xclowniex · 3 days
Being a Jewish leftist in the current day is very interesting.
Because I, along with other jewish leftists still hold leftists beliefs whilst also being disillusioned with the left. We keep seeing time and time again that so many people on the left don't actually believe what they claim to. It's all "we are against x thing, unless it's a group we agree with then we'll ignore it and support the group"
And 9/10 the group they're supporting has explicitly said they want to kill jews but tries to hide it as being anti israel such as hezbollah and the houthi.
And at least personally, I feel a sense of guilt. I know I shouldn't, and it's not my fault or any jew's or Israeli's fault, but I do. How else does one feel when hatred of their identity leads to people supporting groups which sex traffick and enslave people from Africa, who kill people from Syria? Who oppress civilians in the countries they reside in?
How am I supposed to not feel burdened by this? How can I go about by day to day and not feel as if my existence isn't jeopardizing the safety and wellbeing of others?
And I know logically that there is no burden for me to bear. No ethnic or religious group should be held accountable because people are so dead set on hating them that they're willing to endorse and support groups who harm others. Logically, the blame falls onto those who chose to support those groups.
But logic doesn't change how I feel. It doesn't make the guilt go away. And it most certainly doesn't stop people from supporting these types of groups.
Nor would all jews and Israelis ceasing to exist stop the harm done unto people in the middle east and Africa from hezbollah, the houthi and Iran and its other proxies. It would continue to happen because jew hate didn't make people racist, it didn't make people become sex traffickers or slave owners. Those are all choices they made themselves, born out of hatred they have for those whom they harm.
Yet I still sit here, unable to rid myself of the guilt that my existence and the hatred people hold because of it has contributed in some manner to the oppression of others
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 days
are u pro palestine... we have the same interests but i dnt want to follow u if ur weird
honestly this blog is for silly little thoughts about lesbians and such and the occasional personal story or opinion but it’s about time i got one of these. so buckle up long post ahead and it’s not gonna be a cut and paste yes/no answer bc yeah. just read the thing
first of all: im jewish. raised jewish and will forever be jewish. i'm proud of it. i'm not super religious and don't really believe in god but that doesn't mean i'm any less jewish.
second: i believe in a 2 state solution. i don't like terrorists. i think hamas needs to be held accountable for the murders and horrors they've committed, because frankly i think they're a bunch of monsters and terrible people. i don't agree with a lot of the stuff that netanyahu does either because that stuff is also not ok. but overall: fuck hamas.
that being said, i believe that israel has the right to exist. i believe that the jews deserve a homeland where we can be safe. i believe that a 2 state solution is the safest and smartest option. but i will also say that as the correct and historically accurate definition of zionism is to believe in the movement and protection of the jewish state - i am a zionist and i am not going to shy away from what i believe in.
i am aware that people will not like this about me, and i am aware they will try to tell me things about myself that are not true. so i am going to set the record straight and go back to posting about my silly little tv shows.
israel has a right to exist and to defend itsself
hamas are terrorists and should not be in power
i am in favor of a 2 state solution
the people of gaza don't deserve to live in horrible conditions because of the terrorists in power
jews and israeli's don't deserve the hate and abuse that they're experiencing because of people who don't know how to fact check
the hostages should be home. this is non-negotiable, they should be home.
and again - im aware that this isn't the yes/no answer you want, but i can't give that to you because its much more complicated than that.
lastly, if you want to unfollow me for any of these things please go ahead, i don't care. i implore you to fact check yourself before sending hate and threats to people online or in real life (or assaulting/hurting people, seriously just don’t do that.)
if you pick and choose who to engage with online due to political opinions that's up to you, but a difference in opinions isnt 'weird' its just human.
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whereserpentswalk · 2 days
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Wow. Just found out one of my (now ex) mutuals supports genocide.
I want to be very clear to anyone reading this that if you support attacking people or forcibly removing people from where they live because of their ethnicity you are a supporter of genocide. You have no place on the left. Ethnostates are an inherently right wing concept. The idea of an ethnic group having control over a certain peice of land and getting to decide what happens to other people living there is inherently right wing.
