#listen to trans women
redditreceipts · 2 days
are the girls waking up? 👀
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okay so first of all, I never though that I'd hear the term "hair trauma" used unironically.
and second of all, why do these "transfems" even insist on comparing everyone's suffering in such a derogatory way all the time. I mean I have made different observations about people being bullied for their hair length, but you don't see me walking around comparing different people's "hair trauma"? that seems like such a bizarre past time to me.
and thirdly, even WITHIN THE MADEUP SCENARIO this person uses to make fun of transmascs, the transmasc did get into a ton of trouble for cutting their hair short... just because they don't make a huge fuzz about telling everyone HOW EXACTLY they got into trouble when they cut their hair short doesn't mean it wasn't traumatic as well
so yeah, imagine a world where transmascs actually stood up to these weirdos who want to downplay their experiences all the time and act like they are the permanent winner of the victim olympics.
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tofanahisjava · 1 year
The shit I see on TikTok is insane and this is even all that bad compared to what's out there. Like he really thinks hes making a point. He really thinks this proves that he experiences womanhood as much as any of us. I love how everyone of his examples can be categorized into either fetishizing femininity both the performative physical aspects or the servitude subjugation aspect, Or just straight up fetishizing and romanticizing male violence against women and the more directly violent aspect a female oppression. And he doesn't seem to be able to grasp that he is taking his stance of womanhood from a male perspective, Or that he only is experiencing misdirected misogyny and misdirected homophobia because of the way he chooses to live his life a privilege that actual women don't have. Anyways, I'd love to hear your guyn's take on this video. I'm gonna post more this guy's stuff on here because it seems like hes all over tik tok and is gaining a lot of popularity.
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dunmertitty · 2 months
like it’s absolutely no coincidence that the transphobic detransitioners are the trans people who got wrapped up in transmedicalist spaces and thought the only way to be a valid trans person was to graft cisheterosexism onto trans community terms and leech all the queerness out of being queer. it’s no coincidence that these spaces were full of sexism, racism, ableism, transphobia, and the intersections between all of them. it’s no coincidence that all of the former transmeds that never did any reflection and never grew out of those beliefs are now either anti-trans activists who detransitioned or people spouting off transmisogyny under thinly veiled labels of transandrophobia or misandry. it’s no coincidence that these people are the ones misusing language created to explain transmisogyny and intersexism (like c/agab and tma/tme) to render them meaningless and rob trans women and/or intersex people of language to talk about themselves/ourselves. it’s no coincidence that the detransitioners who aren’t transphobic are the ones who listen to and relate to intersex people and trans women. it’s not a coincidence that the biggest transmisogynists are the ones who hold the most rigid bioessentialist views and try to split communities based on those bioessentialist views. you’ll see people who lack intersectionalist views of these perspectives saying things like “i never couldve guessed that xyz was a [insert type of bigotry]” while for months and years, people at the intersections of womanhood, race, disability, transness, intersexuality, etc. were warning everyone from the first signs. it’s not hard to spot the people who will betray their community, look at how they treat the people at the intersections of them. in this case its trans women in the intersection of womanhood and transness, but it goes above and beyond that as well.
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a-room-of-my-own · 28 days
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Listen to trans people!
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pehmekiisufacts · 6 months
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Fourth and final part of the best comments in Dylan Mulvaney's video.
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maleswillbemale · 6 months
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These men are women
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butchgtow · 4 months
that they know what to tag dykebreaking for their kink blogs means they cannot meaningfully deny that they know when they're attempting corrective rape and correction therapy.
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riddlemedis · 9 months
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TIM saying the quiet part out loud about narcissistic qualities of the movement.
TRA Changing everything you can about your body to get “cuter” is the best thing you can do for yourself vs radfem learn to accept and love your body as it is.
