yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
Okay but like you know that Blood Rut I mentioned in the server....
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okay listen, listen…. fangies
*runs away*
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
"My name is Carri. You can call me that. I'm here because screening for forgeries is beneath me. I became a handwriting analyst because you can tell so much from a piece of scribble.... so much more than if a signature is fake or not. You can actually get a near complete psychological profile from a piece of writing... that is if you're good. I suppose you could say I expected more from my job than just sorting out forged insurance policies." She spoke so coldly, and didn't keep their eyes on him, as if unafraid.
"I'm fully aware you could kill me, easily, but it's not my life I'm worried about losing." Her eyes snapped back to his. "I will keep my unit off your trail for a length of time you think is fair, and in exchange all I want is for you to handwrite me a letter. It can be about anything you please so long as it is written in your hand. Not typed, and not anyone else's work. It wont be shown to anyone. I promise that's all I want." She folded her hands in front of them.
"It's so interesting to find someone with such similar interests and fascinations to yourself that chooses to do such different things with them. Death becomes you, mysterious stranger. You needn't fear little old me... I'm a forensic handwriting analyst with the FBI. I could tell your every trauma by the way you write your Fs and Ts, but that's not the signature I followed to get here." The redhead announced when the gurgling of the last victim stopped. "I didn't pass the test to carry a gun, and my team doesn't know where I am. You're free to disbelieve that."
Murdock's gaze shoots from his latest victim to the stranger who has entered the room. His grip on the knife handle tightens and he eyes the exits, keeping the stranger always in his vision.
"You call me a stranger, yet clearly you're not here by accident. It's a foolish thing to interrupt a predator's hunt, openly calling yourself an enemy."
He points the knife in their direction.
"You're going to tell me what you're doing here, stranger, or else this idiot," he nudges the body on the floor with his foot, "won't be my last kill of the night."
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
Illinois x GN!Reader: The Twin Cats and the Magic String
credit to @nekosounds for doing this with me as a roleplay that inspired the fic
Summary: You’re not as good at dodging traps as Illinois is tags: hurt comfort, sfw, illinois x reader, gender neutral reader, fluff, some cursing, use of caps in the writing
You had been translating the hieroglyphs when it happened.
Illinois had told you time and time again how to keep an eye out for traps, but the pressure plate was well disguised, and as it ground into the stone, pegs shot back into the walls as giant stone slabs dropped into place, boxing you in completely. 
As the ringing in your ears stopped, and you assessed your body-- all still there, yes. You were fine. Terrified but fine-- the dust settled and you could hear Illinois on the other side of the stone, calling your name in panic, asking if you were okay. 
"I'm alright! I'm just glad they didn't crush me…" you coughed a couple times at the dust, your eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. There were three small diamond shaped holes to allow air in, and precious little light. "Can you get a flashlight through one of those openings?" You reached up to one. 
He shoved a flashlight through the hole into your hand. As the cool weight settled in your hand your thumb found the switch and nudged it up to turn the light on. You could still see the hieroglyphs you were supposed to be translating. But no manner of release you could see from here. "Any way to release it out there?" You called. 
"I don't see anything, darlin'." His voice came in return. "I'll go ahead and call for help getting these slabs back up into wherever they fell from. One of the guys is bound to have a jack or a prybar or a wedge." He reassured you. He was silent for a moment, then you could hear the dial tones of him putting his call on speaker. 
"You get service in here?" You asked, but he didn't answer quite yet. 
"Yessir, Asimir is waiting by the jeep like you say, missere." Came the thickly accented voice of the guide that had driven you both to the foot of the plateau. 
"Asimir, Y/n got into a trap, can you get anything up here that'll move a stone slab out of the way?" Illinois asked. His voice moved slightly as if he was pacing while he talked. 
"Yessir, two hours, I am coming." Asimir hung up. 
"TWO HOURS??" You shouted from your cubicle prison. 
