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When to describe setting
Anonymous asked you:
When describing setting, should i start with a character, go to setting, then setting in relation to character (i.e. Kayla lived in an old house. It had flower beds in the back and it had other stuff DETAIL DETAIL DETAIL. she was sitting on the front porch one day…) or trickle in details throughout the passage? (I.e. Kayla sat on the front porch one day reading her newspapers. She decided to water the flowers growing in the backyard, then she walked to the front and …)
The trick I’ve been using for description is “dominant impression”. Simply put, describe the setting as your character interacts with it, and “interact” can mean setting a book down on a nightstand or looking out across the field or feeling the weather as she walks.
“Dominant impression” also means alluding to a character’s investment in their surroundings. She eases down a thrice-read book on a mahogany nightstand that was once her great grandmother’s, and she’s very careful with anything she braves setting atop the scraped lacquer. This not only adds character to the scene, but also adds new dimension to your character.
So, in short, I’d personally advise as you said: trickling details. Readers are more likely to remember description if there’s significance to it (even if it’s just the fact that the top stair of the porch has creaked since she was a toddler in a diaper, or whatever the case may be).
Here’s a ton of other links that expand a whole lot on the above and might help you with how and when to describe setting:
Varying sentences
Victoria’s Vitamins #1
Victoria’s Vitamins #2
5 tips on describing your setting
Making your setting work harder
The story of exposition
Breaking writing habits
Descriptive writing and the five senses
Turn cliches into brilliant description
Our writing exercise on setting
Hope this helps!
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