I don't care what an ethnic group did, I don't support genocide agaisnt them. I am agasint all genocide. In any circumstance. That's what being anti genocide means.
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i-am-aprl · 8 months
Dozens of Jewish activists drop a huge banner from San Francisco's Colt Tower sending a message to mayor London Breed not to veto the ceasefire resolution that was passed by the SF Board of Supervisors 10 days ago.
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
Katie, a Jewish American who grew up in a pro zionism family. And is very much anti zionism and pro Palestine talks about "birthright trips."
I've heard some crazy shit in my life but oh man I was not prepared for this.
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
When you let your Jewish grandfather babysit your dog...
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batboyblog · 2 years
I hope people reblog to give us a wide sample size, also I hope people put in the tags explaining in greater detail, or mention any category I might not have thought of
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mylight-png · 7 months
This is disgusting. It's 2024 and people are marching through the streets with Nazi flags.
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slyandthefamilybook · 5 months
it's so annoying seeing posts about Jewish culture—cutesy posts about fighting with g-d that appeal to Christian atheists' religious trauma, posts with Jewish music, posts with pictures of beautiful Jews—getting tens or even hundreds of thousands of notes, but the moment someone makes a post about antisemitism—about how it's built in to Western society, about how it's insidious and creeping, about how you've probably internalized it, about the difficulties we face and the grief we feel—they fail to break jumblr containment. Don't get me wrong, I love that goyim are celebrating Jewish culture as something beautiful and wonderful, but that can't be all we are to you. We're real people with real problems that you can't just ignore in favor of reblogging posts about bagels or whatever
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tboyemo · 1 year
Tapping the "your support and solidarity and care for Jews and Romani people and BIPOC should be more powerful than your hatred of nazis" sign so fucking hard rn.
Bcs u should support Jews and Romani people and BIPOC more than u hate nazis and some of u it is very clear that u couldn't give a shite about Jews and romani or BIPOC. You hate nazis but you've forgotten nazis aren't just generalised bigots or bad people and they have an ideology which targets "undesirables" and people who ate racially seen as inferior or less than. Only part of combating white supremacy and fascism is hating nazis and a lot of it is helping communities effected by white supremacy and fascism and listening to and understanding us.
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xclowniex · 2 days
Okay so I looked into this because it didn't seem right.
Danzinger sells commercially to 600 customers aka companies. This is on their website and not at all hard to find.
And whilst florists can and some do buy directly from flower farms, for arguments sake, I'm assuming that it's simply just 600 wholsalers and that they don't sell to florists directly,
To get even specific with my numbers, I'm going to look at just one country and how many wholesalers and florists are there and we'll see if it's more than 600. We will look at USA as it's the one I can find data for the easiest
11,593 florists and 500 wholesalers are in the US per the last available data (source at end).
Assuming only 6% of florists buy directly from flower farms which is very much lowballing it as its not rare for florists to buy directly from farms, that is 695.579 florists, but we'll round down to 695 for nice numbers to work with.
695 + 600 = 1,295 companies who could buy from Danzinger. Assuming all 600 customers are from the US, Danzinger doesn't even have the majority of the US market, and he claimed globally! He literally said that Danzinger has a lock on the global market. They don't even have a lock on the US market!!!!!
And that's also assuming all 600 customers buy baby's breath!
Unfortunately this is just another case of antisemitism. It's a common antisemitic trope to claim that jews control the global market. It's still antisemitic when you replace jews with Israel or zionists in a common antisemitic trope
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Source for US florists and flower wholesalers below
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sunbeamedskies · 4 months
“Noa Argamani was treated well!”
She was kept as a hostage slave in a wealthy family’s apartment, forced to clean it whenever they knocked without warning, for EIGHT MONTHS. Just because they fed her does not mean she wasn’t a hostage and a slave. Her mother also has terminal cancer and was afraid she was never going to see her again.