"Calm down, darlin', I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere until you're out of there. Getting anxious about it is only going to make you hyperventilate." He came back to peer into the opening. "Do the hieroglyphs say anything about how to get out?" 
You turned your attention back to the carvings. "No, it's a fable about twin cats who got separated exploring a labyrinth." 
"Sounds like a cute kids story." Illinois hummed.
"Or a drama about how curiosity gets you in trouble." You scoff, propping the flashlight in the corner to try to light up most of the small space. 
"It's two cats in a maze. How much trouble could they possibly get into?" He chuckled. 
"How much trouble have we gotten into? And we're sentient." You shot back. 
"So go on." He said after a moment. 
"And do what, Illinois? I'm stuck." You huffed. 
"No, I mean go on with the story! What happens to the kitties?" He protested, now shining his light through the hole at you. 
"Are you five??" You shielded your eyes from the more direct beam. 
"Yes! Bedtime story please!!" He joked in return. You turned on the floor to lean your back against the artefact's pedestal and translate the rest of the carving. 
"Oh my God, my life is in your hands. I'm fucking doomed." You complained. "Keep your light on it." You told him. He aimed his flashlight beam at the wall of runes. You took a deep breath and started to read. 
"One day, Mewl and Purr found themselves playing farther from home, and stumbled upon a great temple--"
"Mewl and Purr that's so precious." 
"Do you fucking want me to read the story?" 
"There's nothing else you have to do at the moment." 
"Fuck off and shut up." You snapped. He chuckled and you kept reading.
"And they stumbled upon a great temple with a maze in its depths. Purr turned to Mewl and said 'there must be something heavenly at the end of this maze. Let's find it!' And Mewl agreed with passion. So they decided to split up and yowl for each other when one had found the right path. 
They both searched and searched as long as they could stand on their paws, but Mewl couldn't find the exit. Nor could he find Purr. He yowled until his voice was sore like he'd swallowed sand. But no one came for him." 
"What happened to the little guy?" Illinois interjected. 
"If you're patient I'll fuckin tell you.
Mewl laid down, wishing he could cry. He wanted his brother more than any treasure at the end of this maze. He wanted to go home for salty fish and sweet milk and lay with their mother and forget the whole thing."
"Tragic. I want salty fish and sweet milk with my mother." 
"You interrupt one more time I swear--" 
"Sorry! Go on!" He was laughing but you pressed on with the story, the faded carvings getting more difficult to read. 
"Mewl lay on his side until something tickled his paw. He looked down, expecting one of the insufferable centipedes the maze was rife with,but instead he saw a magic length of yarn, beckoning him like his master's finger. He followed it, turning this way and that and finally he was following the string so intensely he ran his head right into Purr's. The brothers cheered and played and embraced. They had found each other because of the magic string of the maze and could finally go home and tell their mother the lesson they learned." You finished. 
"Love a happy ending. That was sweet." Illinois sounded like he was smiling. The light moved, but because of your own you weren't completely in the dark. 
"Yeah, it was. But it doesn't exactly help us." You sighed. 
"Asimir's on his way. You won't have to wait too much longer…" his voice was calm, only because he was trying to keep you calm. He was worried too,but would never admit it. 
You sighed again, letting your hand press against the cool stone floor. When you felt something. "Illy…" you had that tone he knew that meant you were really excited and desperate to share something with him but couldn't get the right words out.
"What? Did you think of something?" 
"The cats, Illinois! The story, THE STRING!!!!" You smacked the wall. 
"The string??" He repeated, not knowing what you meant.
"Uh… okay…" there was a minute of shuffling. "I found one! Is there one on your side?" 
"Yes, pull it on three!" 
"Okay… 1… 2… 3!" Both of you yanked the two string releases at once and pegs under the slabs pulled back and they fell into the floor with a grinding slam. 
You uncurled from your defensive position and looked over to see Illinois, no more stone walls in the way. You both moved at once, running to him and you jumping into his arms. 
