yaelsstory · 6 years
Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.
Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.
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It’s also totally FREE.
once again, it’s called CALM HARM
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yaelsstory · 6 years
not eating means no energy and no energy means not being able to play with small doggies bc ur too weak so please look after your bodies ok do it for the doggies who want to play with u
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yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 7
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
"Tonight We are young So let's set the world on fire We can burn brighter Than the sun"
Fun. - We Are Young
Maybe drinking with Wade wasn’t such a smart idea after all, Yaël realized after a few pints and wines. The man just couldn’t get drunk. Every time he got a bit tipsy, he almost immediately sobered up again.
But the Merc with a mouth kept feeding her drinks. Of course, Yaël could’ve stopped drinking at some point, but she simply didn’t. Was it out of frustration or something? Even she didn’t know, instead just keeping on drinking with zero fucks to give.
The night started with Wade showing up at her apartment, carrying a big box and throwing a piece of fabric at her. The piece of fabric happened to be a very open dress, which Yaël didn’t want to wear. But she came to realization that all her clothes without holes in, which weren’t a lot, were in the laundry.
In the end; she had two choices: going out looking like a hobo or looking like a fancy slut. She still wasn’t digging the slutty dress, but she really, really didn’t want to appear in public looking like a homeless person. It was dark-green, like the color of a pine tree. The cleavage was very deep and there were openings to each side of her ribs. Okay, she wasn’t naked or anything, but still…
“So what, are you like, my pimp?” Yaël asked Wade a bit sarcastically as he was doing her make-up.
“What?! No way, you look way to fancy and fabulous to be a prostitute!”
“Dude, look at me,” she said as she pointed at her breasts. “These two are almost falling out of there. It’s way too tight!”
“They look great! And it might be tight up there but look how swirly your skirt is! It looks like you’re a ballerina made out of satin!”
“And why again do you know how to do my make-up?” Maybe Yaël should be worrying.
“I had and still have my party-days!”
“What do you expect me to think about that?” Yaël laughed. This guy was weird but so, so great. Well, as long as he didn’t start throwing plates around the place. That was of course something she wouldn’t forget that easily.
When Wade was done with making Yaël look like she has royal blood, but the slutty version of that, he took the big box he brought with him and gave it to Yaël.
“What? This is for me?” she asked. Wade nodded and that was for Yaël a sign to open it. Black, matte plates. A dozen of them.
“You like them?” Wade asked. “I promised I’d get you some beautiful plates and these fit with your dark soul.”
“Thanks,” Yaël answered with a wide grin “They are so cool! I mean like, who the heck has plates like these?”
After they put away the plates, they decided it was time to go. “So, are we going to have sex after this?” Wade asked as they were walking down the stairs.
“You wish, horny-boy.” Yaël answered dryly.
A few hours later, Yaël was laying on her back on a filthy floor in a bar. A random dude used her belly as a pillow while they were thinking about weird ways to say their names. Not that Yaël would remember his name afterwards.
“Yaël, you want another?” Yaël looked up and saw Wade hanging above her with a pint in his hands.
“Wade, I lost you!” she answered him, happy to finally see her friend back after such a long time.
“Oh girlie, I really was only gone for five minutes to take a wee, but okay.” Wade answered while glancing at the guy who was laying on her.
“Wait, is that legit a different dude than from five minutes ago?”
“No. This is still Tim.” Yaël turned with her eyes.
“Eh, my name is Jeremy,” The guy answered awkwardly.
“Oh.” It was a bit quiet after that while everybody tried to forget about that last bit.
“Come on,” Wade shooed the man off her belly “Let’s go, before you start an orgy here.”
“Why would I do that?!” Yaël stumbled a bit as Wade helped her get up.
“I don’t know what your natural habits were on that planet of yours!” Wade said while handing her the beer.
“Wait, I’ll come for you later, you gave me your address!” Jeremy said to Yaël with a ridiculous looking playful smile.
“No I did not!” Yaël said, she wasn’t that stupid.
“Yeah, you did, it’s P Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney!” Wade looked a bit surprised at the dude, then he started laughing so loudly that the sound filled the whole bar.
“You…are drunk,” Wade grinned while pointing at Jeremy. He then pointed at Yaël “And you…are a genius! Come on, we’re going home.”
“No! You’re not going to steal my ch-chick!” Jeremy blabbered loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Dude, she’s my chick, we’re married! The girl is my property, I even pee on her every now and then!” Yaël curled her nose a bit after Wade’s reply. But she wasn’t thinking fast enough to talk back, this was all so random.
“Dude, I spoke to her a moment ago, she’s my girl too!” another drunk guy ‘joined’ the ‘conversation’, like he didn’t even hear Wade’s weird exclamation. Other guys came buzzing around them too, talking about how Yaël somehow seemed to be their property.
“Wait? Are you guys too drunk or too dumb to see that we’re in New York right now and she gave you all an address in Sydney, you know, Australia! It’s the address Dory always repeats in Finding Nemo, you dumb twats!” Wade yelled, but nobody listened to him.
Yaël totally didn’t like being called a piece of someone and every time some random guy she just danced with or had a drink with, said it, she got more and more annoyed.  So when someone laid his hand on her shoulder to pull her back to him, she snatched out of it and…accidentally used her powers. Being drunk made it way harder to control them.
When she looked up, she saw that one of the curtains was on fire.
“Uh-ow…” Wade mumbled. One of the five men around them, pointed his finger to Wade and screamed
“HE DID THIS, HE’S CRAZY!” Of course, Wade totally didn’t do that, but these five drunk men felt certain he did just so they couldn’t take Yaël home.
“JEZUS FUCKING CHRIST!” Yaël suddenly screamed, way louder than the other men. “ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS?! I TALK TO YOU GUYS AND YOU ALL SUDDENLY THINK WE HAVE A ROMANCE?!” Wade looked at her, picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and carried her outside while she kept screaming. “I HOPE ALL OF YOU WILL END ALONE! BURN IN HELL! ANY OF YOU FUCKING PRICKS MOVE AND I’LL EXCECUTE EVERY MOTHERFUCKING LAST ONE OF YA-”
“Okay, are you now quoting the intro of Pulp Fiction? Girl, stop being way cooler when you’re drunk. You just wait here, I’ll fix you a ride home, okay?” Wade said after he put her back down as soon as they were outside.
“What are you going to do?” Yaël grumbled.
“I’m going to fix this mess inside.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose, Wade.” Yaël replied annoyed.
“I didn’t say you did… You did nothing wrong actually,” he said while typing a text. When he had send it, he repeated “Wait here” and ran back inside.
“It’s ohso quiet, tudududuu, tudududuuu…It’s oh, so still…” Yaël sang to herself just to see her breath in the cold air. How long was she standing here? She was feeling a bit sad. Why couldn’t she just enjoy an evening without getting herself into trouble? She felt like, like…like she needed a permanent babysit or something, but she was an adult, right? It wasn’t her problem that those guys were stupid idiots filled with testosterone!
That and Wade put her in this stupid dress, maybe he just wanted a fight. Maybe he used her to make a fight. Yaël smiled at her own drunk stupidity.
Yaël was turning in rounds just to make her skirt swirl around. After a little while, she stopped turning, but couldn’t stop laughing. As soon as she stood still, she saw Steve standing in front of her. Then, of course, she tried wobbling over to him, but fell down of dizziness, what made her laugh even harder.
“H-how long have you been standing there already?” Yaël rolled on her back and looked up to Steve.
“A solid five minutes. Get up.”
“Help me in this eternal embarrassment,” she muttered, looking up into the sky with the palms of her hands facing upwards.
“How much did you drink?”
“Seven beers and four wines!”
Steve sighed and helped her get up. “Wait, is that all you’re wearing?” He asked her, she shrugged. “Yaël, it’s January. Where’s your jacket or vest or something?”
“Inside, but I think Wade is causing a deicide there…” Steve snorted, unzipped his jacket and hung it over her shoulders. He signed her to follow him and so she did.
“Since when do you wear dresses like that?” he asked while walking towards his car.
“Wade gave it to me.”
“What? Did he want you to get objectified?” he frowned.
“I don’t like getting objectified.” Yaël muttered, also frowning.
When they got to the motorcycle, Steve pushed a helmet over Yaël’s head. Yaël climbed on and a second later, Steve sat down behind her.
“I know you don’t like getting objectified, so why are you wearing it?” The motorcycle turned on with a hum and Steve steered the vehicle to leave the parking lot it was standing on.
“Because I don’t have other pretty clothes,” Yaël pouted.
“You don’t need revealing dresses to look pretty, Yaël.” He had a point there, didn’t he? Or was he complimenting her? He was! He meant that she didn’t have to look like a prostitute to be attractive, right?
“Did you know I dreamt about you?” The words suddenly flapped out of her mouth.
“Oh, did you?” She could swear she saw him smirk a bit.
“Not like that! But I have like weird memory-dreams where I discover stuff about my past. I don’t really know how it works. How are you and Tony by the way?” Steve blinked a few times, he must be exhausted. How late was it anyways?  He was still waiting for the conversation to end before taking off with his motorcycle. Otherwise the vehicle would make too much noise for them to hear each other. Good guy Steve.
“Wait, Yaël, one subject at a time. Why don’t you tell me more about those dreams of you?”
So, Yaël told him what she had seen at night. She didn’t know how much she told him afterwards, because somewhere during her own words, she fell asleep and that’s when Steve finally started driving. Sometime later, when Steve carried her off the motorcycle, she woke up and started rattling again.
“So how’s Tony? You should invite him! We should like, h-hang out rrrright now!” Steve shook his head and put her back on her feet, looking a bit cautious to see if she’d fall down again.
“Not a smart idea, Yaël.”
“What? Am I not fun enough for this mister Stark? Is he handsome by the way? Don’t look at me like that!” Steve glanced at her, his cheeks turned a bit reddish. When they arrived at the lift Steve pressed the button. This time there was no one sleeping between the doors, because the thing came immediately.
“I… I just don’t think you’d like meeting him.” Steve said without looking at her. What was he talking about.
“Is he no fun?”
“No-yes, yes, of course he is fun, Yaël.”
“So, what’s the problem then?”
“Maybe he just…doesn’t want to meet you.” Auch, why the hell would somebody just reject her like that without giving her a chance? Unless…she once got a chance?
“I fucked up, right?” Steve gave up his language-stare immediately.
“Oh, no, no, not really, Yaël. I mean, you didn’t know what you were doing, and he wasn’t really capable of looking at you differently after that.” Yaël felt a tear running down her cheek even though she didn’t understand what Cap was talking about. Someone didn’t like her, and she wasn’t sober at all, enough reasons to cry.
“What are you talking about?” Steve casually wiped away her tear and signed her to get out of the lift. Apparently, they had arrived at her floor.
“Well, it’s a bit complicated and as you’re drunk, and you don’t even remember big parts and persons of your life when you’re sober, I think it’s smarter to wait until you remember a bit more before I explain this to you. Let’s just say that, when you arrived in New York, you didn’t really know which side you were on.”
“And I made trouble with Mr. Stark?”
“Eh, yeah, kind of.” That was vague, and unfair. She had the right to know what she had done, but Steve was persistent and kept his mouth shut. His lips even turned a bit white from pressing them together after Yaël tried to get the story out of him by keeping asking questions while poking him.
He seemed to be glad when they entered her apartment and Yaël’s concentration surrendered itself.
“LOOK AT MY PLATES!” she happily yelled, totally unaware that she lost her own poke-war and that she had been rejected by an unknown person just a minute ago. Yaël showed the plates she got from Wade. Steve just threw her a tired smile. Then he frowned, like he suddenly thought of something.
“Wait, Yaël, why did Wade put you out of the bar like that? I mean, he always seems so nice, I can’t imagine him just dumping you outside for just a reason like a little fight.”
“I set the bar on fire,” Yaël confessed while staring at the plate in her hands. She felt like it was a crime that Steve wasn’t as enthusiastic as she was about the plates. Steve stared at her for a moment, trying to find if Yaël’s answer was a joke or not.
Then he scratched his head and said: “Of course you did… Someone like you shouldn’t drink, Yaël. Maybe I have to warn Wade about that.”
Yaël could not think of any other reply than just sticking out her tongue.
“Okay, Yaël, we’re going to sleep now, right?” Steve asked hopeful, but Yaël showed no mercy.
“No, we still need to dance!” Yaël grabbed Steve’s waist. Steve tried to gently push her back.
“There’s no music, Yaël, let’s go to bed.”
“You want me to sing Edith Piaf for you?” Steve smiled widely at her for remembering his taste in music. “Steve, dear,” Yaël said as she grabbed his hand and put her other one on his shoulder. He automatically put his hand on her back “We need to practice for that special dance for when you get married to that asshole. Since you don’t have a mother to dance with, you’ll have to do it with me.”
Steve sighed, but let Yaël calling Tony an asshole just this once.
“Yaël, I’m pretty sure that you’re talking about a father-daughter dance, so maybe we have to wait for that when you get married, right? Since you’re not my dad and I’m not your daughter either.” Yaël looked up, still holding him, ready to dance.
“Are you going to do the father-daughter dance with me?”
“Who else is going to do that when you get married?” Yaël frowned as she thought about a detail she was missing there. She didn’t have a father to dance with, nor one to walk her to the aisle or repair stuff for her when she didn’t know how to do it. She didn’t have a dad to save her with the small things of life, like the daddy’s shoulder to cry on or a dad who’d protect her from the big, tough world. Maybe not all fathers are like that, probably not.
Her sight on fathers probably was more magical than reality. She once had a father, though. A very sweet, good man. It’s weird how things can change so enormously. It’s weird how she’d be able to imagine Cem walking her to the aisle but knowing that never happened nor ever will happen.
Steve was a good replacement for all of that cheesy stuff…but that was not what crept into Yaël’s head.
“Oh,” she said as she remembered what it was. “I’m not going to get married!”
“Yeah, not right now, but-“
“No, not ever! You see, I’m banished, I don’t even have the right to get married.” By being drunk, she accidentally started mixing her memories of the two worlds she had been living in.
“Of course, you do, Yaël…” Steve muttered a bit surprised. Yaël laid her head against his chest and yawned.
“No, I don’t, I don’t have that right…”
Steve looked down to answer her, but saw she fell asleep against him.
0 notes
yaelsstory · 7 years
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# i trust your rage please don’t die
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yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 6
I’m sorry for spamming, guys. I’ve been neglecting this Tumblr-blog. For a little while, I’ve been thinking about erasing it as I raised the bar too high for myself, but I got over that. As  I’m trying to get it back up to date, I’m posting all the finished chapters at once, so I can post my new chapters at the same moment as I post them at AO3.
So please accept my apologies, I’m doing it to feel more comfortable, so I don’t have to stress out about this :)
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
The next day, too, Yaël went to work. She even did some extra hours to please Diego. It rained all day, which sucked for someone who had to work outside. She surely hoped she wouldn’t get a cold again.
