Yes, you are right. Yashiki is all heart. We saw this in the first game as he tried to help the ghosts and save all the mark bearers that came his way.
I would like to draw attention to the fact that Yashiki dm2 was trying to save everyone and this is what blinds and binds him. This is a good character but this is also his flaw is that he was TOO focused on saving people. Also this drive is how he solved the cases in death mark 1 which worked and he saved everyone. His only know case since then was red riding hood. He also states he is not a professional at this. I never really saw Yashikis failures as him not focusing on the departed because of plot foolishness, i saw it as him getting distracted trying to save people who are being targeted and everything working against him. Even i didnt question him not hunting the departed i just figured each ghost would lead him down the trail eventually like in dm1.
(The youtuber i watch also was calling out theories and totally got it right but i stated later in my argument Yashikis social struggles lead to missing these very anime obvious signs the culprit gave and just felt apart of his character cause to me he always seemed a bit awkward. The mark bearers are special cases cause they are so blunt they steam roll past his social issues.)
Yashiki is just a good guy who happens to have spirit powers. He is not a professional detective. He is not some fiction level of genius or by the skin of your teeth lucky. I think it makes him an even better portage since he isnt op spirit detective who can win all the time if you play the game right. He is just trying his best to figure it out. So if they keep with this we may never know who can be saved and i like the surprise element of the main character being able to fail.
Also even with his memories back I dont think during his life as Masamune they ever went ghost hunting to absolve spirits. Their family was fated to die by them so of course they only ever research what they needed to keep themselves alive like making sure Mary stays sealed and such. So even his life as a Kujo doesn't prep him for this.
On the note of the school girls. I hate giving labels unless stated in cannon but I the more i think about it the more it kinda makes sense Yashki may be a bit autistic since he seems so oblivious to their hinting at liking him. Which would also explain why he dosnt pick up hints on their sus behavior and difficulty handling some social situations. He has a sole focus on saving the ghost and finding ways to abate their grudges which explains why he gets pulled away from the Departed search cause he is obsessed with all ghosts and the secondary ghosts are more active easily distracting him with immediate need to resolve them.
Everyone is so used to competent know it all genius fictional characters, amazing fictional characters in amazing fictional situations that they forget that normal fictional characters in amazing fictional circumstances is a writing option. The plot is propelled by Yashiki being a normal dude with spirit powers. He is flawed but good hearted. He needs a hand to guid him but he is smart enough to understand what spirits desire. This is the polar opposite of death mark 1 where everyone could be saved and shows how much Yashiki dosnt know.
Just imagine what if Phoenix Wright instead of all his clients being not guilty he has one who fools him and through his truth finding skills he finds his client is actually guilty. Then he is just a guy who is good detective but can be fooled by a good actor because he wants to believe in the good of his client. A good hearted character with the flaw of over belief in the good within people.
This has been my TED talk on over analyzing why Yashiki is a dork and why death mark 2 is still a good game in my opinion. Ive seen bad game writing and this isnt bad to me since i enjoyed it still (except the school girls they are still cringe but it is a plot relevant cringe so it squeaks by just barely. Please never bring them back let them go have a normal school life away from here.)
Also to anyone who hates the fan diservice there was a really good theory someone wrote on why it happens and summery is Yashiki as the head of the kujou family of course was pressured into continuing the family line since it is usually the guys responsibility but he has a fear of seeing females in sexual situations. Which the ghosts who feed on that are playing off of which is also why this is less prevalent for Akira in DM:ng since he dose not share this same mentality. The analisys is somewhere on tumblr so just follow the death mark tag and you should find it. Credit to op who wrote that analysis its more of a shipping analysis but its a good theory to me (https://www.tumblr.com/buffaloborgine/746912353510211584/as-we-all-know-yashiki-and-mashita-pretty-much)
If Yashiki is so rich let him pay Mashita to follow him around as good cop and ghost cop detective lmao
Yashiki using ghosts to help Mashita solve one of his cases 0-0
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I went a little bit off once I actuallys tarted thinking.
What do you guys think tho, am I totally off or do I have a point here?
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*trips and falls down the stairs in a most dramatic fashion*
Hannibal x Nightvale crossover
Imagine Hannibal as Cecil spotting poetry about a new Criminal Psychologist with perfect hair who just rolled into town Will.
If this was a thing I feel like you'd never learn Will's last name till after the wedding and someone reads Hannibal's full name after taking Will's last name.
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More idea.
The blog suddenly changes to a KaibaxJoey blog.
Before or after they start dating is up to the writer. It would be kinda funny if he just starts sharing his own pictures on there after they start dating and reblogging any are of them. Joey finds and thinks it's cute and shows Kaiba. Cue internal melt down. Joey still doesn't know it's his blog.
