xcellmateo · 26 days
AGING- Being Better is the goal!
Aging- Being BETTER is the goal!
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So, you look in the mirror and say to yourself “wow! - I really look bad! The face is sagging, hair seems to be thinning, body is gaining weight, and you are completely disappointed with how you look.
My question is: Are we getting old or getting better? The choice is up to us. The word “old” has such a negative connotation. The fact is we are getting “older.” This is unavoidable; however, we can control the view of ourselves as we age. I have learned to focus on the positive side of aging. There are some very empowering aspects to getting older.
It is not about struggling to look younger, rather striving to look, feel, and be our best at any age. I can remember venting to a friend when I turned 40. I was in Hollywood trying to be actor and was feeling too old. I had been looking at younger pictures of myself and admiring them. I felt like I was no longer attractive. I was trying to look like my younger self and was utterly frustrated. He encouraged me by saying that sometimes in life we need to be open to “new versions” of ourselves. We should be open to creating a new look that causes us to feel good about ourselves. Now, I’m not going to lie, what he said went in one ear and out the other. I was in a horrible pit of depression about getting older. However, in time I reflected on his advice and attempted to create a newer version of myself. For example, as a young man I would wear a mustache, sideburns, and a goatee, one of my favorite looks. I felt very handsome. However, as I got older, that look no longer worked, I began to feel like I was trying to look young. So, I began to consider a beard. Now in my mind, this meant more gray hairs would show and I’d look even older. What I discovered was some people considered a salt & pepper beard to be very handsome. So, I had to shift my mindset from being this attractive young man to becoming this handsome older man. Maturity alone can be attractive on any person. I began to attract people based on my mature image. It was a difficult lesson, but over time I learned how to create the best version of myself in the current season of my life. I believe the larger issue becomes being comfortable with self at any age. This is interpreted as “confidence.” Confident people are always attractive. In my opinion, they are the ones winning in life- regardless of age.
As we age, we become very clear about things that once were obscure or repressed. Our likes and dislikes become obvious to us. We stop justifying, explaining, and defending ourselves and just say “this is what it is.” There is so much peace with this approach. When you accept, embrace, and celebrate who you are and what you like, you become liberated. Whether it’s with family, friends, co-workers, or whomever, you learn to become more authentic. One of my favorite lines is “If you don’t like it- you don’t like it.” I heard someone say this and it resonated. It is ok for someone not to like you, your look or anything about you. There’s peace in allowing people to dislike something about you. We are human, and full of imperfections. It is unrealistic to think that everyone will like you. When we accept this fact, we will no longer feel a need to explain ourselves. As we age, we can stand firm in who we are and allow others to have their opinions without feeling the need to respond.
So, getting older is all about becoming better. Choose the best version of yourself in this season of your life. Choose a look that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Choose a hairstyle and wardrobe that empowers you. You are always in control of you. Know that it is ok to pivot and try new things and experiences. Limiting beliefs only exist in our minds and can be tweaked or removed at any moment.
What can I practically do to feel better as I age?
Now, I must be honest, there are things we should do to help feel better about ourselves. Self-care should become our best friend. Because the body is declining as we age, we should take measures to be healthy as possible. Eating healthy and taking the best supplements should become a part of our daily routine. Getting older is ok, getting “old” is not. I embrace getting older, but I don’t want to look or feel bad as I age. So, I am a very conscious eater. I pay close attention to labels and the preparation of food. Choose baked over fried, home-cooked meals over fast food, include vegetables with every meal, start your day with lemon water, and eat pleasure food only on weekends. 
Supplements are key because its challenging to get all nutrients from food. I only take top-quality supplements because all of them are not created equal. Some do more harm than good. I recommend mxway products found at mxwayproduct.com. They strive to use pure ingredients in their products. Some products have organic ingredients only- this is rare with supplement lines. I believe in balance, so we should make room for moments of pleasure, where we eat and do what we want. However, quickly return to self-care routines.
The bottom line? Be encouraged to know that you can always discover the best version of yourself, regardless of age. Beauty and health are always available to you. Your mind controls your life, so meditate on the good things about you. Yes, we are getting older, but we are also getting BETTER!
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xcellmateo · 1 month
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xcellmateo · 1 month
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xcellmateo · 1 month
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