Reveals conviction of truth behind chaos
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Brave to salute whisper of end
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Detained by unknown endeavor of passion
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Wickedness is precisely embedded from selfishness
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Perpetual diligence under storms or radiance
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Enchanted by Her 'Games'
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The narrative threads of the characters' relationship tends to imply that if the lovers doesn't build their connection with an assurance and trust, it will fall within the uncertainty and complexity. I recognized the form of a game in the series wherein the woman manipulated the situation by putting up an imitated names. This is an integral representation how women has their composition of techniques to build holes into the relationship until the worst came into play; I came up with this as I jumped through the details why the woman in the story had to do her amusements, it is because it turned to be her masks in her apprehensive side. This idea affects my perception for it views the portrayal of a woman as the one who always invest entirely, and along with anxious mind that hastily think of something unbelievable such as this situational game of names. Also, I could sense that it signifies the here and now kind of relationship just as the saying goes, we usually insist in making it complicated — and the love as complex as it is, in the long run we just need to be holistically prepared of what's coming from it.
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Breathe: Comes in, Goes out
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It is indeed fascinating to think how love can build you into whole yet destruct you into pieces at the same moment. I could mentioned this statement for we have various aspects of love, however in regards of committing myself into romantic relationship, I don't have the first hand experienced in that matter but I do have a comprehensive idea that love is not enough to project a great relationship, and the expressive outline of 'Breathe' testified in that love interpretation. It evoked my angle of realization that we all allowed ourselves to be loved, then reciprocate the love that has been generated to us, until we endure the wholesome admiration to that angle of fondness — but we are missing out for the unknown endeavor of affection, that can only be identified once we experienced it or patiently unfolds some of the elements in the relationship. I am mindful that love is a force that initiates one's sense of emotions, just as the euphoria of intimate connection with someone, the anger within the critical circumstances, and the feeling of blue from the uncontrolled affairs — all of these are just a portion in the larger scenery of deep affection with a lover, yet all of these made the relationship stronger. Unfortunately, some of the love stories didn't had the chance to be favored by fate, just like our central characters that continued their tale separately. As I've given my thoughts, here I am with my high hopes mumbling that I will never experienced the love that is similar to the process of breathing— held by someone within a short span of time.
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Empowered by 'Touchmove'
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This coherent sequence of narrative exemplifies the combination of the good and unpleasant propositions of men towards the actions of women. The moment I dwell upon on this story, I considered the absolute truth of still living in this uncomfortable society that perpetuates sexist attitudes, and with people that blatantly display a distorted sense of power over one's gender. 'Touchmove' presented the thought of being a woman is to particularly encounter objectification from a narrow-minded men, for some of them are unreasonably inclined with a twisted outlook towards women — but this story made myself believed that a crumpled mind can be properly shaped out if we are willing to acknowledge that something is wrong. Also, this story molds my perception in holding on the idea that we have the chance to offer the effectiveness of equality as change if we initiate a definite change. This will always a reminder that it is necessary for us to be mindful in our own empowered rights.
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Existence of 'The Use of Force'
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The storyline untangled the actual entity within the concept of socioeconomic status, and along with this approach is the thread of lines as disguised interpretation of forcible violation. At the initial understanding of the story I didn't identified the critical angle of 'sexual abuse', and just been informed through the circumstances and explanations; I perceived that the author presented the scenes in the connection of extreme reality that we generally seen in the society. As an individual, I've been in the situation wherein the attitude of other people were commonly centered on the status of life, and as a woman we are the victims among the general, thus I've known the feeling of being caged by the eyes of an offender. It pinched my realization that inferiority and poverty are still a crucial matter everywhere, and money stays as a standardized symbol in treating the humanity. Indeed that this story is an imaginative appearance that speaks through the situation of every one of us, it will make someone see the circumstances beyond the details.
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Intensified value of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Literature has a significant function in my chosen field, Humanities and Social Sciences. This subject matter was definitely a firm foundation to emphasize the various concept which is appropriate to the collection of scribbles, and this properly introduced how the constructive sorcery of literature really works. This core subject unfolds my mindfulness regarding the general form of literary pieces, especially that I even learned to memorize our own 'Baybayin'. Also, literature made myself practiced the manner in writing some sort of literary forms, that gave an assistance to improve what I am capable to do. As I acknowledge more on my experiences, I discovered how this subject revived my skills and appreciation in scratching out my thoughts into poetry, and until today those knowledge are installed into practical use.
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