If you start justifying human rights abuses against women, Jews, and Asians (she is half Chinese) because they are Israeli, you were never against antisemitism, misogyny, or wanted to stop Asian hate.
You can support both Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
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fromgoy2joy · 4 months
Let's write about Jewish characters in dynamic ways- that make it clear "Yes this is us. Yes, we are living our lives with this happiness and ritual, and we love it. "
Like it's so easy to write about, to have casual observances of Judaism and cultural practices be in the background of stories. I'll write of the few examples I can think of in my frame of reference as a college student-
there's a mezuza in the doorway of a college kid's apartment. Whenever his friends come over, it's a reach for some of them to touch it because both he and the rabbi who installed it are 6 foot three. The others feel like a middle school boy slapping the ceiling as they try and reach for the damn thing.
Characters rush on public transport to get to a rabbi's house on shabbat. The train is due. There's a flurry of regrouping, then trying to call a missing friend to get there, and then the process of methodically hiding Magen davids and jewish objects because getting to shabbat dinner without a situation was an order from college Hillel staff.
A character is half-drunk at 2 AM at the convenience store but has to scan the list of ingredients on their chemically disgusting snack for gelatin.
Said character is prevented by her friends from only sustaining herself on 7/11 slushees "even though it's all kosher!"
There are references to the Purim incident constantly- it is never clarified what happened on Purim.
the hypothetical gang of characters are in the middle of nowhere on a grand magical adventure. The main character notices a mezuza on a door of a cabin, knocks on it, and has an in-depth conversation with the resident. Then, he waves his friends over. "Hey, guys! We have a place to stay tonight!" Because through the magic of Jewish geography, it was discovered that the grumpy old Jewish man in the woods is the grand uncle of one of his Jewish Day school teachers
A character who eats cheesy bacon bagels regularly on passover has a deep respect for jewish ritual items. He kisses the siddurim as they're handed back into a pile, he always kisses his kippah that he wears for ritual purposes of shabbats and minions. He's very careful with these objects and keeps on claiming dropping something He is observant, and he cares so much, but not in the "typical" way. Just... please show the nuance in practice.
The big "going out night" for our fearless college student isn't Friday but saturday night because of shabbat.
The stain on the rabbi's couch is not to be mentioned
A character keeps on mentioning the stain anyway.
Jewish goodbyes after any event take a minimum of two hours and that's why the gang is delayed on their journey to save the world .
I want more representation than characters in novels saying "haha I'm jewish but eat bacon and love Christmas!" in such flat ways. Please feel free to add more hypothetical ways of representation in the comments !!! About or inspired by your own life and experiences ! Let's make this post vibrant!
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starlight-bread-blog · 8 months
Leftists: Everyone is a little bigoted. Bigotry is deeply integrated into our society. Everyone picks up on it. You have to actively unlearn it. Check your bias. Your intentions might be good, but you're not immune to bigotry learnt since childhood. Even if you're an activist already. Even if you have friends from the minority. Listen to marginalized voices. Take the critisism. This is the only way to overcome our internalized prejudices.
Jews: Hey so–
Leftists: ZIONIST!!
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thewoodbine · 5 months
PSA: There is no such thing as a "white Jew"
There are Jews who have European backgrounds and *some* of them have benefited from eurocentrism or being white passing, but in moments of crisis or need the social tides that create white privilege have never seen Jewish people as part of that group. Whiteness is a social category which has changed with time and attitudes and, at least for now, it has never and still doesn't include Jewish people.
Continuing to use the term "white Jews" is ignorant at best and harmful at worst. Even converts once converted are othered and can no longer rely on any previous white background to save them if they are identified as Jewish.
[ Non-jews please reblog]
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curiositysavesthecat · 6 months
*this poll was submitted to us and we simply posted it so people could vote and discuss their opinions on the matter. if you’d like for us to ask the internet a question for you, feel free to drop the poll of your choice in our inbox and we’ll post them anonymously (for more info, please check our pinned post)
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