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redditreceipts · 3 days
hey! I saw ur post asking about peaking stories. im not sure, but im guessing peaking means when you realised the whole trans thing was bs? if so then i have a story for that !!
so i used to be a huuuuuge trans supporter, at one point thought i may be a trans man (though i thankfully didn’t come out or change name or do any sort of transition).
then i started to realise the flaws in the logic and distanced myself from the whole thing. but i decided that i would take the approach of “if it’s just people being themselves and it doesn’t affect me, i should be fine with it.”
then one day a man on public transport cyber flashed me and my friends by airdropping penis pictures to us. i knew who it was because there was only one guy on the carriage actually on his phone. he was holding two separate iphones (suspicious as hell) and looking around all sneaky. I can’t fully explain it, but if you were there you’d just KNOW it was him. so i took a picture of him. I decided to report this incident and send in the picture of the guy, hoping something would get done.
when i was spoken to on the phone by the transport people, the staff member basically gaslit me into not putting the report through, told me there was nothing they could do, made me feel like i was overreacting. literally quote he asked “do you feel like a victim?”. sadly i was too young and shy to call him out. i was far too polite about the whole thing.
Anyway, in this interaction he referred to the man doing the airdropping as “he or she”. I remember thinking ‘she???? SHE????’ and i realised that in this world of self identity, there’s nothing to say that he couldn’t have identified as a woman. And I thought to myself, in that scenario, am I meant to think of that as a female-on-female sex crime? would that be how it’s counted in crime statistics? and suddenly everything came crashing down for me. like, wow, trans ideology actually does affect me and isn’t just about self expression and people being themselves. it has serious ramifications on people’s, specifically women’s, lives.
So yeah, that’s when i ‘peaked’ if im using that word correctly lol
yes, you are using that word correctly and WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Why are people like this??? (I mean we know why men are like this, but the staff members???)
I mean I'm glad that you're here now, and I also hope that this experience didn't have any lasting impacts on you because wtf
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chixie-roixmr · 7 months
casual drop of my cohost and bsky right here for pretty obvious reasons
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
At some point, I think people have to contend with the fact that misgendering isn't a completely a universally agreed upon concept in the specific sense that misgendering can be very personal.
What may be misgendering to you will not be to other trans people - even if they have the same gender as you. You may be misgendered if somebody used the wrong label to describe you (e.g., somebody calling you "girl," even if it is slang), but that does not mean that that will apply to everybody.
It's important to recognize this because so often, people will say things like, "you can't use this label/phrase/term for any trans person who is a [gender]! And if any trans person who is a [gender] uses those labels/phrases/terms, they're wrong and bad!" and that is simply too broad a generalization.
It's fine to be uncomfortable with certain things like this. It is fine if you don't want to be misgendered, and indeed, I share in that sentiment. However, that does not mean that your comforts and discomforts apply to all trans people or all trans people who share your gender. There's a difference in that, I think.
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pehmekiisufacts · 6 months
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Part 3 of the best comments in Dylan Mulvaney's video.
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munchbuddi · 24 days
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Floridan Miku and Teto
(enjoyers of pavilions, publix deli, and florida bands)
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redditreceipts · 20 hours
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Least delusional mtf parent
(I mean maybe this is bait but from the other things I have seen on that subreddit, I would not be surprised lmao)
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juney-blues · 3 months
i think at this point it's beyond clear to anyone with eyes that trans women are an underclass in queer and trans spaces. If you're denying that at this point i don't think you're genuinely ignorant, you're actively malicious.
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Conversations on here will basically be like
"Hey these new reproductive rights issues are affecting trans men too so let's make sure we include them in the conversation, instead of calling it women's health issues."
"Would you stop complaining? Trans women have it worse than trans men. TERFs want to kill us but only detransition you."
"If living as the gender you are not is so easy why would you transition in the first place? Obviously trans people transition because they can't live with existing as a gender they are not. Obviously "just going back" isn't an option because we often fail to behave the way we're expected to anyway. Forcing any trans person to detransition is a death sentence in and of itself."
"Why are you always speaking over transfems when we talk about transmisogynistic violence???"
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