#venting anon
my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
hi cas!!
im gonna rant at you for a bit if you dont mind :)
Im a minor that lives in a super tight night, close minded community. Super religious, super homophobic transphobic ect. Seeing as im a teenage girl whose questioning their gender and is definitely attracted to women thats kinda problematic lols. Honestly idek how to explain the situation without a bunch of details, but basically, theres a fifty-fifty chance of me being sent to conversion therapy or just cut off from any internet access (and i mean ANY. i have a flip phone for fucks sake.)if my fam finds out im queer, i have no support system outside of some internet friends who know nothing about my situation, and within the next few years(so like once i turn 20ish, thats in like 4 years but whatever) my family is going to expect me to get married to a man and start popping out babies asap. Btw thats whats expected of me in this community, marriage under the age of 25, have like as many kids as physically possible and god forbid higher education. And im not okay with that . Ffs i want to go to college, major in fine arts, meet a person i like and fall desperately in love or maybe not just have a bunch of close platonic relationships i want cats and a dog and a cute studio in a big city where i can dye my hair whatever color i want aand get an obsene amount of piercings, i want to wear pants!! I just want to live. Without expectations or limits or people who love me hating everything they dont know about me. Is that truly so much to ask for?
And im incredibly dramatic cuz i literally have the dream life. My family loves me, my parents are upper middle class, theyve never hurt me before(besides for all the anti everything rants haha) i literally have a full sized bed, which for some reason i see as the peak of being spoiled idk why. I go to school, not even public, a private religious school that prob costs thousands of dollars, i have friends(who are all part of this community btw and id bet my entire savings that most of them think gay is only a word that ppl use to mean happy lol) close ones even!! I have adorable neices and nephews(my 3 sisters all were married by the age of 20, so i have 11 niecesand nephews while my oldest sister is 31) im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out. No hope of college to get on my feet and find someway out, no people that'll help me fucking run away or some bullshit like that, hell ive considered it and then felt like shit, cuz what am i even running from? Im probably attracted to men it wont kill me to marry one. And i like kids, i wouldnt mind having any either. But.... i dont want to be trapped anymore. Cuz ill be honest thats what i am.if some one asked me to run away with them rn i would, no hesitation.
God im a mess😭😭 anyway this was me ranting in my notes app, im just apologizing for dumping this on a complete stranger(we're moots actually!!) albeit a very kind one :) i dont know what im looking for, but ill take whatever your comfortable giving ig.
I love and appreciate you<333
And hey this has been oddly cathartic so lmk if its okay for me to do this again sometime :))
"im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out."
Hon, you're not living the dream life...there's a difference between financial privilege and being happy, you know? It's pretty clear that this isn't what you want.
I'm not sure if you're asking for my advice here, or if you just want to vent. But I care about you, and if you want me to research some things to try to help you, I'm more than willing to (that way it's not on your search history.) Just say the word!
Until then, you are ALWAYS allowed to vent to me.
I'm naming you venting anon in case you write again!
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booklovertwilight · 2 months
Venting anon
I’m not sending this because you think he has a PD, I’m sending this because i want to explain why he does not and is still a terrible person nevertheless
…ok, actually, I wrote it like a month ago right after intense arguing with a person who was adamant on him being a psychopath using this arguments (like “he killed people”) and I wanted a confirmation from some popular account that this arguments are bad. It was kinda cringe, now that i look at it
Thanks for writing back and explaining, and thanks for being more coherent this time. Part of why I replied the way I did the first time around was because I barely understood what you were trying to say. Here, then, is my genuine opinion on this subject.
Not everyone who kills people has a personality disorder. And, much more critically, the overwhelming majority of people with personality disorders are not murderers. From a purely statistical standpoint: P(A|B) ≠ P(B|A).
There is an argument to be made that Light has a PD -- though NPD makes more sense to me than ASPD, if that was what was meant by 'psychopath'. But the argument for that has nothing to do with what he's done: rather, it includes things like him having a really fragile ego (see: "you think I'm evil? I am justice! I protect the innocent and those who fear evil! I am the one who will become the god of a new world that everyone desires!" said in response to, literally, one single word of criticism), a sense of grandiosity and self-importance (expressed as a de-facto assumption that his own morality is the only one that matters), an extremely surface-level understanding of what 'normal' teenagers act like, and the way he so clearly bases his entire sense of self-worth on the praise he gets for his school grades.
Whether or not you believe the statement "Light is a terrible person" is a separate query, which is a lot more subjective, and has more to do with your morality than his actions. A pure utilitarian would see the (IRL unrealistic, but canon) outcome of his actions (that is, reducing crime and stopping wars), run some numbers, and call him a good person. Many other people would look at the sheer body-count and call him irredeemably evil; still others would say the same thing due to his motivations. I'm not endorsing any of these arguments, btw, I'm just saying they exist.
