writerbyheart3204 · 3 years
My character : 
gets arrested : due to family ties to the mafia 
gets out of the jail : also due to family ties to the mafia 
Reblog this with what your characters would get arrested for.
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writerbyheart3204 · 3 years
How do you keep going ?
I have been saying I wanted to write a story for years . I have an idea for one , an outline , characters and for some reason I cant write it all the way . I have a written a few pages but every high that I can get from writing a scene suddenly drops in the next one . It makes me feel sad and I don't want to be resigned to this . I want to go all the way . I want to write the beginning the plot to the finale. 
I find joy every time I read a book with a story I know I will like . Every time I finish that book I keep thinking this is what my own story could feel like , the joy and the excitement I feel I could share that with other people . I want to so badly . It hurts every time I stare at my blank screen wondering why the words wont come . How do you do it ? Even when you have everything planned , how do you just sit down , write and suddenly find yourself with a whole novel written ?
I wish there was some magic way to do it but I know writing isn't easy . I do it because I love it and I want others to love words to . I want to . I want to . When I should just do it . I just really wish I could finish this one thing in my life .To see what I made out of , what’s so far deep inside of me that even I cant see it .
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writerbyheart3204 · 3 years
Turns out writing a story isn't easy peesy lemon squeezy
Me : Puts a self imposed deadline to inspire motivation to write till the end 
Me while writing : stares at screen several times , wants to bang head against wall repeatedly , cant stop hating when I back read 
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writerbyheart3204 · 3 years
DEADLINE why is the word dead in it ?
Me : OK I will finish my story and use October as my deadline 
Me : ..... ! 
Also Me : ah who am I kidding , I have to face my greatest enemy first PROCRASTINATION 
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writerbyheart3204 · 3 years
Sticking to your outline hurts
Me : ok so my character has difficulty trusting people so I can’t have her and the other character share their real names yet .
Me after one paragraph of dialogue : this would be easier if I could use their real names … NO I have to stick to my outline , it has to be a slow burn 
Me :  :( 
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writerbyheart3204 · 3 years
Sudden inspiration
Me : What if I had one of my characters obsessed with Caesar salad but for no particular reason ? 
My friend : Oh yeah , you could have a funny backstory to it 
Me : Good idea 
Also me ten minutes later : Ok why would my character have this obsession ? trauma ? strange quirk ? common inspiration … this is harder than I thought it would be 
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