yourmomsandy · 10 months
Pointing at things as I see them:
The art market diss track part 1
-nobody is safe.
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Let me paint you a picture. You are an arts student:
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Hahahahah what a dumbass 🤡. This was your first mistake 🤣. You should have done something else with your life like your dad told you to.
What do we do now that we are already here, though? Will all of us be broke? I know many struggling artists, but I also see many rich ones in gallery openings and online. Which of us will be which? Today we are talking about money moves.
*sniff* *sniff*...what's that smell? Do I smell a POOR?????
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Let's start with the simple stuff:
Are you a painter?
Do you work with sculpture?
(Any other traditional medium ?)
If you said all of the above or any one of them, then congradulations!! You are very easy to SELL. Your work will forever be stuck to sales because the very medium you use was birthed via some sort of exchange. Maybe you could connect back to neolithic cave paintings, but let's be real. Painting/ sculpture/ other traditions as we know them today began with commission work. Face the music 🙈.
If you do anything else, then don't worry. You can also SELL. Capitalism is very clever, and we have found ways to sell even the most untraditional mediums! EVERYONE CAN BE A SELL OUT!!! You, me , your mom, your uncle Steve, talkative bus Jen.
That's right! Performance people, "new media" people, ""digital"" hommies, land art lovers, conceptual hotties. Don't you dare think you have escaped the pits of money laundering just because you decided to be different halfway through your degree.
Your art, too, will be part of a tax evasion tactic.
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I know some of you may be shocked or distraught by this realisation but it is fundamental you strip these flawed self notions of highness before we continue.
Leave it in the clothing hanger by the door please.
So much lighter right?
Let's dig in >:)
If there is one thing art does well, it is selling. It is the key concern nowadays. Before even fully defining itself, art is quick to sell. Why is that?
If surviving off of selling my art alone means chaining the work to the market (whichever one you pick), then should I choose not to be successful? -Assuming I have the choise. HA. I'm really whipping out the comedy show today.
QUICK, google if it's too late to turn back now and become a painter whose work doesn't address anything but pleases the eye . Call it "painting about painting" or the term I coined "visual pornography." I WANNA SELL. I TAKE IT ALL BACK.
Just kidding.............
Lately, I have paid CLOSE attention to this trend. A lot of art is looking to sell. Previous dissociations of art from the market have been undone, if they ever existed to begin with. All art is in the market no matter what Marina Abramovic may tell you. Artists with a "career" or looking to get one may not be selling in the same places, but they sell nonetheless.
Some sell paintings,
Some get grants,
Some auctions,
Some have private investors (this is very real just go to london for a weekend)
Some apply to residencies, competitions, etc
Join any art group, and you will see that this will be the hot topic. Going through ways of income. "Opportunities."
Is there really any difference between selling out to a commercial gallery or selling out in the art market or selling out for an arts grant application? OR selling out to a museum??
Do you remember when NFTS happened and people shat on them. The same artists that did were selling at Sotheby's. They were just trying to pull focus, you dummie 😜. Don't get me wrong, they were horrible, but it's FUNNY, to say the least. Hearing oil painters talking about the ecological impact of NFTS. QUICK, where does your oil rEAlLy go ????
Are you showing at (insert big gallery)? Oh, ok...........
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The NFT moment only revealed how much people were focused on them dolla billz.
*Megan Thee Stallion* Ah 👅
🤑🤑🤑 Artists who never touched the digital because they fetishized the analogue (and feared anything that didn't allign with historically defined mediums) were suddenly morphing into middle-aged reddit tech bros. The Marina nfts were... something. Not necessarily within this category of profiles, but I am writing it down so you know I have not forgotten.
I always looked at the academic scene as the contrasting force to this issue. See? I am bad, too. Booboo, the fool.
The more I progress in life, the more I realise it all works in similar ways. Just different fonts to the same sentiment.
And they copy each other's structures. Employing exactly the same methods of "employment." Briefs in open calls reflect what the market is looking for, BIG institutional shows do the same. Content loses meaning, as artists jump from viral term to viral term.
I never thought about the antropocene much, but I guess, for this application, I could connect my art to it by drawing loose comparisons over the overarching impact of human society.
Note: I'm not saying the work would be bad or good. Nor am I commenting on the antropocene. It's the thought process that seems poor. If one is passionate about something, let that be out of a need to dissect, deconstruct, or maybe look at, or simply enjoy. NOT to snag the next big opportunity. Where is the critical lens, anyways? If you only looked at the antropocene or any other contemporary train of thought AFTER a brief then what? What are you really doing?
