word23addict · 2 years
I wonder if the star look down at us
As we look up to them,
Or as I look at you
And you look at me.
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word23addict · 3 years
The intimacy of eye contact ; have you ever thought about it before? That second you choose to lay eyes on someone, but you already find them staring at you. That moment - that moment when the rest of the world just kind of blurs, and it’s just you and them.
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word23addict · 3 years
She's mine. She always has been.
How madly in love I am with her.
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word23addict · 3 years
Words are so underrated.
They hold so much power yet they’re used so carelessly. One word can mend a broken heart or shatter it into pieces. One word can turn love to hatred or hatred to love. One word can bring life to those who wished to die and can end a life for those who have been strong for too long.
Words hold so much power yet they’re so used so carelessly.
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word23addict · 3 years
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Our love is beyond ‘till death do us apart’
Because even Death can’t do any harm to us.
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word23addict · 3 years
We're now
strangers with memories.
Memories of smiles and laughter,
filled with adventures of all sorts -
but the most clear memory
is when we slowly drifted apart
without even realizing.
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word23addict · 3 years
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word23addict · 3 years
I’ve asked the stars in the Galaxy
To bring me the most
Exquisite soul they’ve ever seen,
And they brought me you.
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word23addict · 3 years
“In the end
we all become stories.”
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word23addict · 3 years
Our love is beyond ‘till death do us apart’
Because even Death can’t do any harm to us.
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word23addict · 3 years
Her smile
Can bring Gods to their knees.
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word23addict · 3 years
I have found what’s mine ;
I’ve found you.
I’ve found a soul
That my soul had longed for.
I’ve found a heart that
My heart has been paired to.
I’ve searched for you
In countless places,
Atop hills,
And the depths of the sea.
I’ve asked the stars in the Galaxy
To bring me the most
Exquisite soul they’ve ever seen -
And they brought me you.
I have found what’s mine,
And that’s you.
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word23addict · 3 years
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word23addict · 3 years
He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me.
He loves me not.
He loves me.
He loves me…
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word23addict · 3 years
Oh, you’re broken?
I’ll love you.
I won’t love you to fix you,
But I’ll love you enough to
Take the broken pieces of your soul
And create masterpieces with it.
And that,
My Love,
Is worth more.
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word23addict · 3 years
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A message to the readers
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word23addict · 3 years
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We would have never worked out, but I will always love you like how the moon loves the sun : too much even though they’re too far.
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