8luevalencia · 1 year
A billion years ago..
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What felt like 1 million years ago, I was at the tail end of my game play on BoTW and wanted to have Zelda as the main character so I ended up drawing so many of these haha
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8luevalencia · 1 year
I did an updated character reference for Oren! I plan on doing a back view too but for now there’s this..
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8luevalencia · 1 year
In case you didn’t see it yet.. here’s my piece for a femme so fatal zine!
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Princes Mombi from Return to Oz 💖
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8luevalencia · 1 year
Please check out the zine, it released today! Everyone worked really hard on it and we are so proud to present this to you on Valentine’s Day! Thanks for all your support! 💖
Please be sure to reblog and spread the word!!!
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The wait is finally over…
A Femme so Fatal is now available!! 
Enjoy our free zine featuring:
A 100% free PDF with free digital merch!!
50+ Contributors!
100+ Pages!
A wide variety of contribution mediums such as art, writing, cosplay, games, and more!
A wide scope of featured women and different horror mediums!
A free fangame created by Victor Hannibal just for this zine: It is Happening Again!
And so much more!
Please check it out and help us spread the word!!
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8luevalencia · 1 year
Hello! I did a piece for the A Femme so Fatal zine! Please check it out when it releases on February 14th! For my piece I picked Princess Mombi from Return to Oz heehee 💖
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You can keep an eye on it here:
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Well, it’s been a little bit (since thanksgiving I think?) so here is an animatic I put together in a short amount of time for an art fight entry that HAPPENS to be TDI related!
I guess for context, Scarlet had tried to leave the group to pursue her own path because she didn’t want them involved anymore (specifically Dorado, who had asked her if it was okay to propose to her). Luckily, Dorado was able to find her and bring her back but this was supposed to be a joke animatic about Topaz still being pissed off about it sjfjgjdjsjsf
The song is from My Crazy Ex Girlfriend in case you were wondering!
Anyways, here you go:
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Little bit of art from Broken Wheel! These are all in game moments here:
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And then of course, some meme redraws:
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Yeah not as much as Brightstone or The Destination Isle or even our Strahd campaign haha
But some!
I think I have one more blorbo left, which is for a game I have not yet started but I’ll tac it on here!
I made an Astral Elf for a Spelljammer campaign my friend is running (we loving call it spacejammer dvd)
He is a barbarian with path of wild magic!
There’s not much I can say about him just yet tbh but enjoy my first drawings of him lol
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Tbh I might just tweak his design here and there later but for now, say hello to Eclipse!
He left his community and he has approximate knowledge of many things ahhsdhhfdjs but actually he is an idiot that knows nothing and gets everything wrong most of the time
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8luevalencia · 2 years
I think I basically dried up most of my TDI content so time to learn about another DnD character of mine from a game my friend Rob runs called Broken Wheel!
In this game I made a satyr who is a wild magic sorcerer. (and no, I haven’t been able to roll on the wild magic table yet BUT I WILL KEEP TRYING!!! I want it to happen so badly lol)
Oh his name is Beau! He is a terrible person who loves to set things in fire and doesn’t like to feel controlled/trapped.
These three images are first concept to how he looks now:
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Honestly was thinking I might give him some new clothing soon but for now, that’s how he be looking
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This is a little reference I made for myself of his horns, HOWEVER, recently I decided to push them back and bring his ears forward cause I like drawing the ears and they were always covered by the horns ):
Here are some party members:
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Best friend, Aria (rouge that he escaped the fey wild with)
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25 year old wizard Finndalf who fucked himself over and now looks like an old old man (Also a blade singer)
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Gay panic Druid Aisling
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The cause of the gay panic, our amazing Paladin Clemence
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And pictured next to Beau here, our monk Qisalor
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I have just a few more things from this to post later tonight! We only play once a month and sometimes scheduling can get difficult for us.. so not a lot of drawing from me just yet haha
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Evening! This might be the last of the TDI backlog for now!
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The comic happened in session, the gang stopped at a sex shop on the cruise and Dorado picked up warming gel (if you don’t know what it is, you apply to the skin and when you blow on it, it heats up! They’re usually flavored so you lick it off too.)
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Good morning! Ready for some more TDI??? :3
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More a little later today heehee 💖 this time mostly meme or redraw haha
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8luevalencia · 2 years
In game moments part 2!
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We’ve been doing TDI for a long while now so I still have a lot more to post haha.
Tomorrow morning! Some more!!!
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Today.. more in game moments from TDI!
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I’ll do another batch later in the day : D
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask what kind of bard Ernest is?
Don’t mind at all! He is from the College of Glamour!
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8luevalencia · 2 years
This was the initial test Dan sent me of the rig!
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These images above are the first pass of the art I made for Dorado, no shading or highlights just flats and lines!
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Then finally, I added all the shading and highlights and extra things like blush and his tail!
It was a lot of fun creating him and it brings a lot of joy seeing him in motion every time we stream haha.
If you want to see him moving in person, we are having a big finale arc on the Dec 10th on our twitch channel!
You can find us here:
And of course, again, if you want to commission a vtuber or just want to know more about Dan his information is here:
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8luevalencia · 2 years
For any of you who watch the TDI stream, you know I have a vtuber model for Dorado for when we stream! I drew the art for it and Dan did the rigging and gave me some assist with the assets! You can find information about him here:
I’ll post some short examples of the vtuber model after this post BUT before I decided to get a model done I made some illustrations of Dorado doing various emotes!
I would use these during stream to show a visual of how Dorado was doing at any given moment in time haha.
EDIT: I forgot to mention! The background is by my good friend Kayla! You can find her tumblr at: @dusking
Here are all of them:
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8luevalencia · 2 years
It’s almost noon but I just woke up LOL
How about some more TDI?
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Dorado’s parents, like many DnD characters, are dead! At least we thought so for a long while in the campaign but it turned out his mother survived and we went to a cursed island to save her when we were able to scry on her and locate her!
That one above was the initial drawing I made of her but her official drawing of how she used to look ended up being this:
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But she was gone for his whole life! Which left him to be raised by his parent’s close friend, Valiant Steadfast!
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He DIED on the cursed island but we were able to resurrect him (since Scarlet is a cleric) and now, in our most recent session, he’s started a relationship with a very handsome orc man. :3c
Dorado loves his gay “uncle” ajdjfjfjsjs
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Now this lady right here is Dorado’s ex and I can’t say much about her because we haven’t gotten to that thread just yet in the campaign but she is a terrible person haha
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She is a mink shifter!
I’ll post again a little later today about the vtuber model I had made for the stream we do! (I drew the assets but someone else did the rigging and they did an amazing job 💖)
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8luevalencia · 2 years
Here we go! More TDI!
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That first drawing I did as a reference for Kayla! And the second was one I did to try and figure out how I wanted Dorado’s look to change, initially. I decided I wanted him to have long hair in a pony tail. :3c
But before this change happened, here are some drawings from a session that predates this look:
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We actually had an episode on TDI where we did a run way show.. which got interrupted by a rakshasa that wanted revenge on the fashion designer running it haha…. And I ALMOST KILL THE RAKSHASA.. I had no idea what that monster was at the time.
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Some images of Scarlet and Topaz buffing my boy because he was nervous about performing well down the runway. ;;w;;
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A more recent image of Scarlet and Dorado 💖
As well as… an older one!
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I’ll post some more tomorrow! : D
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