The amount of AI usage in catalogues/ shows I have seen from people who could care less about tech is WILD. WE GET IT, you wanna feel new... just go to the club bestie and order a tequila shot. I saw a show that, granted, was a massive slay, but it didn't address AI (with all due respect). It used it in one of the pieces, but it dialogued very little with technology. Why then would the artist feel inclined to frame the work within that discourse. It couldn't possibly be discourse because nobody was talking 😶🫥. The artist had nothing to say about this. Addressing something on mute 🔇. Maybe using AI as a work/conceptual accessory at most. This was done for__________(I'll let you fill in the blank)
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You know what especially IRKS ME??
Not only is art an atm machine, but it is ALSO a best friends race?? Curators, art dealers, facilitators, or the recent it girl term "cultural producer" (LMAO). Call yourself what you wish but often times you are
It has little to do with the work. Just selective v.i.p 4th grade birthday party invites. Survival of the friendliest? Not even. Perhaps of the most passive. Probably.
Anyways... I'll put that on hold. We'll talk about corruption in another post.
Back to money talk.
I thought perhaps I could do the classic fine art career tangent. Anyone into starting a micro buiseness and using our transferable skills ? 🤓
Inspo bellow:
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
Dolphin dreams
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Hello Blog >:]. Omg this feels so nice to say. I wanted to make one of these in forever but I get distracted easily so I never followed through. This is cool. I'm going to think out loud (just kidding, I'll be on mute actually, just the sound of my keyboard typing because it is very late and my mom doesn't know I'm still up) for a bit about dolphins because I ended up theming this whole thing around it.
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Maybe I should start with why I love dolphins. I think when you are a kid you cycle through a defined set of hyper-fixations. Dinosaurs/cars/babies/dolphins/horses etc. I went through most of these. Dolphins clicked one summer long ago I can't remember when. We went to the canary islands and all I remember was getting a dolphin foam toy at the zoo that I used to play SO much to the point where the foam started to deteriorate and tear シ.
( ꒦ິ ཀ ꒦ິ )
As I grew up I randomly found more and more facts about dolphins via videos and social media. My Youtube viewing habits are odd. They mostly revolve around nostalgic habits I still enjoy to this day (such as listening to nightcore edits) , replaying videos I have seen 1000 times and still enjoying them, games stuff OR random hour long biology dissects. I'm not sure how I got into that but it informed me about many animals, dolphins included. I found out they actually exhibit quite aggressive habits at times which I won't go into detail. They are the secret villains of the ocean.
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I think I like their nefarious nature now. They fit into that creepy pasta 2014 aesthetic. I love that.
I have been looking back at the figure of the dolphin every since early 2023 (when I made this clip). Dolphin dreams, brain stimulation and ibs.
Don't think it will turn into anything but I still feel it's interesting. I am intrigued. Makes me think of something I wrote about randomness and art a while back that also never turned into anything.
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There is a large degree of randomness to what I do. What is "exploration" if not randomness translated to the european ear. Instead of claiming I am ExPloRinG a place I think I would rather randomly walk into one. I think randomness accounts and recognizes chance as an active participant contrary to ExPloRinG which I feel instills the activeness in the explorer. I am often drawn to something and decide to work with it. Meaning eventually arises from my interaction and play but the early stages are joy and interest. I like working in this way. These days, finding any sort of joy in art making feels like a protest of some kind. ROUGH. We better hold on to it tightly.
I actually just googled if dolphins dream and I found out that apparently dolphins cannot dream because they do not experience a full REM cycle. That's a random fact I just found that somehow makes this better. See, random is good. I think a lot of the art I see would become better with a sprinkle of randomness. Artists don't know all the possibilities and leaving some bits to be revealed through the making is exciting while also bringing great unforeseen rewards.
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My ego isn't flexed enough to make me believe I know exactly what the work needs. Often times I am wrong. I have long decided to follow the opposite route. I don't know what the work means when it starts and my role isn't to control. Not even direct. My role is to view and experience these revelations happening as I play, push and pull.
If you are a stuck think of the spaguetti on the wall. This was something I saw once in a house viewing in my second year of uni. We walk in to find a dried spaguetti glued to the wall. This is odd enough but what was fascinating was that it had been painted over. White. Act like that spaguetti. It served little purpose but It excelled at provoking and teasing me. It was a great piece.
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
Saw this exhibition today @ Serralves:
Dayanita Singh
Dancing with my camera
It was by far the best on show there at the moment. From the very beginning, the show plays with documentative language. It really felt like you were snooping around someone's personal archive.
