writing-with-l · 2 years
what she says: I’m a writer
what she means: I have approx 2647 plot/character ideas floating around my head at any given time but there is no way in hell my disorganised ass is getting any of this down on paper any time soon
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writing-with-l · 2 years
4, 9, and 16 for teh book ask, please?
Thank you anon 💛
4. What sections of a bookstore do you browse?
Almost all of them! General fiction, classic literature, sci-fi/fantasy, horror, mystery/thriller, manga, YA, occasionally romance, and ancient history. Also the section that stocks really gorgeous hardcover notebooks that I don't need but desperately want to accumulate
9. When do you tend to read most?
Oddly enough that depends entirely on what I'm reading. If it's for university then usually mid-afternoon. If it's a fiction book for fun then usually late afternoon/evening. If it's fanfiction then it's whatever unholy hour of the night I open ao3
16. How many books have you read this year?
I would hazard a guess at around 12. Not that great, but I'm hoping to bring that up a lot now that the uni semester is over
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writing-with-l · 2 years
book asks:
book you’ve reread the most times?
top 5 books of all time?
what is your favourite genre?
what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
where do you buy books?
what books have you read in the last month?
is there a series/book that got you into reading?
what is the first book you remember reading yourself?
when do you tend to read most?
do you have a guilty fav?
what non-fiction books do you like if any?
did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
do you have a goodreads?
do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
recommend and review a book.
how many books have you read this year?
top 5 children’s books?
do you like historical books? which time period?
most disliked popular books?
what are things you look for in a book?
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writing-with-l · 2 years
the twitterfication of book promos is finally breaking my spirit. okay it has gay characters and found family and ~diversity~ (whatever the fuck that means) but what are the themes?? what is the main conflict?? better yet whats the plot summary??!! are you incapable of describing your story without referencing another? is your plot so devoid of substance you have to cling to the established worlds of other stories?
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writing-with-l · 2 years
Last Line Tag V
Thanks for the tag @fiercely-raging-writer 💛
This line popped into my head the other day, so its not technically part of a wip yet, but the general concept is "college roommates but at a university of magic"
'" 'What's wrong?' " Arden glowered at him from across the room. "What's wrong is that I've got an alchemy assignment due tomorrow and your mac-and-cheese is in my fucking cauldron!"
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writing-with-l · 2 years
WIP-Centric Ask the Writer!
1) Give a synopsis in ten words or less.
2) Without saying the genre, what's your story's genre?
3) What is its title/working title?
4) Who's your favorite character to write?
5) What's your favorite location in the story?
6) What is the most frequent emotion in this story?
7) How did you first get the idea for this story?
8) How much has the story changed since its original incarnation?
9) Was there ever a scene or character you ever had to cut?
10) Can you give us 3 or more songs that outline the vibe or plot of your story?
11) How long (approximately) have you been working on this story?
12) What would this story smell like?
13) What would this story taste like?
14) What would this story sound like?
15) What would this story feel like?
16) How long is the story/draft at the time of answering this?
17) Would you ever plan a sequel?
18) What method have you used to write this story (typing on a laptop or phone, handwritten, etc.)...?
19) Does this story have any major themes?
20) If this story could have a bad ending option, what would it be (and is the bad end canon)?
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writing-with-l · 2 years
 An excerpt from one of my Greek mythology retellings, The Prince and The Sun:
“Why does it hurt so much?”
Leto was reminded suddenly of a time, aeons ago, during his brief childhood, when Apollo had nicked his arm on the sharp tip of an arrow. The graze had nearly healed by the time he had arrived in front of her, tears streaking his face like the ichor streaked his skin, the flesh already knitting itself back together. But he had buried his face in her lap and cried until the soft cotton of her chiton was damp and stained. All the while she had murmured soothingly, her fingers stroking through his golden hair, her heart aching for her child who had just realised for the first time that the world could hurt.
But this was no wound of flesh, no pain of the sort that a mother's comfort could lessen. This cut deeper, and Leto did not know how to heal a broken heart.
Is anyone writing a novel / short story?  Please share an excerpt from your WIP
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writing-with-l · 2 years
Writeblr (Re)Intro!
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Hello everyone! Fi here with a re-intro to my writeblr since I haven't really been active recently!
About me
I'm 21 going 22, Aroace, and go by she/her pronouns. I mostly write SFF and have an absolute love for vampires, and think there should always be more vampire books out there. I'm incapable of writing anything straight and most of my work is influenced by the dark and weird.
Light Spinner
Draft 2 | 125k | Greek Inspired Fantasy | 3rd Person Omniscient
When the Church's golden boy, Achilles of Halos, runs away with their greatest possession in hand, they know one thing for certain- they must recover him at all costs.
Your Heart, It's Mine
Draft 1 | 25k | Urban Fantasy | 3rd Person Omniscient
Amos is a demon— one with a taste for human hearts. Like other demons he prowls the streets in search of his next meal, always taking hearts from those with the prettiest faces. Then he meets Gabriel.
My Content
WIP intros
Writing Snippets
Writing Advice
I'm looking to follow people who post;
Write Sci-fi
Urban Fantasy
LGBTQA+ characters
Vampires, all the vampires
Dark Fantasy
If you post any of the above reblog this post so I can follow!