*slaps table*
Silly idea. Kaiba has a secret Joey fan tumblr he posts to when he is drunk. Sometimes not drunk with very eloquent ramblings of Wheelers's wasted potential on luck cards or something. If there is any joey fan art you will find it on this blog.
No one can know. Not even Mokuba.
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*slaps table*
Silly idea. Kaiba has a secret Joey fan tumblr he posts to when he is drunk. Sometimes not drunk with very eloquent ramblings of Wheelers's wasted potential on luck cards or something. If there is any joey fan art you will find it on this blog.
No one can know. Not even Mokuba.
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No duel monsters au and Kaiba is just social enough to hang out with the nerd herd on occasion.
Kaiba has defiantly not fallen in love with Joey. So he devises a complex plan to get Joey to realize his feelings and admit his feelings to him so he dosnt have to cause thats so not him. Joey of course loves him but due to Kaibas standoffishness and rejection of any girl and disinterest in dating, he doesn't act on it like all of Kaibas planning says he would (this probs comes from a collection of manga, magazines and stuff, though it would be hilarious if Mokuba tried to help plan).
After all his plans Joey still has not confessed. Irate Kaiba calls him out (Joey is half expecting a fight) and rants about how he has foiled his plans and it is not his aesthetic to be the one to confess first, he had one job and all his sources say he was supposed to fall for him and confess. How dare he screw up his carefully laid plans.
Joey who was pretty sure his love was one sided cause despite all Kaibas planning he forgets that he himself is an idiot and has given no hints to liking Joey so he is so confused but um happy about Kaibas unintentional confession.
Joey finds the whole thing hilarious but is happy. Kaiba refuses to acknowledge the ordeal. So joey teases him and does some cliche shoujo confession scene. Kaiba walks off. Cue joey confessing in different but more ridiculous but sincere ways driving Kaibas heart rate nuts. (No one realizes they're dating for a good bit cause they think this is an elaborate joke between the two but are happy they are getting along.)
In the end Mokuba finds his brother's reference material and this whole ordeal follows loosely on the shoujo manga that a friend of his left at their house down to the whole Joey not confessing due to beliving Kaiba has no interest in dating let alone dating him.
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Dark love au. No yugi. Joey is the hired lap dog of Kaiba. Kaiba being his horrible self from green hair days. Yandere soft spot for his pet. Joey really has nothing at this point as Kaiba owns him. Kaiba going above and beyond just paying joey like any good owner his pet needs care. Joey knows Kaiba is horrible but he cant help but feel a fondness for him as keeps taking care of his useless self. So he just tries his best as his loyal dog. When Kaiba isn't being totally irritating that is. Kaiba finds it fun to yank his pets chain. His barking is quite amusing, since he knows he would never bite him.
Angst for flavor. Joey despairing over being just a pawn to Kaiba.
Shortly after hiring him. Kaiba gets mad when he finds out Joey met his brother paranoid he would use him against Kaiba. Which backfires when he forbids him from meeting Mokuba and Mokuba actually gets mad at Kaiba since Joey gave him the big brotherly affection he misses from Kaiba.
Kaiba having a meltdown when he finds Joey beaten. Former gang member got mad he was a traitor and sold out to some rich boy.
Later he more officially hires Joey as a bodyguard and loves dressing him up in custom suits.
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This is my everything I love it so much.
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Pre-dating. The Yugi-gang (other than Joey) figure out that Kaiba for some odd reason is more likely to agree to things if Joey asks/goads him into it. Its only like a 55%-60% chance of working but for Kaiba its noticeable so the gang starts using Joey to get Kaiba to do things like filling in for DND or getting him to let Mokuba join an outing. Mokuba joins in on getting Joey to ask Kaiba for stuff only because he finds it hilarious. Even more so when they start bickering. And cause he gets Kaiba to chill with the helicopter parenting and sign his field trip forms. (probs pays the school to let Roland chaperone)
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5+1 fic of Kaiba slowly being wooed by Joey's feats of athletics/strength. Ends with them in a one sided version of the argument "fine take your stuff and leave" Joey dead lifts Kaiba "if you say so" >:3
Short story even shorter: Joey is a strong workin' man and Kaiba is into that shit.
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I love this analysis. I feel like he would ask Jou first and Jou would say "no" fully prepared to explain/argue. Then Kaiba just starts sending him links to houses and apartments on Jou's area and asking if there is anything he wants or needs for their space.
Jou is flabbergasted but goes through the phases of "blue screen" to "this rich asshole" to "my needed rich asshole" as Kaiba yammers away about the pros and cons of each link he sends.
wait joukai ask that isn't dumb any thoughts on joukai if they were in a long distance relationship
Feels like Kaiba would tolerate the long distance up until a certain point. Because if he cares about someone, he wants to keep them close. Maybe it starts out where he thinks he'll be fine. He's an adult(?). There's a bit of longing over the distance but he manages. Then it starts to prick at him. He can't just go and see Jou across town. It's harder to just talk to him sometimes if they're in different timezones. I imagine he also makes impulsive decisions just to fly to Jou and see him when it gets unbearable, because he just can.
