wolfcorns · 4 years
Raya and The Last Dragon
there’s no huge spoliers in there but like big vague one’s for sure
So, Just Finished watching the latest Disney Movie Raya and the Last Dragon, which is made by same folks behind Frozen and Moana, so let’s talk about it
Starting out the story is set in post-apocalyptic fantasy world very different from our own and it’s more of a pro than a con cause it’s a culture brimming world as Raya travels through all 5 of them (Fang, Talon, Spine, Heart, and Tail, nope it’s not lazy writing they’re named after Dragon anotomy) during the movie and we don’t see anything too much related to our own world except either it’s vague and for when you’re looking really hard which is a delight because it gives these lands their own identitles and its refreshing to watch
Let’s talk about Characters they’re all amazing and adorable in their own ways and you’ll fall in love with them as you spend more time with each of them some of the main highlight’s being Sisu and Raya (basically the whole story is An Optimist friend traveling with the Cautious and boy it’s amazing to watch) and especially Tuk Tuk (He’s just Adorable and basically disney’s toothless) the interaction’s between Namari and Raya will be a really good highlight (Totally someone’s ship and boi can I imagine the flood of fanart) not to mention Raya is a really amazing lead, she’s not trying to discover who she is, her motivations are clear, She’s a warrior navigating through a rough world and that makes her a amazing character to follow and relate to 
So, I don’t know who’s Idea was is but boi they put lot’s of Rhyming humor in there and few quick lines to create a sense of familarity, gladly it’s not overused and brings a light of mood to otherwise grim story line,
Speaking of use of things in the movie there’s something missing from the movie and you won’t realize it cause it’s clear that they knew the movie was better without it, I m talking about Obligitory Songs it’s nice to see disney leaving their traditional Princess must sing trope there’s a song at the very end and you listen and go wait !..
There’s a diffrent kind of music in the movie one you’re going to thourougly enjoy I m talking about Action ! and it’s really good and satisfying to watch, you’ll forget it’s a Disney princess movie real quick cause action sequences are completely lethal and they draw you in perfectly
Last but not least Animation is as amazing as it can be you’ll feel the beauty of the movie and it’s little things without a doubt and you’ll fall in love with it right away cause it’s so vibrant and beautiful it’s like a fairy tale
Finally the message of the movie which centre’s around Trust this time does and movie makes it’s point well enough and because characters are relatealble and you’ll understand their point of view and say “I would’ve probably done the same” which makes movie’s conclusion this simple message echo on really deep level and leave us feeling Hopeful and Compassionate
My only complain is I didn’t get to see more of these characters and the world of Raya and The Last Dragon, I hope they make a sequel :)
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wolfcorns · 4 years
This time I m here to talk about another good watch ! and it's not a action movie or too really SciFi one, if that makes you sad well.. stop reading ? For those who are interested let's talk about Little Women (2019 version with Emma Watson based on book by Louisa May Alcott)
I came to know about this movie from a breakdown vid..(yeah got a bit spoiled before I watched but It wasn't too bad) and I ended up watching it and crying to it and feeling so much good vibes I can't express
The movie is really simple story of a Healthy & Functional Family, which we don't see much of usually cause healthy people make boring storylines due to lack of drama that's why we see so less of them on screen (or they're killed) but in this beautiful movie we see an healthy Family who is far from perfect (they fight, get really angry etc.) But on the big level they Love and Support each other when it is most needed and that's makes it so beautiful to watch
I honestly was thinking "how are they going to make these characters relateable ?" and well they just humanized them and they felt right at home and movie focus on these little things we do for people we love and care about and what really matters in Life and it's just so beautiful to watch, you'll get drawn to this warmth this movie and family has, which just makes you laugh in their joy and cry in their sadness
So, you're either going to cry because you feel right at home and you're watching and thinking how familiar this feeling of being right at home is or like me, you're going to cry cause you don't remember feeling of warmth but either way you're gonna gonna totally enjoy it
Also, this is strangely being an classic simple story is shot in a Christopher Nolan Style hoping between timelines, which means it's interesting to watch and movie never looses your attention and does a incredible job at making you feel connected to story at all times and that to me honestly is a great movie
If you're someone who loves little things in life and will appreciate Watching normal people on big screen, get cozy one of these days and watch Little Women for love and warmth, you won't regret it :)
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wolfcorns · 4 years
Favorite Disney Quotes Part 4.
