yanimae · 19 days
‭📖Matthew 6:25-27
“Therefore I tell you, don't be anxious about your life, what you'll eat or drink, nor about your body, what you'll put on. Isn't life more than food, and the body more than clothes?Look at the birds of the air: they don't sow, reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than they? And who can add a single hour to life by being anxious?
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yanimae · 2 months
Another great hit!:
Jacob married Leah, Rachel’s less beautiful older sister as a condition to marrying Rachel as well, the woman of beauty he actually loved. When he neglected poor Leah, she cried to God for mercy so God gave her many sons while punishing Jacob by making Rachel barren. And then Jacob blamed Rachel instead of accepting accountability for neglecting his vows to Leah.
Just another day of men in the Bible being reminded to treat the women they marry well.
The red pill community needs to read the Bible. When Abrahams wife was old and infertile God didn't say "ya bro just find a new wife" in fact he scolds Abraham for being unfaithful. King David's affair with Bathsheba resulted in his dynastys downfall. Joseph was told by God to be a father to a son that wasn't biologically his. So I don't want to hear "as a man I deserve a young hot wife" or "women have expiration dates" or whatever. READ THE BOOK!!!!
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yanimae · 7 months
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Saturday morning
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yanimae · 7 months
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Been a while since posting here! Felt like taking a stab at drawing Miguel from Spiderverse. Mainly because his impressive cheekbones seemed fun to tackle. (And they were!)
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yanimae · 1 year
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Jesus Christ is genuinely coming again for those that follow him.
God's love for this world meant that he gave his only son, Jesus, to take on the punishment of sin that we all deserve. So, if we truly put all of our faith in Jesus, we will be saved from spiritual death and enter life with God. Anyone who truly believes in Jesus IS saved, but those that stay in unbelief turn themselves to be condemned in hell because they didn't believe in what Jesus did.
God didn't send Jesus into the world to condemn us, but to save us!
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yanimae · 1 year
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Doodles and sketches of a character I've been bouncing around for a bit. No name yet so I've just been calling her Dog Lady. Still working on her story but I've got ideas. ✨🐩✨
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yanimae · 1 year
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whats that defunct land quote again? every part of the film making process is awful, but not making film is even worse? idk something like that. anywah im being completely normal about art rn ::))
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yanimae · 1 year
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I attended a The Oh Hellos ( @theohfficialhellos )  concert this past Friday, which happened to coincide with Good Friday.  One of there songs, Caesar, describes Christ’s Passion, so I had to make a comic and give it to them (I was able to give it to their merch guy, I hope the rest of band saw it!)
On an aside, that night, the concert, was particularly healing for me, as I’ve been going through some dark valleys lately.  Sometimes Gods love appears in the form of a banjo ya know?
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yanimae · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how the paintings of the agony in the garden are ……..inaccurate? I mean Jesus is fully God but He is also fully man and when we are afraid we don’t usually look up placidly at the sky while kneeling in the grass. I basically break down before taking a hard exam and you think that Jesus was all stoic like that before He was tortured and died for us? No, He sweat blood.
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yanimae · 1 year
Japanese Teen Media, particularly in Shoujos, do an extremely good job of portraying this accurately.
Some of my favorites are Peach Girl, about a girl bullied for her dark skin (her worst bully her own “best friend” who lords her paler complexion over the mc) and A Silent Voice. The latter deals with bullying that’s expressed both kinetically and psychologically plus being I feel one of the best showcases of the complexities of bullying from both perspectives. (The movie’s kinda lame tho. I recommend the manga instead as it’s infinitely better.)
It’s a shame American media fails at treating the subtle, quiet and most prevalent types of bullying with more regard. Like it’s not important nor a “big deal” and it’s just “words”. Easy to say if you’re not the one dealing with it growing up.
Not everyone responds to it the same way nor is everyone completely powerless against it. But quite a few DO feel powerless, especially if you feel absolutely no one, not even your family, is on your side or willing to hear you out.
no piece of teen media has ever accurately depicted the quiet psychological warfare of bullying. bullies on TV are always dumb brutes and not the evil geniuses of emotional manipulation that they are in real life. being given a wedgie and having your lunch money stolen is nothing in comparison to a classmate quietly creating a taboo against speaking to you that they intend to enforce against all the other kids. it’s nothing like continuous cutting comments from people you thought were being nice to you. that way that the work of one kid can make you feel like every person on earth silently hates you and that you are dirty, disgusting, worthless, creepy and useless. that you can have friends but many of them will not speak to you at school for fear of the social consequences on their end. how that damage lasts in any social setting for the rest of your life
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yanimae · 2 years
hi risha, its about lunch time where i am and im very hungry! that said how are ur cooking skills ?
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yanimae · 2 years
After mysteriously winning a new house, a cat named Yu moves into a strange land far from the city.
Inspired by RPG maker games and visual novels.
Watch episode 1 of A Trek with Nanek!
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yanimae · 2 years
I find it personally offensive how many bad writers can get published so easily.
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yanimae · 2 years
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yanimae · 2 years
I draw too many vash recently he started to look like woodstock to me
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yanimae · 2 years
Magic Treehouse!
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yanimae · 2 years
Part of the reason the derision “self-insert ocs” earned was big in part because of the noteritety of certain fan fictions (my immortal) that led to becoming the most immediate thing someone will recall when thinking of “self-indulgent fiction for the writer to live vicariously through”.
The damage that this caused is ppl become unable to look at things outside a “internet fandom” lens and instead with a critical objective literary point of view, in that the use of “inserting parts of yourself into the characters of your fiction” is in fact, a COMMON and USEFUL way of making stories!
There’s a piece of advice my story telling professor (who worked at dreamworks on movies like Shrek) once told us which is if you’re ever stuck on a story you’re trying to tell, try to “return home”. Which meant essentially to look into that which you know, are familiar with and your life experiences to include in developing the story or character(s). Putting yourself, parts of you, into a story is almost expected in order to make a story feel REAL, TRUE and NATURAL. Attempting to write a story from a perspective you’re not familiar being in will ultimately make it feel distant or worse jarring and unbelievable, which will break the immersion you’re trying to achieve.
Anyway, the point I’m making is that I somewhat resent the way “self-insert” has been conflated with basic writing tools that have been used for centuries in almost every piece of fictional media and how much it bothers me that hopeful creatives are shamed out of it when it’s actually NECESSARY to make stories that resonate.
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that’s my secret. all my OCs are me
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