A few hours later, she walked back home, looking muddy and completely soaked. Her shoes made squishy noises as she walked into the hallway. Once she opened the door to her apartment, she sprinted into the shower, leaving her clothes on. After that, she hung her clothes to dry, put on a gigantic T-shirt, panties and nothing else.
She laid down on the fluffy rug with her cello and started tuning on the strings. After she fiddled with the instrument for a while, she got up and got a book and a blanket and installed herself in her sofa.
Yaël opened her eyes and stood in the familiar forest once again. Okay, so she fell asleep, oops. She’d surely have a sore neck the next morning from sleeping in the sofa.
“Welcome back.” There he was, the black-haired dude. This time, he had a braid tucking his hair back. It looked kind of awesome, though.
“Cool hair!” Yaël grinned.
“What? Oh…You once did this to me, actually.” He said with a smirk. “Come on, I want to show you something.”
Yaël noticed there was no cage this time, she was free to move, probably because she broke it last time. Wait, that’s not logical at all, because it was a dream. But dreams never had any logic, did they? And where were all the other people by the way? Why were they in the last dream but not in this one? Would this guy have something to do with it?
“Why would I braid your hair?” she asked him casually while following. He was walking towards the little house where he walked out a while ago when she dreamt like this.
“I don’t know, it’s kind of a habit to have braids around here. I think my unbraided hair annoyed you.” Here? Where is here? Where were they? Yaël looked around, but all she could see were trees and darkness. As she looked up, she could see the lines of a few towers and turrets from some kind of castle far, far away, like she had seen before in these dreams.
The closer Yaël got to the cottage, the older it started to look, but also well maintained. Someone had taken care of all those flowers around the small building. Someone must’ve painted these shutters a thousand times and someone must’ve spend hours of keeping the ivy, curling up against the walls, in control.
Why could she almost see someone do it?
The man held the rounded door open for her. The light coming from the house looked inviting. Yaël’s mouth fell open as she walked in. The interior looked cozy and warm. There were plaids and rugs everywhere. An open fire warmed up the room and, together with a few candles, lighted it. There were no signs of electricity or modern devices of any kind. The bed was placed behind a big sort of curtain which served as a door and stood open a bit so Yaël could see it.
“I used to live here…” she mumbled to herself. The man, who decided to sit down for a minute while she looked around, stayed silent. “Who lived here with me?” Yaël turned around and saw that black-head eating a pear from the big basket of fruit standing next to the old, comfy-looking chair he was sitting in. So he was kind of stealing her pears now?
The man swallowed a piece of the fruit before he answered. “You lived here with your father a long time ago. A very, very long time ago. His name was-“
“Cem,” she interrupted him, remembering bits and pieces of the story. Cem, her dad, had been a big, muscular man with a grey beard, long, grey hair that was almost always braided and happy wrinkles of laughter under his eyes. His grey hair fitted with his blue eyes, blue because of being able to steer water, like a piece of art.
Suddenly, a memory came across Yaël’s mind, which made her flinch her a bit. She suddenly understood what the man meant with a long, long time ago, since her dad had died a long time ago. A very long time ago. Her dad had been coughing for a whole while, and after some time, the phlegm turned into blood. He died of some form of tuberculosis and Yaël stayed behind, alone.
Her mother, Agostina, had never been in the picture. She died when Yaël couldn’t even walk yet. Apperantly, Yaël had a younger sister, Nilla, who stayed in town when her father decided to move out. But why? Why did a young kid like Nilla decided to stay alone in a town? And why did Cem decide to move out of that town?
“You’re frowning, that doesn’t look pretty on you,” the man mumbled nonchalant while still hanging in the chair.
“Do you know why we moved into the forest? I mean like, there’s nobody else living here.” The man stood up and walked around.
“You once told me you were banished from town,” he answered while he fiddled with a plaid hanging against a wall and held his other hand behind his back.
“Because everyone thought you were ‘damaged’-“
“For having these weird powers?” she interrupted him.
“For having no powers at all.”
What?! “That doesn’t make sense, I can steer the four elements!”
He let the plaid go and turned to her, standing with his both hands behind his back.  Every move he made, was gracious, like he was royal or something.
“There was a time you didn’t have those powers,” he answered “I even met you when you still had no powers. So the king saw no use in you, and banned you as he was afraid you carried a disease that could infect others. He also wanted to make sure this way that you’d never reproduce. Because how could you have kids if you never came in contact with any men, right? And Cem didn’t want to send you alone in the woods, so he came with you and built this house, all on his own.”
“Then why didn’t my sister come with us?” Yaël felt like she knew the answers to all of her own questions, but she wanted him to tell it to her. She wanted to hear everything, so she was sure she wasn’t imagining stuff, even though he was just a part of her dream.
“Oh, but Nilla was very talented with her power: fire. The king kept her, so she’d work for him. She still does, I guess.”
“Wait, so, if I understand this correctly, I lived in a country where all people could steer the elements?”
“Well, everyone could steer one element, no one actually could do what you do: steering all four of them. Your dad steered water and your sister fire. Your mother had heterochromia, so she was one of the few people who could steer a bit of fire and a bit of air.” What was this town, or land or whatever? There was no place on earth like this one, right? Where there countries filled with people with powers to steer the elements?
“So…where the freaking freck on earth are we? And why can I steer all four elements if nobody else can do that?” The guy smirked at her.
“Oh,  my dear, we’re not even on earth… And your second question is a bit harder to explain.” No, that’s impossible, right? Well, at least, that would explain why Yaël still didn’t know half of how earth worked. Like the voting system; it freaked her out.
And she remembered taking the bus for the first time, that was way too complicated for her to understand, with the paying and then following the screen that flickered and kept saying the same stop because apparently it was broken and Yaël somehow had to guess where her stop was and then she didn’t know she had to push the button so she missed her own stop. The bus driver got angry at her for yelling “STOP!” so loudly.
“So I’m like, an alien?”
“There’s no shame in that as I am an alien too. From a different planet, though, but still some sort of alien.”
“Which planet is this?” Yaël asked as she looked through the window. It surely was a planet filled with trees.
“This planet’s called He-“
“YAËL, WAKE UP GIRLIE!” Yaël almost jumped out of bed from getting scared up.
“Holy shit,” she mumbled while rubbing her eyes. Who woke her- Oh, it surely was that freaking Wade again. He was the only one who called her ‘girlie’ and who would wake her up like this. Was he making a habit of waking her up? Yaël stamped towards the door and pulled it open aggressively.
“Wow, good morning, angry German bitch.” Wade cocked an eyebrow as he saw Yaël’s murderous looking face.
“Dude, I was so close from knowing what planet I came from!”
“Oh, sor-“
“Don’t say sorry, you jerk! You couldn’t know! Come in.” she grumbled pissed.
“So, you’re an alien? I told you Fury and X kept something from you.” Wade said while Yaël made a cup of coffee for him. Wade visited her for no specific reason. He knew she only had to work in the afternoon today, so he simply jumped in during the morning.
“Do you think they knew?”
“I don’t know, probably. Why don’t you ask them?” That was a good idea, she should call one of them. “So do you remember what language they speak on your planet?”
“Uh, yeah, it’s a bit complicated. We speak two languages, but in our dialect, we mix those two,” Yaël scratched her head, how could she remember the two/three languages she spoke, but not the name of the planet she came from? “One language is a specific one from our planet itself. The other one is Norwegian.”
“What? Norwegian? That’s a random language…Why would they speak that?”
“I don’t know,” Yaël shrugged.
“Well, count to ten in Norwegian for me!” Yaël laughed, this was so weird, a few hours ago, she didn’t even remember that she had another mother tongue.
“Uhm, let me see… Null, en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, syv, åtte, ni, ti.” Wade clapped for her way to enthusiastically
“That sounds so crazy! Let me try it!”
Somehow Wade managed to pronounce every word correctly.
“Dude, are you Norwegian yourself or are you an alien too?” Yaël asked with a wide grin.
“Alt bra? Wow, detteermoro!” Wade answered her ‘How are you? Wow, this is fun!’ in fluent Norwegian. How did he even…?
“Wade, stop it, you’re freaking me out.” Yaël muttered. She’d never understand how this guy’s brain works, but it surely was freaking creepy.
“Do you want to go party tonight?” Wade randomly asked. Yaël was eating breakfast and Wade joined her around the table, sipping from his coffee.
“I have to work until seven, but I’m free tomorrow…meh, why not.”
“Good!” the guy grinned. Yaël somehow doubted if partying with Wade would be the most responsible thing to do, but whatever. Having some fun wasn’t a crime, right?
Wade stayed for the rest of the morning. They watched a few episodes of their series and made some arrangements for the night. Yaël quickly ate some soup, shooed Wade away and went to work again. She had to go Mr. and Mrs. Thompson again, so that was great! Would they have made some cookies again? While walking to the old couple’s house, she took her phone.
Wade was right, she should call professor X, maybe he’d know where she came from. She could also wait until she slept again, but she didn’t always dream about the forest, so there was no certainty in getting more info via the dream within this week and she really, really wanted to know it as soon as possible. But Yaël didn’t want to bother or disturb X once again.
On the other hand, Fury wouldn’t pick up the phone and X literally told her she should call him more frequently if something was wrong.
As soon as the beeping stopped and she heard a soft crack from someone picking up the phone, Yaël started speaking because she knew X didn’t always have the habit of starting to speak as he picked up.
“Hi, mister X?”
“Yes. Hello, Yaël.”
“Hi, uhm, I have a new problem.”
 “Your apartment got warmed up again, right?”
“Yes, yes, thank you for that!” Oh, wow, she felt like she sounded ungrateful.
“Okay, so what can I help you with?” he asked kindly.
“Uhm, so I dreamt again and, eh, I kind of discovered I’m from another planet. But somehow I remember the languages I speak, but I simply can’t remember the planet itself. So, I was wondering if you knew the name of my planet.”
 “Oh, I’m sorry, but I don’t have that information.”
He had to be kidding her, right? He read her files, he helped her through the tests once she woke up in that hospital-ish place. He must’ve got some info about her birthplace.
I’m afraid you never had the chance to tell mister Furywhere you’re from, or that he never wrote it in your files anyways and I never took the opportunity to dig into your mind for that info, X said in her head. Great, why did she even bother to call that man if she could just ‘think’ to communicate with him. Oh, shit, she never told him she accidentally met Steve in the park.
Oh. Fuck. Yaël, stop thinking.
“That’s okay, Yaël.” He started speaking through the phone again.
“W-why were you in my head and now- heh?” she muttered confusedly.
“Sometimes I too like to test my powers, Yaël. I’m not at all around New York at this time and I wanted to see if I can reach to you there.”
“You obviously can.”
“Yes, but it’s extremely uncomfortable. I’d say I’d come over to help you, but I have a few meetings this week, spread across the country. If I’d reach further I’d be able to help you from afar, but I’m afraid that won’t work out.”
“That’s okay, sir.”
 “I’ll come over to do another session as soon as possible.”
“Thanks, sir. There’s no hurry.” At least she didn’t want him to think he’d have to hurry, he was too kind for her.
She felt a bit frustrated after that phone call. Somehow, she had hoped X had answers for her, but he had none. Maybe she should call Fury? Last time, he let his assistant pick up in his place. But there was no harm in trying, right?
*Beep beep* Yaël sighed, why was she even trying?
“Yes?” Fury sounded a bit annoyed, like he was suspecting that she did something stupid again.
Holy shit, he actually picked up the phone.
“Eh, hi, it’s Yaël. I have a question, mister Fury?”
“What is it?” talking to Fury surely wasn’t as pleasant as talking to X. Fury sounded way more…restive. Probably because he didn’t like her anyways.
So Yaël told her about her recently gained memories and asked him about the planet she came from. His answer was clear.
“Are you calling me for this? I don’t have time for things like this, Yaël. Why don’t you call mister Rogers or whoever about that?” And with that, he hung up.
Because you never informed me that I could contact mister freaking Rogers, dick! Yaël thought. But, it wasn’t a bad idea actually! Steve was going to help her if Fury wanted it or not and he could…he could…Oh, fuck it!
Yaël stomped through the street while slamming on the touch screen of her phone. Wait a bloody minute. Steve’s number wasn’t in her phone… what?! She still didn’t have his number! Suddenly Yaël discovered she walked too far, which didn’t light up her mood.
Yaël had to rake the leaves, the most braindead job the Thompsons could have given her. Well, no, pulling out the weeds like the previous time was most definitely more braindead. Not that she’d ever complain about certain tasks. She’d just put on her headphones and dig into it.
But this time, she needed no music. She could just calm down a bit and think about the situation. Like for instance, if she’d called Steve right after calling Fury, she would have been somewhat more aggressive towards him and afterwards, she’d be sorry about that.
Not that he had never seen her angry before, but still, this situation wasn’t Steve’s fault at all. Guess she just had to be patient about it. With some luck, she’d dream about it that night.
When Yaël was finally finished with raking all the leaves it started pouring rain again. Then the rain turned into hail. Freaking January.
Without even thinking about it, Yaël steered the rain and hail away from her, so it seemed she had some sort of waterproof shield around her. She picked up the leaves and started putting them into big bags. When she looked up, she saw Mrs. Thompson staring at her from her kitchen window, with her mouth fallen open.
Yaël looked up and then it kicked in that her clients didn’t know about her powers at all. What could she do? Yaël panicked and stopped steering the hail.  Which caused her getting soaked, but she hoped Mrs. Thompson would think she imagined it. The old woman disappeared behind the window. Yaël should go and get her bag, right? It was time to go. But as she went to get her backpack, someone opened the backdoor.
“Sweet child, come in!” Mrs. Thompson yelled. Yaël looked up confusedly. “Come on, before you get sick!”
Yaël nodded slowly and then took a sprint to the house.
“Here, get a cookie!” Yaël was put in front of an open fire with a trillion blankets wrapped around her. Mr. Thompson was still putting new lumps of firewood into the open fire. Yaël took a cookie from the plate Mrs. Thompson was holding in front of her nose.
“T-thanks,” she said. This wasn’t what she’d thought would happen if she’d use her powers in front of clients.
“So, are you a mutant, too?” Mr. Thompson casually asked while wiping off his hands on his pants. Wow, that question got dropped on her like a bomb. What could she say? Did she have to explain that she was an alien or would that make things go bad?
“Eh, sort of,” she mumbled vaguely.
“We had two grandchildren who were mutants.” Mrs. Thompson happily mentioned. Yaël remembered Mrs. Thompson telling her once that the couple only had one daughter because they couldn’t get any more and that they simply gave up that big-family-dream at some point and gave their daughter and grandchildren all the love they had.