There was a deep relationship between the artist and the subjects. You felt this through the images themselves but also by the participation of the photographer in the work. She was active in these communities, and that was great because it dodged the classic photographer trope of the outsider looking in. She was capturing from within and it was real and careful.
I was interested, but throughout the experience, I kept talking about how I love viewing photography through the photobook format so when we found one I was immediately drawn in. Little did I know I was about to be HOOKED. The book was a bait and I:
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This was the book:
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Some of the pages I took photos to consult later:
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I felt extremely connected to Mona's words. Happiness/joy/sorrow/loss. It also reminded me of what I've been working on. There was an engolfing sense of queer failure throughout.
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When I feel like dying because 1 cannot bear the world any longer, Dayanita arrives to give me love and encouragement. 1998
I wasn't aware of the eunuch community of what the concept even meant, so that was a good discovery. Decolonising my queer history knowledge outside the western queer traditions. I was heartbroken by Mona's writing, but I found joy in the glad moments the photographer captured.
After reading the book for a while, I noticed a photograph. When I got closer, I realized it was a collage and that Mona was edited into the original picture. I loved this series the most. Probably because I am making work about the queer edit. This was that.
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If this world doesn't give us what we deserve, then why not edit our own fantasies ? Crafty and rebellious.
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I loved these works the most.
I went to the artshop of the museum but they weren't selling a copy of the photobook which is a big shame. I went home righr after that because I wanted to leave on a high.
The beginning of this bit in the gallery started with a vídeo of Mona.
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I didn't pay it much attention then, so I feel I would have loved to have seen this at the end after finding what I did. Maybe this wad the point though...to look at them in retrospect. To tease in the beginning but only really come full circle afterwards.
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
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Posting this pansy I did in blender ages ago (I don't really know how I did this lol) so I can remind myself to continue to learn and practice. Haven't used blender in too long. One of my New years resolutions is going to be that. Do more 3d modelling.
Pansies are also my all time favourite flower. My moms too.
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
Posting this dumb ass video of me looking left 🧎‍♂️and then right🗣 because I was in the metro, and I LOVED this fit, but Idk how to record this typa thing without look dumb. Dumb is the new cute, tho? Maybe. Also, how do we feel about the buzz?
I think denim is my favourite fabric ever. I like how it doesn't hug me too much and that is lasts.
This made me think of this kylie campaign, though.
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A lot of the comments I read talked about how she was cosplaying working class. It's hard to ignore considering the styling which just emphasises this idea. The oil stains in her skin, on the knees etc. The type of reality I'm sure she's never experienced before. This idea gets even stronger in this other clip.
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WILD. There is definitely something in the media recently about the upperclass fetishizing the lower/mid (whatever exists anymore, I'm not sure which). The type of archetype she is referencing/cosplaying in these images is a full-on working class profile (reductive) that I doubt has any interest in high-end fashion. Maybe that's the appeal? Looking out of the high lifestyle and fetishing the "othered" lifestyle . Bringing something "outside" of the fashion industry.
I have this #distressed #vintage leather jacked that I got in a kilo sale charity shop thing. It's super baggy and oversized because I don't want my silhouette to be perceived :P. When I first wore it ouside recebtly with a group of friends one of the comments was "uuuuu it's giving Diesel" or some other brand I can't remember. Someone asked about how the jacked was done and I said it was just old lol. The "distressed" look was really just old as f leather that was cracking and even ripped in on place. Funny right?
This is the jacked for reference
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Just some thoughts. I should really stop being o line thought because I was meant to be working this whole time looooool.
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
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Just spent half an hour watching my friends live instead of writing the paper that's DUE SOON....Anyways here's a gif of that (featuring my two ponies someone gave me on my bday)
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
This is how I feel staying at home all day working on my projects. An existential sense of boredom that leads to play ?
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- On another note: I wonder why instagram doesn't allow for gifs ?? It's such a cute web format. #freegifs
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
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a helpful friend! 📎
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
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You want Cat Creeper? More Dancing Cat Creeper?
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yourmomsandy · 10 months
Coming back because all the other socials are so DEAD. This better be where the fun is @
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yourmomsandy · 1 year
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yourmomsandy · 2 years
I love web archives too much
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original url http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/9293/
last modified 2006-04-05 01:06:14
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yourmomsandy · 2 years
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Promenade/3299/
last modified 2006-04-05 01:19:41
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yourmomsandy · 2 years
New tumblr app icon dropped
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yourmomsandy · 2 years
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Tara Donovan
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