Neither of you let go until you heard footsteps coming into the chamber. "Yessir, I come with prybar for getting Y/n out of trap--" Asimir called, his light falling on the two of you safe and sound. "You, sir! You are tricking me with this call! They are in no trap!" He shook his finger at Illinois, who laughed and moved towards him to try to explain what had happened. 
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
Want - Dark x GN!Reader
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Rating: NSFW
Word count: 1400+
TW: choking
Summary: “You don’t need to ask.” He cups the side of your face. “Take what you want from me, my love.”
Request: ‘ could I have a dom dark and really like hopelessly subby reader that’s trying to ask Dark if it’s okay for them to top just once? At first he laughs but then he walks them through it and gives them advice? Feminine reader?’ - @yeh-spookey-betch​
Notes: Ended up making this GN, hope that’s okay!
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Keep reading
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
I'm gonna chunk if I don't get some fried catfish in me right now. I need it. Crying in the club and it's from a distinct lack of catfish
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
"I love you" Dialogue Prompt List
Not gonna lie, I couldn't find a list that I liked so I'm making my own. Feel free to reblog and use for any fandom! ❤️️ Some are a little NSFW leaning but don't have to be. Have fun!
1) "If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars."
2) "You're so cute when you're sleepy."
3) "My kiss quota for the day hasn't been filled. I need a thousand more."
4) "It's just that every time I see you, my heart beats so hard I can't breathe."
5) "I will always be here for you, no matter what. Okay? Don't ever doubt that."
6) "Text me when you get home safe, okay? Actually, call me."
7) "I didn't know it could hurt so much to be so in love with you."
8) "God, your lips are so soft."
9) "If I told you that I was in love with you, it would change everything. I couldn't do that-" "But I'm in love with you too."
10) "Did you eat yet today? I'll order something."
11) "Just lie with me for a while. I'm not ready to get up."
12) "I can't stop thinking about you."
13) "Do it. Take this chance. Don't let yourself wake up tomorrow regretting not knowing what could have been."
14) "This sounds so cheesy, but be my Valentine?" "It's March."
15) "You've just won one free pass to my bedroom."
16) "You're so dumb." "You love me."
17) "Kiss me again? Please?"
18) "Would this be a bad time to say I want to get you into my bed later?"
19) "You're the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep."
20) "I can't believe we've known each other for years and are only now confessing our feelings. I have so much lost time to make up, now."
21) "If I quote poetry would that make it better?" "Only if it's not cheesy."
22) "You're staring at me." "Sorry, I can't help it. You're so gorgeous."
23) "Earth to <insert name>! What are you looking at?" "The most beautiful/handsome/stunning person in the world."
24) "Let me hold you and kiss all of your tears away."
25) "I don't recall the moment I fell in love. It just happened."
26) "Do you think we'll make it until forever? Until the end of time and space and beyond?"
27) "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you. You're an angel when you're sleeping."
28) "You know there are people out there who love you. I do."
29) "At this point, you practically live here. I think you have more clothes here than at your own place."
30) "You mean the world to me. Nothing else matters, and nothing else ever will."
31) "Us. I like that sound of that."
32) "You think we can get away with calling into work today just so we can cuddle?"
33) "I notice when you stare at my lips, you know. You can just kiss me and get this awkward part out of the way."
34) "Why can't you see that I'm in love with you?"
35) "Well fuck. Didn't expect to be announcing my undying love for you this early in the morning."
36) "You think our friends will be mad if we just get married right now?"
37) "I like when you kiss me there."
38) "You're making it so hard to concentrate right now." "Good, pay attention to me."
39) "I honestly have no idea why it took me so long to kiss you."
40) "Are you implying that you want to kiss me?"
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
I'm in there
Hello! I’m trying to see if there’d be any interest in an ego-centric Discord server. 
I know similar servers exist already but I feel like a lot of them aren’t very active.