“Well, Scott still is, but many years ago, back in the early nineties, Alex passed away.” She pointed at the pictures of two men, hanging above their open fire. There were many pictures of them, as babies playing on the beach, as kids on a horse mill with their grandmother, as teenagers playing baseball with their grandfather…
Yaël totally didn’t know how to react to that, but it seemed like they didn’t expect her to as they just kept talking. They clearly didn’t need to hear her condolences for something that happened years ago.
“Yup, their parents were always ashamed about the mutant-stuff, though.” Mr. Thompson said. “They always lied, and still lie, about it to everyone. They say they send them to a boarding school for their troubling behavior, but Alex was actually kind of rescued from solitary confinement by this Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, where he was put in for not being able to control his powers. They took him to this school… uh…”
“Xavier’s school for Gifted Youngsters!” Mrs. Thompson helped her husband.
“Yes! And a few years later, Scott started showing his powers as well, which troubled his parents somehow and they called Alex to come and pick up the little one too. He still visits us every now and then and sends us postcards. Lovely young boy.”
Yaël stayed and had dinner with the Thompsons, she felt more welcome than ever. But they had always had the talent for making her feel welcome. They didn’t ask her to show off her powers or anything, they just let her be who she was and accepted her that way. Hopefully Scott knew how lucky he was with grandparents like this.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson did ask a few questions out of curiosity. Questions like: “So, did you also go to Xavier’s school?” Yaël’s trick was stuffing her mouth with peas so that she’d always have a few seconds before she could answer, because she needed some time to think about it.
She remembered Fury and X discussing the fact that X trained her for a while. That probably happened at his school, right? So she nodded.
“Oh, so then you must know Scotty! He’s a teacher there. Maybe you students called him mister Summers…” Mrs. Thompson chattered happily.
Errr, shit, Yaël was kind of trapped in that one. Quickly she pushed a big spoon of peas into her mouth again. If she went to the school, she must have met Scott there, right? So Yaël nodded again, only to realize that she could’ve put herself into a corner again. Hopefully they didn’t ask her about the course Scott gave or about homework or anything. She surely wished he taught her how to take a bus a while ago.
But luckily, with that Mr. Thompson looked at the clock and told his wife their soap was going to start. So Yaël helped them clean the table and thanked them a thousand times before stepping into the rain again, this time with an umbrella she got from Mrs. Thompson.
2 notes · View notes
yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 5
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
"The right-wing conservatives think its a decision And you can be cured with some treatment and religion Man-made, rewiring of a pre-disposition. Playing God Ahh nah, here we go America the brave Still fears what we don't know And God loves all his children, it's somehow forgotten But we paraphrase a book written 3, 500 hundred years ago I don't know"
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Same Love
“You want something to drink?” she asked him kindly.
“Yes, well, a water would be great, thank you.” Steve must be thirsty after that fight in the park, so Yaël searched for the biggest glass she had, opened the tap and let the water flow into the glass. “Yaël, do you even know how long you were gone?”
Steve was still looking a bit confused. She shook her head again “I have no clue actually. It surely must be a few months with all the revalidation and such.”
“You’ve been…dead for a year!” What the hell?! A whole year? She knew she had been in a coma, but no one ever told her how long she had been out.
The first thing she did as she woke up was weeks of mental and physical exercises. They had put her in a very lonely department, god knows if she even had been in a hospital or not, she surely didn’t know. The only thing she saw there were white walls, doctors and professors. There were no other patients, no one. After that, X and Fury straightly put her in the apartment and left her here, kind of.
Steve stared at the tap, then looked back at Yaël. Without noticing it, Yaël had walked back a few steps towards Steve. She had left the sink, but unknowingly kept filling Steve’s glass by steering a string of water from the tap into his glass.
“Now, I see that’s a shock to you,” he states. Steve wasn’t surprised or impressed by her powers. He was used to it as she already had a few emotional burst outs around him. Or, like now, the powers sometimes unknowingly crept up, like they were an extra limb or anything, Steve had seen it all.
Yaël sat down and gave Steve his glass. It was quiet for a moment as he stared at her. Not in a creepy way, but it was clear that he was looking for answers.
“How did you survive it? Without even a scar?” he asked her.
“Steve, I don’t even know what I survived,” Yaël sighed. She felt stupid, like her brain made constant errors.
“Well, you’ve been smashed down by the hulk…” That should’ve surprised her, she saw it on Steve’s face, but all Yaël could think about was her broken brain.
“The what?” she asked. The Cap took his phone, one of these old flip-open pieces.
“Wait…this should work, I hope… ” he said as he pressed buttons on the small machine. Then he turned the screen towards Yaël. “Look.”
Yaël saw the picture of a huge, green, muscular, eh, man? Monster? Whatever it was, it looked like trouble. “That thing knocked me out?!”
Steve nodded. Okay, so it was actually no wonder she had been out for such a long time. How the hell did she survive that?! She should’ve been dead! Or at least scarred for life!
Steve noticed that Yaël had no answers, herself, so he asked her what she had been doing the whole year when she was gone and she told him everything. Yaël told him about the coma, about the tests, about the bullshit with Fury and her respect for X.
When she talked about meeting Wade, Steve interrupted her. Something what he usually wouldn’t do.
“Wait, are we talking about the Wade Wilson? Deadpool?”
“You’re friends with him? How is he? Everybody keeps on telling me he’s insufferable?” Steve suddenly looked a bit worried.
“A bit,” Yaël admitted, “but I really needed a friend and he simply walked into my apartment.”
Steve then shrugs. “I personally never had any trouble with him, but if I need to believe what the others tell me, you should better be a bit careful around him,” he jokes. Yaël wanted to say that he wasn’t her father so he shouldn’t judge her friends so badly based on what he’s heard, but she kept her mouth shut.
She was way too happy to have Steve back, so she decided to tell him about Peter, to change the subject.
“And this Peter, what is he like?” Steve asked curiously, probably to make sure Yaël hadn’t befriended two psychos.
“Oh, he’s a real smarty! He was even doubting to study electrical engineering or biochemistry.”
“And what did you tell him to do?” Steve smiled.
“The first one!” Yaël decided to leave Peter’s daddy issues out of the conversation, that was too personal, and Steve had no need for that info.
“Yaël, do you even know what these two words mean?  Do you even know what these two curriculums would look like?” His smile turned into a wide grin. Guess he was right, who was she to counsel Peter with his choices?
“No, do you?” she asked him to pay him back. Steve wiggled his hand, a sign to say that he knew a bit about it, but not enough to explain it to her. They both fell into laughter.
“So, what’s new in your life after all these months?” Yaël asked after she wiped away a few joyful tears. By just asking that simple question, it seemed like she just crushed his good mood. His smile quickly faded. Suddenly, Steve looked ten years older, yet he still tried to look happy…and failed.
“Not much,” he mumbled. Yaël lifted her eyebrow.
“Really?” she asks “Because what I see is one miserable looking man.”
“Yeah, really,” he said, not credible at all. Steve took another sip of his glass and stared at the wall. He was thinking about something, so Yaël decided to let him be for a moment.
“I have a problem.”
Yaël had been making miniature waves in her glass of water for a few minutes when Steve spoke again. She looked back to him. It had to be a huge problem, shown by his sudden weird behavior. Did she have to worry about something?
“What’s up, Cap?” she asked. Did somebody die while she was out? Would that mean that Yaël would never get to know this person again?
“I think…I have feelings for someone.” Yaël’s heart jumped, in a good way. This was great news! Why would Cap be so down about that?
“Cool! Is she cute? Who is she? Do I know her?” Yaël couldn’t hide her grin.
“Well, that’s actually the problem. It- he, he’s no her…”
“Okay, so?” He was in love with a man, that didn’t make any difference to her. But she forgot for a second where Steve came from, from which period. Steve’s eyes grew a bit darker, she hadn’t seen those blue eyes in this way many times.
“So?! Really?” he grunted “It’s not normal, Yaël!”
“Yes, it is,” she answered him stubbornly.
“I don’t know what to do… How do I fix this? How do I fix myself?” Steve sounded frustrated.
“Does he like you back?” Yaël asked.
“I don’t know…maybe. But what does it matter? It’s not how it’s supposed to be!”
“You’re living in the twenty-first century, Steve. It doesn’t matter anymore who you’re in love with, as long as that person is a legal adult. Let the past go. I know you grew up going to church and that you still do a small prayer in your head every time you start eating dinner. I know that you had to ramble your prayers before you could sit down at school and I know you still have a cross hanging somewhere hidden in your room. But don’t you think you’ve got the whole message wrong?” Yaël rattled.
“What do you mean?” he clenched his jaws and seemed to try his best not to ball his hands into fists. Yaël was playing on a sensitive string.
“I think your God wants humanity to learn how to love. Why would he disapprove whatever kind of love you’re feeling?” Steve’s eyes grew big and turned a bit red. He looked away. When he looked back at her, the redness was gone again.
“What do I do?”
“Talk to him, I guess. I don’t think you’re able to hide your feelings, are you?”
He mumbled something that sounded like: “If I have to…”
“No, you don’t have to hide. Who is this unicorn of yours anyway?”
Steve hesitated before he said it. “It’s Tony…”
He had to be kidding her, not that Tony again.
“Tony Stark?”
“Yes, do you remember him?” he looked a bit hopeful.
“No,” she answered a bit dryly. That Tony guy was following her around. First with Peter, now with Steve. What’s up with that guy? Yaël was sure she had to meet him, he must be extremely handsome and good-hearted as everyone seemed to like him somehow.
“I think you’ll have to repeat this preach you just gave me every now and then…” Steve pulled Yaël out of her thoughts.
Of course, Steve felt insecure about it. This was not how he was raised, or not how he was brainwashed by the church or whatever. She was sure about the good morality coming from Catholicism, but the love-part was one of the church’s biggest flaws, according to her.
“Yeah, sure, Steve,” she threw him her kindest smile and went with her hand through his hair. The guy had such amazing hair. “Just come to talk with me frequently so you don’t burst out against Tony, I don’t want you to fuck this up.”
Steve threw her his language-face and then sighed.
“I just need to believe that I’m not a failure every Sunday morning.” He mumbled as he unwittingly leaned his head more against her hand, which pointed out that he was exhausted. Otherwise he wouldn’t be so physical. She kept going through his hair until she heard his breathing even out into a calm, regular pace.
THE Captain America just fell asleep in her sofa. It wasn’t the first time, though. He used to sleep in her room every now and then, back when she lived in the compound. Yes, she remembered that, all of a sudden. She used to live in the compound, with Steve and…crap.
Well, at least she remembered the compound. Yaël gently put Steve on his side, with his head on a pillow she got out of her bed. Then she dug out a blanket from her closet and put it over him. He’d do the same for her, she thought as she put on her pajamas.
It didn’t take her too long to fall asleep herself.
The next day, Yaël woke up by noises coming from the kitchen. Did someone break in again? Anyone could simply walk into the building and picking a lock wasn’t exactly something someone needed to study for. She jumped out of bed and opened her bedroom door as silently as possible.
Yaël recognized the tall blonde guy immediately, slowly remembering that Steve had fallen asleep in her sofa last night.
“Yaël, are you wearing clothes?” Steve asked without even turning around or looking up. He was baking some eggs.
“Maybe…” she mumbled as she looked down. Okay, so she was only wearing a T-shirt and panties. Normally she’d walk around like that, but with Steve being a prude, she decided to look for some real clothes.
While jumping to pull up her pants, she stumbled over her alarm clock. How much time did she have left before she had to leave for work? Oh, it was around seven am, so she still had an hour, good!
Yaël was walking towards the bathroom as Steve stuck out his arm to stop her.
“Why don’t you try getting your brush by using your powers?” he said casually while he was still baking. A string of water was already bringing her brush before the guy could even look up.
Yaël took the brush while smirking at Steve. He was always thinking about training her in all possible ways.
“Okay,” he said slowly “Now put it back, I know you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve with water and fire. Use air, I’m curious if you made progress.”
Yaël’s smirk instantly disappeared. Great, handle the thing with freaking air, it was precision work. She made the string put the brush back in the bathroom. Then she tried focusing on it to let it fly towards her. Come on, she had done it with the tiles, right? She could do this!
“Come on…” she repeated to herself. Her arm and back began to ache from tensing up her muscles. But the brush did fly towards her and she could almost touch it…as it fell on the floor. “Shit!” she grunted. It had been so close.
This was the thing that she didn’t understand; sometimes she could do a few things using air and sometimes it didn’t work out at all. That part of her power wasn’t reliable at all. She kept staring at the brush angrily.
“So, okay, I’m clearly still bad with air.” Yaël said without looking up. Stupid brush.
“Come eat,” Steve said calmly, totally ignoring her disappointment.
Yaël chewed on a piece of egg while leaning on her hand. Her problem with steering air was consuming her thoughts. There had to be some kind of technique to handle it as precise as she could handle water or fire, right? Maybe her hand coordination wasn’t correct, or maybe there were flaws in her gestures?
But Yaël knew better, her powers had nothing to do with her limbs, using them just made everything easier. She opened the palm of her other hand and let a little flame dance on her fingers. See? She didn’t even have to move to do that. The flame turned into a little ballerina, with tutu and everything. A ballerina, made out of fire. The little person on her hand danced and danced, as smoothly as a real one, pirouette after pirouette.
“Yaël?” “Hmm?” Yaël kept looking at the ballerina doing tricks at the tips of her fingers. “You’re playing with fire while we’re eating.” Steve said sternly, like Yaël was a teenager who was playing onher smartphone during dinner.  The little ballerina waved at Steve and threw him a kiss before she turned into a little cloud of smoke and then disappeared.
“You sound like a dad, Steve,” Yaël grinned at him. Well, she surely hoped Steve was open-minded about kids. If he’d be with that Stark-guy, he’d have to accept Peter too. Not that Tony knew that Peter was his son… yet.
Steve raised an eyebrow, but couldn’t help the smile that ran over his face. He stood up and took the empty plates to the sink. Yaël helped him.
“Oh, I have to go to work…” She said after she looked at the clock hanging above her television.
“I’ll bring you with my motorcycle,” he said while washing his hands “I always have a spare helmet with me.”
0 notes
yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 4
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
Yaël walked into her apartment, turned on the light and put her cello back on its place. It was Sunday, so she had no gardens to tend today. As a compensation for the lost income, she had been playing on the streets all morning.
Yaël took a glass of water, sat down and counted the money she had earned. For some reason, Nothing Else Matters from Metallica was always the most popular song, while Era was way less loved. Not that Yaël has a problem with playing Metallica, Wade had told her to do so, but her personal taste went to Era more. She made the most money out of Nothing Else Matters and when she played it, there always gathered a small crowd around her. Though, Yaël knew for sure that the songs she played would sound way better if there was more than just one cello playing. If Yaël just knew someone who played this instrument too, she'd be able to play so much more epic stuff.