"Light Yagami is a psychopath (=has a PD) because he kills people" is indeed a bad argument in many ways, but to be honest, the biggest flaw I see with it is actually the way it stigmatizes people with PDs. Cluster B patients have more than enough stigma to deal with from all the people armchair-diagnosing their abusers with narcissistic PD or their overly-attached ex-girlfirends with borderline PD. They don't need people armchair-diagnosing their fandom's resident murderer with antisocial PD.
Ultimately, however much we as fans care about him, Light Yagami is a fictional character. His crimes are likewise fictional. But people with cluster B disorders are real. And every time somebody armchair-diagnoses a villainous character with a commonly-demonized mental illness, I (with my special interest in psychology) die a little inside.
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bumbllee · 27 days
Fruit mealspo ✨🍓
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my website:
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hg-aneh · 6 months
Yo, I don't know if you know this but your work is being posted on Pinterest
I sort of knew but never really cared about it until now-?
-lots of angry feed up whining below... and a bit of a breakdown-
Just a few hours ago I saw the comments on some of them and holy shit tiktok children are some of the most braindead individuals i have ever seen
I'm fine with reposts, and if I wasn't, I know I wouldn't be able to stop them
What's pissing me off rn is that my stuff is getting attention from *that* crowd, the booger eating snot nosed mocosos de mierda who are so privileged their main problems are "what's skrimblo skromblo doing now? omg is it problematic??? omg theyre like so evil 💀💀"
I- they're still fucking going with the Crowriel thing- How cool, how fun, totally not making me want to disappear again bc of all the trauma from that particular mess, nope, not at all
And the angel crowley x demon crowley thing- i swear to fucking god i- they're so dumb- they're so stupid- how is it incest you- they're the same person🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
I even saw some little shit saying "omg i used to like that artist until i found out they draw nsfw" ... WHAT IS HAPPENIGNJDNGKDBG??????¿?¿¿????¿
I swear I'm going insane, I wish I could take my shit away from those people, they're so-??????
Like I'm legit about to enter another joker era, I can't believe this is what fandom spaces are now, what is wrong with people
Sorry I'm using this as a vent post or whatever but honestly I'm tired of being subservient when it comes to these fucking people, at one point a bitch has gotta explode
"Why do you care so much about what ppl say abt you online"
Because I have Seen what happens when you shut up about it. You either address it indirectly or become tiktoklovr103892's punching bag, there's no in between. Each second of silence is an admission of guilt for these motherfuckers
And I know that at the end of the day it doesn't matter but bro just allow me to be emotional over having an online space where I can have fun and take a break from life, be riddled with people who I've seen talking like they're praying for my downfall
Seriously what the fuck
What. the fuck.
Now if you'll excuse me
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
I've been loving ur mombin comics, but where is the other mom? what trans hottie is not paying her child support out here? (this is said with a lot of love and affection, im very curious abt how she got into that situation, if you have thoughts abt it <3)
ajsjhsdfh i wasn't going to answer this because it's explained in the next comic but kudos to you for being the only person to say 'who's the other mom' instead of 'WHO'S THE DAD'
also the way this is worded made me laugh for like 5 minutes thank you so much xx
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inkly-heart · 1 month
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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pianokantzart · 2 months
I feel like Daisy would be the type to call Luigi a "sopping wet kitten", if not to his face- which would be hilarious because how would he even respond to that?- then definitely when venting to Peach about her big stupid feelings for him. I also think Peach and Daisy would vent to each other a lot; a pair that has no experience with humans, attempting to court the two most oblivious and silly brothers in the world.
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She doesn't know what "it" is but apparently she has it.
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livindeddreamz · 10 months
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💥 💥 💥
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ok-pop-1 · 3 months
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an evening doodle of a modern!war from @linked-maze :)
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justdogbones · 1 year
waking up 2 pounds less makes me horny
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bumbllee · 27 days
White thinspo 🤍☁️
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
quick everyone what does marilyn monroe like i need to put together a gift basket for her :3c
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the daily mail is as always a beacon of auteur journalism
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henrysglock · 1 year
Not to bring hosegate back but... what if I said that it being intentional and meaning that Mike is in fact attracted to Will is actually one of the biggest byler proof out there?
Like the framing and shot swapping is set up in a way that can only indicate physical attraction. [face in hands] Like are you fucking kidding me? An updward shot of Mike holding a hose…and then Will turns it on?
Will turns him on. That’s what that means. Dear God…can we please just acknowledge it. 😭
Will and Mike are going to be older than Steve and Nancy were in ST1 when we see them in ST5. Nancy was a sophomore. She’s 3 years older than Mike, who was 12.
She was 15. Steve was 16. He was older than her.
Byler turns 15 either during or within days of ST4. They’re even the same age…and they’re not even having sex. It’s a scene with an innuendo. That’s it.
Somehow it’s fine for stancy to actually have sex at byler’s age, but when we so much as dare to acknowledge that Mike has physical attraction to Will via use of an innuendo…Well. Not to sound joker-fied, but society loses its mind. The double standard for heterosexual vs homosexual couples drives me insane.
