xxxwhatxeverxxx · 2 years
“Tell me how your magic works—how you can leap between places like that.” A clever, easy way to keep him focused elsewhere.
Aedion scanned the deck, making sure he wasn’t needed, and then carefully sopped up the blood and poison leaking from Fenrys’s chest. It had to hurt like hell. The insistent throbbing in his leg was likely nothing by comparison.
“No one knows where it comes from—what it is,” Fenrys said between shallow breaths, fingers curling and uncurling at his sides. “But it lets me slip between folds in the world. Only short distances, and only a few times before I’m drained, but … it’s useful on a killing field.”
Chapter 47 in EoS
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
Omg you guys. I don't know what to say anymore.
I'm rereading tog right now and I'm on QoS and there is a mention of Cormac, a loyal client and investor of Arobyn, and A REBEL SYMPATHIZER!!!
Sound familiar to anyone?? Familiar as in Cormac from CC2 who is also a rebel sympathizer...
SJM if you're seeing this, I take my hat off to you.
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
I just finished CC2.
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
Is it just me or does first book Chaol and Dorian give a huge stefan and damon vibes?
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
First of all let me call out your cowered self for not opening the option to comment.
Now let's talk some truths shall we?
Let's start with the reason this protest had started... maybe because a 15 y/o girl (!!!) had stabbed a neighbour of hers right in front her child'seyes??? Or maybe its because its the 5th terror attack occurred in the last 2 weeks?? In addition to tens of attempts to do something similar??
Now that that's settled, let's talk about the fact that the police was there to make sure everything and everyone stays under control. There is police in every protest no matter the where and what is the reason.
Lastly, the protest was in order to demand worst punishment to terrorists, not calling for "death to arabs" like you said.
Try speaking the truth next time.
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
Also "the book of breathing" (ACOTAR) and "the walking dead" (ToG) was mentioned in CC?? Why's no one talking about THAT??
I swear idk what I'm gonna do if SJM won't make a book about how they're all related
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
Did someone ever thought about it that in SJM's books the first love interest never lasts long??? They either die or turning into hated assholes!!!
I will be emotionally ruined if she'll do this with hunt. I can't have him dying and she can't give us another tamlin situation.
I truly, wholeheartedly, do not know what I will do with myself if she's going to pull some of that shit up.
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
So I just finished CC and it was one hell of a roller coaster... like WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??
I can't remember the last time I cried because of a book but it happened about 10 times in this one?? Like, what??
Unnecessary to say that Hunt is the love of my life, after Rowan tho
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
Why did no one warned me about chapter 66 of CC. it's 3 am and crying my eyes out.
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xxxwhatxeverxxx · 3 years
What isn't antisemitic:
Criticizing and condemning the Israeli government
Criticizing and condemning the IDF
What is antisemitic:
Celebrating the deaths of Israeli civilians
Tokenizing anti-Zionist Jews as "good Jews"
Defining "Zionism" as anything other than the proper definition (the belief that Jews deserve self-determination, just like any other ethnic group). Most Zionists support the two state solution.
Applying double standards to Israel (eg. boycotting Israel, but not China, for example)
Defending Hamas (a group that wants to wipe all Jews, not just Israelis off the planet) and denying their role in this conflict
Denying that all Jews, including Ashkenazi Jews, are indigenous to the Levant
Denying Jewish cultural ties to Jerusalem and insisting that the city belongs to Palestinians. Did you know that Jews aren't allowed at Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism?
Calling Israelis white supremacists (for the record the majority of Israelis are Mizrahi Jews, not Ashkenazi, but calling Ashkenazi Jews white supremacists is wrong too. Jews cannot be white supremacists)
Calling for the destruction of Israel
Blaming Jews as a whole
This isn't antisemitic, but treating Palestinians like noble savages is racist. If you defend antisemitism from Palestinians as "lashing out against their oppressors", you're likely a bigot too.
Don't use this post as an excuse to be Islamophobic.
Thank you for your time.
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