“Okay, let’s do the dishes…” she mumbled to herself as she put away her wallet. Wade may have broken all of her plates but her glasses were still alive and kicking… and filthy from the evening before. Yaël opened the tap and put it on hot. Then she walked to her little radio and plugged her phone to it. There was this song she wanted to learn to play somehow, also one of Wade’s. Where was it? She kept scrolling.
“Aha, here you are!” Was she talking to her phone now? Whatever. Yaël pressed play and Aerials from System of a Down started to play. Now, she had no idea yet how she’d learn to play it, but listening to it already gave her a few ideas.
Then she walked back to her sink and put her hands in the water to test if it wasn’t too hot. She frowned. “You have to be shitting me!” she growled. The water was still cold. Yaël ran to the shower and tested the water there. Cold. Oh, she was so going to call Fury! She had to call him anyways to hear if she finally could contact Steve, because she still got no news from X nor Fury about that.
She dialed Fury’s number and started raging as soon as she heard the cracking of someone picking up.
“I-I’m sorry, this is Mr. Fury’s assistant…” Oh he did not…
“HOLY FUCKING COW, TELL HIM TO GO SCREW HIMSELF!” And with that, Yaël hung up.
But this girl had a little problem with impulses. In her anger, because she wasn’t finished with raging just yet, she called another number. As soon as someone picked up without saying anything, Yaël calmed down. Rage made place for shame as she didn’t dare to say a word anymore. She almost hung up again, but X started talking.
“Yaël, what’s wrong?” Oh, god… what was she doing?
“Eh, hi professor.”
“Hello, Yaël,” he answered calmly.
“I have a little problem, no biggie, rather smallie…”
“I… have no warm water, which I can fix, of course, with my powers, you know… but I was a bit, eh, annoyed.”
“Well, that’s rather… uncomfortable, isn’t it?” he didn’t sound annoyed or anything by her the useless call. Nor did he laugh with her. Yaël sighed.
“Yes, a bit, sir.”
“Can’t you pay for this?”
“I don’t have enough money, as Fury keeps reducing the money I get and gardening and playing cello doesn’t bring up much. Not to sound greedy, of course, I’m grateful for what I get, but…”
“He holds back your money?” X sounds a bit appalled at that. Take that, Fury-kiss-my-ass!
“I think to make me control my impulses more, like this phone call, for instance.”
“That’s a bit unfair, isn’t it? As being impulsive seems to be one of your character traits.” Touché.
“But, it’s okay, I’ll manage! Sorry for bothering you, mister X.” Yaël wanted to stop whining to this man, but his last words, before hanging up, made her feel warmer than ever.
“No, Yaël, you should ‘bother’ me more frequently.”
Her smile quickly faded away again, as she discovered that she forgot to ask X about Steve. Goddammit, Yaël, she thought.
X called her back the next day to tell her that he was going to discuss her situation with Fury immediately, so it’d be fixed as soon as possible. But there was a flaw in X’s plan.
Yaël needed to warm her water, so she cooled off. If she wanted to take a warm shower, she couldn’t enjoy it because her body temperature lowered itself. So, of course, Yaël got a cold. Working in gardens with a cooled-down body didn’t help her cold either.
The next few days, after X’s phone call, Yaël lived in pure coldness. The sneezing, coughing and shivering drove her nuts.
So when someone knocked on the door of her apartment, Yaël was rolled into a blanket, watching series, drinking a small glass of whiskey. She hoped the liquid would make her feel warm. Yaël growled as she heard the knock and rolled herself back out of her blanket.
“Hi,” Peter waved a bit awkwardly as soon as Yaël opened the door. “Wade texted me to come and get you. We’re going to the park.”
Yaël was a bit surprised to see Peter, so her brain malfunctioned for a second. The cold and the whiskey surely didn’t help, even though she only had one glass. “P-parker, I mean park, is, eh, yay! But Mc Dreamy just died, so I’m mourning… Hey, wait, are you stalking me?”
Peter looked at her like he was trying to figure out what she just had said. Yaël sneezed and cleaned her nose with a tissue. “You and Wade were the ones who started stalking me in the first place!” was Peter’s reply. He didn’t seem annoyed, he just wanted to clear the stalking-issue out.
“Yeah, yeah, what ev’s, Spidey,” Yaël shrugged.
“So, are you coming or what?”
“But Mc Dreamy-“
“I think you can use some fresh air.”
“He died-“
“And some sunlight. It’s freezing in here. Come on.”
Peter was very persuasive. He won; he had brought her outside. And even though it was a warm day, as warm as January could get, and Yaël could feel the rays of the sun touching her through her thick sweater, she needed some time to warm back up. It felt like the cold got stuck in her bones. Peter noticed, so he grabbed his sweater out of his backpack and handed it to Yaël. She replied with another sneeze and a muffled “Thank you…” as she cleaned her nose. When she was done, she threw him a wide smile.
“So, how were the DNA-results? You got them, right?” Yaël asked Peter as they walked into the park. She remembered him talking about it during the pizza-night. Peter nodded, he looked a bit nervous.
“Yeah, the guy is my dad, alright…”
“Cool, did you meet him already? Is he kind?”
“Eh, I guess, he’s kinda cool…Yaël, you won’t believe this but I swear it’s true. Tony Stark is my father.” Peter looked at her, seemingly expecting her to freak out. It was hard to explain, the name sounded familiar, but Yaël couldn’t remember why. So Yaël dug and dug into her memories, which weren’t a lot to dig through.
“Sorry, man, I don’t know who that is.” Although it had been his unintended plan to shock her, she had the feeling she shocked him more for some reason. Yaël saw Peter’s eyes grow big and his mouth fall open a bit.
“Tony Stark, lady and gentleman, is the one and only Iron Man,” Yaël jumped a little as Wade suddenly interrupted their conversation. Where had he been hiding all this time? Yaël looked around confusedly. Did he just pop up or had he been waiting in a tree?
“How could you not know him? The guy owns pretty much everything here, comes on the news practically every day.” Well, it still didn’t ring a bell and there was a reason for that.
“Ah well, X and Fury told me not to watch the news,” mostly Fury, “fearing it might trouble my mind, or whatever their crappy excuse was to keep me out of the world…”
No one had an answer to that. Yaël understood, it was kind of weird that she knew so little about the world. They were walking up to a pond in the middle of the park.
“So you want to get to know your daddy, Peter?” Wade randomly asked while he started digging into his backpack and pulled out a bag filled with bread. Yaël raised her eyebrow. What the hell was Wade planning to do?
“Well, I don’t know… For now, I’d rather he didn’t know, but on the other hand I really do want to get to know him. I want to know who he is before I come sending him an ‘it’s a boy!’ card, you see?” Peter answered. Yaël nodded, while she saw Wade walking up to the pond and started throwing crumbs to the ducks. As soon as the ducks noticed him, they swim up to him, happily quacking and diving for the bread. Wade just became the god of the duckies.
This man was completely crazy, but Yaël liked him that way.
Yaël turned back to Peter. “How do you plan to get to know him?” she asked. Peter’s story was kind of sensational. But she didn’t want to disrespect him, because for Peter it seemed to be only stressful, so she didn’t show him how excited she was.
“I don’t know!” he grumbled, obviously frustrated “I’ve been breaking my head about this, but I just can’t get to a simple plan.” Yaël saw Peter frown in annoyance as he kicked against a stone, which flew into the pond.
“Hey!” Wade yelled as his army of ducks swam off panicky, shocked by the stone. Yaël and Peter simply ignored him.
Peter talked and talked. It was obvious that he needed someone to spill his heart to. And all Yaël could do was listen and feed the ducks when Wade gave her some bread to throw into the water. Peter had something normal, domestic and that was exactly what Yaël liked about him.
Okay, yes, he was the one and only Spider-Man, which isn’t normal at all, but he was also just a normal teenager with normal problems. He wasn’t arrogant for being some kind of superhero, or for being over-intellectual.
Yaël discovered that he had a high-functioning brain, as he started talking about making a choice between electrical engineering or biochemistry. As Yaël didn’t really know what these two words even meant, she started asking herself if she wasn’t just dumb. Maybe she never even went to school and maybe Peter was just a mainstream boy. But it didn’t matter, she told herself. Even if Peter was just a mainstream teenager, he’d always be the smartest geek to her.
Peter’s problem obviously was that he needed someone to give him a clear answer. It was kind of cute actually and it proved once more that he was just a normal person.  He couldn’t choose between the two fields, he liked the both of them but… if he’d chose electrical engineering, he’d be able to do a scholarship in Stark Tower. Peter already talked to Mr Stark for an internship, so Yaël didn’t really get what was holding him back. With some luck, he’d somewhat get to know his dad.
So Yaël told him that he should do that, and Peter smiled. It was clearly the answer he needed.
“I would have to sign up for the interview, then. Have another talk with Mr. Stark to get the job…I wonder what Wanda would say about this?” Yaël nodded.
Who was Wanda? Was she his girlfriend? Ooooh! Then why hadn’t she told him to take the internship? Wade started to talk to Peter about the divorce between a pepper (?) and Stark, or something like that. Yaël wasn’t really listening to it, she wondered why Peter hadn’t said anything about a girlfriend before.
“Who’s Wanda?” she asked before she knew it.
“Oh,” Peter answered “she’s one of the new Avengers, telepathic and telekinetic and all, helped me getting Mr. Stark’s blood for the DNA-test a while back…I guess she’s a friend.” Peter shrugged, like having a telepathic/telekinetic friend is as normal as eating cereals for breakfast. But, it was a girl…Yaël had an idea.
“Well, any friend of yours can be a friend of ours. She should hang with us, maybe? I could use another girl in this group filled with testosterone,” Yaël laughed. Yes, a girl to do a bit girlie stuff with. Not like painting nails, but like watching series. It was all fun and games with Wade, but it would be different with another girl.
Watching series… wait, Yaël almost forgot! “Wade! Mc Dreamy died! What the actual f-“
“Sorry! I couldn’t hold it back anymore!” Yaël answered over-dramatic. She forgot Peter for a second, who tried to get her attention, but she didn’t notice. “And the Winchesters are in trouble again…”
“Don’t you dare spoiling it!”
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion. As a reflection, Yaël checked on her friends. Peter had disappeared, which gave her an immediate heart-attack. He might be Spider-Man, but he’s also a young guy who can die as easily as any human. Right? Or made the Spider-stuff him immortal? Yaël should research that later.
She coughed as soon as the smoke found its way into her nose.
“Gotta go! Stay safe, girlie,” Wade said as he ran off into the smoke.
Well, at least he couldn’t die, Yaël thought as she ran around looking for Peter. Yaël almost fell down as she felt something big fly just over her head, almost touching her. It was a man with giant metal wings, wearing some kind of red goggles. He disappeared in the smoke in front of her. Right, so the fight was in that direction. Yaël ran forward, maybe Peter was there too, maybe she could help. Somewhere, someone grunted and splashed in the water. As soon as Yaël could make out who it was, through the smoke, she started sprinting. Some creepy, shiny person-thing with pointy ears was trying to drown Peter, who was in his Spider-Man suit, in the pond.
Yaël started making contact with the water to attack the green weirdo as she saw someone else sprint towards Peter too. It was a blond, shorthaired man with a bow lifted in his hands, ready to shoot.
“Falcon, the Goblin!” he yelled at the guy with the wings, then he put his hands in the air and made a pull-sign. The winged-dude, Falcon, got there first and pulled the attacker, the Goblin, out of the water. They started struggling in the air, which made Falcon drop his target. Yaël looked at the man with the bow, who fished Peter out of the water. Then she saw the Goblin fall on the ground, jump up and running off.
Yaël was still running, but this time away from Peter. She made some sort of string out of the water of the pond behind her, and steered it at the green creep. Without even a hand gesture, Yaël made the string bind itself around the ankle of the Green Goblin. He fell down and got carried over the ground as Yaël made the string pull her victim back.
Falcon picked the Goblin up again and pulled him back in the air. Yaël looked back to see what was happening to Peter. Bow-guy almost got him out of the water. Then, all of a sudden, something happened above her in the fight between Falcon and Goblin which caused a big blow. Dust flew into Yaël’s eyes. As she rubbed her eyes, cursing, she heard a weird swirling sound, getting louder and louder. Out of the blue, Yaël got knocked against the ground.
It was dark when Yaël opened her eyes a second later and she was pretty sure there was someone laying on top of her.
“Miss, can you remove those walls please?” a way too familiar voice asked her. Apparently, Yaël had built a little stone cage around them in a reflex. With just a knock of her hand against the stones, the walls crumbled down.
“Steve?!” Yaël yelped as she saw the blue eyes as soon as the walls were gone and they were back in the open air. Steve was still holding his shield above them, as protection, even though there had just been a ‘roof’, built by Yaël, above them.
The Captain didn’t move or say anything for a second, completely flabbergasted, like he was staring at a ghost. So… Fury nor X had talked to him already. Did Yaël just accidentally mess up Fury’s plans?
Then Steve finally got up, put her back on her feet, grabbed her arm and ran off to a spot a bit further, more out of the fighting-zone, pulling her behind him.
“What happened?” she asked a bit shaky from the running.
“Falcon tumbled down,” Steve answered. Yaël looked back while wobbling behind her friend. Falcon was still fighting the Goblin. Then she checked on Peter again. He laid in the grass, coughing out some water.
“Hawkeye is taking care of him.” Steve had followed Yaël’s gaze as soon as they stood still. Hawkeye… That name rang a bell… somewhere… maybe…
“You don’t remember him?” he asked when he saw her frown. Yaël shook her head.
“I don’t really remember anything. Something wiped my memories.”
“Something… Wait, you don’t even know what happened? Let me take a look at you.” It seemed like Steve finally acknowledged her presence. He grabbed her shoulders with both hands. He checked her for something, probably wounds or scars, and then he mumbled “How are you even still alive…?” He let go of her shoulders and stood there like that for a moment, frowning, thinking. Yaël decided it was best to give this man the time he needed to process this weird happening.
Someone yelled his name. Steve blinked and looked behind him.
“I have to go help them out.” He said to Yaël, already turning around. Yaël nodded, of course he had to… he was the Captain. No fight could be fought without him. “Where do you live?” he asked as he put his helmet back on.
Yaël gave him her address.
“Go home. I know you’re able to defend yourself, but I just want you to be safe right now.”
“Go!” And without another word, the blonde guy who had visited her in a few dreams, ran off again.
As Yaël walked on the streets to get to her apartment, she started freaking out a bit. Random thoughts made way into her head. Yaël had never been afraid of meeting new people, so she surely wasn’t afraid of meeting acquaintances , but this was different. Steve must’ve mourned about her, right? Well, maybe he didn’t, she didn’t want to know that. Maybe he just walked through her death smoothly. Or maybe he’d be disappointed in her for not remembering him sooner. How long had it been?
