from the scene unfolding before you. Every word they exchange feels like a dagger to your heart, a painful reminder of the love that will forever be out of reach.
But as the reality of the situation sinks in, you realize that you can't bear to witness their closeness any longer. With a heavy sigh, you turn away, retreating into the shadows of the compound, your heart heavy with sorrow.
As you make your way to your room, the sound of their laughter echoing in your ears, you can't help but wonder if there will ever come a day when you can look at Wanda and Vision together without feeling the sting of your broken heart.
As the Avengers embark on a mission, Y/N finds herself engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of their unrequited love for Wanda weighs heavy on their heart, threatening to consume them with each passing second, minute and day.
As the chaos of battle unfolds, Y/N's heart races with a mixture of fear, hurt and desperation. Amidst the chaos of battle, Y/N's thoughts are a jumbled mess, her focus fractured by the relentless barrage of her own inner turmoil. She struggles to keep up with their teammates, her mind constantly drifting back to Wanda and the pain that her presence brings.
In a moment she watches in horror as Vision, the object of Wanda's affections, finds himself in mortal peril. Despite the agony of her rejected love for Wanda, a fierce determination takes hold of Y/N as she rushes to his aid.
Ignoring the danger that surrounds her, Y/N throws herself into the fray, determined to shield Vision from harm at any cost. With every blow she takes, her love for Wanda burns bright in her heart, driving her forward with an intensity she never knew she possessed.
But as the battle reaches its climax, Y/N finds herself facing down an enemy she cannot defeat. With a sense of grim resignation, she gets ready to make the ultimate sacrifice, knowing that it may be the only way to save Vision and the rest of the team.
In a moment of selfless bravery, Y/N throws herself in front of Vision, taking the full force of the enemy's attack. Pain courses through her body like fire, but amidst the agony, she feels a sense of peace knowing that she has protected the one Wanda loves most.
As Y/N lie on the ground, her strength fading with each passing moment, she hears Wanda's anguished cries as she rushes to Y/N's side. Tears blur your vision as you look up at her, your voice barely a whisper as you speak the words that have been weighing heavy on your heart.
"You love him, don't you?" you say, your voice filled with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "I'll do everything to make you happy even if it means giving my life for the person you love, even if that person isn't me"
As Y/N lies in Wanda's arms, their strength waning with each passing moment, she can feel the weight of Wanda's guilt pressing down on her like a leaden blanket. Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, she can see the torment etched on Wanda's face, the anguish in her eyes mirroring the turmoil of her soul.
"Why did you do this?" Wanda whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. "Why would you sacrifice yourself for me, for him?"
Y/N's smile is bittersweet as she gaze up at Wanda, her heart heavy with the knowledge of the pain they have caused. "Because I love you," you reply softly, your words a whispered confession borne of a love that knows no bounds.
Wanda's breath catches in her throat at the sincerity in your voice, her heart breaking anew at the realization of the depth of their feelings. She cradles you closer to her chest, her fingers trembling as she brushes away the tears that stain your cheeks.
"But why?" she whispers, her voice choked with tears. "Why would you give up everything for someone who can never love you back?"
Your smile falters for a moment as you struggle to find the words to explain the unexplainable. But then, as you feel the physical pain of your sacrifice gnawing at your body, you feel the relief of your emotional pain fill your broken heart.
"Because," you whisper, your voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of chaos and despair. "Because for just a moment, I could be the hero you needed, even if it meant sacrificing everything I had."
And with those final words, Y/N's smile fades, her eyes fluttering closed as she surrender to the darkness that threatens to consume her. But even as she slips away, she feels a sense of peace, knowing that she has finally found release from the burden of the unrequited love that has haunted her for so long.
And as Wanda holds you close, her heart heavy with grief and regret, she knows that she will carry the weight of Y/N's sacrifice with her for the rest of her days, a constant reminder of the love that was given so freely, even in the face of impossible odds.
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witchmaximoff · 6 months
what I want? hear you knocking at my door, I wish I could see your face once more
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witchmaximoff · 8 months
If you're going to hurt me again please do it gently this time, I'm so broken
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witchmaximoff · 8 months
Why do I still want you even when you hurt me so much?
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witchmaximoff · 8 months
“Someday, someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you’ve never seen, they’ll look at you like you’re everything they’ve been looking for their entire lives. Wait for it.”
— Unknown
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witchmaximoff · 1 year
you rejected me... i didn't even get a chance to be the second choice and now I'm really mad, not at you but at me. once again i let myself fall in love with someone I can't have... am i destined for a love that doesn't exist?
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witchmaximoff · 1 year
foi real? por um momento sim eu gostaria que tivesse durado eu gostaria que você tivesse me amado eu tentei o meu melhor mas ainda assim foi apenas por um momento
foi real? agora não mais aquele por um momento ficou para trás você nem deve se lembrar por um momento você fez meu coração acelerar por um momento achei que você queria ficar mas foi apenas por um momento agora não existe mais sentimento se é que existiu...
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witchmaximoff · 3 years
Você é como as estrelas, não te vejo sempre, mas sei que está ali.
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
"Costume: algo a que nos adaptamos e se torna parte de nós no dia a dia."
Sendo assim, já pararam para pensar que talvez não sejamos pessoas infelizes, mas sim, pessoas acostumadas com a felicidade então por isso não a percebemos?
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
Lembre-se: O que importa não é o que acontece, mas como e quando acontece. Muitas vezes o modo e as circunstâncias são mais importantes do que o resultado final...
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
Muitos podem não saber ou não aceitar, mas as pessoas mais fortes são aquelas que deixam suas lágrimas transbordarem, pois é neste momento, que ela deixam para trás todos as dores que estavam dentro de si e começam uma nova jornada.
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
“Tem coisa que resolve assim, puxando num abraço apertado, num beijo estalado. Tem coisa que resolve no sorriso compartilhado, num olhar carregado de saudade, de um “me perdoe e sinto muito”. Às vezes um coração aberto e falante constrói ou reconstrói uma ponte.”
— Nanda Marques.
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
"Homens são mais interessantes em livros do que na vida real" - A sociedade Literária e a torta de casca de batata
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
Muitas vezes nossos erros nos beneficiam mais do que nossos acertos...
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
Por que dar beijos e trocar carinhos hoje em dia se tornou algo tão banal? Um beijo é uma forma silenciosa de passar emoções e sentimentos, carinho é uma forma de demonstrar amor. Quando você faz os dois apenas pela ingenuidade de amar você demonstra o seu respeito... Por que essa forma de afeto se tornou tão carnal a ponto de serem esquecidas do real significado?
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witchmaximoff · 4 years
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Não tenha medo de se jogar em uma aventura do coração, no fim, mesmo que não tenha dado certo, foi apenas mais uma aventura da vida, e quando der certo de verdade vai ser uma aventura do amor eterno
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