Then comes the planning phase, where he starts to contemplate either moving to join Jou wherever he is (because he can make his job work remotely because he has that privilege) or how he can talk Jou into moving back to Domino.
That could cause issues for them, especially if it feels like Kaiba is trying to strongarm Jou into doing something. Which is why I also think Kaiba's flexible enough to say "fuck it, I can uproot to be where he is."
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Mokuba gets worried about his brother (again cause i find it funny when this little gremlin messes with him) and starts trying to find his brother the perfect boy/girl-friend.
This can end three ways it is revealed he was dating Joey the whole time, success when he Joey ticks all the boxes on his list (yes he has a list of qualities since its for seto a few are silly), or an accidental success when his efforts to introduce Kaiba to some dates comically gets Joey involved in most of the dates (probs his random part time jobs) and they end up going on an actual date themselves just as Mokuba is at his wits end.
Optional: Mokuba gets Roland involved and he acts as Mokuba's inside man.
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Basically the reason we are so happy to see our dogs is cause they are happy to see us when we get home.
Apply this to any ship. Person a is happy to see person b and they fall more in love each day.
I dont have much more for this idea but it just sounds so cute.
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Jou could be the cool oncle
I imagine him going to family event and speaking about Kaiba, but nobody saw Kaiba yet because the man have always 1000 stuffs to do
Shizuka is concerned, the others just think he is lying, nobody has married this hot ass yet, gossip could know ?
Until Kaiba come one day and everyone shut up
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Puppyshipping ramblings
I like to imagine that Kaiba's need to slap his name on everything would translate to a relationship. Not outwardly possessive (cause like who could he lose to when he is rich, hot and a genius) but instead unconsciously protective.
So he would just end up dressing Joey in Kaiba corp t-shirts or he would buy "himself" hoodies and Joey would appropriate them. I love when one person is a clothes thief. I just imagine Joey grabbing something from a drawer and throwing it on not caring as long as it fits. Kaiba can do nothing to stop him nor would he want to. (He will not admit how cute Joey looks)
Matching accessories when they go out and dress fancy cause Joey insists on going with Kaiba to some of his fancy business parties (a. just cause he is spoiled for attention b. the food is really good) which surprisingly the snooty business people find Joey amusing. Partially cause he has bard level charisma and he cleans up well while trying his best so Kaiba will bring him to more.
Instead of a necklace I think it would be cute if he got Joey a keychain that matched his and Mokuba's. He never says anything about the significance but Joey thinks its so cute and sweet then spends the rest of the week showing it off.
I love possessiveness but honestly Kaiba is too confident for that. Joey could be but I think his whole emotional development from the early chapters would have him put a big deal of trust in Kaiba to not worry about the masses throwing themselves at Kaiba. Plus with Kaiba's attitude to people he is not interested in is a big confidence boost when he can easily get the oh so important business man's attention without having to schedule a meeting. (Ok Joey can just walk in but since he had been granted VIP privileges at KC after an incident with some rookie guards he tends to schedule ahead just cause he is a good BF.)
Secretary has Joey on speed dial for Kaiba's bad days when he gets in the mood to start firing people. Kaiba wouldn't really cause that's a loss in man power and it takes too much time to vet employees but those bad days make the other workers stressed.
(I still can not find the damned fic that put this idea in my head) Kaiba starts collecting Red-eyes merch to match the Blue-eyes merch. Its starting to bug him not all of the statuettes have a matching counter part. (Joey finds this super fucking sweet. Since there is not enough Red-eyes merch he arranged the few Kaiba did find to have at lest 3 Blue-eyes around each one. Joey finds it hilarious that Red-eyes has a haram. Kaiba refuses to comment the new arrangement.)
I stan Joey being able to cook. Nothing too fancy but its good. I imagine its from having to take care of himself and working odd jobs some of which landed him in a kitchen or two. Also from these jobs he has a random amalgamation of knowledge. Nothing like any fancy computer stuff but he knows how to take care of a garden, could build you porch and the like.
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Kaiba and Joey on twitter. Joey makes a seperate account to bother Kaiba for fun since Kaiba finally joined twitter. First its like Joey just bothering Kaiba's business account with memes till Kaiba makes a private account to argue with Joey. The arguments are not hidden but no one knows who they are except them. Their arguments become internet legends spawning many memes. Which Joey finds and starts bugging Kaiba with more.
This slowly devolves to them actually just chatting in DMs. Though when Joey is bored he does bug Kaiba normally outside of DMs cause he finds it funny when randos start egging them on.
Leave some account names for Joey and Kaiba's incognito accounts. Can't be anything with their names and can't use Red-eyes or Blue-eyes cause those are too iconic to be incognito.
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