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writing-with-l · 2 years
me in planning stages of writing: this fucks. this is gonna be so fun.
me the minute i sit down to write: language is an unwieldy cudgel we use to beat the human experience to death in an attempt at ever communicating fully with another being. i wish intelligent life had never evolved. i want to go back to the cell stage like in spore
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writing-with-l · 2 years
writing can’t be that hard. all it is is just putting words in front of each other, right?
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writing-with-l · 2 years
There are two kinds of fic writers:
1. Fuck it, it’s fiction
2. Let me look up real estate listings, so I can plot out subway routes and schedules and see if this walk really is long enough for them to have this conversation.
Guess which kind I am.
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writing-with-l · 2 years
Wherewith Thy Churches Blaze
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Written for this week's @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt: "setting heaven on fire" (inspired also by Christopher Marlowe's Edward II, which I've been studying at uni recently)
Word Count: 242
"Why should a king be subject to a priest?
Proud Rome...
I'll fire thy crazèd buildings, and enforce
The papal towers to kiss the lowly ground!"
- Christopher Marlowe, Edward II (Act I, Scene IV)
The torches blazed in their sconces, casting flickers of flame across the walls of the castle hall where the King paced restlessly. The ghost of a kiss lingered on his lips like the remnants of a bittersweet poison. His favourite, his heart, his everything - banished, cast asunder across an endless grey expanse of sea. That one word, banished, weighed heavier upon him than the loss of a thousand kingdoms ever could.
All this, brought about by hands that claimed to be friends. Treasonous conspirators, all of them, the peers and the clergy both. Worst of all, they were happy. They reveled in his misery, in his loneliness, and for what? So that they might feel less insecure in their own fragile superiority?
The King sank down onto his throne and put his face in his hands. Slowly the crown, that heavy circlet of ruby and gold, slid from his head and clattered to the floor. What did it matter? What was it worth, to be the head of state, when the laws of God denied him the only chance of happiness that could be?
The torches blazed in their sconces, the fire reflected in the anger in his eyes as his despair hardened into resolve. He would have his beloved by his side once more, even if he had to set Heaven itself on fire to do it. Some might have called it sacrilege; others, blasphemy.
The King called it love.
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writing-with-l · 2 years
Last Line Tag IV
Thanks for the tag @emelkae (sorry this has literally taken me weeks!) 💛
Okay, this one is from a ~new wip~ set during the Scottish Witch Hunt of 1597:
She wasn’t one of them, not any more: she was a witch, or so they said, and what courtesy or clemency could they owe to a witch?
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writing-with-l · 2 years
Find the Word Tag II
Thanks for tagging me @emelkae 💛
All of these are from somewhere in Our Forgotten Devils
1. Right
A candle holder that had caught my attention before. Upon closer inspection, I find that my initial assessment was right: it is indeed, a severed hand. Shrivelled and blackened, nailed to the wooden stand by its wrist, holding the pale candle tightly between brittle fingers. An embossed label stuck to the base identifies it as a "hand of glory".
2. Answer
"Alex," I say, my voice shakier than I would like, "What the fuck is going on?" I feel like it's all I've asked for the last forty-eight hours, and I'm beginning to think I haven't gotten an honest answer even once.
3. Quiet
"If you want my help, then you need to start telling me the truth. All of it."
For a moment, Alex is silent. He swallows hard and takes a shaky breath. "Okay," he finally says, in a voice so quiet I doubt for a second if I really hear it at all, "Okay."
4. Alive
I felt alive when I was with him, more so than I ever had before (or, for that matter, since).
5 was supposed to be cute, but apparently, I've never used the word cute in my life! (Seriously, went through several wips and it is nowhere to be found, curiously enough)
Open tag! For anyone who wants to, your words are Fate, Fear, Never, Loss, and Magic 💛
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writing-with-l · 3 years
Please interact with this post if you want to be tagged by me in writeblr tag games!
A like, reblog, or reply means I'll tag you whenever I get tagged in a game, assuming you're not the one who tagged me lol
If your writeblr is a sideblog, you can reply with the url or reblog it to your writeblr so I tag the right one
Or... the write one? Eh? 👀
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writing-with-l · 3 years
local wealthy family needs counselling (and maybe an exorcist)
Explain your work in progress badly:
“Only this ragtag band of plucky teenagers have got the gumption to stop the second coming of Christ”
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writing-with-l · 3 years
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag @fiercely-raging-writer 💛
Crash (from Our Forgotten Devils)
I take another worried glance over my shoulder. "Can't you go any faster?" I ask.
"Not unless you want me to crash!" Alex says sharply.
The car pulls out and speeds up until it's driving alongside us. I try to get a look at the driver, but the windows are tinted so dark I can't see a thing. Whoever's driving, they turn inwards, pushing hard into the side of us.
Burn(ed) (from Our Forgotten Devils)
"You look so much like your father."
Abruptly, Alex drops her hands as if they've burned him. His flinch is slight but clearly visible nonetheless.
Scent (from Our Forgotten Devils)
Beneath the pervading scents of sandalwood and frankincense lies something else, something that I can't quite place, but it makes me wrinkle my nose in disgust all the same. I feel like I should recognise it, but it's too faint for me to determine what it is.
Furious Fury (from a micro-wip titled Clytemnestra's Confession)
I needed to be over there, needed to see her, hold her, needed to snatch the dagger from Agamemnon's hands and plunge it into his chest. But Achilles held fast, stubbornly refusing to let me go. I struggled and fought in vain until all my fury drained away and I slumped forwards, sobbing. When he finally let me go, I collapsed.
Open tag! 💛
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