writingindistress · 2 years
I know this will probably get lost to never be read. But I hope that if someone comes across this post it's a person that needs to hear it.
Nothing, and I mean, nothing, will ever guarantee your sucess. It'a a matter of talent, hard work, and luck. As bad as it may sound, it doesn't matter how full of potential you are, if luck is not on your side there's nothing you can do about it. However, if this text has appeared in your page is because you may like reading, writing, thinking, creating and hopefully have a dream to fulfill, a goal to achieve. It's overwhelming to see how many people around want to pursue the same things as you do. There's no space for this many people to become succesful, it's imposible. You may even think you are late. You see all the people around and you keep wondering if there is actually something inside of you that can make you shine stronger or brighter. To make you stand out from the rest of hopless dreamers who have the same wish as you do.
I myself have thought of giving up. It's true. All those drowning thoughts have made me doubt to the point of not liking my own work. Have made me feel as if I were never going to improve. But thats far from truth. Yeah, as I said earlyer, luck is a major and undeniable factor in fame. Many talentfull people get lost through time and memory. The brightest ones can also be hidden. But never being recognised does not change the truth. Not being famous does not alter the universe. You are as good as you are, with or without the recognision. And if you doubt of the quality of your work, just remember that there's time to change and improve. It may not be what you want/expect right now, but it hasn't been for anyone in the beginning.
As a fact, there are many people who have become relevant or famous after death. You can not know if you will be the next one. Try and create. Fail and repeat. Do it one an another time untill your hands get old and wise because, only then, with or whithout fame, you will be all that you could be. Only if you do not give up.
I promess to keep trying.
Will you?
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writingindistress · 2 years
Go to the mirror and look at yourself. You are the only person who will allways be there for you. Get along with them. Even if you hate each other sometimes. You to them, them to you, it doesn't matter. Don't let that break what unites you, because then the game is lost. Don't cut the ropes that bind you no matter how much you hate yourself sometimes.
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