That is to say: Group the hose scene with Rink-o-Mania and the second heart-to-heart…THOSE SHOULD BE THE BIG BYLER TRIAD FROM ST4!!! THOSE SHOULD BE THE BYLER BIBLE!!!
But the iconic hose scene isn’t allowed there, no one wants to put it as byler proof even if it’s arguably one of the most damning scenes, simply because some very vocal tumblr users couldn’t pull their heads out of their asses about it back in 2022.
Wild to me.
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jewish-vents · 4 months
I’m Jewish through my dad but I wasn’t raised in the community(i learned what Purim was two weeks ago, i was fully not in it), so when I got to college last august I decided to really dive in and it’s been a beautiful sort of homecoming for me. I joined SAEPi and got into Chabbad leadership at my campus, and I’m almost at the point where I can do the Chabbad Shabbat prayers before and after dinner without stumbling over my words. Gonna surprise my grandma if I see her in the summer. Anyways.
When October 7th happened it was a shock to my system, because I was a baby Jew barely getting my feet. My parents never mentioned antisemitism to me as something that could affect me in the future, it was always a thing of the past. But I was right there standing in the doorway between jew-ish and Jewish, and it pushed me over the edge. I had many friends with family in Israel. I had a couple friends whose friends died in the attack. Everyone in that group was my family. It felt personal.
When the march in dc happened I went with one of my friends, and it was sad, but amazing to see in person how strong we are. In the plane terminal on the way home he and I got cornered and called baby killers, among other things, because he was wearing a kippa and his Israeli first responder coat. That was my first time experiencing antisemitism and it was terrifying, even though I didn’t get hurt. It was terrifying even though my friend was built like a tank and would’ve protected me. It was terrifying just to sit in the train car with him and watch a woman stare at him with wide eyes like he was some kind of criminal. I stepped closer to him as if to remind her he’s human. I stared back at her with just as much fear and watched her snap out of it, confused.
Last week was holocaust awareness week at my college, and one of the things I did was spend a couple hours in the plaza reading the names of people that died. I found 34 Feldmans and Fotts. I found family names, Chana and Fayge and Jeshua and Sophia Feldman one after the other, and still am wondering if that was part of my family that didn’t make it to the US in time.
I called my grandma and asked for everything she could remember about her family lineage and how we got here, everything she had from that part of her life. I thought that there would be plenty to lean into, family recipes and heirlooms and stories, but there was barely anything. She has a Star of David necklace and a ton of repressed memories, next to nothing else. The recipes I could find were through my great aunt, some short instructions from my great grandmother on the back of a letter she sent to the aunt about what to ask for from a kosher butcher.
My family made it here in 1915 and 1921, they escaped before the holocaust, but they still weren’t untouched because of the ways they were ostracized and othered when they got here. My grandmother will barely admit she’s Jewish because none of her kids passed it on, it’s easier for her to let it go. I didn’t understand this until I realized that one couldn’t be hurt by the grief and pain of a family they aren’t part of.
Even those that survive are not left unscarred.
How could this not be personal? How could it not be generationally affective when it’s pushed so many to minimize their Jewishness out of self preservation? Raise their kids thinking they aren’t Jewish and hope their names never end up on a list of living or dead Jews? People still don’t see us as human. the antisemites still want to scar us. They want us to forget who we are.
It’s unreal to me when goyim act like American Jews in the current day are unaffected by the past and safe from antisemitism. I’ve been here less than a year and have been screamed at in an airport, have uncovered serious intergenerational trauma, and realized that of my Jewish family I have nothing to hold on to but a torn in half piece of paper with a sentence long tangent about brisket.
We are strong and we will outlive them, but god are we still fucking fighting for our lives.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 2 days
including the anons. i've also had enough of this lady's bs. like can someone throw Ragatha into therapy please?
i'm actually frustrated at this character in a tumblr blog because she is just so stubborn in the way she is thinking. that might be intentional but still. It's like she's defending everyone but when you apply the same logic to her, she's like "no it doesn't count for ME!" it just shows how much (or little) she thinks of herself, and the part where she doesn't think of herself as "human", but that same thought doesn't apply to the rest of the cast? just. grr. It's like she's intent on hating herself and making sure she never has a sense of self worth, which is also probably intended.
thanks mod bee for making me want to hug my screen and also smash in into the floor like a bug. I haven't been this invested in something like this for a long time!
hsfhsf this is a bit strange to me in a positive way cause i never expected anyone to feel this much for a silly tadc tumblr ask blog ! it surprises me everytime
i did intend ragatha to be frustrating . there's something interesting behind a character that's so hard to hate but just so , so hard to Not Throttle either . she's so fucked up in the head that it's tempting to help her , but it's going to be a very hard and frustrating journey because it's untangling Years of trauma and unhealthy coping mechanisms . absolutely horrible . i'm giving her an ipad and putting on youtube kids
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livindeddreamz · 2 years
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