Yaël noticed the warmth coming from her apartment as she opened the door. She stood there for a second, being pulled from her thoughts. There were no more powers needed to warm her water or her rooms, all thanks to mister X.
Yaël purposely hadn’t used any fire in the park, because she already had a cold from acting like a boiler for her home. She should thank the professor, but she didn’t know how. Maybe he’d just know how grateful she was, or maybe he’d be disappointed in her, just like Steve, for not thanking him. Right when Yaël felt a bit relaxed, she started panicking again. Yaël took a sponge and started cleaning the table as she heard a knock on the door. At that point, she really wished that the old, moldy building she lived in had some sort of intercom so she’d know when someone came to visit her and who it was.
Of course Yaël did know who it was. She quickly threw the sponge back into the sink and walked to the door. There was no time for awkwardness, anger or disappointment, as soon as Yaël opened the door, Steve took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.
Yaël couldn’t help it as she chuckled and dug her face into his T-shirt. So this was how it felt again…  Yaël had a secret love for hugs. They felt way warmer than a kiss or anything, but she felt too awkward to hug someone herself. By the way, there hadn’t been many hug-able people around her lately.
As soon as Steve let go again, he pulled the door behind him shut and looked at her confusedly. “How did you even survive?”
“I, eh, this,” Yaël pointed at her head “is kind of empty. I simply don’t remember, Steve.” His confused look turned into a frown.
“Wait, what? You don’t know what happened to you?” Yaël shook her head and signed at the sofa’s. “Let’s take a seat.” This was going to be a long talk.
0 notes
yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 3
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
The next morning, Yaël got a call from Diego with the message that if she didn't show up today, she'd be fired. In compensation, she worked a lot of extra hours in the following few days. On Friday, when she finally got home, she took a shower and put her pajamas on along with her fluffy socks. Once seated on the couch she received a text from Wade. A bit ashamed for not texting him earlier, due to her long working days, she opened it.  
- Yo, Sugarmuffin. Chasin the Squirrelgirl took me a few more days than I expected. Or maybe my decapitation did after I fell from a tree... on an electric fence.  Ukno, the sort with the sharp pin-thingies on top? Like in a jail? Not that I ended up in jail during the 6 days we didn't see each other. Hehehe. Well, anyhow, I somehow ended up in Death Valley, ukno, that place with all the sand and rocks? It took me until 2day to grow back arms and hands, so now I'm able to text again. I'm still laying in the sand at the moment, since I still only have grown back baby legs... But I think I'll be back by tomorrow evening. So, what do u think? Wanna hang out?
Yaël grinned as she read the text. So, this man really couldn’t die? How was that even possible? Or was he joking? How does a man get immortal? She received a following text.
- Because I'm a mutant, you know, like mutated. Like, really badly mutated so I have this stupid face now
Then he send her a selfie, making a peace-sign with a freakishly small hand. In the background there was only sand and rocks, like he had said. Yaël typed an answer.
- How did you even know what I was thinking? Dude, so if I shoot you in the head, you still won’t die? I had a lovely date with X a few days ago and worked long shifts after that, but I think your life has been a bit more adventurous in the past few days. See you tomorrow, moron. Xoxo.
Yaël sighed as she put her phone away and jumped on her bed which bounced back a little. Maybe Wade was a few hundred years old?Did being immortal count as a superpower? Wait a minute, was she mutated too?
She should call Cap and ask him… Yaël used to discuss everything with the man, because it always seemed he had some kind of answer to all of her weird questions and his patience was golden. She could ask these mutant-questions to Wade too, but the whole point was that she missed calling Steve for the simplest things. And having a conversation with Wade could go anywhere instead of getting answers.
She wanted to call Cap as soon as she remembered him, but then she discovered Wade had been right. X and Fury were keeping things from her. When Yaël had asked X for Steve’s number, he had shaken his head.
No, I’m afraid I can’t let you do that yet. You see, everyone that once knew you, thinks you’re dead, X had explained.
Of course, Yaël had asked him why.
That’s a decision Nick made. I think he sort of wanted to test you, see what you are worth without anyone around you to influence you. Maybe he wanted to see your true colors.
But Yaël was smart enough to understand. Fury put her in a cage like a wild animal to see if she’d become the beast he thought she was.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I want you to see your friend again. I’d be a shame if we’d keep you separated, but I want to talk to Nick first. So that he has a chance to prepare Steve and the others, if he wants to.
So, everything was actually in Fury’s hands… Great!
To distract herself a bit from her frustrations against Fury, Yaël took her phone back and went on the Wi-fi of the hotel next to the apartment-building. She researched about rosin for her bow and checked the prices for a new cello again. She had already done that a few times and every time she was disappointed again in how pricey these instruments were.
Without knowing it, she must’ve fallen asleep, because suddenly she was standing in the woods again.
“Jesus, am I going to have these dreams daily now?” she mumbled to herself.
“That’s strange, your beliefs never laid with Jesus.” Yaël turned her head. There he stood, not Steve, but the black-haired man. He was wearing some kind of brown, worn cloak which covered his whole body, so she couldn’t see what else he was wearing underneath. She couldn’t even see his feet by the length of the thing. Yaël had the feeling that Steve wouldn’t enter these kinds of dreams anymore now that she remembered him.
“How would you know that?” she asked him after she remembered he had said something. The man just shrugged as an answer. “Okay, then who are you?”
The man’s lips turned a tint lighter as he pressed them together after that question. For a split-second, it seemed like Yaël hurt him. But then, a smirk ran over his face as he answered.
“That’s not important now. What is of importance is that you break out of that cage.”
“Why?”Yaël asked. Not that she wanted to stay in that glass box, of course. The guy lifted his eyebrow sarcastically.
“How fast do you think you can get your memories back when you’re stuck in a doghouse?” he asked.
Yaël looked around. The cage was sealed with another glass plate that also looked like it was unbreakable due to its thickness.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know how to get out?” she heard the man mumble bitterly. He made her feel dumb.
“I have the feeling this cage was specifically designed to keep people like me in. It’s protected against my powers, somehow, I think,” she whispered these last two words, as she wasn’t really sure why she thought all of this. The man sighed, but his face softened.
“They once were, in the real world, when you were really stuck in it. But this is a dream, remember that. You can manipulate it.” Yaël nodded. Yeah, he was probably right. The problem was, Yaël knew well enough that she wasn’t trained at all. Controlling her powers was a big challenge. But she had to try.
Yaël breathed on deeply and rubbed the palm of her hands against each other. It had been a long time since she had done this, from before the accident. She sped up and as she breathed out again, she opened her hands. At that exact moment she steered a massive amount of fire against the glass wall.
Flames shot around and rebounded from the glass. Within a second, Yaël had the feeling she turned the cage into an oven and she was getting baked in it. The smoke started to suffocate her as she tried to take the flames back.
“Not your smartest move, Yaël,” the man said dryly, but he did nothing to help her. After a struggle, Yaël got rid of the flames, but was still stuck with some smoke and she was oh, so cold from using fire as she used a lot of her own body temperature to create the flames. She coughed and rubbed her eyes. Her heart raced as she started to panic.
Stones, she was in a forest, there are stones and rocks. Her lungs itched as she stumped a foot against the bottom glass plate. She shoved her feet apart from each other and bended her knees. As she quickly launched her fist into the air, she heard the dirt outside the cage, in front of the man, split open. Calmly, he took a step backwards with his hands against his back, to stay out of the reach of the giant rock she pulled out of the ground, like he had seen her doing that trick a million times before.
Yaël made pulling movements with her arms, her hands were formed into fists. As she kept moving, the rock rammed and smacked against the glass wall. It made a few cracks, but it went way to slow. Yaël had trouble with breathing from all the smoke.
“It’s just a dream, you can break it!” the man yelled at her. She almost didn’t hear him, with all the noise the rock made while smacking against the glass.
Yaël’s eyes itched so badly, she felt tears running down her face. Being cold while standing in warm smoke was a strange feeling. Moving her fingers started to feel weird. All her instincts yelled at her, she needed to do something or she’d die in that stupid cage. With one hand, she kept knocking the rock against the wall, with the other, she wiped away her tears.
Her tears.
Within a second, Yaël was steering water into her hand, froze it in her fist into a sharp shape and started throwing these pieces of ice, one by one against the cracks she was making with the rocks she was steering with her other hand. To be able to keep making ice, Yaël needed to distract some water from her own body. Which made her, by the time the glass shattered into pieces, dehydrated, cold and exhausted.
Yaël expected to be smacked by a pile of falling glass so she bowed and put her arm in front of her face, but it never came. When she looked up, there was no glass, not even a splinter. It looked like there had never been a glass cage in the middle of the woods.
���Oh shit,” Yaël mumbled, she looked around while rubbing her sore hands and could finally breathe again.
“Told you,” the black-haired man said proudly from behind her. But she didn’t hear him. There was another man, she just saw him when she turned around to search for any sign of the cage that had just caved in. He was sitting on the chair Cap sat in last time in her dream, when he was guarding her.
So it seemed this man was guarding her too, but he didn’t notice the missing cage, like it was still there, like Yaël never even used her powers. He just sat there, frowning at the screen of his tablet. It reminded Yaël to her last dream, when Cap didn’t notice the rain. Maybe her memories overlaid in this dream-world, but it was freaking confusing her. What parts of this dream belonged together? The man had dark hair, a goatee and dark eyes. His knee went up and down nervously.
Yaël heard something to her right and saw… another man. Great. He looked like a professor that needed a big coffee. He had a stubble, like he hadn’t shaved in a few days. His brown eyes looked tired and his hair was turning grey.
Yaël thought she saw something move to her left this time. She immediately knew who it was: the read-haired woman. She had seen her in the memory of Steve she had during the session with X. The professor also had shown Yaël a picture of the redhead. The woman looked at her nails for a moment and then crossed her arms. She shone out arrogance, but it made her look kind of badass.
Yaël scratched her head, she was a bit surprised. “Why are there suddenly so many of you?”
Everyone looked up, a bit confused, except for the cloaked man. He was the only one who reacted.
“We are all different paths, different memories you can chose to follow. You can choose who you want to follow tonight.”
Somewhere Yaël heard knocking.
“Will everyone come back next time after I followed someone in this dream?”
“I’m not sure… but…” The man looked confused and stared to the sky, like he was searching for something. Did Yaël just hear her name somewhere? He looked back at her and threw her a sad smile. Yaël frowned at him, blinked and when she opened her eyes, she was staring at the ceiling. For a second, Yaël felt dizzy from the sudden change.
“YAËL, GET UP AND OPEN THA DOOOOOR!” she heard a familiar voice yell from the hallway, crawled out of her bed and stumbled towards the door. “Yaël, sweet muffinpoodle!” Wade said as she opened the door. He immediately hugged her, but he hadn’t grown back to his full height, so he planted his face between her breasts. Yaël somehow had the feeling he had planned that, as he didn’t retract for a few seconds.
“Has your brain been ripped out too?” Yaël growled as she walked backwards into her apartment and shut her door while Wades face was still planted against her chest. Wade mumbled something. “What?”
As he finally let her go, he said “I just missed you!”
“Is that why you’re so early?”
“My legs suddenly had a growth spurt.” He grinned. “Oh, and I brought you something, because your hair really looks like shit…” he mumbled while digging into his ninja-turtles bag.
“Thanks,” Yaël answered sarcastically “I haven’t had any money to take care of it.” Wade was right. Yaëls blue hair was turning lighter and lighter and her darker hair started showing again at the roots.
Wade finally found what he was looking for: a bottle of hair dye. He raised his hand, holding the bottle, with full glory. Yaël raised an eyebrow.
“Wade… you bought purple dye,” she stated. Wade nodded enthusiastic.
“Cool ammiright?”
“My hair is blue,” she continued.
“Yaël, sometimes you need some change.”
“Do you see how much hair I have? You can’t do it all with one small bottle of paint!”
“Oh…” Wade looked a bit disappointed at his bottle. Then he looked back at her with a wide grin “Let me try it!”
“We can binge-watch a series while I’m taking care of you. I have,“he started digging in his backpack again and pulled out some DVD’s, “Grey’s Anatomy, Supernatural or Rick and Morty!”
A few episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and Supernatural later, Yaël stepped into the shower to rinse her hair. When she got back out and dried it with a hairdryer, she grinned widely. Wade somehow managed to make the purple blend into the blue, so her hair was half-purple and half-blue. At some random places, the purple stood out more and on other places, blue, but Yaël thought it looked pretty cool for being an experiment.
Wades eyes shone like the eyes of a little girl when she stepped out of the bathroom. He was almost back at his normal length, Yaël noticed as he stood up.
“You need a cute name, like the characters from My Little Pony! Because girl, you look like an adorable, tasty cupcake.” He said while he was checking her hair.
“Are you flirting with me?” Yaël wiggled her eyebrows and smirked.
“What?! Hell no! Eew. My heart belongs to Parker and Parker only, girl.” Wade saved himself with some arrogance. “By the way… I’m going to invite Peter to join us this evening,” he added quickly. Yaël rolled her eyes.
“Oh, poor boy…” she mumbled.
“Yeah, so maybe you should put on some clothes,” Wade told her. Yaël looked down. She was still walking around with only a towel bound around her body from getting out of the shower.
“What? Are you afraid Peter will be attracted to me instead of you?” Oh, Yaël loved teasing her raisin-friend.
Yaël got herself dressed and a few hours later, after ordering some pizza, she heard a knock on the door.
“You go,” she said as she pointed at Wade “You invited this innocent soul, now you let him in, nah!” Wade jumped up and danced towards the door. Yaël put out the TV . She had seen enough of hospitals and the Winchester for today.
“Parker and pizza, best combination ever!” Wade joked, but he didn’t get a smile back. Instead, the teenager looked somewhat grumpy. He probably wanted to fill his evening differently, but he was trapped by Wade now. Peter dropped the pizza boxes on a small table that was meant as a post-table, but Yaël never got any mail, so it was permanently empty.
She saw the teenager stare at her hair while mumbling something to Wade about bringing his own pizza so he’d have something to eat if Wade started to probe him.
“You like it?” Yaël asked after Wade reacted fake-insulted by bringing his hand to his mouth.
“It’s artsy,” Peter answered a bit doubtful. He looked so uncomfortable that Yaël automatically threw him a wide grin. She stood up to get her box of pizza and planted her butt on the couch again with her feet on the small table in front of her.
“Hey, Petey, think fast!” Yaël looked up to Wade, who had yelled, while nibbling on her pizza. She was trying her best to keep the cheese out of her hair.
There he stood with a cheeky, almost evil-looking grin on his face and… her plates in his hands, which he was already throwing at Peter. What the actual f- HER PLATES!
Yaël dropped her pizza and made a movement with her hands. This way, she used air to make the plates fly over Peter instead of flying right in his face. The boy also seemed to have massive reflexes as he jumped back from the plates and before Yaël even noticed Wade pulled out a gun, Peter already had jumped up. Wade started shooting at the boy’s feet and out of reflex, Yaël stomped her feet. The tiles of her floor flew into the air. Using her powers, Yaël built a wall with the tiles. This way, she used it as a shield for her and Parker.
