word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
I just want the words to come out. My fingers are on the keys, my brain has the ideas, and yet, I CAN'T WRITE FOR SHIT.
It's so frustrating. I have the ideas so why no write????
I've been sitting here writing the next chapter of Oh Brothers for a week and a half and I only have 3.6k words. Like I'm barely into the chapter (which will probably need to be broken up but that'll come later smh)
Also, I hate the 4th of July. Fireworks suck, you can't change my mind. I work early in the mornings and they freak my dog out as well as keep me up at night. It's annoying XD
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word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
Word choice is......something
Alright, I'm going back and reading a few things. Mostly I'm hunting for the description of an outfit Vito is wearing because I can't remember what he's supposed to be wearing. Anywho, I'm re-reading a chapter and I described something in an...interesting{?} way.
Instead of saying something normal like "Mouth and Nose" I have written "Breathing holes"
Pair this with that thing I said about not writing something normal for the feeling of an embrace, and you have a weird ass story.
List of weird descriptors, here we go!
~馃挄Breathing holes鉁▇
~馃専Flesh cage馃専~
Don't you worry, there will be more where those came from!
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word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
Into the rabbit hole I go!
I'm trying to write the next chapter but I'm so fixated on worldbuilding and a specific character that I haven't introduced that I just keep writing scenes for later chapters. Like right now, I really want to write about the twins' first night in the mansion (so that's what I'm going to do, even though it's the start of the chapter after the one I'm writing)
Like I have this chapter mostly blocked out, I know what I want to do, how I want to format it, and all that jazz, but I just can't actually get my brain to play the scene correctly so I can't get my fingers to portray what my mind sees.
Basically how I write is by having a movie in my head and like 70 tabs open so only specific scenes are replaying and I'm constantly working on character developments and tucking them away.
I have a spreadsheet with probably 30 characters and all of their information. That wasn't good enough so I made a Google presentation to format it in a way that I could look up their hair color, eye color, vibes, etc.
Well, that wasn't good enough either, now there is a Pinterest that corresponds with this Tumblr and there are boards for all the main characters, and a few of the relationships. There are things in there that I saw, it gave me inspiration for future writing (within this world) and I added them. I have no idea how the people end up there but they will eventually.
I also have excessive research on specific disorders (NPD, lol you get a sneaky peek) Specifically the one I talked about earlier. What is his name? You don't get to know yet. I know but you don't.
Basically, I added a specific personality to this guy, needed a reason as to why he ended up this way, added a splash of trauma, and decided that he probably needs to be in therapy because, seriously, boy needs it. Then, because he is a teacher, I needed to figure out what the highest level of education he could have (based on his age), what his major/minor was/were, what subject he teaches, etc. Turns out he also coaches one of the school's sportsball teams.
Speaking of the school, I wound up doing research on the most prestigious private school in Italy, and for the 4 siblings that go there, it costs 100k/year USD. Fricken wild. (That's the total for all 4 btw). I decided I didn't like the uniforms at that school though so I had to make my own. The new ones are much cuter but I'm keeping the cost the same, not that it actually matters to the story.
But wait! Now that I've created a new school and uniforms, I need to create the sports team uniforms, I can't do that without a mascot though. If I'm going to have a mascot, I need a logo. If I need a logo, I probably need a school crest of some sort. After all, the school is prestigious. Alright, so I need to find a mascot and make a crest. Crests usually have some sort of Latin phrase though right?
Now, after scrolling through a bunch of Latin phrases, I've settled but I still need a mascot. I think a crane would be good but what is the symbolism behind a crane? I have no idea yet. Luckily there is still time to figure that out.
Don't even get me started on how I made a youtube channel under this account so that I could make playlists and link them smh
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word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
Descriptive words? Don't test me.
What is the most disturbing way I can describe the way these two are sitting?
Strong arms?
Flesh cage. It's the only viable option.
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word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
Weird things
If I try to call a piece of writing a book, it becomes too stressful, and as much as I want to finish it, I physically can't. Like I keep imagining new scenarios but I cannot physically type the words necessary for actual content.
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word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
Luxury goods and websites are...something
So in preparation for upcoming chapters, I was looking at different luxury goods websites. While conducting my research, I found that the Dior website is ok, the Chanel website sucks, and the Gucci website is mid at best.
Seriously! Whoever designed the website made it so that you have to scroll past a billion giant images in order to get to any fashion lines. That, or they used the ginormous images as their way of displaying the products. It's completely impractical and functions as well as aesthetics are lost.
Also, these companies are charging outrageous amounts for things that aren't really that nice? I get it, it's a status symbol but you could at least design things that don't look like what I drew back in my fashion phase. I will, however, admit that some things were really cute. I genuinely liked some of the pieces but some were so outrageously gaudy that they looked a bit like garbage.
There was a super cute Gucci top though. Oh, and some super neat Prada sneakers. I also found a jacket I loved until I read that it was calfskin. I'm really hoping it isn't actual calfskin but it was like $7k so I'm probably living in denial.
I went through the websites and found as many items as I could that were cute or the twins would like. Then I made a spreadsheet so I could calculate the final totals (minus tax). According to my tastes, and the fact that I added duplicates of some items because the twins are the kind that would match outfits (not all the time but they're open to it).
My totals came to this:
Gucci: $97,490
Chanel: $225,350
Dior: $82,480
Final total: $405,320
AND I didn't even add their new phones or Prada stuff into the mix! It's so wild to me that there are people that just buy this stuff without a second thought.
All in all, Dior had my favorite outfits, Gucci was the most affordable though. Most items were in the upper hundreds or cost less than $5k. Note that I use the word affordable very loosely.
When researching restaurants for chapter 6 (and planning the route, lol I'm a nerd for intel gathering), I found a restaurant that sells veal. To be honest, the thought of that makes me nauseous. There is no such thing as ethical veal. It is literally the product of a 16-18-month-old calf being slaughtered. Now, I know all meat is the product of killing an organism, I get that. What I don't understand is killing babies. Don't even get me started on feed lots.
The restaurant also sold caviar and, if I remember correctly, lamb. Caviar sounds gross, and lamb makes me feel the same way as veal.
Here's what I'm thinking for later on in the story; These people are loaded to the max, right? Right. Their business is founded on crime and the harm of others in one way, shape, or form.
Apex Security (Cesare's company) provides security technology, weaponry, and personnel services. They provide these services all over the world under different aliases. Essentially, the company provides the majority of the world's munitions (which is illegal according to the ATT treaty).
They are a benevolent company in the general public's eyes though, after all, they contribute the most donations to ending world hunger, food insecurity, housing, clean water, and reforestation. They've also developed an algae-based product that recycles plastics into organic waste materials that later become compost.
Back to the point, they're completely loaded and appear to be the 'Green Epicenter' of the world. They need super duper expensive electric cars. Solar power??? Idk honestly.
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word-vomit-by-katt 1 year
Starlight, Star bright
Starlight, Star bright.
First star I see tonight,
Wish as I may,
Wish with all my might,
I can't have this wish tonight,
Starlight, Star bright,
Be careful, prepare to fight,
Hope you may,
Hope all you like,
You'll not survive this night.
Star's light, Stars were bright,
The only stars I see at night,
The ones that were,
The ones to come,
Fools that think they'll protect anyone.
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