If you think you’d be joining an ego related discord server, please let me know!
It would be open to nsfw conversation, so 18+, no exceptions.
(also feel free to reblog this so it can find more people)
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
Free pain on tumblr . Com
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Im not proud of myself
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
I'm into it and I am looking most disrespectfully at this ask 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
if this ask makes you uncomfortable, please just ignore it, I'm sorry in advance
Do you think any of the egos would have a dollification kink?
I think Author and Actor would
I actually don't know like anything about dollification. Mayhaps I will have to do some looking
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
making an ask game that's Not Like Other Ask Bait
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
Mm. Free pain on tumblr . Com
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Soulmates always seem to find each other.
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
Engineer Mark x reader: Thinking of You
for @westanthewaterman  i told you 
in reality the idea was too good to wait until i’m in the new house so i impulse wrote the whole thing within the last hour on my phone because i have the google docs app. so consider this something to tide you all over. 
warnings: dubcon if you squint real hard, angry/angsty sex, being used to relieve stress, i think that’s all that needs a warning? oh yeah, Dom! Engineer Mark
It's been ages. Between all his work rebuilding the warp core, his thoughts always turned back to you. Sometimes those thoughts were angry. Sometimes those thoughts made him cry. Sometimes those thoughts had him clinging onto the edge of the dais for dear life as he stroked his aching needy cock with fervor and desperation, wishing it was your hand, or that he could be inside you. 
After what seemed like years too long… he heard footsteps in the connecting hall. Like someone was coming. There was no one else it could be. You were coming to mess things up for him yet again, reset his progress and leave him endlessly frustrated and pent up. His anger came back first. Before he had his pleasure, he had to get the business done. The door opened. 
"Hello Captain." CLANG. 
You were on the floor, groaning and holding a minorly bleeding temple, looking bleary. He took his pliers to yank the crystal from your glove. Immediately you reached for it.
"Don't." He gave you a look filled with the most vitriol you'd ever seen him with. It was almost like he spat on you with the word. You hadn't been to this timeline before, and didn't understand why he looked like he hated you. This wasn't the Mark you knew, always smiling and ready to help. This Mark was jaded like he'd seen decades worth of too much. 
"M-Mark… please, you don't get it… I didn't…" you whimper. He was hearing none of it. He stood up and stepped away, putting the crystal somewhere you couldn't see. Your palm ached and something within you hurt like a heart attack. Like it took something with it when you lost it. 
The sounds of you moaning on the floor, even if it was in pain, was making other thoughts come back for Mark. He froze, a sudden decision snapping in his mind. "Actually… now that I have you here…" He turned to you. His voice was still angry, so you panicked for just a moment thinking more blows were coming. He knelt beside you and pulled you up to face him by your uniform front. "Do you know how frustrating it is being completely alone for as long as I've been here?" He growled to your face. 
Any words you could have said were suddenly blocked by his lips as they crashed into yours. He was kissing you with all the passion in him. You felt fireworks. Maybe he didn't hate you. He was just mad, and understandably so, you'd both been through so much. He was doing what he thought he had to. 
"Have you been thinking of me as much as I've been thinking of you?" He whispered against your mouth. 
"Yes…" you somehow put every emotion into that word and he felt it. You both needed each other. Now. 
In seconds he had the front of your uniform ripped open so fast it busted the zipper. His hands pressed and stroked and squeezed like he was blind, trying to learn you. He'd missed you so much. He'd been fantasizing about this moment so much that he didn't know how much was wet dreams and how much was hallucinations. Soon his hand found your sex and he rubbed, forcing himself to start gentle. His mouth was attacking your neck and you could feel his breath, his lips, his teeth and his tongue. Your own lips fell open with sounds of sin, loud moans amidst the hum of the rebuilt core.
"So loud for me… perfect… it's been too quiet, the silence almost made me lose it. I can finally feel you. Feel anything except being so mad…" He growled. You let him rant, you missed him so much you'd let him do near anything to you to make both of you feel better. Get the stress of this whole situation out of your systems. 