Wade lost his senses, Yaël was sure about that. Why would that freaking psycho start shooting at this boy?! With a few steps, Yaël put herself and her shield in front of Peter. Yaël checked on the teen, hoping he wasn’t hurt. Her mouth fell open and she stared at him, hanging on a wall like he pasted his hands and feet to it.
Okay, so, whatever. Peter Parker is a sixteen years old boy who can climb and stick to walls. Yaël surely didn’t saw that coming, but that was the least of her worries at that moment. She focused back on Wade.
While she was still keeping her wall of tiles up with her hand, she simply stared at Wade, more specifically at the hand that was shooting around and aimed with her other hand.  
“Hey!” Wade yelled as his hand froze. Yaël was perfectly capable of steering this power without using her hands, but using them was easier and made her more in control of her powers. Fire and water she could steer the smoothest. She could use these with just a blink of her eyes. Earth or stone was a bit harder, because of being a literal hard element. With this element, she always needed to move a limb as it felt heavy to manipulate this element. But air… that was a complete shit-element. Whatever she did with it, it always ended with a struggle, a fail or tiredness.
So after using air to change the course of the plates a bit so they wouldn’t fly into Peter’s face (she couldn’t even steer them to softly land on a table or shoot them back or anything), and after using it together with earth to make a shield for so long, she felt completely drained. She was trying her utter best to land the tiles back on their place, but some of them just fell and clattered against the floor, so she just let go of the air and fixed them quickly by using her earth-powers.
Peter and Wade didn’t even notice her clumsiness, because while struggling with the tiles, Yaël had already frozen Wade up to his neck without even noticing it. Yup, that’s exactly why Fury said she wasn’t trained enough. She quickly stopped the freezing procedure. Wade looked at her sheepishly, but she didn’t feel sorry.
Who did this guy think he was, tossing her plates around and shooting holes in her floor like that? Maybe Fury should pay him less after this act of insanity.
“What the hell is going on?!” she barked at him. She might be exhausted after trying to use her air-powers, but this man made her freaking rage! Yaël really didn’t have the money to buy new plates or to pay Peter’s hospital bills if he’d get hurt.
“Well, he’s Spider-Man, of course!” Wade said it like it was an obvious fact, like those words would justify his actions. Well, Wade could go screw himself.
“So, what? You just decide to throw my plates and start shooting at my floor to proof that this guy can swing from one building to another? There are other ways to do that, Wade!” Yaël barked, Wade flinched a bit.
Yaël was still giving Wade a death-glare as Peter asked: “I just want to know how you figured it out?” He looked confused and a bit stressed out. Was the Spider-Man-thing supposed to be a secret? Yaël understood, she didn’t want the whole world to know what she was capable of either. And Wade just gave away this boy’s biggest secret.
“I just know things; how’s MJ by the way?” Wade asked casually. He was way too relaxed for someone who just almost got frozen to death. On the other hand, Yaël knew she couldn’t have killed him. But right now, she wished she hadn’t stopped freezing him, so his head would be frozen too, because he didn’t look sorry at all.
“Who’s MJ?” Peter asked.
“Oh, you haven’t met her yet? Come on, I want pizza. Yaël, get me out of here!” He tried to wiggle his way out of the ice, but that was impossible. He’d have to wait until Yaël freed him or until the ice was melted.
And Yaël wasn’t going to help him. She took her box back from the table and sat down in her sofa again, signing at Peter to follow her. While they were eating, Wade made enough noise to talk for the three of them. He whined about his pizza and being hungry.
If she could just call Steve and rage about this new friend to him, because Wade surely still was her friend. Yaël was sure she’d find it hilarious tomorrow. And Wade was her only friend at this point. Was Peter a friend? Does kidnapping someone make you friends? Well, if Peter wanted to leave, he could, Yaël wouldn’t stop him. But he stayed, which made her kind of glad, because she didn’t want him, the only normal guy in her company right now, to reject her.
Yet, having a Steve would be fun too. He’d be so mad at Wade, well, he would’ve preached to the psycho until Wade would’ve fallen asleep or something. But right now, her dear friend still thought she was dead…
As Wade was still being grumpy about his pizza and rambled just to annoy them, Yaël took a look at Peter. He was just staring at the wall with glassy eyes, while eating his pizza.
“There’s something on your mind,” Yaël noticed. Oh, did she just say that out loud? Maybe she shouldn’t have said that, she didn’t want to break into the guy’s privacy. She saw Peter turn a bit in his seat, he looked so extremely uncomfortable that Yaël wanted to tell him he could ignore her statement, but he answered instead.
“I-I just don’t know you guys. Nobody’s supposed to know, but yet here we are, Wanda knows, you know. I wonder who else does.” Who’s Wanda? Whatever, Yaël wasn’t supposed to know this boy’s secret and now she did, thanks to dickhead Wade.
“There’s that old guy in the restaurant, with his moustache!” Dickhead Wade pointed out. Yaël cocked her eyebrow and glanced at him as a sign that he should shut up with his weird answers that no one understood. And then she got an idea, a way to make Peter feel better.
“You know, they send this idiot to me because they figured I need friends?” Yaël pointed with her thumb to Wade, who acted like he was offended, but nobody cared.
“Who are they?” Peter asked friendly.
“Two men, they introduced themselves as Professor X and Nick Fury.”
Peter’s eyes grew bigger “No way! You know Nick Fury and Professor X?” First,he spoke a bit louder and faster out of excitement, but then… he started rattling.
“Everybody’s heard of them, Nick Fury is like the most secretive guy-“
And he’s a complete ass, Yaël thought, but she didn’t interrupt Peter
“-we even thought him dead for long until he showed himself again during that Ultron-disaster! But Professor X! Man what’s it like, having him in your head?”
“Well,” Yaël scratched her head “It’s weird, man. He helps me remembering stuff by triggering my memories or something like that.” Peter lifts an eyebrow to Yaël, but it was Wade who explained it to him.
“Her brain’s scrambled and she doesn’t remember a thing.” She remembered Steve, but he might not remember her anymore, she thought sadly.
“I just figured out my dad wasn’t really my dad, and there’s a slight possibility that my real dad is still alive, and now I’m waiting for the DNA results,” Peter suddenly said. Did he say it to make her feel better about her mind-error?
Somehow, Yaël had the feeling that this boy couldn’t talk about this problem to anyone. It must be so damn frustrating, waiting to find out who really is your dad. But on the other hand, the way he spoke sounded like the man who had raised him, had died. So maybe, just maybe, if he finds his real dad, the man can be his new father figure.
Yaël sometimes missed someone like that, or someone like a big brother, like when she had troubles with the drains, or when she didn’t know what to read or what to play on her cello. Yeah, it must be great to have someone to fall back to.
But Yaël wasn’t naïve, she knew that if Peter figured out who his real das was, it still didn’t mean the man would take care of him or even want to know him. This man wouldn’t make Peter’s life all rainbows and cupcakes, per se. But when Yaël looked at his young face with eyes that show that the boy has already been through a lot, she could only be optimistic for him.
“Wow, but if he’s your dad, that’s kind of great, right?” she asked with a big smile. But Peter just shrugged.
“I’m not sure I want to know the answer to it,” he answered. Then he stood up, whiping his pants so that he was clean from pizza-crumbs. He was ready to leave, Yaël noticed, as she saw him looking around for his backpack.
“Well, if you want a daddy so badly, you can call me ‘dad’. Daddy Deadpool, wouldn’t that be great?” Wade suddenly said with a grin. Yaël sarcastically slapped her forehead after that. She did her best to keep her face straight, because she didn’t want to give Wade the pleasure to see her laugh at his dumb joke. Wade was still punished for being an aggressive dick, after all.
But Parked seemed shocked. Yaël had thought the boy would be used by Wades jokes by now. The boy seemed like he was boiling.
“Deadpool?!” He groaned. “Out of all people that have to stalk me, it has to be the one who would be able to send me to an early grave.” Oh, so that was his problem.
“Hey, I take that as an insult!” Wade shouted back. But Peter just ignored him with a hard face.
Oh, boy. Yaël needed to find something to distract these two before they’d kill each other. Not that Deadpool was able to move, nor did Peter look like someone who easily killed people.
“Hehe, funny, you both have superhero names!” Yaël muttered. Wow, nice work, Yaël, she thought sarcastically. Peter threw her a questioning glance and it was Wade, of course, who got distracted immediately.
“Yeah, cool, right? We should team up, become Spideypool!”
Peter shook his head “No way, are you even a hero?”
“And what if she joins us?” Wade nodded to Yaël, ignoring Peter’s biting question, still frozen like a popsicle. Yaël saw the curiosity in Peter’s eyes as he turned to her, also a bit distracted now, just a bit.
“Well, what’s your, eh, other name?” he asked.
“I don’t have one.” Yaël said. She didn’t want some kind of special name either.
“Why not?” Peter lifted an eyebrow.
“I’m not a hero, Peter. I work in gardens and play cello on the streets.”
“But you can be one, with powers like yours!” What could Yaël say? That she didn’t feel like a person to look up to? That she had the feeling she has done some horrible things in her past? She was no example, no hero. Yaël couldn’t even fully control her own powers.
“-the Mighty Sorceress, or The Element, or maybe The Rainbow Pony, or…” Wade’s chatter about finding a fitting name for Yaël pulled her out of her thoughts. Peter was even smiling a bit. What a weird group of friends have they created.Yaël grinned. Yes, Peter clearly had become a friend.
“You pay me new plates!” she growled at Wade as soon as Peter had left. She wasn’t finished with Wade just yet. It surprised her that nobody came knocking on her door yet to check if she was still alive after all the noise of gunshots and shattering plates. But she guessed everyone just minded their own business in this building. They hadn’t come on between when they heard her neighbor had fought about drugs with a dealer in the hallway, either. Luckily, only a few of Wade’s shots got through the floor, but Yaël didn’t know how to explain this all to Fury. He’d be so pissed.
Wade nodded quickly. “Yes, my German butterfly, I’ll buy you the fanciest plates ever made.” He answered her demand with some fear in his eyes. Yaël wasn’t sure if he was acting or not, but she didn’t care.
1 note · View note
yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 2
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… .
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
This chapter was inspired by “Memphis May Fire - The Burden”
                Mr. and Ms. Thompson were always very kind to Yaël, unlike other elderly people she worked for. Most of them just let her work in silence, ignored her existence or criticized her blue hair. Once, a man even told her he was intimidated by her eyes, so Diego had scratched this man from her working schedule. But this couple, the Thompsons always brought her drinks and cookies, smiled at her and called her ‘dear’. Yaël hoped Diego would never give this couple to another of his employee.
Yaël had been pulling out weeds for two hours now. For once she was kind of glad with the braindead job she was doing, because all she could think of was the dream she had last night. Who was that man? Did she have to call X now? Is that what he meant with seeing things?
She pulled out the last piece of weeds, stood up and stretched her back.
“Ms. Thompson, I’m finished with the weeds. Would you like me to help you with something else?” she yelled. The Thompsons always left the backdoor open so Yaël wouldn’t have to walk in with her muddy shoes to talk to them. Mrs. Thompson brought Yaël some fresh, cold lemonade and after that, Yaël mowed the lawn.
After a little chitchat with the couple, Yaël left and walked back home. While walking, she kept staring at her phone. Calling him wouldn’t hurt her, right? She searched his number through the extremely small list on her phone, being:
Yaël snorted as she saw Fury in her contacts. Well, at least calling Professor X couldn’t be as bad as calling Fury would be. That man doesn’t seem to like her very much. She heard a beep trough the device as she pressed ‘call’. Almost immediately, she heard cracking that made her notice that someone picked up. X was one of these people who just picked up without saying anything, apparently.
“Mister X? It’s Yaël.”
“Yes?” he didn’t sound surprised to hear her at all. Yaël scratched her head. What was she supposed to say now? It’d sound idiotic if she’d just say she had a weird dream, but how would she explain it otherwise?“Yaël?”
“Eh, I kind of, eh, had this dream-“ aaand she went with the dream-story, great. “It was about a man I think I should know, but I actually don’t know him at all. Okay, that sounded crazy, but I-“
“Okay, let’s meet up.”
“Great! I mean, oh no wait… I have to work tomorrow.” Crap, how was it possible that she was able to keep forgetting her job? When mister Xavier didn’t answer, Yaël quickly added: “But I guess I can call my boss to ask a day off.” Diego would be so mad at her for letting him know an evening in advance. Oh, and for skipping two days in one week. Well, Yaëlwill feel it when she’ll get her loan.
“Good, how early can you be here?” Where the heck was here? Could she go there by bus?
“Ehm, I can’t drive… But if you give me an address, I’m willing to search for something, somehow. I’ll figure it out.”
"You know what? I'll come to your apartment. Mister Fury and I were planning on checking up on you more frequently, but we're both busy men, as it seems... I'll see you tomorrow, Yaël. Good night!"
"Okay, see you- wait, what time-" But X already hung up. Great, now Yaël didn't even know when she had to get up and shower. Nine? Eight? Probably seven...maybe six. Yaël had arrived at her block and opened the door with the blurred glass to the small hallway. She decided to take the stairs, which she saw was the right decision after she walked passed the first floor.
Mrs. Thomas was sleeping against the opening of the elevator again. The woman had extremely long, black hair with a few grey locks here and there. She always wore glasses that were too big, looking like they might have been from the eighties. Yaël had never been able to put an age to that woman. She could be forty, but she also could be sixty. The woman didn't even move as Yaël passed, who decided to let her sleep. Mrs. Thomas clearly had a sleeping-problem.
A few sandwicheslater, after practicing a bit on the cello, Yaël went to bed. She felt a bit nervous for meeting Mr. X the next day. But the man came to help her, right? The girl sighed as she typed her text to Diego. This man would fire her so hard someday... and then what?
Despite her stress, Yaël somehow fell asleep. She only noticed it as she was suddenly locked up in the glass cage again when she opened her eyes. This time, it was raining outside, which sounded soothing.
For once,Yaël wasn't bound to wires at all, she was just stuck in the cage. There were lights shining through the windows of the cottage. It must really be cozy in that tiny house right now, with the sound of the rain ticking on the roof.
Again, Yaël saw the man, this time it looked like he was sitting in a rocking chair, reading a book. But, yet again, it was too far away to see what he looked like or what he was doing exactly. The only thing that she gained in sight this time was his very dark hair.
Suddenly Yaël heard voices, not coming from the woods or anything. They seemed like they came from nowhere, no direction. The voices were just there. They were arguing, and it took Yaël a while to recognize one of the two voices as the man she had been talking to in her last dream.