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wolfcorns · 4 years
I've watched the murder on the orient express like 3 times now and it seems to intrigue me everytime
Firstly, I never knew of a detective called Hercule Poirot (sorry Agatha Christie never had the pleasure to read your works), so it took me by surprise and I fell in love with the quirky Belgian detective but there's more to him I've noticed that is brilliance in crime case solving
I've always been a great Sherlock fan watched both Robert Drowny Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch versions loved them
So when I watched this movie my first thought was to think about sherlock and I m sure many will draw the parallels between them (we both know Batman is the greatest detective) cause detective, quirky, and intelligent
But there's something really interesting about Hercule which I failed to see in Sherlock which is Humanity
Both are intelligent and great detectives but Hercule Actually takes the time to care, empathize, feel for other humans instead of thinking about them just as a variables for solving puzzles which you see in all of his mannerisms where as Sherlock only cares about what it takes to solve a case may it be emotional manipulation, putting himself in danger etc.
believe me I've watched Sherlock with as much excitement as the next person but even tho we love the character we might've let him be a jerk to others just because he's intelligent and I know they did try to make it so that we know that he does cares about people and feels things but it feels secondary like he suppresses it most of the time
So to conclude love Sherlock but remember you don't have to not care about people to be intelligent and Hercule Poirot is a great aspiration for the same and remember
"Every day, we meet people the world could do better without, yet we do not kill them. We must be better than the beasts"
Now let us wait for the Death on the Nile
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wolfcorns · 4 years
Finished Watching Hilda Season 2.. and oh man that went o to " questionable kids show " real quick !
Like I waited for this season since I watched first season back in 2019 and fell in love with it because of its beautiful art style and wholesome but unique story telling and since then wait has been long
So, I was excited to see what it had to offer next and didn't thought this kids cute wholesome show will blew me away with in content in just one season, like oh boi they made the wait well worth it
This season is Dark ya all.. like it's a kids show! I am wondering how is that even possible like.. old cartoons were like asking obvious questions to Kids..*looking at you Dora The Explorer* where's as Hilda be like yeah that's cool let's add some Deaths, Violence, Decapitation, Witchcraft, Time travel and subtle msgs about reality just so kids don't get bored... And show is not even PG 13 ! genius !
I m actually glad for this show for what it is cause even tho it feels wholesome and cute it doesn't treat children like some dum dum dolls who can't detect obvious object's, kids are not dumb they're just inexperienced
So, if you want something interesting to watch please try out Hilda now I'll just go back to waiting for next season ;-;
p.s: show doubles as a mythical creatures guide so watch out for trolls and stuff.
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wolfcorns · 4 years
Just finished watching Wonder Women 1984 and it's timing couldn't be more because it's perfectly the movie this world needs today !
Even tho it's a superhero movie it feels grounded and human because of its beautifully written script and characters.
You'll never remember it as " it's the movie with lady superhero action scenes " (tho that's there very much) instead you'll remember it as " It's movie with reminder of about how beautiful the world is in all it's tainted Glory "
P.S: here's some non context Spoliers (don't worry it won't spoil anything for you ;) )
Truth, Superman, Humanity, Cost and Asteria
p.s.s: mid credits scene is one of the best one
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wolfcorns · 4 years
Movie Review time!
Watched Coraline Recently 2009 animated movie, which if you watch as kids you'll have nightmares.... if you don't know what I m talking about then.. it's the movie which this meme template came from...(img 1)
It's a really creepy horror movie of which if they ever made a live action of will easily surpass most of the horror movies out there cause now it feels normal but the atmosphere it creates with it's characters is just amazing a really underrated movie and. Great watch🍿
I'll give it 6 eyes 👁️ out of 2 Buttons🧵
p.s: it has a multi dimensional cat 🐈
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