"T-... Take it out on me, Mark… please… d-do anything you want…" you pant in his ear. 
"Oohh, darling… be very careful about saying things like that. I've been so fucking pent up for so long. Are you prepared for me to use you for days on end?" He moans, grinding his bulging arousal against your leg. His hand on you sped up and you gasped. His proposal was making you feel hot in your gut. You hadn't planned on that, certainly, but if it helped him, you'd take any punishment. 
He kept up his motions until every exhale you made was a moan of a plea or his name, and suddenly you felt the edge coming closer, too fast to warn him. Even a louder call didn't stop his hand and you came over his fingers, whining and your thighs shaking. 
He only pulled away long enough to get his and your uniforms completely off, and then yanked you towards him by the legs. He touched himself with your cum for lubrication and started to work open your hole starting with a finger. "I'm trying so fucking hard not to ruin you. After everything I still fucking care. I don't wanna hurt you too bad, Captain." He said your title like a curse. There was pain behind that. 
Soon he felt satisfied with how prepared you were and you felt him rubbing something bigger than fingers against your opening. "Please, Mark… please…" you begged, but you lost track of what you were even begging for.
He kissed you again with a quick but not rough thrust in. You just suddenly felt so filled and you moaned, Mark taking that opportunity to explore your mouth with his tongue. You let him. He needed this. He let you adjust for all of a minute before making little pulses with his hips, grunting and letting his head drop into the crook of your neck. 
"God you feel better than I ever dreamed. All those times I wanted my hand to be you… it's embarrassing but I could cum now if I'm not careful…" He admitted. 
"You can use me to cum as much as you want to…" you moaned. 
"I plan to." He growled, pulling back and thrusting into you, making you call out. He started to move, setting a brutal pace and as promised, taking out his stress with you. Every few minutes he would have to slow down. He didn't want the first session over so quick. You couldn't really keep with the rhythm of him, he surprised you with every new move he made. After a while, you were close again. 
"M-Mark… I'm close again, please please please… lemme cum with you…" the last word turned into a keeping moan as he hit just the right spot. 
"I suppose I can let you have that. After everything you've done." He sped up, sending both of you careening closer and closer, filling the air with sounds and smells of sin until you wailed his name into the cavernous room and clenched around him, stiffening your whole body with a powerful orgasm. You were seeing white for a few seconds, and he let out a shaking groan as he came right after you, filling you with something warm. It was clear he was sensitive, after cumming for the first time in such a long spell without, but you could rest assured this wasn't over. 
For a minute you were both laying, he was still inside you, panting and covered in a sheen of sweat. The cold floor under you was welcoming, if a little uncomfortable from being so unyielding. He slipped out of you and rolled to the side, but you didn't move, catching your breath. 
"You have an hour before we go again."
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
To do
Anti x dark threesome request
Yancy x reader softer
Yancy x reader spicier
Dark x reader topping for once
Dark x reader getting a tattoo for him ("property of")
Illinois x reader hurt comfort blocked in by a trap and talking through the wall
Just a short list of ideas I have that I plan to work on as soon as I'm with my computer in the new house! I'm currently waiting for a letter from probation letting me know it's okay for me to move down there and who to report to, and I hope it comes soon I'm vibrating to write
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
My roommate bought me a mug so I'm thinking about this
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
i think if you go to a hospital to get like surgery or urgent care and something embarrassing or weird etc happens to you and a nurse makes a tiktok about how embarrassing or weird you were and makes fun of you, you should be allowed to sue them. like actually. regardless of if they mention your name or not. you should be able to sue them
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
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yeh-spookey-betch · 2 years
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ok ppl been leaving lovely comments about warf's dyed (underside) hair, and so i thought about it and decided im gonna go and slap that same look on dark but with two colours instead of one because I am quirky like that. anyway. it's 4 am.
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