"You don't have anything to do with her, why would you protect her?" the unknown voice grunted.
"I have a feeling- I think she's not as guilty as we think she is," the voice that belonged to the blonde guy stated.
"Your feelings don't matter right now, she destroyed the whole city. She only brought pain and destruction!"
"She's just a kid-"
"She's not normal!"
"Neither am I! Did you even try to talk with her?"
"The girl’s our prisoner, I have no need for unicorn-related-bonding-moments. What do you want me to do? Polish her nails? Let her talk about her feelings?"
"You don't need to be an asshole about all of this," the blonde man sighed.
"The only thing we know is that she worked together with that idiotic piece of shit, you can't deny that. She's friends with him."
"Maybe she didn't know better. "
"Well, maybe she did."
"You know what? This conversation goes nowhere."
"Oh, yeah, just walk away!" the unknown man barked. Right after that, Yaël heard a door slamshut right behind her. She jumped a bit and turned around. The blonde guy stood outside the cage and looked obviously frustrated, but he tried to hide it. The only thing that gave him away was his unwitting frowning.
"You okay?" Yaël asked. The man threw her a little, polite smile.
"Yes, I'm sorry you had to hear that. Even good friends fight sometimes."
"No problem," Yaël mumbled, but it was obvious that the conversation had been about her. Who did Yaël work with? Was she supposed to be the villain? What the heck was her role in this weird world? The rain rattled around, but it seemed like it couldn’t touch the man in front of her. It fell right through him, like he wasn’t there at all. Even the wind didn’t touch his hair.
Out of the blue, Yaël heard a door slam shut behind her again, and again she turned around. She saw a tall, long-black-haired man walking away from the cottage staring at the ground as he walked. His hair did get soaked, but he didn’t seem to care as he was sunken deeply in thoughts. Yaël got curious and took a quick glance behind her to see if Mr. Blonde Ambition could see him too, but her mysterious friend had disappeared. Weird dream…
She looked back at the black-haired man and yelled “Hi!” but he didn’t seem to hear her. She yelled again and started knocking on the glass wall in front of her. The man finally looked up and froze as he met her eyes.
The last thing Yaël saw before waking up was that his eyes grew big out of surprise, even shock maybe.
“So, tell me, how are you doing?” Professor X asked her with a kind smile.
How was she doing? She was nervous and stressed out from cleaning her apartment again and again, from trying to look decent and restart doing her make-up three times and from doing the laundry all morning. She felt her hands shake so she put her behind her back and answered with a smile.
“Good!” she said. She just wanted to make a good impression towards the man she saw as the big chief. She wanted him to like her. Unlike Fury, who she sneakily liked triggering from time to time even though she always ended up with some kind of punishment.
“Did you get here easily? Did Ms. Thomas fell asleep in the elevator again? Do you want something to drink?” Maybe Yaël drunk too much coffee.
“I’m here now, and why don’t you sit down?” he asked her calmly as he signed to her sofa. What did you see? You can tell me. Yaël heard X’s voice in her head as soon as she sat down. She jumped a little, she forgot he did that.
Wait how did she even know he could do that? She didn’t remember him talking in her head the few times she met him after she had ‘woken up’ from ‘the accident’. Vague terms Fury used to explain her why she didn’t remember a thing. But yet, Yaël couldn’t shake some sort of déjà vu-feeling when she heard the voice inside her head.
That’s a good sign. Yaël nodded, yeah, she guessed it was a good sign.
How was this man actually ably to look so calm, serene, like nothing that she would be able to do could freak him out? Yaël told him about her two dreams and he just kept listening, he didn’t interrupt her once. After she told the story, she didn’t feel like she was a weirdo or anything.
Well, there are too many aspects in this dream to discuss today without exhausting you. There’s this forest, the house, the black-haired man, the cage… All of them are pieces of an enormous puzzle. We’re going to focus on the first man now. X lifted his suitcase he brought along from behind his wheelchair, opened it and took a few papers out of it.
He placed them on the coffeetable between them and put his suitcase back into a holder behind his wheelchair. It were photos of different people.
These are the people that you once knew here on Earth.
Wait, did Yaël also know people from other planets? Cool!
That’s a different story, a different piece of the puzzle on which we’re not going to focus today.
Okay, right.
If I’m right, you have been seeing this man. The professor pointed at one of the pictures, next to one of a red-haired woman, of a blonde, tall, muscular man, wearing a baseball cap. Yaël recognized him immediately. Right, as I thought. This man is Steve Rogers, you used to be very close friends. You mean a lot to him.
Steve… his name sounded familiar.Wait, didn’t he take care of her when she was locked up? Maybe that aspect of her dream had been real?
It had been. The conversations you had with him in your dream have really taken place in the past.
Wow, freaky… Suddenly, Yaël was standing in some kind of training hall, like a gymnasium. She looked around and saw all kinds of practice-weapons hanging on a wall. But she also saw basketball-rings, hanging on two opposite sides of the room. The floor was made of this typical rubber flooring. As Yaël was looking at the floor, she noticed she was suddenly wearing tight sports-clothing. It looked expensive.
Out of the blue, someone stomped her extremely hard against her head. She smacked against the floor and grunted.
“What the fuck!" She looked up to see who the heck was attacking her.
"Language," Steve said dryly as he reached his hand to her to help her up. Yaël took his hand and stumbled back to her feet. "What were you doing?" he asked her with a firm face.
Yeah, well, she asked herself that too. Why had she been standing there like that? "My thoughts drifted away..."
"Focus, Yaël."
Yaël neglectfully waved with her hand. "Yeah, yeah, Rogers. Let me tell you something: why are you holding yourself back? As you noticed, I don't die that easily."
Steve raised an eyebrow. "No, you don't, but you do get hurt. Now fight me, will you."
Yaël mumbled some curses as she turned back to her starting position. Hey, wait a minute... "Steve, do you want me to burn you or something? What's your purpose here?" she asked with a grin, but she'd never put him on fire.
"Yaël, please don't play with fire against me, you have enough tricks up your sleeve without putting me ablaze."
"Yeah, well, but freezing someone also burns, you know?"
"I have been frozen for a few years, Yaël. Trust me, I survived," he said a bit sarcastically. He usually didn't use a lot of sarcasm, only during training sessions and Yaël loved triggering him at these moments. "And stop thinking about it, I don't want to know how long I have to be on fire to actually get burned."
"So, you'd rather be frozen again?" She was distracting him, as much as she could distract this utterly concentrated super soldier. He saw her tap with her foot, but he was too late. She made a quick pulling-gesture with her hand and before he could turn around, Steve got knocked down by a big piece of the brick wall from behind him, flying against his back.
As Yaël didn't see any movements through the dust and stones, she walked to the pile to see if she could dig up Steve. A hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her foot away, so she landed with a smack on her back. She heard Steve's laugh and stones move as he freed himself from the pile of dirt she had caused.
Yaël grinned widely and looked at the hole in the wall she had caused. A darker-skinned man and an athletic looking woman with furious red hair stared at her with big eyes from the hallway where the hole led to. Then the woman smirked.
"Stark is so going to kill you,” she said. Wait, what? Yaël blinked.
Who were these two people? Who the heck was Stark? As she thought about that, everything went blurry. She rubbed her eyes and when she opened them again, she was suddenly sitting in her sofa again, with professor X right in front of her. This was so confusing.
"What the heck was that?"
I triggered your memories, and this was what came out of it. So, do you remember Steve?
Yaël thought. She remembered them chilling together in a sofa, just reading a bit. And him telling her she should eat more vegetables. She also remembered wandering around between some trees, fiddling with some leaves, as he passed her twenty times during his morning-jog. She also thought back about a small argument they had about one of his friends she had slept with. What was his name again... ?
Holy, cow! She totally forgot about Bucky. It was a sacred secret between her, Barnes and Steve. Her cheeks turned red as she snorted. X raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"Well, I think you remember enough for today. "
0 notes
yaelsstory · 7 years
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Not best quality ever, but I made diz! Yaël’s skincolor should be a bit darker, but my pencils decided to work against me for some reason. I don’t know why, I’ve always sharpened them when I had to... . Ungrateful pencils.
0 notes
yaelsstory · 7 years
Product Of A Murderer - Chapter 1
Summary: Yaël, a twenty-four years old girl with the powers to control the four elements, lost all her memories after a terrible incident. While trying to get her memories back, she somehow befriends Wade Wilson and Peter Parker. It’s a bumpy road,  because after being gone for almost a year, everyone thinks she’s dead and there are many different reactions to her comeback. That …and while struggling to remember her life as it was before, she discovers that she isn’t who she thought she was. Maybe there are a few things she doesn’t want to remember at all… . 
Note: This story is the third part of the Sweet Child of Mine-serie. You can read the other parts of this serie on AO3 on my account (Caspinn) or on my friend’s account (kalkoenvsneoklak).
If you want to read more about the story of Peter, Tony and Steve, you should read part one of the series: Being a Stark.
If you’re interested in the story of Natasha Romanoff and James “Bucky” Barnes, I suggest you to read part two of the series: Golden Locks, Silver Arms.
I want to thank my friend for all her patience and for rereading everything. She’s not a robot, though, so if something looks weird, please let me know!I'll try to post biweekly! Mark 'try' :D
It’s storytime!
“Your name is Yaël. Believe me when I say that you should actually be locked up instead of put in this apartment. I guess you can thank your great savior Professor X for that.” The man, who introduced himself as Nick Fury, said.
The bald man next to him, professor X apparently, nodded. “I’ve seen what she is capable of, she needs a second chance. I helped her train…”
“You clearly didn’t help her enough, didn’t you?” Fury countered evenly.“And only the big guy upstairs knows what she will remember of that training of yours. But whatever, she doesn’t remember a thing, so here goes her second chance.”
Wow, Yaël must have fucked things up before she lost her memory. This Fury didn’t seem close to liking her.
“We weren’t finished training,but… that doesn’t matter now,” Professor X turned his wheelchair towardsYaël “What does matter is that we can’t give you too much information about before you lost your memories. The doctors said that remembering things too quickly could cause trauma.”
He sighed. Yaël blinked a few times, waiting for him to continue. She kept her gaze away from Fury.
“But I think you’ll be capable to carry the truth. So, I want you to contact me whenever you see things you don’t understand and we’ll figure these out together,” Professor X continued.Yaël wanted to snort; the only thing that was traumatizing her was thisfugly apartment these two men had put her in. She guessed that the lack of luxury or money was also a punishment for whatever she had done before.
But seeing things she didn’t understand? Call him? What did he mean by that?
“You’ll get what I mean when you see it,” Professor X quickly added when he saw the confusion on her face.
Fury and Professor X then moved towards the door and before they left, Fury said: “Oh, and please prove to me that you’re a responsible, normal adult this time.”
With that, he shut the door behind them, leaving Yaël alone
Two weeks later
Okay, so living alone for two weeks had been…an experience?In the beginning Yaël cleaned her apartment every day. Despite that, it still smelled like turd, mixed with rotting dead animal.
She also quickly discovered that Fury was giving her way too little money. Two days after Nick and Professor X had left, she already hadn’t had enough money to buy groceries for the following week.And when she naively called him about it, he answered her that she already had cost him enough money – which was not fair because she didn’t even know what she had done! So Yaël had decided, on day three, that she should get a job.
She started working for this man, Diego, who made her help in elder people’s gardens to get the weeds out. Of course, this wasn’t totally legal, but nobody wanted to hire a girl with literally no identity or resume.
On the fifth day, she went back to the grocery store. She got some food and walked passed a whole rack filled with hair dye on sale. So, of course, Yaël painted her hair blue. Because that felt like a fun thing to do and it would piss Fury off for her not being an adult.
Afterwards she kind of regretted it, because being mature was her only chance to get out of her sickening apartment…oh, and because Fury gave her even less money after that. Great…
On the seventh day, Yaël felt bored so she bought an old cello that had been repaired with duct-tape. It was pure instinct, like, she sort of knew she could play the instrument. That cello became her best friend, even though it sounded miserable, because, indeed, Yaël knew very well how to play it.
She decided to earn more money by playing the cello on the streets. She was a very… expressive person when she played. She rammed on that thing and sometimes played sweet, but other times aggressive sounding music.
She got money from it. Some people gave it because she played so beautifully. Some just for having her stop breaking their ears. A few days later, Yaël took all the money she had earned that day by playing cello and working in gardens and went to a bar.
The next day, she woke up with a headache and a random man in her bed. After Yaël had shooed the man away, she got a text from Fury to tell her that she had been behaving irresponsible, so he would give her even less money.
The alarm went off.
Yaël tried to get to the snooze button, but as she raised her hand, her fingers got stuck in her own hair. It was all fuzzy and it had knots everywhere, but that’s what you get when you color your hair blue and don’t take further care of it.
Turning off the infernal sound coming out of the machine on her nightstand she turned around to get back to sleep, but she accidentally rolled onto the file the two men had given her. There was only one paper in it.
It must be the smallest dossier in the history of dossiers, sinceYaël didn’t seem to get the right to learn about herself. Professor X had told her that they’d all work together to help her with her missing memories.
Well, Yaël hadn’t seen the two men anymore and it was two days after that grumpy text she got from Fury. She hadn’t seen them in two weeks and she had the feeling that these two were busy and important men. She probably was no priority to them…
Yaël took the dossier and looked at it. It said her birthday was on the first of May and that she would become 25 this year. Her astrological sign was Taurus, apparently.
Well, with that info, she couldn’t get a real job anywhere. Someone also wrote down she had asthma, but somehow, Yaël doubted that. There was something weird going on with her voice, she was sure about that. It sounded hoarse, like she was sick, had a cold.
But the thing was, that hoarse sound never went away. It costed her a little bit more effort to breathe while talking, but it wasn’t so bad that she couldn’t rattle or chatter anymore. Though, her voice sounded like it wasn’t completely hers. And then there was that accent, which was hers. She was completely sure about that, but why did she talk so differently than the other Americans and-
Shit, didn’t she have to mow the lawn of Ms. Tenson today? Yaël jumped out of her bed and searched for clothes. She found a pair of old, dark blue, Harlem trousers and a worn out, black top with a few little holes in it. Yaël ran to her moldy bathroom and brushed her teeth. She did her best to brush her hair…
Oh, shoot! If she only had enough money to buy hair products to get the knots out and make her hair look less a mess…
Suddenly someone knocked on her door. Yaël stumbled towards it with her mouth filled with toothpaste, mumbling some insults to the chair she almost fell over. When she opened the door she saw the ugliest man alive.
His head looked like an enormous raisin. It didn’t bother her though. She guessed she was used to worse, but she wouldn’t know.
“Whabbub?” she mumbled while the toothpaste dripped out of her mouth a bit. The man grinned widely and walked in without her permission. He laid down on her bed after testing it with his hand. Yaël just frowned at him, holding up her hand in a questioning gesture when
“Yo, my name is Wade, and I’m here to be your friend. You know, your friendly neighborhood Deadpool. That’s my superhero name, in case you don’t know.” Yaël went back to the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out.
