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For HEXRPG homework post.
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Unintended (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/321535211-unintended?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Druid_Rae&wp_originator=0KxhGURdeE0G3JuPV3pLf1ddDmWkZF7Sf1%2FSwuGjC0P3r0DjDocz%2F36YTrjnjPn9COozHCLpvwaSg4q5PT6E4JM0HFDE0FgGq3liN%2FPHuBaHaeOJgj0C%2F8PkIXOfyRRn When Rachel King moves to Hawkins, Indiana, she has no plan to make friends or fall for the King of Hawkins High. But when the town is threatened with an unknown danger, she does exactly the opposite of what she intends. ((I do not own anything related to Stranger Things or D&D, just the creation of the King family and friends))
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Steve Harrington Poll
Hi there, I have a Stranger Things fanfiction on Wattpad. I am still in the midst of writing it and I have come to a block, I don’t know what Steve should do in the future. Should he go to college? Should he join the Hawkins Police? Should he follow Robin and his girlfriend as they go off to college and get a job nearby? What kind of job/career should he get?
I would love to hear all your thoughts and ideas.
1) Steve goes to college.
2) Joins Hawkins police.
3) Follow Robin and his girlfriend.
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Need help for a model of a little girl that is about five years old. She is the daughter of Loki and an OC of mine
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Superhero name help
I have a female character who has Electrokinesis and I need some help coming up with a superhero name for her.
She is an Avenger, shes blonde and wheres a suit that has blue, white and colors.
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Bridgestone fans I need some help.
If a titled man like a duke, or baron, etc had only a daughter but that daughter is married would her husband inherit the title and estate when her father passes? Or would it still pass to the next male heir of the fathers line?
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Need Help with a character
I need some help with a faceclaim/model for an original character. She is the daughter of Obi-wan Kenobi and another Oc of mine whose face is Gal Gadot.
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[D&D 5e] Arya Stark Build
[by user the_brazenburn at the GitP forums, from the thread A Song of Dice and Fire: Statistics for Game of Thrones Characters]
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Arya Stark: Assassin Rogue 5/Hexblade Warlock 2
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
Speed: 30 feet Senses: Darkvision 120 feet, Passive Perception 15 Languages: Common, Braavosi, Thieves’ Cant Saves: Dexterity +7, Intelligence +4 Skills: Acrobatics, Stealth +10, Sleight of Hand +7, Insight, Perception, Deception +5
STR 11 (+0) DEX 18 (+4) CON 10 (+0) INT 12 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 15 (+2) AC 14 HP 31 (7d8) CR 5
Sneak Attack: If Arya hits an opponent who is adjacent to an ally of Arya’s or has advantage on the attack roll, she deals an additional 10 (3d6) damage.
Assassinate: Arya has advantage on attack rolls against any opponent who hasn’t taken an action yet in combat. In addition, any hit she scores against surprised opponents is a critical hit.
Spellcasting: Arya is a 2nd level spellcaster (+5 to spell attacks, save DC 13). She knows the following spells from the warlock list.
At will: Disguise Self, Blade Ward, True Strike 1st level (2 slots): Shield, Wrathful Smite, Hex
Needle (+1 Rapier): +7 to hit, 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage.
Bonus Actions
Cunning Action: Arya can take use her bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Baleful Curse: Once per day, Arya can place a curse on an opponent within 30 feet, which lasts for 1 minute. While cursed, Arya gains +3 to damage rolls against the target, and any attack roll against the target is a critical hit on a 19 or 20. If the target dies, Arya regains 4 hit points.
Uncanny Dodge: If Arya is hit by an attack, she can use her reaction to half the attack’s damage.
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Thinking of revamping my Naruto story.
So I rewatched Naruto and I am working on Naruto Shippuden now and was thinking of revamping my Naruto story. Doing a bit more research and what not. Hope you guys like it when I get it up. Anyone have a good place to post stories other than here? I write fanfics, historical fiction and a bit of my own works.
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Reaching out
Hi y'all, this is allieluv aka queenpenguin17 from polyvore.  Reaching out to anyone I knew on that website. I miss talking to you guys and role playing. I’ll be posting some of my fan fiction stories here that I had started writing. When I find somewhere else to post them ill let ya know. In the meantime, if you knew me on polyvore send me a messages! :)
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I was thinking of making this outfit of Peggy Carter’s from the show for a cosplay outfit.
Does anyone have any tips on how to go about doing it?
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Seeking Jedi Knight
I am working on making a character for a possible role play or story. I am having some trouble thinking of a good name. If you could help that would be great. :)
Any ideas?
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20foreverandalways13 · 10 years
I’m thinking of writing a story about a girl living in France during World War II, but I’m having trouble coming up with names for some characters.
The main girl was born and raised in France, she joins the French Resistance.
British soldier, born to British father and French mother.
American soldier (haven’t decided if infantry or paratrooper) is a country boy, born and raised in the countryside.
Family members to the above characters.
Can anyone suggest some names?
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20foreverandalways13 · 11 years
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20foreverandalways13 · 11 years
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