“They send you, right?”
“I’m hired, especially for you!”
“So they even pay you to be my friend, but they don’t pay me to buy shampoo? Great!” Yaël threw her hands in the air and rolled her eyes. Wade shrugged. “So, now I have a superhero friend? What, to teach me how to be responsible and shit?”
“Well, no, I’m the wrong person to teach you about being responsible. They just discovered that you were doing dumb shit by being lonely and they needed to get rid of me. Or give me some kind of useful purpose, I guess. Well, they paid me better than the other dudes who wanted me to help them rob a bank.”
Yaël raised her eyebrow “So you’re not good or bad? You just do what’s gives you the most money?”
“Most of the time, Merc with a mouth, after all! Now, let’s go. It’s Friday and I need to stalk Parker in the pizzeria.”
“Pizza? It’s morning?” Yaël asked. What exactly did they saddle her up with here?
“Yeah yeah, pizza is for after the movie!” He waved it off as if it was the most obvious answer.
“What movie?”
“Star Wars!”
Yaël didn’t even ask questions and took her backpack. She was glad to leave this stinkhole, even if it was to stalk someone in a pizzeria or something.
But… “Shit, I have to help Ms. Tenson in her garden and I don’t have money for a pizza!”
Wade rolled his eyes. “I took care of it, duh!” he said. “Jezus, are you coming or not?”
Yaël grinned as she closed her door behind her and locked it.
“Okay, so who are we stalking again?” Yaël asked while stuffing her mouth with pizza. She had put her hair in a messy knot, but a few strings were accidentally left out.
“Okay,” Wade answered, “that super handsome boy over there, who is achieving money from that way too ordinary-looking couple, will be my next boyfriend.” Yaël raised an eyebrow.
“Dude, he’s like…twelve!” she countered, taking in the boyish look from the kid. His hair was brown and messy, he was scrawny, almost looking… weak?
“Sixteen,” Wade corrected her. She rolled her eyes.
“Doesn’t matter! He is a teenager and you’re, like, thirty!”
Wade sighed dramatically “For the love of God, are you always that picky? Besides, I won’t get older than this. I just have to wait a few years until he is an adult and…wait is he trying to escape?”
Yaël nodded in agreement as she saw Peter turn around after he noticed them.
“Jup, there goes your crush,” she joked. Wade scraped his throat before he corrected her.
“Soulmate, honey.” Then he inhaled sharply and before Yaël could ask what he was doing, Wade started yelling like a lunatic. “PETERRRRR PARKEEERRRRR!”
The boy seemed to startle. Almost seeming afraid, he looked back and Yaël saw his face turn red.People were looking up curiously and stare at the young boy. Poor soul, being stalked by Wade in such a public place.
She shot an angry glance at Wade, but he just ignored her.The kid looked a bit annoyed as he walked towards them. Heclearly recognized Wade. Yaël asked herself how many times Wade had already been stalking him.
“Yes, can I help you, sir?” he asked politely, but Yaël saw him frown a bit. This boy had the worst poker face ever. Yaël hoped he’d be able to stay kind to Wade, otherwise he might get fired.
Why did she follow this big old raisin? He was even making her feel awkward, dammit!
Suddenly, the smile left Wade’s face as he looked dead serious at the kid. “There is a spider in my pizza.”
Did Peter just raise his eyebrow a bit?
“The fuck, Wade…” Yaël mumbled to herself. But Wade must’ve heard her, because his laughter suddenly rumbled through the whole restaurant. Yaël kicked him under the table as she looked at Peter with a I-am-so-sorry-I-brought-this-mentally-ill-raisin-to-this-restaurant-face. Wade leaned back to laugh even harder and when he finally stopped his concert, he sniffed a bit as he dried his eyes.
“No nono, I was kidding, I just need the bill, and then I want to hire you as my personal pizza-delivery boy.” He said with wiggling eyebrows. Was he flirting with an underage teen in a full restaurant?! Yaël planted her face against the table. Where did they find this idiot and why did he have to be her new babysit?
“The fuck, dude?” the Parker-kid asked. It was loud enough for the owner to hear.
“Dude, I think you got him fired!” Yaël said as they took the cab back to her apartment. Wade shrugged.
“Nah, the owner knows that I’d leave if he fired Parker, since I made a special request for that kid.”
Yaël sighed. “That guy must be crazy. He doesn’t know who you are, he could send that boy into his death by forcing him to deliver for you.”  Wade didn’t react to that, so Yaël stopped staring at the city lights and turned to her supposed babysit.
This time he was staring through the window, so she couldn’t see his face. Did she… insult him?
“Wade, I’m sorry, I-I should not have-“
But when the raisin looked back at her, he was grinning widely. “Look, girlie, you don’t know me either and for the love of dwarves eating Chinese food, I would never harm that kid! Now, you wanna go on an adventure?” The cab stopped.
“What kind of adventure?” she asked while opening the door. Wade did the same.
“Well, there is this squirrel wandering around in the city, and it’s the size of a girl. A girl-sized squirrel!” he answered excited while paying the driver too much money. Well, that sounded like something Yaël had to see, too!
She forgot about Wade’s behavior in the restaurant and nodded with a big smile. Then she remembered she had to work in Mr. and Ms. Thompson’s garden and started shaking her head. She still had some time before she should go to bed, it was only 8 pm, but she needed to eat and shower and hunting a squirrel girl together with Wade could probably cause some physical damage.
She couldn’t show up with the two old people, looking like she had been fighting a bear… they’d fire her!
“You’re sending mixed signals here.” Wade smirked.
“I have to work tomorrow, but if you want a drink…” she said while pointing at the apartment building. It was meant to be red, but it could use fresh paint… or a fresh building.
Wade shrugged and followed her through a blurred glass door with a big wooden handle to push it open. It immediately led to a hallway with an old elevator to the right and the stairs in front of them. Yaël pressed the button to summon the car and waited.
But after a few minutes she grunted and started knocking on the door that could only open when the lift arrived.
“Lady, you need some snickers,” Wade jokes.
“Wait for it…” Yaël said with a wink as she kept knocking and then yelled: “MS. THOMAS? YOU FELL ASLEEP BETWEEN THE DOORS AGAIN!”
They heard someone mumble somewhere above them and a few seconds later, the ‘ding’ sounds at last.
As they arrived at the sixth floor, with the same used-to-be-white walls with here and there holes in the papers so the bricks were showing (as everywhere in the building and carpet that had the color of puke)Yaël lifted her backpack from one of her shoulders and started looking for a key.
They stopped at her door. On the other side of the hallway that was so small only two people could walk side by side, was a window. It was completely useless because it couldn’t open. Yaël tried it many times, because the hallway always smelled like sweat and she wanted to refresh it.
The window probably wouldn’t help at all, because it only led to a small alley with garbage bins. And that wasn’t to speak about the lights, which were just as useless. Most of them didn’t even work! And the ones that did gave enough light for Yaël to find her bed, which consisted of two mattresses placed on each other, at night. Luckily it was day now, so the window above her bed let in enough light to provide her whole room.
Yaël walked to her little fridge. “What do you want? I have water, or beer, or… oh jeez, this milk is bad news, yo!” She threw it in the bin. “I also have orange juice!”
She was surprised when she found the beverage in the back of her fridge. Wade jumped into her little, two-person sofa.
“Some juice would be great, honey! Oh, do you have ice cubes?”
“Eh, no, I make these myself,” she said a bit muffled with her head still in the fridge. Wade cocked his eyebrow.
“Yeah, don’t we all…. You have to put them in the freezer, you know that, right?”
“I’m not mentally ill, asshole! Look!” She took a glass out of a cupboard and filled it with orange juice. Then she put it down next to the sink, opened the tap and rolled her sleeves up. Her hand reached towards the water, but she didn’t touch it. Instead, she moved her fingers like she was handling an invisible pincer.
As she closed the tap with her other hand, some water kept flowing in front of her fingers like a bubble. First, she played with it by moving her fingers, so the bubble danced however she wanted it to. She was controlling the water.
Wade looked at it like he was a kid at the circus. Yaël moved the water until it hung above Wade’s glass. Then she formed her hand into a tight fist. Wade saw the water turn into ice in just a second. Yaël dropped the ice in the juice and handed the glass to Wade. He smiled, as if the juice would taste even better now.
“Cool! Can you teach me that trick?”
“Uh, no, obviously.” Yaël filled her own glass with water and sat down on the rug in front of Wade.
“So… you can control water?” Wade asked. Yaël took a sip from her water but didn’t look up.
“Well, eh, I can control the four elements,” she explained. Wade jumped up, while clapping his hands, a little bit too excited.
“YOU’RE THE AVATAR!” he exclaimed. Yaël rolled her eyes.
“No. I don’t know if you noticed but Aang is very smooth in handling his powers. I’m… not.” She answered dryly. She had discovered the series a few days ago and she had been binge-watching it secretly. Yaël had also been thinking about it for a few days and she couldn’t shake the feeling that her powers were the source of this nightmare.
They must’ve something to do with why Fury doesn’t like her and why she is locked up in this ugly ass cage.
“Is this what they teach you at school in Germany? Together with changing eye color?” Wade sat down again and spread his legs over the entire sofa. Not that it bothered Yaël, her rug was fluffy enough to even sleep on. She knew that out of (drunken) experience.
“Wha- I’ve never even been in Germany?” she muttered out. But she understood what Wade was talking about. Her words sounded different, some were even difficult to pronounce.It was the accent. When Yaël first met Ms. Thompson, the old lady that lived in the room right under hers, she had also asked where Yaël came from.
Just like Ms. Tenson… and that guys from McDonald’s.
Wade pulled her out of her thoughts. “Yeah, or Sweden or Austria or wherever the fuck you come from.”
Yaël stood up and walked to her bed. “But… my file says nothing about Europe?” Yaël took the file and looked at that one page they had given her. It actually didn’t mention where she came from. “Weird…” Yaël mumbled.
“Yup, Furry and X are clearly hiding something from you.” Wade mentioned casually, like he was talking about the weather.
“Great.” Yaël sighed. “Wait, Furry?”
“You know who,” Wade said with a wink.
“Oh, and that eye color thing is something I can’t control,” Yaël said as she remembered Wade’s earlier question “It depends on what element I’m using. When I’m handling something from the category earth, they turn green. With air, they turn grey. Fire makes them brown and water-“
“Blue!” Wade interrupted her. Yaël nodded and threw the file back on her bed.
“Yup, and when I’m using no element at all, my eyes are ochre. So I think that’s my actual eye color, right?”
“Guess so.”
After a friendly discussion over favorite Avatar-characters (Wade fanboyed over Toph, while Yaël admired Zuko) and some sandwiches, Yaël kicked the guy out. She jumped into her moldy shower, tried to brush her hair, cleaned her teeth and planted herself face-down in bed. She fell asleep like that for a few minutes, woke up with a sore neck and then dug herself under the blanket.
As soon as she saw the cage around her, she knew she was having that weird dream again. This was the third night on a row. Yaël looked around, but she already knew what she’d see.
There was only woods around her, dark, deep woods. She saw the towers of a castle at the horizon, raising from somewhere deep in the woods. To her left, close to her cage, there was a little house. It looked old, like a cottage, with plants growing over it.
Somehow, it looked welcoming to Yaël, with the curtains, the old, wooden door and the shutters. The girl kept staring at the little house, because she knew what was coming. And yes, after a few second, she saw him walking around behind the window next to the door. He was too far away to show any features, but somehow, Yaël knew it was a man. She wasn’t able to walk to the house to sneak in and check what he looked like, because she was stuck in some sort of glass cage, like always in this weird dream.
“Are you alright?”
Yaël jumped and turned around, she felt her heart beat fast in her chest. It was a tall, blonde man. It wasn’t the first time she saw him in this dream, he had been there the previous two times too, but it was the first time he spoke.
“Miss?” the man frowned a bit, he looked worried. Why wouldn’t Yaël be alright? As she tried to nod, the girl noticed that she suddenly couldn’t move anymore. She forgot about the house, the man and the woods for a moment. What the hell?!
Her arms were bound tightly against her chest. Around her neck, wrists and ankles, she felt some kind of metal device. Was this thing draining her energy so she’d be less movable? All the devices were connected with thick and thin cables to a machine outside of the top of the glass cage. Yaël wanted to say something, but her throat felt so dry and she tasted blood. Had she been fighting?
Usually she’d just stare into the woods from her cage while the blonde man would just stare at her with his blue eyes. Why was it this time all so different?Yaël’s heart started to race even faster as she started to panic. Why the heck was she locked up like some kind of weird, wild lab-animal?
“No need to panic, this is… for your own safety.” The man sounded like he didn’t even believe that himself. He was able to follow her pulse on the monitor in front of him.
A monitor in the freaking middle of nowhere. What was this dream?
“C-can you give me some water, please?” Yaël asked, her voice sounded hoarse, like she had been screaming all day. The man looked down and frowned thoughtfully.
“I shouldn’t,” he mumbled as he looked back up. His blue eyes crossed hers. They looked familiar somehow. He sat down on the chair behind the monitor and with a blink of an eye, he suddenly was reading a book.
Right, Yaël was dreaming, she reminded herself. This wasn’t real. She was curious though… what was the man reading? She stared at the book, hoping that the guy would move his book so she could read the front.
The man looked up and saw her curiosity. “Of Mice and Man,” he said as he shut the book and lifted it so Yaël could see the front.
She didn’t know that book, but it surely looked old. The papers were yellowed, and the cover looked like it had gone through a war.
“It reminds me of older times, of my… youth.” He looked at bit doubtful when he said youth, like he wasn’t really sure if that was the correct word for what he meant. Well, Yaël totally didn’t get what he was talking about. That book looked older than its owner, who looked like he was thirty-something.
He lowered the book again and stared at the cover. It was completely silent for a moment, what made Yaël feel even more stuck. She wanted to scratch her neck, she wanted to move, turn around and take a good look at that house again.
Being unable to move itched even more in complete silence. Yaël sighed, she was almost sweating from getting nervous. Her hair tickled her neck. Something beeped on the monitor. It probably showed her rising heart rate. The man looked up and checked the screen. Then he looked at Yaël.
“I don’t-, Shall I-“ the man looked tired as he rubbed his eyes. He thought for a minute. “Do you want me to read it out loud?”
Yaël nodded, listening to a story would distract her from being locked up. She gave him a little smile for his act of kindness.
The blonde man was a calm reader. His voice sounded soothing… too soothing. Yaël felt herself slip away. Which feels weird in a dream. She fought it, but closed her eyes after a while. Yaël opened her eyes again immediately and stared to a yellowed ceiling with cracks in it. One second later, the alarm of her cellphone went off: time to get up.  
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